- Audience:
- Māori-medium
- Topics:
- Video
Māori-medium education emphasises learner success and the absolute attention to the wider focus on the emotional, physical, spiritual and intellectual wellbeing. This approach to teaching and learning is modelled and upheld across the Māori medium pipeline.
There is a commitment and belief that each learner is a taonga and as such they need to be nurtured and their uniqueness fostered. This is achieved through attending to the needs of the whole child. Each mokopuna is viewed as successful and this continues across their education journey.
The role of teaching and learning itself is identified as a key condition across Māori-medium education, reinforcing the importance of kaiako, kaimahi and whānau in supporting learner success.
Kaiako and kaimahi create close relationships with learners where whanaungatanga provides a sense of belonging and a safe nurturing learning environment. These relationships are used to identify the strengths and needs of learners (including tertiary participation where required). Close relationships are paramount as Māori medium education builds on the importance of a loved learner within a committed community. This also leads to the deeper understanding that education is enhanced by the contribution of others alongside kaiako and kaimahi.
Successful teaching and learning is achieved via multiple learning pathways, contextual learning, experiential learning and localised curriculum. Kaiako and kaimahi are essential to environments that are conducive to Māori enjoying and achieving education success as Māori.
In this video, filmed with leaders, kaiako and founders of the Māori-medium movement, we hear about the vital role of teaching and learning in identifying and nurturing the unique potential of each Māori learner.
“The main goals are for all children to achieve excellence, secondly, to hold fast the scared knowledge and values passed down to them. The heart is the biggest thing, the power of the heart is much more than the mind.” Michelle Ohia, Kaiako, Ngā Taiatea Wharekura
WATCH: Te Kura Huanui: Ako mai Ako atu - Teaching and Learning (In te reo Māori with English captions)