Our research

Ā Mātou Rangahau

In this section of our website you'll find our education system evaluations, effective practice reports, resources and guides. These are produced by Te Ihuwaka | Education Evaluation Centre and Te Pou Mataaho | Evaluation and Research Māori.

Read more about Te Ihuwaka | Education Evaluation Centre.

Read more about Te Pou Mataaho | Evaluation and Research Māori.

Read about the questions we are asking.

There are 39 research articles.
  • Topics: Assessment, Bullying, COVID-19, Kiwisport, Much more than words: Manuka takoto kawea ake, Outcomes, Pacific student achievement
  • Published: 10 Dec 2020

    E whakatinana tonu nei te rāngai mātauranga reo Māori i te manawanui

    I Aotearoa nei, i tino raru te rāngai mātauranga reo Māori i te horapatanga o te Mate Korona, i kati ai ngā tatau o ngā kura, i mate ai hoki ngā whānau me ngā kaiako ki te tīni i ā rātou mahi ki te whakaako ki te kāinga me te ako tawhiti.

    Ko tētahi raru i roto i te huhua, ko te korenga o ngā taputapu matihiko me ngā rauemi, ka mutu ko ngā hapori Māori ērā i rongo i te korekore rawa atu nei.

  • Published: 18 Jun 2020

    Covid-19 Learning in Lockdown

    ERO is undertaking a programme of work to learn the lessons from the lockdown and to support the education system, schools and early childhood centres to respond to the disruption to education caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. As a first stage of this work, ERO surveyed a sample of students and teachers in primary and secondary schools. This report sets out what we found about their wellbeing and experiences of learning and teaching during the lockdown.

  • Published: 13 May 2019

    Bullying Prevention and Response in New Zealand Schools May 2019

    New Zealand schools have one of the highest rates of bullying among OECD member countries. In this evaluation, ERO looked at the extent to which schools were effectively working towards an environment in which students feel safe and free from bullying.

    A companion report to this one, Bullying Prevention and Response: Student Voice focuses on ERO’s survey of students on their experience and understandings of bullying and effective bullying prevention and response.

  • Published: 04 Sep 2017

    Improvement in action

    The collection of videos and publications is called Improvement in Action and illustrates what works to achieve successful outcomes for all children and young people in the education system.

  • Published: 09 Feb 2015

    Bullying Prevention and Response Guide Schools' Awareness and Use

    Children at many schools in New Zealand experience bullying. The Bullying Prevention Advisory Group, set up by the Secretary for Education, has developed a resource called Bullying prevention and response: A guide for schools.

    ERO asked 129 schools reviewed during Term 3, 2014 about their use of the guide. Most schools were aware of the resource and more than a third had used it. Schools most commonly used the guide as a tool to review their bullying policies and procedures.

  • Published: 01 Nov 2013

    Making Connections for Pacific Learners' Success

    This report discusses secondary schools where Pacific learners are achieving at or above the national norms for all students. It includes details of initiatives and good practice and how these work together to get great results.

  • Published: 18 Oct 2012

    KiwiSport in Schools - 2012

    KiwiSport is a government initiative established in 2009 to increase opportunities for school-aged children to participate in organised sport. This report presents the findings of a questionnaire ERO gave to schools about the impact of KiwiSport funding.

  • Published: 01 May 2012

    Improving Education Outcomes for Pacific Learners

    This is ERO's third report on the progress of schools in promoting Pacific student achievement. It tells a similar story to ERO's two previous reports with little evidence of system-wide improvement.

  • Published: 26 Nov 2010

    Kiwisport in Schools - 2010

    Kiwisport is a government initiative aimed at increasing opportunities for school-aged children to participate in organised sport.

    In Terms 2 and 3, 2010, the Education Review Office evaluated the use primary and secondary schools made of Kiwisport funding, and the benefits and challenges of the initiative identified by schools.

  • Published: 01 Nov 2007

    The Quality of Assessment in Early Childhood Education

    Assessment informs an early childhood service’s programme and educators’ teaching practices. ERO evaluated the quality of assessment in all the early childhood services reviewed in Terms 3 and 4, 2006.

    Services were at varying stages in their understanding and implementation of assessment practices, as not all had yet participated in professional development.

  • Published: 01 Jun 2007

    The Collection and Use of Assessment Information: Good Practice in Secondary Schools

    ERO evaluated the collection and use of assessment information in schools in 2006. The evaluation concluded that more work can be done to improve assessment practice in schools. This complementary report aims to help secondary schools review their assessment practice. It highlights characteristics common to high quality assessment practices and includes examples of good practice.

  • Published: 01 Jun 2007

    The Collection and Use of Assessment Information: Good Practice in Primary Schools

    ERO evaluated the collection and use of assessment information in schools in 2006. The evaluation concluded that more work can be done to improve assessment practice in schools. This report builds on this finding by giving examples of good practice in the collection and use of assessment information in primary schools. The report also includes three detailed case studies.

  • Published: 01 Mar 2007

    The Collection and Use of Assessment Information in Schools

    Knowing what students know and can do is fundamental to effective teaching and students’ learning. Teachers need to assess student achievement to know whether or not their teaching is meeting the learning needs of their students.

    In 2006, ERO evaluated how effectively schools collected and used assessment information. This report details the findings of that evaluation and recommends what can be done to make assessment practices in schools more effective.