Our research

Ā Mātou Rangahau

In this section of our website you'll find our education system evaluations, effective practice reports, resources and guides. These are produced by Te Ihuwaka | Education Evaluation Centre and Te Pou Mataaho | Evaluation and Research Māori.

Read more about Te Ihuwaka | Education Evaluation Centre.

Read more about Te Pou Mataaho | Evaluation and Research Māori.

Read about the questions we are asking.

There are 6 research articles.
  • Topics: Key competencies, New Zealand Curriculum, Sexuality
  • Published: 23 Jan 2020

    On your marks ... get set... go! A tale of six schools and the digital technologies curriculum content

    ERO conducted case studies of six schools’ implementation of the digital technologies curriculum content in Term 1, 2019. Schools that had successfully integrated the curriculum had leaders who promoted a growth mindset for teachers and looked to integrate digital technologies into existing curriculum. Timely professional development for teachers and positive community connections also enhanced schools’ ability to integrate the digital technologies curriculum.

  • Published: 22 Nov 2019

    Developing Key Competencies in Students Years 1-8

    This Education Review Office (ERO) report describes what a sample of New Zealand schools with Years 1 to 8 students are doing to integrate and support the development of key competencies in their students.

    It outlines the support that schools are giving their students to use these competencies in their learning and wellbeing. The report also explores what schools are doing to promote the understanding of key competencies among parents, whānau and trustees.

  • Published: 22 Nov 2019

    The Key Competencies: Realising the Potential of the New Zealand Curriculum

    This is a companion report to Developing Key Competencies in Students Years 1 to 8. It explores current thinking about the importance of building the capabilities of young people. It outlines what the Key Competencies (KCs) are, why they are important, New Zealand’s journey with thinking about the nature and potential uses of KCs, and where this development fits in the international context.

  • Published: 12 Sep 2018

    Promoting wellbeing through sexuality education

    This report provides findings from ERO's evaluation of how well schools were promoting and supporting student wellbeing through sexuality education.

    It includes high-level findings, examples of good practice and recommendations for schools and policy audiences. It is accompanied by a series of short publications for whānau, students, and trustees.

    Brochures aimed at students, whānau and Boards of Trustees are also available.

  • Published: 21 Mar 2016

    Wellbeing for success: effective practice

    In 2014, the Education Review Office (ERO) undertook an evaluation of the extent to which schools were promoting and responding to student wellbeing in primary and secondary schools. This 2016 effective practice report provides further detail about practices in selected schools that promote wellbeing for all students, and describes how these schools respond when concerns, issues or events require more targeted support.