Our research

Ā Mātou Rangahau

In this section of our website you'll find our education system evaluations, effective practice reports, resources and guides. These are produced by Te Ihuwaka | Education Evaluation Centre and Te Pou Mataaho | Evaluation and Research Māori.

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There are 20 research articles.
  • Topics: Assessment, Gifted and Talented Education (GATE), Science
  • Published: 22 Apr 2021

    Science in secondary schools: a guide for leaders

    To support leaders and teachers to review and strengthen the science learning opportunities they provide, ERO explored the strategies and approaches that a selection of schools had taken to increase students’ engagement in science. This short guides draws on this work to help secondary school leaders think about how they can support stronger science teaching and learning in their school.

  • Published: 21 Apr 2021

    Science in secondary schools: a guide for teachers

    To support leaders and teachers to review and strengthen the science learning opportunities they provide, ERO explored the strategies and approaches that a selection of schools had taken to increase students’ engagement in science. This short guides draws on this work to help secondary school teachers think about how they can support stronger science teaching and learning in their school.

  • Published: 20 Apr 2021

    Science in primary schools: a guide for leaders

    To support leaders and teachers to review and strengthen the science learning opportunities they provide, ERO explored the strategies and approaches that a selection of schools had taken to increase students’ engagement in science. This short guides draws on this work to help primary school leaders think about how they can support stronger science teaching and learning in their school.

  • Published: 19 Apr 2021

    Science in primary schools: a guide for teachers

    To support leaders and teachers to review and strengthen the science learning opportunities they provide, ERO explored the strategies and approaches that a selection of schools had taken to increase students’ engagement in science. This short guides draws on this work to help primary school teachers think about how they can support stronger science teaching and learning in their school.

  • Published: 12 Apr 2021

    Growing Curiosity Teaching Strategies to Engage Years 5 to 11 Students in Science

    This report shares teaching approaches and strategies for Year 5 to Year 11 that ERO has identified in a range of schools where students were found to be highly engaged in science. This report should be seen as a resource for leaders and teachers looking to strengthen their teaching of science. It looks at Years 5-11 as they are the critical years for science engagement before learners make final choices on whether to continue in science.

  • Published: 12 Apr 2021

    Science in New Zealand schools and early childhood services - series summary

    Science is important – we rely on science and scientific thinking in almost every endeavour in our modern society. High quality science education at school is essential for learners who want a career in science, but it is also important for all learners to help them understand the scientific issues that whānau, communities, and nations face. Issues such as climate change, healthy living, and innovation all depend on science.

  • Published: 12 Apr 2021

    Science in the Early Years: Early Childhood and Years 1-4

    This report looks at how well science is led in services and schools, how well science is woven through the curriculum, and how well kaiako/ teachers include science in a responsive curriculum. Each section of this report provides leaders, kaiako, and teachers with reflective questions to consider, which could support improvements. We also identify opportunities for improvement at both the individual service / school level, and for the system.

  • Published: 12 Apr 2021

    A guide for parents and whānau on supporting science in early childhood

    Learning science in the preschool years helps children become better problem solvers and critical thinkers. This short guide aims to help parents and whānau of children in early childhood education to understand why science matters for this age group, know what to expect for science teaching and learning for their child, and think about how they can support their child’s science learning journey.

  • Published: 12 Apr 2021

    A guide for parents and whānau on supporting science in primary school

    Learning science in the primary school years helps children become better problem solvers and critical thinkers. This short guide aims to help parents and whānau of children in primary school to understand why science matters for this age group, know what to expect for science teaching and learning for their child, and think about how they can support their child’s science learning journey.

  • Published: 12 Apr 2021

    A guide for kaiako and leaders on supporting science in early childhood

    To support teaching science in the early years, ERO talked to 147 early childhood services across New Zealand to find out what is happening for learners, and to identify good practice. This short guide draws on this work to help early childhood education leaders and kaiako understand what makes a difference for science in early childhood education and identify how they could strengthen science teaching and learning in their service.


  • Published: 01 May 2012

    Science in The New Zealand Curriculum: Years 5 to 8

    In 2011, ERO evaluated the quality of science teaching and learning, its place within the curriculum and its relationship to literacy and numeracy teaching. The evaluation focused on Years 5 to 8 in 100 schools. This report documents the findings of this evaluation.

  • Published: 01 May 2010

    Science in Years 5 to 8: Capable and Competent Teaching

    This Education Review Office report provides examples of good practice in science teaching for Years 5 to 8, in 13 New Zealand state schools. The evaluation included intermediate schools, contributing schools, full primary schools and a Years 7 to 15 secondary school.

  • Published: 01 Jun 2008

    Schools' Provision for Gifted and Talented Students: Good Practice

    In 2008 the Education Review Office evaluated schools’ provision for gifted and talented students.

    School boards of trustees, through their principals and staff, are required to use good quality assessment information to identify students who have special needs (including gifted and talented), and to develop and implement teaching and learning strategies to meet the needs of these students.

    A group of schools was particularly effective in providing for gifted and talented students and ERO has set out their good practice in this report.

  • Published: 01 Nov 2007

    The Quality of Assessment in Early Childhood Education

    Assessment informs an early childhood service’s programme and educators’ teaching practices. ERO evaluated the quality of assessment in all the early childhood services reviewed in Terms 3 and 4, 2006.

    Services were at varying stages in their understanding and implementation of assessment practices, as not all had yet participated in professional development.

  • Published: 01 Jun 2007

    The Collection and Use of Assessment Information: Good Practice in Secondary Schools

    ERO evaluated the collection and use of assessment information in schools in 2006. The evaluation concluded that more work can be done to improve assessment practice in schools. This complementary report aims to help secondary schools review their assessment practice. It highlights characteristics common to high quality assessment practices and includes examples of good practice.

  • Published: 01 Jun 2007

    The Collection and Use of Assessment Information: Good Practice in Primary Schools

    ERO evaluated the collection and use of assessment information in schools in 2006. The evaluation concluded that more work can be done to improve assessment practice in schools. This report builds on this finding by giving examples of good practice in the collection and use of assessment information in primary schools. The report also includes three detailed case studies.

  • Published: 01 Mar 2007

    The Collection and Use of Assessment Information in Schools

    Knowing what students know and can do is fundamental to effective teaching and students’ learning. Teachers need to assess student achievement to know whether or not their teaching is meeting the learning needs of their students.

    In 2006, ERO evaluated how effectively schools collected and used assessment information. This report details the findings of that evaluation and recommends what can be done to make assessment practices in schools more effective.