Our research

Ā Mātou Rangahau

In this section of our website you'll find our education system evaluations, effective practice reports, resources and guides. These are produced by Te Ihuwaka | Education Evaluation Centre and Te Pou Mataaho | Evaluation and Research Māori.

Read more about Te Ihuwaka | Education Evaluation Centre.

Read more about Te Pou Mataaho | Evaluation and Research Māori.

Read about the questions we are asking.

There are 90 research articles.
  • Topics: Engagement, Ngā puna kōhungahunga, Schools, Te Kōhanga Reo, Therapeutic care and education (TEC), Video
  • Published: 19 Jan 2021

    Learning in a Covid-19 World: Supporting Secondary School Engagement

    This report explains strategies for supporting secondary students’ engagement during the Covid19 pandemic. These strategies include re-engaging students who present with wellbeing concerns or show signs of disengagement. The report also includes some innovative actions schools used to promote student engagement after the first lockdown in 2020.

  • Published: 19 Jan 2021

    Te Kahu Whakahaumaru – Ngā mahi a te rangai mātauranga Māori (Māori)

    I whāia tēnei arotake e Te Pou Mataaho, te rōpū arotake, rangahau hoki a Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga me Te Uepū ā-Motu, te rōpū arotake ā-motu a Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga, ki te whakaputa i tētahi kohinga taunakitanga e kitea ai ngā pānga tōmua o te Mate Korona ki te rāngai mātauranga reo Māori, me ngā rautaki i whāia ai e taua rāngai.

  • Published: 19 Jan 2021

    Learning in a Covid-19 World: The Impact of Covid-19 on Schools

    To understand what the challenges of Covid-19 were in 2020 and how schools responded, the Education Review Office spoke to schools and surveyed over 2500 principals and teachers across the country. This report presents our findings on how Covid-19 impacted students, teachers and schools, how schools responded and what they learnt, and the challenges schools expect they might face in future alert level changes.

  • Published: 10 Dec 2020

    Learning in a Covid-19 World: How schools have stepped up to support students and whānau

    The ongoing coronavirus pandemic has caused significant disruption for students across New Zealand, due to lockdowns, social distancing and ongoing uncertainty. The Education Review Office interviewed 750 schools and surveyed over 2500 principals and teachers across the country, from May through to September 2020, to understand how they have responded. This summary highlights how schools have supported students and their whānau in the face of Covid-19.

  • Published: 10 Dec 2020

    Learning in a Covid-19 World: How school leadership rose to the challenge

    Principals and school leaders have taken on a lot of responsibility during the Covid-19 pandemic. The Education Review Office interviewed principals and board chairs and surveyed 1777 principals across the country from May through to September 2020 to understand how they have responded. This summary highlights how those school leaders rose to the challenge.

  • Published: 10 Dec 2020

    E whakatinana tonu nei te rāngai mātauranga reo Māori i te manawanui

    I Aotearoa nei, i tino raru te rāngai mātauranga reo Māori i te horapatanga o te Mate Korona, i kati ai ngā tatau o ngā kura, i mate ai hoki ngā whānau me ngā kaiako ki te tīni i ā rātou mahi ki te whakaako ki te kāinga me te ako tawhiti.

    Ko tētahi raru i roto i te huhua, ko te korenga o ngā taputapu matihiko me ngā rauemi, ka mutu ko ngā hapori Māori ērā i rongo i te korekore rawa atu nei.

  • Published: 02 Dec 2019

    Professional Learning and Development in Schools

    How well were school leaders determining Professional Learning and Development priorities and evaluating its impact?

    ERO spoke with school leaders responsible for planning Professional Learning and Development (PLD) and looked at a variety of documents in 242 state or state-integrated schools (excluding kura) reviewed in Terms 3 and 4, 2018. ERO made an overall judgment about how well school leaders were determining PLD priorities and evaluating the impact of PLD.

  • Published: 29 Nov 2019

    Social Workers in Schools

    This ERO qualitative case study report undertaken on behalf of Oranga Tamariki captures the voices of children and their whanau who were recipients of the Social Workers in Schools (SWiS) service. SWiS is a government funded, community social work service provided in most English and Māori medium, decile 1-3 primary and intermediate schools.

  • Published: 11 Jun 2019

    Keeping children engaged and achieving in writing

    This report shares some of the strategies and approaches used by schools who had focused on improving achievement in writing. It also shares some simple strategies used in classrooms where achievement in writing had been accelerated.

  • Published: 29 Nov 2018

    Keeping children engaged and achieving through rich curriculum inquiries

    This Education Review Office (ERO) report is one of a series of reports on teaching strategies that work. It features strategies and approaches that we observed in 40 primary schools selected from across New Zealand. These schools came from a database of 129 schools, all with rolls of 200 or more, in which the proportion of students in the upper primary years (Years 5 to 8) achieving at or above the expected standard had increased. In each case, achievement levels were also above average for the decile.

  • Published: 14 May 2018

    Teaching strategies that work - Reading

    The Education Review Office (ERO) has released the latest in its Teaching Strategies that Work series. “Keeping children engaged and achieving in reading” is a description of strategies used by primary schools which have significantly improved their students’ achievement in reading.

  • Published: 20 Feb 2018

    Teaching strategies that work - Mathematics

    This Education Review Office (ERO) report is one of a series of reports on teaching strategies that work. It features strategies and approaches that we observed in 40 primary schools selected from across New Zealand. These schools came from a database of 129 schools, all with rolls of 200 or more, in which the proportion of students in the upper primary years (Years 5 to 8) achieving at or above the national standard had increased. In each case achievement levels were also above average for the decile.

  • Published: 04 Sep 2017

    Connecting with families

    A deliberate approach engages family and whānau in learning centred relationships. This approach expands and strengthens the community of learners so that more active support and opportunities are provided for all the children.

  • Published: 04 Sep 2017

    Building resilience and self efficacy

    Students acknowledge the role leaders and teachers play in instilling in them the self-belief to become confident, connected, actively involved,  life long learners

  • Published: 04 Sep 2017

    Building capability

    The focus on driving and sustaining improvement in outcomes in this school involves solution seeking processes typified by innovation and whole school participation. The principal describes the approach that supports this ongoing activity as more entrepreneurial than hierarchical.

  • Published: 04 Sep 2017

    An evaluation mindset

    Senior leaders talk about the approach and processes associated with doing and using evaluation for improvement.

  • Published: 04 Sep 2017

    Leadership for equity and excellence

    The senior leadership team are responsible for specific portfolios and work interdependently to realise the shared vision of equity and excellence for all.