Our research

  • Published: 12 Dec 2019

    Te Whāriki (2017): Awareness Towards Implementation

    ERO’s final report in the Te Whāriki series summarises the findings of previous reports and includes the last two focus areas for the curriculum – how services decide ‘what learning matters here’ and how well they were developing learning-focused partnerships with parents and whānau.

  • Published: 02 Dec 2019

    Professional Learning and Development in Schools

    How well were school leaders determining Professional Learning and Development priorities and evaluating its impact?

    ERO spoke with school leaders responsible for planning Professional Learning and Development (PLD) and looked at a variety of documents in 242 state or state-integrated schools (excluding kura) reviewed in Terms 3 and 4, 2018. ERO made an overall judgment about how well school leaders were determining PLD priorities and evaluating the impact of PLD.

  • Published: 29 Nov 2019

    Social Workers in Schools

    This ERO qualitative case study report undertaken on behalf of Oranga Tamariki captures the voices of children and their whanau who were recipients of the Social Workers in Schools (SWiS) service. SWiS is a government funded, community social work service provided in most English and Māori medium, decile 1-3 primary and intermediate schools.

  • Published: 22 Nov 2019

    Developing Key Competencies in Students Years 1-8

    This Education Review Office (ERO) report describes what a sample of New Zealand schools with Years 1 to 8 students are doing to integrate and support the development of key competencies in their students.

    It outlines the support that schools are giving their students to use these competencies in their learning and wellbeing. The report also explores what schools are doing to promote the understanding of key competencies among parents, whānau and trustees.

  • Published: 22 Nov 2019

    The Key Competencies: Realising the Potential of the New Zealand Curriculum

    This is a companion report to Developing Key Competencies in Students Years 1 to 8. It explores current thinking about the importance of building the capabilities of young people. It outlines what the Key Competencies (KCs) are, why they are important, New Zealand’s journey with thinking about the nature and potential uses of KCs, and where this development fits in the international context.

  • Published: 16 Aug 2019

    Current Provision of Pacific Bilingual Education

    Based on surveys and interviews of 25 schools, this report describes the current state of Pacific bilingual units in New Zealand: their philosophy, curriculum, teaching, assessment and transition practices, tracking of learners’ pathways and outcomes, and the support they receive.

  • Published: 31 Jul 2019

    It's Early Days for the New Digital Technologies Curriculum Content

    ERO examined what barriers and enablers have influenced schools’ preparation for implementation of the new Digital Technologies and Hangarau Maihiko curriculum. The report also alerts school leaders to the need to engage with the curriculum content with the urgency required to meet the January 2020 deadline for implementation.

  • Published: 11 Jun 2019

    Keeping children engaged and achieving in writing

    This report shares some of the strategies and approaches used by schools who had focused on improving achievement in writing. It also shares some simple strategies used in classrooms where achievement in writing had been accelerated.