Our school evaluations focus on supporting improved education outcomes for all learners. Our approach to school evaluations is called Te Ara Huarau.
Key features include:
- working with your school in an ongoing way and publishing reports for parents, whānau and the community. We provide progress updates to specific audiences, such as the board, the community or the Ministry of Education as necessary
- connecting improvement findings from our work alongside the school, to your school’s strategic planning
- working with all schools to support equitable and excellent outcomes for every learner
- every school has a dedicated ERO Review Officer (Evaluation Partner). We recognise that each school will have a different experience depending on needs, strengths, and evaluation focus
- reviewing and reporting on schools’ performance approximately every three years.
Tools to support your school’s own internal evaluation:
- The School Improvement Framework
- Board Assurance Statement and Self-Audit Checklists
- The School Evaluation Indicators
School Report
This report is designed to support parents and whānau to be active partners in their children’s school journey. The report includes:
- statements about learner success and wellbeing, including attendance, assessment, achievement, and progress
- a summary about the quality of teaching and learning through the provision of te reo Māori in rumaki and bilingual classrooms, where appropriate
- information about the school’s improvement journey, what the school will have achieved for learners and their future priorities
- a summary of the school board’s attestation to meeting legislative and regulatory requirements
- where appropriate, they will include reporting about provision in School Hostels and for International Students.
A School Report is written and published on ERO’s website approximately every three years.
Other reporting
Progress Reporting
These reports are not published on ERO’s website. Progress reporting will provide specific information for specific audiences such as the board, the community or the Ministry of Education.