What we do

We review the performance and assess the quality of pre-tertiary education providers in relation to the educational services they provide.

Several different types of reviews and evaluations are carried out—from scheduled to system-level national evaluations of education sector performance and policy.

Reviews and evaluations include: education reviews; home-schooling reviews; cluster reviews; contract evaluations; and national evaluations.



Education reviews

Education reviews are reports to boards of trustees, managers of early childhood education services and the Government on the quality of education provided for children and students in individual centres and schools.

We review schools and early childhood services on average once every three years. We review more frequently where the performance of a school or centre is poor and/or education and safety risks to students are identified.

We review less frequently where schools shows a stable reporting history and can demonstrate good self-review processes and use of assessment information. 

Education reviews are available on this website. Hard copies are also available from the individual school or early childhood service or from any ERO office.


Home-schooling reviews

The Minister or Ministry of Education can request a review on the programmes for students exempted from enrolment at a registered school.


Cluster reviews

From time to time ERO reviews groups or areas with common features, such as the performance of schools in a defined geographical area, or of particular populations of students.



Contract evaluation services

ERO undertakes specific contracts with Crown agencies, such as the Ministry of Education.

Evaluation reports

ERO publishes national reports on specific education topics using evidence from its reviews.

Read our evaluation reports under Our Research on this website.