Our research

Ā Mātou Rangahau

In this section of our website you'll find our education system evaluations, effective practice reports, resources and guides. These are produced by Te Ihuwaka | Education Evaluation Centre and Te Pou Mataaho | Evaluation and Research Māori.

Read more about Te Ihuwaka | Education Evaluation Centre.

Read more about Te Pou Mataaho | Evaluation and Research Māori.

Read about the questions we are asking.

There are 15 research articles.
  • Topics: Decision making, Kōhanga Reo, Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust
  • Published: 30 Nov 2021

    Āhuru Mōwai, He Pūrongo Aromātai mō Te Kōhanga Reo

    Ko tā te pūrongo nei, he whakatakoto i ngā whakaaro huritao o ngā Kōhanga Reo mō tō rātou ake huarahi mātauranga. Kua kapohia atu ō rātou wawata ngātahi ki te whakarāpopototanga o ngā āhuatanga i whakaraupapahia ai ki te Whanaungatanga, te Rautaki, ngā Tikanga Māori, te Whakarauora i te Reo Māori, ngā Kaumātua, te Ako: Te Whakaako me te Ako, me te Ārahitanga.

  • Published: 29 Nov 2021

    Āhuru Mōwai, Evaluation report for Te Kōhanga Reo

    This report is the reflection of Kōhanga Reo on their particular educational approach. Their collective aspirations are captured within the summary of conditions outlined as Whanaungatanga, Strategy, Tikanga Māori, Te Reo Resurgence, Kaumātua, Ako: Teaching and Learning, and Leadership.

  • Published: 29 Nov 2021

    E kore au e ngaro, He Pūrongo Aromātai mō Ngā Kura ā-Iwi

    E whakaatu ana tēnei pūrongo i te huarahi i whāia e Ngā Kura ā-Iwi ki te whakawhanake i a rātou anō ā-tangata takitahi, ā-whānau, ā-kura hoki. Kua kapohia atu ō rātou wawata ngātahi ki te whakarāpopototanga o ngā e kīia ana ko te Ako: Te Whakaako me te Ako; ko Te Whānau me te Whai Hononga; ko ngā Tikanga Māori; ko te Tuakiri. Ka whakatakoto tēnei aromātai i ngā whakaaturanga whai wheako e pā ana ki ngā Manu Pīrere, ki ā rātou whakatutukitanga, ā, ka tautohu i ngā āhuatanga puta noa i tō rātou huarahi ako.

  • Published: 19 Nov 2021

    E kore au e ngaro, Evaluation Report for Ngā Kura ā-Iwi

    This report is the reflection of Kura ā-Iwi on their developmental journeys, both as individuals, whānau and as kura. Their collective aspirations are captured within the summary of conditions outlined as Ako: Teaching & Learning, Whānau & Connectedness, Tikanga Māori (Māori process and protocol), and Tuakiri: Identity.

  • Published: 18 Nov 2021

    Mahi Ngātahi, Tupu Ngātahi, He Pūrongo Aromātai mō ngā Kura Kaupapa Māori

    Kei te pūtake o tēnei pūrongo, koia ko te whakaaro huritao tahi o ngā kura kaupapa Māori i whai wāhi mai, arā, ko te huarahi i whāia ā-whānau kura, ā-tangata takitahi hoki, he kōrero mō ngā wawata o te katoa i whakatinanahia ai ki te whakatūnga, te whakapakaritanga, me te tiaki tonu hoki o ō rātou ake kura, me ā rātou ake kaupapa.

  • Published: 17 Nov 2021

    Mahi Ngātahi, Tupu Ngātahi, Evaluation Report for Kura Kaupapa Māori

    Central to this report is the common reflection of participating kura kaupapa Māori, that their journeys, both as individuals and as kura whānau, are stories of collective aspirations held within the narrative of establishment, building and subsequent maintenance of their respective kura and kaupapa.

  • Published: 08 Jul 2021

    Te Kura Huanui : Ko ngā kura o ngā ara angitu

    I roto i Te Kura Huanui: Ko ngā kura o ngā ara angitu, ko ngā uiui me ngā whānau Māori, kaiārahi, kaiako, kaimahi, kaumātua hoki e tūhura ana i te ngākau titikaha o ngā hapori ki te whakarauora, ki te whakapakari hoki i te reo Māori me ngā tikanga Māori mō ā rātou mokopuna, tamariki, uri whakatupu anō hoki. 

  • Published: 08 Jul 2021

    Te Kura Huanui: The treasures of successful pathways

    Te Kura Huanui: The treasures of successful pathways and supporting documentaries explore the Māori-medium education pathway, through a rich collection of interviews and research conducted in partnership with early founders, whānau, leaders, graduates, kaiako, kaimahi and kaumatua.

  • Published: 10 May 2021

    Exploring Collaboration in Action: Kahukura Community of Practice

    ERO was approached by principals from Kahukura to document and evaluate their community of practice in Christchurch. This report identifies what is working well for this community of practice, areas where they might consider further enhancements, and lessons and insights into practices which could be shared with others.

  • Published: 10 May 2021

    Collaboration in Action: Lessons from a Community of Practice

    This short report accompanies our report Exploring Collaboration in Action: Kahukura Community of Practice.  It looks at the lessons that can be learnt from the Kahukura community of practice, drawing out key lessons on collaboration and providing seven key implications for schools who are interested in collaborating to consider.

  • Published: 10 Dec 2020

    E whakatinana tonu nei te rāngai mātauranga reo Māori i te manawanui

    I Aotearoa nei, i tino raru te rāngai mātauranga reo Māori i te horapatanga o te Mate Korona, i kati ai ngā tatau o ngā kura, i mate ai hoki ngā whānau me ngā kaiako ki te tīni i ā rātou mahi ki te whakaako ki te kāinga me te ako tawhiti.

    Ko tētahi raru i roto i te huhua, ko te korenga o ngā taputapu matihiko me ngā rauemi, ka mutu ko ngā hapori Māori ērā i rongo i te korekore rawa atu nei.

  • Published: 31 Dec 2017

    Hauhaketia Ngā Taonga Tuku Iho Kia Puāwai Ai

    E whakakoia ana tēnei aromātai i te tino hua motuhake o te mātauranga rumaki reo Māori o te kounga kairangi, me te hāpai whakahirahira anō hoki o tēnei i te tamaiti, mai i tōna whānautanga mai. Kei te mārama pū ngā kitenga, a, e whakatau ana hoki i te ariā e kī ana, e āhei ake ana ngā tamariki ki te eke angitu hei ākonga nā te noho ki tētahi taiao e whakanui ana, e whakamana ana hoki i te reo, te ahurea, me te tuakiri.

  • Published: 04 Sep 2017

    Stewardship: informed decision making

    At Manurewa Central School, the relationship between the principal and trustees is described in terms of how trust and confidence is built through effective listening and transparent reporting, interrogation and discussion of information.

  • Published: 14 Mar 2014

    Your child's education

    These booklets have been written for everyone who parents a child - those who have care and responsibility for children attending a school. The booklets include questions you can ask, as well as general information that you may find useful. Click on the booklet to read and download.

    Your child's education is an overview of education in New Zealand, from early childhood education through to secondary school. The information and questions are a useful insight into what education looks like in New Zealand and the opportunities available to your child.