Our research

  • Published: 09 Mar 2011

    Evaluation at a glance: What ERO knows about effective schools

    Evaluation at a Glance: What ERO Knows About Effective Schools explores five themes from a cross-section of ERO's evaluations in primary and secondary schools over the past four years:

    • A focus on the learner
    • Leadership in an inclusive culture
    • Effective teaching
    • Engagement with parents, whānau and communities
    • Coherent policies and practice in a cycle of continuous self review
  • Published: 28 Feb 2011

    Schools’ Provision for International Students

    The evaluation looked at four aspects of international education (schools' self review, pastoral care, quality of education and social integration) and concluded that most schools were highly effective or generally effective in all four aspects.

  • Published: 26 Nov 2010

    Working with the National Standards: Interim Findings Term 3, 2010

    This is an interim report of findings from 80 schools reviewed in Term 3, 2010.As part of the review process, ERO asked specific questions about each school's use of National Standards, its preparedness for these and how well school leaders, teachers and trustees understood the National Standards. Findings from Term 3 and 4 will be aggregated and published as a national evaluation report in early 2011.

  • Published: 26 Nov 2010

    Kiwisport in Schools - 2010

    Kiwisport is a government initiative aimed at increasing opportunities for school-aged children to participate in organised sport.

    In Terms 2 and 3, 2010, the Education Review Office evaluated the use primary and secondary schools made of Kiwisport funding, and the benefits and challenges of the initiative identified by schools.

  • Published: 05 Oct 2010

    Food, Nutrition and Physical Activity in NZ Schools and Early Learning Services

    In late 2015, the Cabinet Social Policy Committee asked ERO to assess ‘the current status of food, nutrition and physical activity in schools and early childhood services’ and to report on Health Promoting Schools that were included in the sample. We visited 202 early learning services, 46 primary schools and 29 secondary schools in the first half of 2016.

    We asked: How well does the service/school promote positive attitudes to physical activity, and food and nutrition to benefit children?

  • Published: 21 Sep 2010

    Child Youth and Family Residential Schools - September 2010

    This report combines the findings of individual reviews completed for seven schools located in Child Youth and Family residences. These residences cater for adolescents with serious criminal or welfare issues and education is a very important part of their rehabilitation and support. ERO found that the CYF residential schools provided a good education for students with very few areas needing improvement.The report includes recommendations for how residential schools may extend current practices to further improve teaching.

  • Published: 21 Aug 2010

    Child Youth and Family Residential Schools - November 2013

    This report discusses the quality of education at the nine Child Youth and Family (CYF) residential schools. These schools provide education for the young people in New Zealand's Youth Justice and Care and Protection services.The Education Review Office found that the quality of education across most of the CYF schools was not of a consistently high standard. Most of these schools need to make improvements in the delivery of the curriculum, the planning and programme design for individual students, and the processes to transition students to further education, training or employment.

  • Published: 09 Aug 2010

    Working with the National Standards within the New Zealand Curriculum

    ERO evaluated preparedness to work with the National Standards within The New Zealand Curriculum in 228 schools during Terms 1 and 2, 2010. ERO found that most schools were well prepared or had preparation under way, and in many cases the preparations focused on aligning existing benchmarks and expectations with the standards.