Te Kura Ākonga o Manurewa

Education institution number:
School type:
Full Primary
School gender:
Not Applicable
Total roll:

460A Porchester Road, Randwick Park, Auckland

View on map

Te Kura Akonga o Manurewa


1 He Kupu Arataki

Kua mahi ngātahi Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga, ngā whānau, ngā kaiārahi, ngā kaimahi me ngā hapori ki te whakawhanake i ngā tirohanga aromātai e whai wāhi nui ai ki te hāpai i te kawenga takohanga me te whakapaitanga, ki te tautuhi i te ahu whakamua, ā, ki te whakapakari ake hoki i te āheinga ki te aromātai. E hāngai ana tēnei pūrongo ki ā rātou pūnaha, ki ā rātou whakaritenga, me ā rātou mahi whakahaere. Ka whakarato ngā pūrongo a Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga i ngā mōhiohio mātuatua mā ngā hapū me ngā iwi.

2 Te Horopaki

“Tohua ngā whakatipuranga

Ki te inu i te puna,

O te mātauranga

Kia hora ai te whakaruruhau

O te oranga

Ki runga ki te iwi

Kia kaha, kia toa, kia manawanui!”

E tū ana Te Kura Akonga o Manurewa ki te hapori o Manurewa, ki Tāmaki-makau-rau ki te tonga. E whakarato ana te kura i te mātauranga kaupapa Māori ki ngā ākonga o ngā tau 1 ki te 8. Whai muri i te arotake o mua a Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga i te tau 2020, kua pā mai ngā whakarerekētanga nui ki ngā tūnga o ngā kaimahi me ngā kaitiaki o te poari. Kua tonoa e Te Kura Ākonga o Manurewa kia tū hei kura āhuatanga motuhake.  

3 Te Aronga o te Aromātai

He pēhea rawa te whakatinana mai o ngā ākonga i te angitu?

Ka whakarato Te Kura Akonga o Manurewa i tētahi taiao e hāpai ana i ngā ākonga, ā, e whakapuaki ana hoki i ngā whai wāhitanga mō rātou ki te eke angitu.

4 Ngā Whakaaturanga

Te Ārahitanga

Ko tā te ārahitanga i te kura, he mahi whakakotahi, he mahi whakatōpū hoki. Ka whakatauira te tumuaki ki ngā kaimahi me te whānau, ko ngā tūmanako nui mō te eke angitu. He mārama te tirohanga, ā, e poipoi ana te rōpū ārahi i tētahi taiao ako ngaio e aro nui ana ki ngā matea o ngā ākonga. He aronga rautaki ki te waihanga i tētahi hapori ako e arotahi ana ki te waiora o ngā ākonga, me tā rātou eke angitu. Ka whakanuia e te whānau te ārahitanga i āta whakakaha ai i te nui o te tautoko i whiwhi rātou i te nohonga rāhui roa. Ko te tōpūtanga o ngā huarahi ako a te kura, i tū hei tauira kairangi i whakaatuhia ai e te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga mā ētahi atu kura. He pūrongo matawhānui ka whakatutukihia i ia te wā mō ngā paetae ākonga me te ahu whakamua. E ākina ana ngā ākonga kia eke angitu.

Ngā Paetae Ākonga

I whakapiki tonu ngā paetae ākonga, ahakoa te pā mai o te Kowheori ki Tāmaki-makau-rau. Kei te tino māramahia e ngā kaiako ngā taumata paetae a ia ākonga. Ka whakarato rātou i ngā tātari, ā, ka whakatakoto hoki i ngā taumata e hāngai pū ana ki ia akomanga. E tohu ana ngā hōtuku i te whai huatanga o te whakapai ake i ngā putanga o ngā tau 7 me te 8. Ka oke ngā ākonga ki te eke angitu i roto i tā rātou ako.

Te Whakaako me te Ako

He māramatanga pai tō ngā kaiako ki ō rātou tūranga me ā rātou kawenga hei mātanga. Ka āta kitea tā rātou ngohengohe me tā rātou ū ki te waihanga i ngā hōtaka e whakatutuki ana i ngā matea o ngā ākonga me ngā whānau. Ko te whakawhanaketanga ā-kura i te ako matihiko me te ako ā-ipurangi i whakatairanga i ngā paetae ākonga me tā rātou whai wāhi atu ki te ako. He auaha ngā kaiako, ā, i aro nui ki ngā whānau me ngā ākonga i te wā noho rāhui. I mahi ngātahi rātou kia haere tonu ai ngā akoranga i ngā kāinga. Ko tētahi aronga, ko te whakatinana i te mahere ako reo mā te whānau, kia nui ake ai te whai wāhi mai a te whānau. Kua whai wāhi nui ngā ākonga ki ā rātou akoranga.

Ngā Whakaritenga Matua ka whai ake 

Tērā tonu ētahi tino āhuatanga e whakamōrea ana i te hauora me te haumaru o ngā ākonga me ngā kaimahi. Kua whakatutukihia e te poari ngā take katoa e āhei ai rātou mō te āhua tonu o te wāhi ako. Engari, kāhore anō kia whakatutukihia ētahi tino take e pā ana ki te āhua o ngā whare.

