Our research

Ā Mātou Rangahau

In this section of our website you'll find our education system evaluations, effective practice reports, resources and guides. These are produced by Te Ihuwaka | Education Evaluation Centre and Te Pou Mataaho | Evaluation and Research Māori.

Read more about Te Ihuwaka | Education Evaluation Centre.

Read more about Te Pou Mataaho | Evaluation and Research Māori.

Read about the questions we are asking.

There are 21 research articles.
  • Topics: Circle of Courage, Governance, Regulatory frameworks, Service Academies, Students
  • Published: 25 Aug 2021

    Responding to the Covid-19 crisis: Supporting Auckland NCEA students

    In 2020, Auckland students were particularly affected by Covid-19 and extra support was provided to them. Following this, ERO undertook an evaluation of three Te Kura programmes aimed at supporting Auckland NCEA students. This report outlines the findings of this evaluation - including the reach and impact of the programmes, and lessons for future responses.

  • Published: 25 Aug 2021

    Responding to Covid-19: Supporting Auckland NCEA students - Summary

    This short summary accompanies the full report Responding to the Covid-19 crisis: Supporting Auckland NCEA students. It outlines the key findings from ERO’s evaluation of three Te Kura programmes aimed at supporting Auckland NCEA students following the lockdowns in 2020. This summary briefly lists who these targeted programmes reached, their impact, and lessons for responding to future lockdowns.  

  • Published: 10 May 2021

    Exploring Collaboration in Action: Kahukura Community of Practice

    ERO was approached by principals from Kahukura to document and evaluate their community of practice in Christchurch. This report identifies what is working well for this community of practice, areas where they might consider further enhancements, and lessons and insights into practices which could be shared with others.

  • Published: 10 May 2021

    Collaboration in Action: Lessons from a Community of Practice

    This short report accompanies our report Exploring Collaboration in Action: Kahukura Community of Practice.  It looks at the lessons that can be learnt from the Kahukura community of practice, drawing out key lessons on collaboration and providing seven key implications for schools who are interested in collaborating to consider.

  • Published: 10 Dec 2020

    Learning in a Covid-19 World: How schools have stepped up to support students and whānau

    The ongoing coronavirus pandemic has caused significant disruption for students across New Zealand, due to lockdowns, social distancing and ongoing uncertainty. The Education Review Office interviewed 750 schools and surveyed over 2500 principals and teachers across the country, from May through to September 2020, to understand how they have responded. This summary highlights how schools have supported students and their whānau in the face of Covid-19.

  • Published: 13 May 2019

    Bullying Prevention and Response in New Zealand Schools May 2019

    New Zealand schools have one of the highest rates of bullying among OECD member countries. In this evaluation, ERO looked at the extent to which schools were effectively working towards an environment in which students feel safe and free from bullying.

    A companion report to this one, Bullying Prevention and Response: Student Voice focuses on ERO’s survey of students on their experience and understandings of bullying and effective bullying prevention and response.

  • Published: 01 Sep 2016

    An evaluation of Stand Children's Services: Children's Villages

    Until recently children with behavioural and social needs were referred to and attended one of six health camps situated across New Zealand. Each of the six health camps had an associated school attached. In 2008 ERO evaluated the quality of provisions for children at the health camps and identified significant areas that needed to improve. ERO recommended that the Ministry of Education examine the role of health camps and their schools within the wider network provision of services for students with moderate to severe behaviour difficulties. 

  • Published: 07 May 2015

    Careers education and guidance: Good practice

    The report focuses on good practice and showcases 10 secondary schools with high quality careers education. It identifies factors that contribute to high quality careers education and guidance in New Zealand secondary schools.

  • Published: 25 Jun 2013

    Secondary Schools Pathways for future education, training and employment

    This report follows on from ERO’s 2012 report on careers education, Careers Information, Advice, Guidance and Education (CIAGE) in Secondary Schools. This second report investigates how well 74 secondary schools have prepared their students for future opportunities in education, training and employment.

  • Published: 12 Aug 2012

    Evaluation at a Glance: Priority Learners in New Zealand Schools

    This report is the second in our Evaluation at a Glance series. It is a synthesis of material from 15 national evaluations and reports of good practice published in the last four years that, taken together, reveal three key issues facing New Zealand’s education system. 

  • Published: 03 Jul 2012

    Literacy and Mathematics in Years 9 and 10: Using Achievement Information to Promote Success

    This evaluation looked at how effectively schools use literacy and mathematics achievement information to improve learning for Years 9 and 10 students. The evaluation found that improvements are needed in most secondary schools’ practice with these students. It identifies the actions which school leaders, boards of trustees and teachers can take to help Years 9 and 10 students to be engaged, active and successful learners.

  • Published: 27 Oct 2011

    An Evaluation of Service Academies

    This report discusses the performance of 16 service academies funded by the Ministry of Education. These are located at 16 predominantly low decile secondary schools across the country.

  • Published: 22 Feb 2011

    Governance Training for Boards of Trustees and Whānau in Kura

    This national report focuses on the relevance and usefulness of governance training provided for boards of trustees and whānau in kura, and the extent to which this training has contributed to improvements in the quality of governance. In order to understand the context for kura governance, the report also provides an overview of effective governance practices identified generally throughout the schooling sector.

  • Published: 22 Feb 2011

    Ngā Whakangungu Kāwanatanga mā ngā Poari Whakahaere me ngā Whānau i roto i ngā Kura - Governance Training for Boards of Trustees and Whānau in Kura

    This national report focuses on the relevance and usefulness of governance training provided for boards of trustees and whānau in kura, and the extent to which this training has contributed to improvements in the quality of governance. In order to understand the context for kura governance, the report also provides an overview of effective governance practices identified generally throughout the schooling sector.

  • Published: 05 Oct 2010

    Food, Nutrition and Physical Activity in NZ Schools and Early Learning Services

    In late 2015, the Cabinet Social Policy Committee asked ERO to assess ‘the current status of food, nutrition and physical activity in schools and early childhood services’ and to report on Health Promoting Schools that were included in the sample. We visited 202 early learning services, 46 primary schools and 29 secondary schools in the first half of 2016.

    We asked: How well does the service/school promote positive attitudes to physical activity, and food and nutrition to benefit children?

  • Published: 01 Aug 2010

    Quality in Early Childhood Services

    Early childhood education has been an important focus for the Education Review Office for over 20 years. This report uses findings from ERO's national evaluations of early childhood education and individual services' education reviews to highlight the factors that contribute to high quality early childhood education and care, as well as those that contribute to poor quality. The report provides a good starting point for further discussion for anyone involved in early childhood education including education providers, policy makers and teachers.