Our research

  • Published: 06 Dec 2021

    The Impact of Covid-19 on Teachers and Principals - Summary

    This short summary of our longer report Learning in a Covid-19 World: The Impact of Covid-19 on Teachers and Principals looks at the impact of Covid-19 on teachers and principals – including how Covid-19 has impacted enjoyment in work and workload. It also sets out examples of how schools can prepare for 2022 and what supports will be needed for teachers and principals.

  • Published: 13 Jun 2024

    Built in, not bolted on - Evaluation of education at specialist day schools

    Specialist day schools provide education to disabled students with high and very high needs. The Education Review Office (ERO) recently completed individual reviews of the quality of education provision in all 27 specialist day schools across Aotearoa New Zealand. This report provides a summary of the findings of the 27 individual reviews.

  • Published: 13 May 2024

    Ready, set, teach: How prepared and supported are new teachers?

    Teachers are the most important influence on student outcomes in schools. To achieve the government’s ambition to raise student achievement, it is critical that our teaching workforce is well prepared and supported. ERO looked at how well prepared and supported our new teachers are.

  • Published: 04 Apr 2024

    Teaching Histories - Implementation of Aotearoa New Zealand’s Histories and the refreshed Social Sciences learning area

    In 2023, teaching Aotearoa New Zealand’s Histories (ANZ Histories) became compulsory for students in Years 1-10. ANZ Histories is part of the refreshed Social Sciences learning area. The Education Review Office, in partnership with the Ministry of Education, wanted to know how the implementation of ANZ Histories and the wider Social Sciences is going. This report describes what we found about the changes and the impacts for students, teachers, and parents and whānau. It also describes the lessons that can help inform the ongoing implementation of the Refreshed Curriculum.

  • Published: 28 Mar 2024

    Time to Focus: Behaviour in our Classrooms

    Good classroom behaviour is critical for creating learning environments in which students can learn and achieve, and teachers can be most effective. But ensuring positive behaviour isn’t just up to schools – it requires shared responsibility and deliberate, joint actions. This report describes the challenging behaviours teachers face in schools, the impact of those behaviours, and recommendations for action. Our companion good practice report also shares examples of how teachers and schools can effectively manage behaviour.

  • Published: 13 Jul 2023

    Preparing and supporting new principals - a guide for school boards

    ERO looked at how new principals are doing in their first five years in the role. We found that new principals are not always well prepared, and many are not confident about their new range of responsibilities. School boards can make a big difference in setting new principals up for success.