Our research

  • Published: 09 Feb 2015

    Bullying Prevention and Response Guide Schools' Awareness and Use

    Children at many schools in New Zealand experience bullying. The Bullying Prevention Advisory Group, set up by the Secretary for Education, has developed a resource called Bullying prevention and response: A guide for schools.

    ERO asked 129 schools reviewed during Term 3, 2014 about their use of the guide. Most schools were aware of the resource and more than a third had used it. Schools most commonly used the guide as a tool to review their bullying policies and procedures.

  • Published: 30 Jun 2014

    Raising achievement in primary schools

    This national report presents the findings of how well a sample of primary schools were taking actions to increase the number of students achieving 'at' or 'above' national standards.The findings show that half of the schools in the evaluation had used deliberate actions to support students to accelerate progress and sustain achievement.

  • Published: 26 Jun 2014

    Raising achievement in primary schools ALiM and ALL

    This national report is a companion report to Raising achievement in primary schools. It presents further findings of how some of the primary schools were using the Ministry-funded support projects - Accelerated Learning in Mathematics (ALiM) and Accelerated Learninig in Literacy (ALL) to accelerate progress and raise achievement.

  • Published: 29 May 2014

    Towards equitable outcomes in secondary schools: Good practice

    This report presents examples of good practice in student engagement and achievement. The examples come from a sample of secondary schools, rated decile 5 or below with rolls of 200 students or more, who had better outcomes for students than other similar schools. ERO visited seven of these schools to find out the secret to their success.

  • Published: 16 May 2014

    Supporting school improvement through effective teacher appraisal

    In 2013 the Education Review Office (ERO) evaluated the quality of teacher appraisal systems in schools using online surveys of principals and information from 200 school reviews. This report presents the findings of ERO’s evaluation of schools’ approaches to teacher appraisal.