Our research

Ā Mātou Rangahau

In this section of our website you'll find our education system evaluations, effective practice reports, resources and guides. These are produced by Te Ihuwaka | Education Evaluation Centre and Te Pou Mataaho | Evaluation and Research Māori.

Read more about Te Ihuwaka | Education Evaluation Centre.

Read more about Te Pou Mataaho | Evaluation and Research Māori.

Read about the questions we are asking.

There are 247 research articles.
  • Audience: Education
  • Published: 22 Nov 2022

    ការអ្ប់រំន ើមបីក្ូ នៅនយើងទុំងអ្េ់រន ៖ ទទួលយក្វបបធម៌ចព្រមរេះ

    វាជាប្រក្លរសំខ្ន់ណាស់តែលក្លរអរ់រំ អាចរំទពញទសចកតីប្ែូវក្លរររស់ទកេងៗ រូករួ្ទំងសិសស្កពីស េ្ន៍ចប្្រុះជាែិសាសន៍។ ទៅកនុងរបាយក្លរណ៍ទនុះ បានរកទ ើញថា សិសសភាេទប្ចើន្កពីស េ្ន៍ចប្្រុះជាែិសាសន៍ បានេេួលទជាេជ័យកនុងក្លរសិកា តែពួកទេបានជួរប្រេុះនូវក្លរប្រក្លន់ពូជសាសន៍ ក្លរ្ិនមានអាករារ់អាន និងភាពខ្វុះខ្ែក្លរយល់ែឹងអំពីវរបធ្៌ររស់ពួកទេ តែលជារញ្ហាកំពុងរីករាលដាលយា៉ាងខ្ាំង ។

  • Published: 22 Nov 2022

    Educación para todos nuestros niños: acojamos las diversas culturas

    Es fundamental que la educación satisfaga las necesidades de todos nuestros niños, incluidos los de comunidades étnicas. En este informe se constata que muchos alumnos de comunidades étnicas están obteniendo buenos resultados en materia de educación, pero se enfrentan al racismo generalizado, el aislamiento y la falta de entendimiento cultural.

  • Published: 22 Nov 2022

    हमारे सभी बच्चां के लिए लर्क्षा: लिलिध सांस्कृलियचां कच अपनाना

    यह महत्वपूर्त है टक टशक्षा जात़ीय समुदायोों के टिद्याटर्थतयोों सटहत हमारे सभ़ी बच्ोों क़ी जरूरतोों को पूरा करे। इस ररपोित में पाया गया है टक जात़ीय समुदायोों के बहुत से टिद्यार्थी टशक्षा में सफल हो रहे हैं, लेटकन व्यापक नस्लिाद, अलगाि और साोंस्कृटतक समझ क़ी कम़ी का सामना कर रहे हैं।

  • Published: 22 Nov 2022



  • Published: 22 Nov 2022

    التعليم لجميع أطفالنا: احتضان الثقافا تالمتنوعة

    من الأهمية أن يلبي التعليم احتياجات جميع أطفالنا، بمن فيهم المتعلمون من الجاليات العرقية. ووجد هذا التقرير أن العديد من
    المتعلمين من الجاليات العرقية ينجحون في مجال التعليم لكنهم يواجهون على نطاق أوسع العنصرية والعزلة والافتقار إلى
    الفهم الثقافي.

  • Published: 10 Nov 2022

    Missing Out: Why Aren’t Our Children Going to School? - Summary

    Going to school is critical for our children’s futures. The evidence is clear that every day of school matters – missing school leads to lower achievement. Aotearoa New Zealand has lower attendance than other countries and, alarmingly, attendance is falling. This short summary looks at some of the reasons why.

  • Published: 10 Nov 2022

    Missing Out: Why Aren’t Our Children Going to School?

    Going to school is critical for our children’s futures. The evidence is clear that every day of school matters, missing school leads to lower achievement.  In New Zealand, learners are expected to attend school every day the school is open. And yet many don’t. New Zealand has lower attendance than other countries and alarmingly attendance is falling.

  • Published: 28 Sep 2022

    Thriving at school? Education for disabled learners in schools

    The Education Review Office (ERO), in partnership with the Human Rights Commission (HRC) and the Office for Disability Issues (ODI), looked at how well the education system is supporting disabled learners in schools. We found that we need to improve education for disabled learners so they can thrive. This report describes what we found and what is needed to significantly improve education for these priority learners.

  • Published: 28 Sep 2022

    A Great Start? Education for Disabled Children in Early Childhood Education - summary

    Quality early childhood education (ECE) affects how well all children do at school and in life – from academic achievement and earning potential to health and wellbeing. Quality ECE supports children to develop the social, emotional, communication, cognitive, and motor skills which enable them to thrive. This is particularly critical for disabled children as it sets the foundation for their future learning.

  • Published: 28 Sep 2022

    Education for Disabled Learners: From Early Childhood to School - summary

    Receiving a quality education, from early childhood education (ECE) through to secondary school, positively affects how well all children and young people do at school and in life – from academic achievement and earning potential to health and wellbeing. Education is even more critical for disabled learners. When disabled learners receive a quality, inclusive education they are more likely to achieve better outcomes, to complete secondary schooling and to go on to further study and employment.

  • Published: 28 Sep 2022

    Thriving at School? Education for Disabled Learners in Schools - summary

    Disabled learners have the right to enrol and receive a quality, inclusive education at their local school. When disabled learners receive a quality, inclusive education they are more likely to achieve better outcomes, are more likely to complete secondary schooling and to go on to further study and employment. This study looked at how well the education system is supporting disabled learners. It found we need to improve education for disabled learners so they can thrive.

  • Published: 28 Sep 2022

    Education for Disabled Learners in Schools: A Guide for Parents and Whānau

    A quality, inclusive education makes a huge difference for disabled learners. With good education, these children and young people have better learning and life outcomes, and are more likely to complete secondary schooling and go on to further study and employment. ERO looked at how well the New Zealand education system is supporting these learners, to get a good understanding of what’s working and what needs to improve.

  • Published: 09 Sep 2022

    Ako Panuku Evaluation 2021

    In February 2021, the MOE requested that the Education Review Office (ERO) carry out an evaluation of the professional development programme, Ako Panuku. The purpose of this evaluation, to consider the programme, its content, delivery modes, resources, and support. In addition, report on the strengths, challenges, and future opportunities.

  • Published: 02 Jun 2022

    Long-Term Insights Briefing: Summary of submissions and topic decision

    This document provides a summary of submissions and a decision on the subject matter and scope of the Education Review Office’s 2022 Long-Term Insights Briefing.

    Thank you to everyone who took the time to provide a submission. Your input will help build and strengthen our Long-Term Insights Briefing paper.

  • Published: 31 May 2022

    A Guide for School Leaders Considering Cohort Entry

    Traditionally, children in Aotearoa start school on their firth birthday or any school day after that. Recent changes to the Education Act mean schools can now adopt cohort entry: enrolling children in groups on specific days across the year. Schools are choosing cohort entry to support positive transitions, wellbeing, and learning.