Our research

Ā Mātou Rangahau

In this section of our website you'll find our education system evaluations, effective practice reports, resources and guides. These are produced by Te Ihuwaka | Education Evaluation Centre and Te Pou Mataaho | Evaluation and Research Māori.

Read more about Te Ihuwaka | Education Evaluation Centre.

Read more about Te Pou Mataaho | Evaluation and Research Māori.

Read about the questions we are asking.

There are 70 research articles.
  • Topics: Bilingual, Internal evaluation, Māori Education Evaluation, Pacific, Pacific learners, Tātaiako, Video
  • Published: 11 Jun 2017

    Data and relationships

    Data and information about teaching and learning is made highly visible and the interpretation and response are a collaborative process. Leaders and teachers reflect on the role of data in professional relationships and how an open approach builds capability and confidence to respond to the challenges that need to be addressed.

  • Published: 11 Jun 2017

    Leaders of learning

    The provision of opportunities for collaborative professional learning are designed to build adaptive expertise through enabling the participation and contribution of all staff members.

  • Published: 12 Feb 2016

    Effective Internal Evaluation for Improvement

    This booklet is useful for any organisation interested in internal evaluation for improvement. This overview of the processes and reasoning involved in effective internal evaluation for improvement draws on a previously published resource Effective School Evaluation – How to do and use internal evaluation for improvement (2015).

  • Published: 19 Nov 2015

    Internal evaluation: good practice

    This good practice report showcases 13 schools and how they've used internal evaluation to change their practice to support students to achieve. The findings from this report have informed the joint Ministry of Education and ERO resource Effective School Evaluation: How to do and use internal evaluation for improvement.

  • Published: 01 Nov 2013

    Making Connections for Pacific Learners' Success

    This report discusses secondary schools where Pacific learners are achieving at or above the national norms for all students. It includes details of initiatives and good practice and how these work together to get great results.

  • Published: 31 May 2013

    Accelerating the Progress of Priority Learners in Primary Schools

    This national report presents the findings of ERO’s recent evaluation about the extent to which primary schools were using effective strategies to improve outcomes for priority groups of learners. In this report ‘priority learners’ refers to Māori, Pacific, special needs, and students from low income families, who are not achieving at or above National Standards.

  • Published: 01 May 2012

    Improving Education Outcomes for Pacific Learners

    This is ERO's third report on the progress of schools in promoting Pacific student achievement. It tells a similar story to ERO's two previous reports with little evidence of system-wide improvement.