Improvement in action

Published: 04 Sep 2017
Improvement in Action Te Ahu Whakamua


The collection of videos and publications is called Improvement in Action and illustrates what works to achieve successful outcomes for all children and young people in the education system.

The video sequences bring to life ERO’s School Evaluation Indicators

E whakatairanga ana tēnei rauemi ā-ipurangi i ētahi kura e tino whai hua nei ā rātau mahi mō ā rātau ākonga. E kīia ana tēnei kohinga ataata, pānuitanga hoki ko Te Ahu Whakamua, ā, ka whakaatuhia he mahi e tutuki momoho ai ngā whāinga mō ngā tamariki me ngā rangatahi ki roto i te rāngai mātauranga. Ka whakatauira mai ngā ataata i ngā Tohu Aromātai Kura o Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga.


The full video series can be found here.

Remote video URL

(The video opens on a teal rectangle graphic, displaying the ERO logo. Text on the top half reads, “Improvement in Action, Te Ahu Whakamua”. At the bottom of the rectangle is rainbow bar shaped like a progress bar.

After three second the image fades out. The video now shows a man sitting in front of the camera. Text on the bottom of the screen reads, “Nicholas Pole, Chief Review Officer, ERO.” Behind him to the left is a bookshelf, and to the right is a large banner showing a diagram. The diagram has “Learners” in the middle, surrounded by three rings with text. Nicholas speaks into the camera.)


Hello, I'm Nicholas Pole, Chief Review Officer for the Education Review Office.


(His voiceover continues as the scene changes to a classroom full of boys in school uniforms. They sit at desks, writing into workbooks. The teacher in front of the whiteboard points at someone in the class. A boy with his hand raised responds.)

ERO's role is to ensure that New Zealanders can have confidence in our education system.


(The camera changes to show three girls sitting in front of a computer. As they look into the computer monitor the image of them shrinks into the top left corner and the screen splits into four different segments, each showing a different video. In the top right corner, a crowd of boys in school uniforms sit on the asphalt of a school yard. On the bottom left young boys in a classroom look at maths flashcards. On the bottom right students throw balls into a large ball cage.)

New Zealand's education landscape is changing rapidly, and more is being demanded of our system.


(In the top left children sit with laptops and tablets in an open-plan classroom. Top right someone flips through a picture book about Māori legends. Bottom left a teacher helps the boys with their maths, and bottom right children fill out forms with the title “Post a thought”.)

We know that the most significant challenge for our system is the persistent disparity in outcomes within individual schools.


(The videos fade out, giving way to a classroom. Children’s paintings hang from the ceiling and cover the back wall. As the camera pans out, we see the class is filled with students filling out forms, a teacher assisting one of them.)

ERO wants every school to be a great school.


(There is a montage of close-ups as children work. As he says “developed”, the video fades out and an image fades in. It is the same diagram that is on the banner that was to the right of Nicolas. It then zooms out further to reveal the image is on the cover of an ERO report titled, “School Evaluation Indicators, Effective Practice for Improvement and Learner Success, July 2016.”)

To support this, using New Zealand and international evidence, and supported by a group of world-leading researchers, we have developed a set of indicators which highlight those areas that successful schools focus on in improving learner outcomes.

(The images fade out and the four videos return. On the top left a teacher sits on the floor with a group of students, pointing at something on a piece of paper. Top right a teacher asks questions of a class and the camera pans across the students as they answer. On the bottom left students sit in chairs watching a girl write on a whiteboard. Bottom right a close-up of a computer screen before zooming out to a teacher addressing a class.)

We have put together a collection of videos and publications which illustrate these indicators.


(We return to Nicholas Pole speaking to the camera.)

I want to share these resources with you and encourage a conversation about what we can all do to ensure that New Zealand has a truly great education system.


(The scene changes and a group of girls in school uniforms smile and wave as they run towards each other.)

Even great schools are on a continuous journey of improvement.


(We see a busy schoolyard filled with students walking to class, some accompanied by adults. The camera then shows a school workshop where several boys work on woodworking projects.)

The schools that we showcase are all on their own improvement journey, responding to their context, their learners and their communities.


(There is a close-up of a large silver teapot pouring tea into a glass as a group of people sit in the background. We then briefly see the people talking amongst themselves before switching to a near-empty classroom where a teacher instructs two girls.)

They are each deliberately focusing on improvement and equity.


(Several boys sit on the floor of a classroom with a teacher. The camera pans to the side and we see another woman observing the lesson. A similar scene of a teacher speaking to students while an observer looks on plays out in a different classroom.

It's a distributed focus with everyone making a contribution.

We want you to engage with these resources and reflect on them in terms of what they mean for your school and your improvement journey.


(The camera close-ups on the observer as she writes. We then briefly see another classroom where students work together before the scene switches to a large group of students singing and dancing.)

This is not merely about learner achievement but includes a core focus on wellbeing as a foundation for learner success.


(A girl smiles as she watches the performance. The crowd in the background implies the scene takes place at a formal ceremony. We then see two girls studying together on a classroom floor.)


ERO wants every child and young person to be a confident, connected, and actively involved lifelong learner.

(A teacher addresses several students in a large open room. In a different scene, a teacher then speaks to a young girl with a laptop.)

We are committed to highlighting excellent practice where we find it.


(A group of young students crouch around a table with a teacher. We then see three teachers talking among themselves.)

This collection is just the first step.


(We return to Nicholas, speaking into the camera.)

We will continue to grow the evidence base in support of our schools and our learner outcomes remaining among the best in the world.