Our research

  • Published: 20 Feb 2018

    Teaching strategies that work - Mathematics

    This Education Review Office (ERO) report is one of a series of reports on teaching strategies that work. It features strategies and approaches that we observed in 40 primary schools selected from across New Zealand. These schools came from a database of 129 schools, all with rolls of 200 or more, in which the proportion of students in the upper primary years (Years 5 to 8) achieving at or above the national standard had increased. In each case achievement levels were also above average for the decile.

  • Published: 01 Jan 2018

    Ethnic diversity in New Zealand state schools

    This article originally appeared in ERO Insights - Term 1, 2018 and explores how the ethnic diversity of the primary and secondary school roll has changed in New Zealand since 2009, and whether these changes are leading to more diverse or more segregated schools.

  • Published: 24 Nov 2017

    Teaching approaches and strategies that work

    This evaluation looks at teaching approaches and strategies used in schools where there has been a significant increase in the number of students at or above National Standards in the upper primary school years (Years 5 to 8). We wanted to learn more about any short-term interventions or long-term strategies that may have been influential in bringing about these positive achievement trajectories. We have shared and discussed our findings from some of the 40 schools we visited.

  • Published: 04 Sep 2017

    Connecting with families

    A deliberate approach engages family and whānau in learning centred relationships. This approach expands and strengthens the community of learners so that more active support and opportunities are provided for all the children.

  • Published: 04 Sep 2017

    Building resilience and self efficacy

    Students acknowledge the role leaders and teachers play in instilling in them the self-belief to become confident, connected, actively involved,  life long learners

  • Published: 04 Sep 2017

    Building capability

    The focus on driving and sustaining improvement in outcomes in this school involves solution seeking processes typified by innovation and whole school participation. The principal describes the approach that supports this ongoing activity as more entrepreneurial than hierarchical.

  • Published: 04 Sep 2017

    An evaluation mindset

    Senior leaders talk about the approach and processes associated with doing and using evaluation for improvement.

  • Published: 04 Sep 2017

    Leadership for equity and excellence

    The senior leadership team are responsible for specific portfolios and work interdependently to realise the shared vision of equity and excellence for all.