Our research

Ā Mātou Rangahau

In this section of our website you'll find our education system evaluations, effective practice reports, resources and guides. These are produced by Te Ihuwaka | Education Evaluation Centre and Te Pou Mataaho | Evaluation and Research Māori.

Read more about Te Ihuwaka | Education Evaluation Centre.

Read more about Te Pou Mataaho | Evaluation and Research Māori.

Read about the questions we are asking.

There are 24 research articles.
  • Topics: Guides for parents, Pacific bilingual, Teachers | Kaiako
  • Published: 08 Jul 2021

    Te Kura Huanui : Ko ngā kura o ngā ara angitu

    I roto i Te Kura Huanui: Ko ngā kura o ngā ara angitu, ko ngā uiui me ngā whānau Māori, kaiārahi, kaiako, kaimahi, kaumātua hoki e tūhura ana i te ngākau titikaha o ngā hapori ki te whakarauora, ki te whakapakari hoki i te reo Māori me ngā tikanga Māori mō ā rātou mokopuna, tamariki, uri whakatupu anō hoki. 

  • Published: 08 Jul 2021

    Te Kura Huanui: The treasures of successful pathways

    Te Kura Huanui: The treasures of successful pathways and supporting documentaries explore the Māori-medium education pathway, through a rich collection of interviews and research conducted in partnership with early founders, whānau, leaders, graduates, kaiako, kaimahi and kaumatua.

  • Published: 10 May 2021

    Exploring Collaboration in Action: Kahukura Community of Practice

    ERO was approached by principals from Kahukura to document and evaluate their community of practice in Christchurch. This report identifies what is working well for this community of practice, areas where they might consider further enhancements, and lessons and insights into practices which could be shared with others.

  • Published: 10 May 2021

    Collaboration in Action: Lessons from a Community of Practice

    This short report accompanies our report Exploring Collaboration in Action: Kahukura Community of Practice.  It looks at the lessons that can be learnt from the Kahukura community of practice, drawing out key lessons on collaboration and providing seven key implications for schools who are interested in collaborating to consider.

  • Published: 06 May 2021

    Te Muka Here Tangata – The strand that binds people

    This case study explores the impact of the 2020 Covid-19 events on Māori learners in English-medium schools, and the response of leaders, schools and communities in the Bay of Plenty and East Coast regions.

  • Published: 12 Apr 2021

    A guide for parents and whānau on supporting science in early childhood

    Learning science in the preschool years helps children become better problem solvers and critical thinkers. This short guide aims to help parents and whānau of children in early childhood education to understand why science matters for this age group, know what to expect for science teaching and learning for their child, and think about how they can support their child’s science learning journey.

  • Published: 12 Apr 2021

    A guide for parents and whānau on supporting science in primary school

    Learning science in the primary school years helps children become better problem solvers and critical thinkers. This short guide aims to help parents and whānau of children in primary school to understand why science matters for this age group, know what to expect for science teaching and learning for their child, and think about how they can support their child’s science learning journey.

  • Published: 19 Jan 2021

    A guide to learning in a Covid-19 world - Supporting parents into 2021

    This short guide is for parents of children in early childhood education, and of school-aged children. It covers that we learnt from talking to schools and early childhood education services in 2020 about the impact of Covid-19. It also sets out some recommendations for how parents can continue to support their child’s learning this year.

  • Published: 19 Jan 2021

    A guide to learning in a Covid-19 world: Supporting early childhood learners into 2021

    This short guide is for early childhood education leaders and kaiako. It covers what we found from talking to services in 2020 about the impact of Covid-19, and shares strategies used by services to respond to the challenges they faced. It also sets out some actions that could be considered for continuing to support children, parents, whānau and staff in 2021.

  • Published: 12 Dec 2019

    Te Whāriki (2017): Awareness Towards Implementation

    ERO’s final report in the Te Whāriki series summarises the findings of previous reports and includes the last two focus areas for the curriculum – how services decide ‘what learning matters here’ and how well they were developing learning-focused partnerships with parents and whānau.

  • Published: 16 Aug 2019

    Current Provision of Pacific Bilingual Education

    Based on surveys and interviews of 25 schools, this report describes the current state of Pacific bilingual units in New Zealand: their philosophy, curriculum, teaching, assessment and transition practices, tracking of learners’ pathways and outcomes, and the support they receive.

  • Published: 27 Jun 2019

    Preparedness to implement Te Whāriki (2017)

    ERO is undertaking a series of evaluations on the implementation of Te Whāriki: He whāriki mātauranga mō ngā mokopuna o Aotearoa. This report examines how prepared services are to implement Te Whāriki, including their engagement with professional learning and development, and determining 'what matters here' and next steps.

  • Published: 14 Feb 2017

    School trustees booklet: helping you ask the right questions

    ERO has written this booklet for boards of trustees. It is one of many tools available to help you in your role as a trustee. It focuses on student achievement and wellbeing, and the role the board plays in these two areas. The booklet includes questions and information that will guide you in your discussions with school leaders and as a trustee.

  • Published: 25 Aug 2016

    Partners in Learning

    Strong connections between schools and parents and whānau are essential to accelerating the achievement of our kids, particularly those at risk of underachieving. This booklet helps parents, families and whānau to form effective relationships and educationally powerful connections. 

  • Published: 15 Jun 2016

    The Early Learning Years

    This booklet is for all parents and caregivers who have infants and toddlers in an early childhood education service, or who are thinking about enrolling their child in an early childhood service. It gives you an idea of what you can expect from high quality early childhood education and the questions you can ask a service about the education and care of your child. 

  • Published: 16 May 2014

    Supporting school improvement through effective teacher appraisal

    In 2013 the Education Review Office (ERO) evaluated the quality of teacher appraisal systems in schools using online surveys of principals and information from 200 school reviews. This report presents the findings of ERO’s evaluation of schools’ approaches to teacher appraisal.

  • Published: 14 Mar 2014

    Your child's education

    These booklets have been written for everyone who parents a child - those who have care and responsibility for children attending a school. The booklets include questions you can ask, as well as general information that you may find useful. Click on the booklet to read and download.

    Your child's education is an overview of education in New Zealand, from early childhood education through to secondary school. The information and questions are a useful insight into what education looks like in New Zealand and the opportunities available to your child.