Our research

Ā Mātou Rangahau

In this section of our website you'll find our education system evaluations, effective practice reports, resources and guides. These are produced by Te Ihuwaka | Education Evaluation Centre and Te Pou Mataaho | Evaluation and Research Māori.

Read more about Te Ihuwaka | Education Evaluation Centre.

Read more about Te Pou Mataaho | Evaluation and Research Māori.

Read about the questions we are asking.

There are 28 research articles.
  • Topics: Decision making, Immigrants, Kōhanga Reo, Resource Teachers: Learning and Behaviour (RTLB), Whānau
  • Published: 31 Dec 2017

    Hauhaketia Ngā Taonga Tuku Iho Kia Puāwai Ai

    E whakakoia ana tēnei aromātai i te tino hua motuhake o te mātauranga rumaki reo Māori o te kounga kairangi, me te hāpai whakahirahira anō hoki o tēnei i te tamaiti, mai i tōna whānautanga mai. Kei te mārama pū ngā kitenga, a, e whakatau ana hoki i te ariā e kī ana, e āhei ake ana ngā tamariki ki te eke angitu hei ākonga nā te noho ki tētahi taiao e whakanui ana, e whakamana ana hoki i te reo, te ahurea, me te tuakiri.

  • Published: 04 Sep 2017

    Stewardship: informed decision making

    At Manurewa Central School, the relationship between the principal and trustees is described in terms of how trust and confidence is built through effective listening and transparent reporting, interrogation and discussion of information.

  • Published: 25 Aug 2016

    Partners in Learning

    Strong connections between schools and parents and whānau are essential to accelerating the achievement of our kids, particularly those at risk of underachieving. This booklet helps parents, families and whānau to form effective relationships and educationally powerful connections. 

  • Published: 21 Mar 2016

    Wellbeing for success: a resource for schools

    Wellbeing for success: a resource for schools has been developed to help schools evaluate and improve student wellbeing. It highlights the importance of schools promoting the wellbeing of all students as well as the need for systems, people and initiatives to respond to wellbeing concerns for students who need additional support.

  • Published: 14 Mar 2014

    Your child's education

    These booklets have been written for everyone who parents a child - those who have care and responsibility for children attending a school. The booklets include questions you can ask, as well as general information that you may find useful. Click on the booklet to read and download.

    Your child's education is an overview of education in New Zealand, from early childhood education through to secondary school. The information and questions are a useful insight into what education looks like in New Zealand and the opportunities available to your child.

  • Published: 10 Jul 2013

    Including Students with High Needs Primary Schools

    This ERO evaluation reports on primary schools' progress in relation to the Government's Success for All policy. Success for All is about getting all schools to demonstrate inclusive practice for students with special needs.

  • Published: 01 Feb 2012

    Partnership with Whānau Māori in Early Childhood Services

    In this evaluation Partnership with Whānau Māori in Early Childhood Education, ERO focused on the extent to which:

    • services understood and valued the identity, language and culture of Māori children and their whānau, particularly when the child and whānau enter the service
    • managers and educators built positive relationships with the whānau of Māori children; and
    • each service worked in partnership with the whānau of Māori children. 
  • Published: 30 Jun 2010

    Including Students with High Needs

    ERO evaluated how well schools included students with high needs. Approximately three percent of the student population have significant physical, sensory, neurological, psychiatric, behavioural or intellectual impairment. ERO’s evaluation showed that approximately half of the schools in the study demonstrated inclusive practice, while 30 percent had ‘pockets of inclusive practice’ and 20 percent had few inclusive practices.