Our research

Ā Mātou Rangahau

In this section of our website you'll find our education system evaluations, effective practice reports, resources and guides. These are produced by Te Ihuwaka | Education Evaluation Centre and Te Pou Mataaho | Evaluation and Research Māori.

Read more about Te Ihuwaka | Education Evaluation Centre.

Read more about Te Pou Mataaho | Evaluation and Research Māori.

Read about the questions we are asking.

There are 32 research articles.
  • Topics: Initial Teacher Education, Pacific parents, Priority learners, Teachers | Kaiako, Whānau
  • Published: 27 Jun 2019

    Preparedness to implement Te Whāriki (2017)

    ERO is undertaking a series of evaluations on the implementation of Te Whāriki: He whāriki mātauranga mō ngā mokopuna o Aotearoa. This report examines how prepared services are to implement Te Whāriki, including their engagement with professional learning and development, and determining 'what matters here' and next steps.

  • Published: 25 Aug 2016

    Partners in Learning

    Strong connections between schools and parents and whānau are essential to accelerating the achievement of our kids, particularly those at risk of underachieving. This booklet helps parents, families and whānau to form effective relationships and educationally powerful connections. 

  • Published: 16 May 2014

    Supporting school improvement through effective teacher appraisal

    In 2013 the Education Review Office (ERO) evaluated the quality of teacher appraisal systems in schools using online surveys of principals and information from 200 school reviews. This report presents the findings of ERO’s evaluation of schools’ approaches to teacher appraisal.

  • Published: 31 May 2013

    Accelerating the Progress of Priority Learners in Primary Schools

    This national report presents the findings of ERO’s recent evaluation about the extent to which primary schools were using effective strategies to improve outcomes for priority groups of learners. In this report ‘priority learners’ refers to Māori, Pacific, special needs, and students from low income families, who are not achieving at or above National Standards.

  • Published: 15 Apr 2013

    Effective teaching - what's happening in my child's classroom?

    Effective Teaching - What's happening in my child's classroom? gives parents an insight into teaching practice and includes questions parents can use when discussing their child's progress with the school.

    ERO guides for parents have been written for everyone who parents a child - those who have care and responsibility for children attending a school. The booklets include questions you can ask, as well as general information that you may find useful. Click on the booklet to read and download. 

  • Published: 12 Aug 2012

    Evaluation at a Glance: Priority Learners in New Zealand Schools

    This report is the second in our Evaluation at a Glance series. It is a synthesis of material from 15 national evaluations and reports of good practice published in the last four years that, taken together, reveal three key issues facing New Zealand’s education system. 

  • Published: 02 Aug 2012

    Ako Panuku: An evaluation of the programme’s effectiveness

    This evaluation looks at the Ako Panuku programme, which is funded by the Ministry of Education for Māori secondary/kura teachers. ERO conducted an online survey of all teachers involved in the programme and also visited a number of schools and kura. Our findings show that a high proportion of teachers found the programme to be highly effective or effective for them. Ako Panuku has had positive outcomes for participants and their students.

  • Published: 01 Feb 2012

    Partnership with Whānau Māori in Early Childhood Services

    In this evaluation Partnership with Whānau Māori in Early Childhood Education, ERO focused on the extent to which:

    • services understood and valued the identity, language and culture of Māori children and their whānau, particularly when the child and whānau enter the service
    • managers and educators built positive relationships with the whānau of Māori children; and
    • each service worked in partnership with the whānau of Māori children. 
  • Published: 01 Sep 2008

    Partners in Learning: Parents' Voices

    ERO is interested in what happens in the classroom and also in how parents and the community can help in the education of school students. We have therefore evaluated the way schools engage their parents, whānau and community. The result is a collection of three reports on different aspects of Partners in Learning: the findings of the evaluation; examples of good practice; and the voices of parents. This report sets out the views of parents and others in the community about their role in the education of their children.