Our research

Ā Mātou Rangahau

In this section of our website you'll find our education system evaluations, effective practice reports, resources and guides. These are produced by Te Ihuwaka | Education Evaluation Centre and Te Pou Mataaho | Evaluation and Research Māori.

Read more about Te Ihuwaka | Education Evaluation Centre.

Read more about Te Pou Mataaho | Evaluation and Research Māori.

Read about the questions we are asking.

There are 184 research articles.
  • Audience: Schools
  • Teaching Science

    Critical to science education is the quality of teaching science in schools and early learning services. To support and improve science teaching in New Zealand, ERO has explored how schools and services can strengthen their science teaching and learning. This series of reports identifies where schools and services are doing well, and highlights how schools and services could increase the impact of their science teaching and learning. 

  • Learning in Residential Care

    Children and young people who are placed in Oranga Tamariki residential care are among the most at risk of poor outcomes later in life. The education students receive in residence has the power to reconnect them to their learning and change their lives. ERO reviewed how well education is going in these settings. This suite of work describes what we found out about the quality of education in residences and what is needed to significantly improve education for these priority learners.

  • An Alternative Education? Support for our most disengaged young people

    Each year, Alternative Education provides education to over 2,000 young people who have been disengaged from education and who have high and complex needs. Many are exposed to crime, violence, and trauma, and just under a third have a mental health need. Almost two in five have been referred to attendance services and one in four have been suspended.

    The Education Review Office (ERO), in partnership with the Social Wellbeing Agency (SWA), has looked at how well the education system is supporting young people in Alternative Education.

  • Education for disabled learners in New Zealand

    Receiving a quality education, from early childhood education (ECE) through to secondary school, positively affects how well all children and young people do at school and in life – from academic achievement and earning potential to health and wellbeing. Education is even more critical for disabled learners. When disabled learners receive a quality, inclusive education they are more likely to achieve better outcomes, to complete secondary schooling and to go on to further study and employment.

  • Published: 29 Sep 2021

    Internal evaluation as a catalyst for change

    This resource draws on recent Education Review Office (ERO) national evaluation reports to highlight how schools, both primary and secondary, have been evaluating teaching and learning and then using the findings to improve outcomes for students. ERO found that schools that significantly improved outcomes for students based their priorities for action on the findings from high-quality internal evaluation.

  • Published: 31 May 2013

    Accelerating student achievement: a resource for schools

    This resource can be used with the School Evaluation Indicators. It brings together findings from ERO’s recent national reports to outline what works to accelerate progress for Māori students at-risk of underachieving in primary schools. We share approaches schools have taken where progress was accelerated and schools were able to extend their practices to help more students succeed. Innovative schools focus on inequity within their student population, resulting in improved outcomes for Māori students.

  • Published: 19 Jan 2021

    Learning in a Covid-19 World: Supporting Secondary School Engagement

    This report explains strategies for supporting secondary students’ engagement during the Covid19 pandemic. These strategies include re-engaging students who present with wellbeing concerns or show signs of disengagement. The report also includes some innovative actions schools used to promote student engagement after the first lockdown in 2020.

  • Published: 21 Feb 2023

    Attendance - Getting back to school: A guide for secondary school teachers

    We wanted to find out what the biggest drivers for secondary learners not attending are, and what works well to motivate them to turn up to class. In this guide we share findings from our research, as well as some key actions that secondary school teachers and leaders can take to support better attendance. 

  • Published: 02 Apr 2019

    Collaboration in practice: insights into implementation

    This case study report features experiences of three Kāhui Ako and includes the strategies and approaches used to create, build, and strengthen collaboration between schools and early learning services to improve outcomes for learners.

  • Published: 21 Feb 2023

    Attendance - Getting back to school: Guide for primary school teachers

    We wanted to find out what the biggest drivers for primary learners not attending are, and what works well to motivate them to turn up to class. In this guide, we share findings from our research, as well as some key actions that primary school teachers and leaders can take to support better attendance. 

  • Published: 25 Jan 2017

    Communities of Learning | Kāhui Ako: Working towards collaborative practice

    An additional resource to Communities of Learning | Kāhui Ako: Collaboration to Improve Learner Outcomes. This resource is designed to support CoL | Kāhui Ako as they work towards effective collaborative practice. It is framed around key questions in each of the seven effective practice areas and is able to be used both as evidence-based progressions and as a useful internal evaluation tool.

  • Published: 01 Jul 2021

    Learning in residential care: A guide for leaders and teachers

    This short guide is for leaders and teachers that work with students in residential care. It draws from our report Learning in Residential Care, ‘They knew I wanted to learn’, sharing what we heard when we looked at the quality of education in Oranga Tamariki residential care, what research tells us about good education provision for these students, and actions leaders and teachers can take to strengthen teaching and learning in residential care.

  • Published: 10 Nov 2022

    Missing Out: Why Aren’t Our Children Going to School? - Summary

    Going to school is critical for our children’s futures. The evidence is clear that every day of school matters – missing school leads to lower achievement. Aotearoa New Zealand has lower attendance than other countries and, alarmingly, attendance is falling. This short summary looks at some of the reasons why.

  • Published: 01 Jul 2021

    Learning in residential care: They knew I wanted to learn

    Children and young people who are placed in Oranga Tamariki residential care are among the most at risk of poor outcomes later in life. Education can change that.  This report looks at the quality of education for students in Oranga Tamariki Care and Protection and Youth Justice residences and how it can be improved.

  • Published: 01 Jul 2021

    Learning in residential care: A guide for social workers

    This short guide is for social workers that work with students in residential care. It draws from our report Learning in Residential Care, ‘They knew I wanted to learn’, sharing what we heard when we looked at the quality of education in Oranga Tamariki residential care, what research tells us about good education provision for these students, and actions social workers can take to strengthen teaching and learning in residential care.

  • Published: 19 Jul 2018

    Building genuine learning partnerships with parents

    This report shares strategies and approaches from schools that had contributed to improving achievement by developing genuine learning partnerships with parents. It also includes some simple strategies a few of the schools used to involve parents more in supporting the things children were learning at school.

  • Published: 28 Sep 2022

    Thriving at school? Education for disabled learners in schools

    The Education Review Office (ERO), in partnership with the Human Rights Commission (HRC) and the Office for Disability Issues (ODI), looked at how well the education system is supporting disabled learners in schools. We found that we need to improve education for disabled learners so they can thrive. This report describes what we found and what is needed to significantly improve education for these priority learners.

  • Published: 28 Sep 2022

    Education for Disabled Learners in Schools: A Guide for Parents and Whānau

    A quality, inclusive education makes a huge difference for disabled learners. With good education, these children and young people have better learning and life outcomes, and are more likely to complete secondary schooling and go on to further study and employment. ERO looked at how well the New Zealand education system is supporting these learners, to get a good understanding of what’s working and what needs to improve.