Our research

Ā Mātou Rangahau

In this section of our website you'll find our education system evaluations, effective practice reports, resources and guides. These are produced by Te Ihuwaka | Education Evaluation Centre and Te Pou Mataaho | Evaluation and Research Māori.

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Read more about Te Pou Mataaho | Evaluation and Research Māori.

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There are 215 research articles.
  • Published: 02 Oct 2012

    Alternative Education: An Evaluation of the Pedagogical Leadership Initiative

    In 2011 the Ministry of Education introduced funding for pedagogical leadership in alternative education to improve the quality of teaching and learning. This evaluation examined the impact of that funding initiative by looking at the work of 10 clusters providing alternative education. It also identified a set of principles to provide guidance on good practice.

  • Published: 19 Nov 2015

    Internal evaluation: good practice

    This good practice report showcases 13 schools and how they've used internal evaluation to change their practice to support students to achieve. The findings from this report have informed the joint Ministry of Education and ERO resource Effective School Evaluation: How to do and use internal evaluation for improvement.

  • Published: 04 Sep 2017


    Leadership engages in collaborative consideration of the evidence to inform a considered response to issues identified. Solutions are sought only after a thorough analysis of the problem and consideration of the evidence about what is likely to make the most difference. The implementation of new initiatives is closely evaluated.

  • Published: 04 Sep 2017

    Shared ownership

    Senior leaders at Invercargill Middle School have put processes in place to ensure that all teachers participate in and contribute to the co-construction of decisions about how best to move forward. The principal describes the approach as ‘change coming from the classroom, not the principals office’.

  • Published: 04 Sep 2017

    Student feedback: observing the teacher

    At Otumoetai Intermediate School, Student Learning Leaders learn how to undertake structured classroom observations focused on teaching and learning. The students and staff discuss the process and its impact.

  • Published: 01 Jun 2007

    The Collection and Use of Assessment Information: Good Practice in Secondary Schools

    ERO evaluated the collection and use of assessment information in schools in 2006. The evaluation concluded that more work can be done to improve assessment practice in schools. This complementary report aims to help secondary schools review their assessment practice. It highlights characteristics common to high quality assessment practices and includes examples of good practice.

  • Published: 01 Jun 2007

    The Collection and Use of Assessment Information: Good Practice in Primary Schools

    ERO evaluated the collection and use of assessment information in schools in 2006. The evaluation concluded that more work can be done to improve assessment practice in schools. This report builds on this finding by giving examples of good practice in the collection and use of assessment information in primary schools. The report also includes three detailed case studies.

  • Published: 31 May 2013

    Accelerating the Progress of Priority Learners in Primary Schools

    This national report presents the findings of ERO’s recent evaluation about the extent to which primary schools were using effective strategies to improve outcomes for priority groups of learners. In this report ‘priority learners’ refers to Māori, Pacific, special needs, and students from low income families, who are not achieving at or above National Standards.

  • Published: 04 Sep 2017

    Leadership for equity and excellence

    The senior leadership team are responsible for specific portfolios and work interdependently to realise the shared vision of equity and excellence for all.

  • Published: 04 Sep 2017

    Māori succeeding as Māori

    A school principal talks about how he works with his school community to develop an environment where Māori learners are supported and can succeed as Māori.

  • Published: 04 Sep 2017

    Opportunity to learn: addressing inequity

    In developing new approaches to the teaching of mathematics an analysis of the achievement data showed that some students were not achieving at the levels research suggested were possible.

    Further investigation revealed that students ‘ perceptions of themselves and others’ capability as learners was at the heart of the issue.  Leaders and teachers are focusing on ensuring teachers deliberately facilitate the participation and contribution of every learner.

  • Published: 04 Sep 2017

    Learning-centred relationships: reading together

    This school has implemented the Reading Together programme for many years. Leadership sees the value of the programme in building strong learning relationships with family and whanau and supporting emerging literacy.

  • Published: 04 Sep 2017

    Stewardship: strategic resourcing

    At Manurewa Central School, careful financial management over many years has enabled the provision of high quality facilities and resources that enhance the school environment and learning opportunities available to students and their families and whanau and the community. 

  • Published: 04 Sep 2017

    Stewardship: informed decision making

    At Manurewa Central School, the relationship between the principal and trustees is described in terms of how trust and confidence is built through effective listening and transparent reporting, interrogation and discussion of information.

  • Published: 04 Sep 2017


    Students and teachers at Stonefields School describe how they use ‘learning progressions’ to build students assessment capabilities and teachers opportunities to be responsive to learner needs.

  • Published: 12 Jun 2017

    Equitable opportunities to learn

    At this secondary school leaders and teachers have responded to students’ need for more time to achieve their goals. While not mandatory for either staff or students, lunchtime and after school learning sessions have become the norm.

  • Published: 20 Oct 2011

    Education Outside the Classroom: Schools' Use of EOTC Guidelines

    This evaluation investigates how well schools are using the EOTC Guidelines in their provision of EOTC, how well their EOTC activities complement the curriculum, how well they plan for the safety of EOTC activities, and how well the revised EOTC Guidelines support teaching and safety. This report gives examples of effective EOTC teaching and practices that support safety. The report also identifies where the effectiveness and safety of EOTC could be improved.

  • Published: 04 Sep 2017

    Building resilience and self efficacy

    Students acknowledge the role leaders and teachers play in instilling in them the self-belief to become confident, connected, actively involved,  life long learners