Our research

Ā Mātou Rangahau

In this section of our website you'll find our education system evaluations, effective practice reports, resources and guides. These are produced by Te Ihuwaka | Education Evaluation Centre and Te Pou Mataaho | Evaluation and Research Māori.

Read more about Te Ihuwaka | Education Evaluation Centre.

Read more about Te Pou Mataaho | Evaluation and Research Māori.

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There are 53 research articles.
  • Published: 10 Dec 2020

    Learning in a Covid-19 World: How school leadership rose to the challenge

    Principals and school leaders have taken on a lot of responsibility during the Covid-19 pandemic. The Education Review Office interviewed principals and board chairs and surveyed 1777 principals across the country from May through to September 2020 to understand how they have responded. This summary highlights how those school leaders rose to the challenge.

  • Published: 22 Jun 2023

    Long Covid: Ongoing impacts of Covid‑19 on schools and learning - Summary

    Since 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic has caused significant disruption to schools, their staff, learners, and whānau. Three years on from the start of the pandemic, this report has found significant and concerning ongoing impacts on learners’ progress, particularly for learners in poorer communities, and on teachers and principals.

  • Published: 19 Jan 2021

    A guide to learning in a Covid-19 world - Supporting secondary-aged students into 2021

    This short guide is for school leaders and teachers in schools with secondary-aged students. It covers what we found from talking to schools in 2020 about the impact of Covid-19, and shares strategies used by schools to respond to the challenges they faced. It also sets out some actions that could be considered for continuing to support students, parents, whānau and staff in 2021.

  • Published: 19 Jan 2021

    A guide to learning in a Covid-19 world: Supporting early childhood learners into 2021

    This short guide is for early childhood education leaders and kaiako. It covers what we found from talking to services in 2020 about the impact of Covid-19, and shares strategies used by services to respond to the challenges they faced. It also sets out some actions that could be considered for continuing to support children, parents, whānau and staff in 2021.

  • Published: 19 Jan 2021

    A guide to learning in a Covid-19 world - Supporting primary-aged students into 2021

    This short guide is for school leaders and teachers in schools with primary-aged students. It covers what we found from talking to schools in 2020 about the impact of Covid-19, and shares strategies used by schools to respond to the challenges they faced. It also sets out some actions that could be considered for continuing to support students, parents, whānau and staff in 2021.

  • Published: 10 Dec 2020

    Learning in a Covid-19 World: How schools have stepped up to support students and whānau

    The ongoing coronavirus pandemic has caused significant disruption for students across New Zealand, due to lockdowns, social distancing and ongoing uncertainty. The Education Review Office interviewed 750 schools and surveyed over 2500 principals and teachers across the country, from May through to September 2020, to understand how they have responded. This summary highlights how schools have supported students and their whānau in the face of Covid-19.

  • Published: 10 Dec 2020

    Learning in a Covid-19 World: How early childhood education services helped children and their whānau

    Early childhood education services had to quickly adapt to changing requirements and periods of uncertainty due to Covid-19. During lockdown, services had to transition to supporting children to learn from their homes. After lockdown, they had to support children to return to services and continue their learning in a Covid-19 world. This summary highlights the efforts of early childhood services to support students and their whānau.

  • Published: 28 Jan 2022

    He Iho Ruruku - Ngā Kura ā Iwi perspectives

    In March 2020, the onset of COVID-19 caused major disruptions to key services in Aotearoa including the compulsory education sector. Māori medium education faced complex challenges, and given the abruptness of the situation, tumuaki, kaiako and boards of trustees had to quickly prepare whānau and learners for a new mode of online learning. Tumuaki and kaiako responded well, given the limited time and resources available for distribution.

  • Published: 28 Jan 2022

    He Iho Ruruku - Te Aho Matua perspectives

    In March 2020, the onset of COVID-19 caused major disruptions to key services in Aotearoa including the compulsory education sector. Māori medium education faced multiple complex challenges, and given the abruptness of the situation, tumuaki, kaiako and whānau whakahaere had to quickly prepare whānau and learners for a new mode of online learning.

  • Published: 28 Jan 2022

    He Iho Ruruku - English medium perspectives

    The focus of this report was on Māori learners’ wellbeing within the English-medium setting, and their engagement and learning progress during lockdown and on return to school.

  • Published: 13 Dec 2021

    He Matawai ki Tua: A scan from beyond

    This summary is based on several research publications and articles sourced from the world-wide web. Most research findings are informed by quantitative and qualitative data. UNESCO and UNICEF publications have been major sources of information but are not the only source.

  • Published: 06 May 2021

    Te Muka Here Tangata – The strand that binds people

    This case study explores the impact of the 2020 Covid-19 events on Māori learners in English-medium schools, and the response of leaders, schools and communities in the Bay of Plenty and East Coast regions.

  • Published: 21 Feb 2023

    Attendance: Getting Back to School

    While there are a range of factors that impact on attendance, our research shows that some are more important than others. This report sets out the drivers of attendance that have the biggest impact on whether learners go to school regularly. These include parents’ attitudes, learners’ attitudes, and how learners experience school.  

  • Published: 10 Nov 2022

    Missing Out: Why Aren’t Our Children Going to School?

    Going to school is critical for our children’s futures. The evidence is clear that every day of school matters, missing school leads to lower achievement.  In New Zealand, learners are expected to attend school every day the school is open. And yet many don’t. New Zealand has lower attendance than other countries and alarmingly attendance is falling.