Our research

Ā Mātou Rangahau

In this section of our website you'll find our education system evaluations, effective practice reports, resources and guides. These are produced by Te Ihuwaka | Education Evaluation Centre and Te Pou Mataaho | Evaluation and Research Māori.

Read more about Te Ihuwaka | Education Evaluation Centre.

Read more about Te Pou Mataaho | Evaluation and Research Māori.

Read about the questions we are asking.

There are 35 research articles.
  • Topics: Curriculum, Integrated schools, Tātaiako, Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust
  • Published: 08 Jul 2021

    Te Kura Huanui : Ko ngā kura o ngā ara angitu

    I roto i Te Kura Huanui: Ko ngā kura o ngā ara angitu, ko ngā uiui me ngā whānau Māori, kaiārahi, kaiako, kaimahi, kaumātua hoki e tūhura ana i te ngākau titikaha o ngā hapori ki te whakarauora, ki te whakapakari hoki i te reo Māori me ngā tikanga Māori mō ā rātou mokopuna, tamariki, uri whakatupu anō hoki. 

  • Published: 08 Jul 2021

    Te Kura Huanui: The treasures of successful pathways

    Te Kura Huanui: The treasures of successful pathways and supporting documentaries explore the Māori-medium education pathway, through a rich collection of interviews and research conducted in partnership with early founders, whānau, leaders, graduates, kaiako, kaimahi and kaumatua.

  • Published: 22 Apr 2021

    Science in secondary schools: a guide for leaders

    To support leaders and teachers to review and strengthen the science learning opportunities they provide, ERO explored the strategies and approaches that a selection of schools had taken to increase students’ engagement in science. This short guides draws on this work to help secondary school leaders think about how they can support stronger science teaching and learning in their school.

  • Published: 21 Apr 2021

    Science in secondary schools: a guide for teachers

    To support leaders and teachers to review and strengthen the science learning opportunities they provide, ERO explored the strategies and approaches that a selection of schools had taken to increase students’ engagement in science. This short guides draws on this work to help secondary school teachers think about how they can support stronger science teaching and learning in their school.

  • Published: 20 Apr 2021

    Science in primary schools: a guide for leaders

    To support leaders and teachers to review and strengthen the science learning opportunities they provide, ERO explored the strategies and approaches that a selection of schools had taken to increase students’ engagement in science. This short guides draws on this work to help primary school leaders think about how they can support stronger science teaching and learning in their school.

  • Published: 19 Apr 2021

    Science in primary schools: a guide for teachers

    To support leaders and teachers to review and strengthen the science learning opportunities they provide, ERO explored the strategies and approaches that a selection of schools had taken to increase students’ engagement in science. This short guides draws on this work to help primary school teachers think about how they can support stronger science teaching and learning in their school.

  • Published: 12 Apr 2021

    Science in New Zealand schools and early childhood services - series summary

    Science is important – we rely on science and scientific thinking in almost every endeavour in our modern society. High quality science education at school is essential for learners who want a career in science, but it is also important for all learners to help them understand the scientific issues that whānau, communities, and nations face. Issues such as climate change, healthy living, and innovation all depend on science.

  • Published: 22 Nov 2019

    The Key Competencies: Realising the Potential of the New Zealand Curriculum

    This is a companion report to Developing Key Competencies in Students Years 1 to 8. It explores current thinking about the importance of building the capabilities of young people. It outlines what the Key Competencies (KCs) are, why they are important, New Zealand’s journey with thinking about the nature and potential uses of KCs, and where this development fits in the international context.

  • Published: 29 Nov 2018

    Keeping children engaged and achieving through rich curriculum inquiries

    This Education Review Office (ERO) report is one of a series of reports on teaching strategies that work. It features strategies and approaches that we observed in 40 primary schools selected from across New Zealand. These schools came from a database of 129 schools, all with rolls of 200 or more, in which the proportion of students in the upper primary years (Years 5 to 8) achieving at or above the expected standard had increased. In each case, achievement levels were also above average for the decile.

  • Published: 12 Sep 2018

    Promoting wellbeing through sexuality education

    This report provides findings from ERO's evaluation of how well schools were promoting and supporting student wellbeing through sexuality education.

    It includes high-level findings, examples of good practice and recommendations for schools and policy audiences. It is accompanied by a series of short publications for whānau, students, and trustees.

    Brochures aimed at students, whānau and Boards of Trustees are also available.

  • Published: 30 May 2018

    What drives learning in the senior secondary school?

    This evaluation studies effective practice in schools’ senior curriculum. It contributes to the review being undertaken by the Ministry of Education (the Ministry) of the National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA). The Ministry-led review focuses on the implementation of NCEA as the national assessment system for the senior years of secondary schooling. 

  • Published: 04 Sep 2017

    Building resilience and self efficacy

    Students acknowledge the role leaders and teachers play in instilling in them the self-belief to become confident, connected, actively involved,  life long learners

  • Published: 04 Sep 2017

    Modern learning environments

    The Modern Learning Environment requires practices and behaviours of both teachers and learners to that optimise the potential of the flexible learning spaces and digital tools.

  • Published: 04 Sep 2017

    Strengthening curriculum: inquiry maths

    An analysis of achievement data and a desire to introduce more culturally responsive pedagogies into the classroom were triggers for introducing an inquiry -based approach to the teaching of mathematics at Manurewa Central School.

  • Published: 04 Sep 2017

    Shared values

    Culturally responsive relationships and practices support and promote the development of learners’ confidence in their identity, language and culture. These relationships are explicitly acknowledged and understood by teachers and learners and contribute to an inclusive learning environment in which there are equitable opportunities to learn.  This video was filmed at Invercargill Middle School.

  • Published: 04 Sep 2017

    Relationships for learning

    A learning community characterised by whanaungatanga and manaakitanga creates the challenge and support needed to develop learning to learn capabilities and achieve successful learning outcomes.

    This video was filmed at McAuley High School.

  • Published: 04 Sep 2017

    Purposeful education pathway

    The setting of academic goals that build toward purposeful educational pathways and career options begins early at McAuley High School and supports student choices throughout their schooling.