Me whakapakari ake i te taha kāwana me te aromātai o roto. He hou katoa te poari, nō muri mai i te haerenga o mua a Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga ki te kura i te Whiringa-ā-nuku o te tau 2020. I tēnei wā kei te whakangungu rātou hei whakapakari ake i ngā whakaritenga kāwana. E noho ngākau nui ana ngā kaitiaki katoa o te poari, ā, ka whai pānga nui ki te whakatairanga tonu i te eke angitu o ngā ākonga. Kei te whanake tō rātou māramatanga ki ngā tini tūāhuatanga o te aromātai o roto. Ko te waiora o ngā ākonga, ko tā rātou eke angitu hoki, kei te pūtake o ngā whakataunga.

5 Te Whakatau ki ngā Wāhanga Tautukunga

I te wā o te aromātai, i tirohia e Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga ngā pūnaha mō te whakahaeretanga o ngā wāhanga e whai ake nei:

  • te haumaru aronganui o ngā ākonga (tāpiri atu ki te ārai i ngā mahi whakawetiweti me ngā mahi whakaaito)

  • te haumaru ā-tinana o ngā ākonga

  • te rēhitatanga o ngā kaiako

  • ngā tukanga ki te whakatū kaimahi

  • te whakaunu, te aukati, te pana me te whakarerenga

  • te tae ā-tinana atu a ngā ākonga ki te kura

  • ngā kaupapa here o te kura, me te whakatutukitanga o ērā i ngā tikanga e pā ana ki te Children’s Act 2014.

Te Taunakitanga

I whakawhanakehia e Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga me poari o te kura ngā taunakitanga e whai ake nei, arā, kia:

  • mahi tonu te kura me te poari ki te taha o te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga, ki te whakatutuki wawe i ngā āhuatanga o ngā wāhi whakaako me ngā whare ako e whakamōrea ana i te hauora tangata

  • whakapakari tonu te poari i tō rātou mōhiotanga ki ngā kawenga kāwana, me tā rātou whakatinanatanga i aua tūāhuatanga.

Rita Walker
Toka ā Nuku Whakakapi
Te Uepū-a-Motu – Māori Services

20 Mahuru, 2022

7 Ngā kōrero e pā ana ki te Kura

Te tūwāhi

Kei Manurewa

Te tau a te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga


Te tūmomo kura

He kura āhuatanga motuhake

Te tokomaha o ngā ākonga o te kura


Ngā hononga ā-iwi

Māori 83

Ngā āhuatanga motuhake

Kura Motuhake

Te wā i te kura te rōpū arotake

Pipiri 2022

Te wā o tēnei pūrongo

20 Mahuru 2022

Ngā pūrongo o mua a 

Arotake Mātauranga, Pipiri 2021; Arotake Mātauranga,
Kohi-tātea 2019

1 Introduction

The Education Review Office (ERO) in collaboration with whānau, leaders, kaimahi and their communities develop evaluation insights that foster accountability and improvement, identify progress and build evaluation capability. This report reflects their systems, operations and management practices. ERO reports provide important information for hapū and iwi.

2 Context

“Tohua ngā whakatipuranga

Ki te inu i te puna,

O te mātauranga 

Kia hora ai te whakaruruhau  

O te oranga 

Ki runga ki te iwi 

Kia kaha, kia toa, kia manawanui!”. 

Te Kura Akonga o Manurewa is based in Manurewa, South Auckland. The kura provides kaupapa Māori education for students Years 1-8. Since the last ERO review in 2020, there have been significant changes to staff and board of trustee's members. Te Kura Ākonga ō Manurewa has made application to be recognised as kura of special character.

3 Evaluation Focus

How well do students demonstrate success? 

Te Kura Akonga o Manurewa provides an environment where students are supported and given the opportunity to achieve success. 

4 Findings


Leadership within the kura is inclusive and collaborative. The Tumuaki models high expectations for achievement to kaimahi and whānau. There is a clear vision and the leadership team have fostered a learning environment that is professional and responsive to student needs. There is a strategic approach in creating a learning community focused on student wellbeing and success. Whānau value the contribution of leadership for the level of support provided during the long period of lockdown. The kura hybrid learning model became the exemplar shared by the Ministry of Education with other Auckland kura. There is regular detailed reporting on student achievement and progress. Students are encouraged to achieve success. 

Student Achievement

Student achievement continued to improve despite the covid situation in Auckland. Kaiako have a clear understanding of achievement levels for each student. They provide analysis and set class focussed targets. Data shows the focus on improving outcomes for Years 7 and 8 has been successful. Students will strive to succeed in their learning. 

Teaching and Learning

Kaiako have a good understanding of their roles and responsibilities as professionals. They display considerable flexibility and commitment in creating programmes that meet the needs of students and whānau. Kura wide development in digital and online learning has enhanced student achievement and engagement. Kaiako were innovative and responsive to whānau and students during lockdown. They worked collaboratively to enable learning to continue at home. There has been a focus on implementing a te reo learning plan for whānau to increase whānau involvement. Students are engaged in their learning.

Key Next Steps

There are still serious health and safety risks to students and staff. The board has addressed all property matters within their control. However, significant issues regarding the state of the buildings have not been addressed.

Governance and internal evaluation needs strengthening. Since ERO was last onsite in October 2020, the board are all new. They are currently undergoing training to strengthen governance practices. All board members are committed and have an investment in improvement in student success. They are developing an understanding of the multiple facets of internal evaluation. Student wellbeing and success is at the core of decision making.

5 Assurance on Legal Requirements

During the evaluation, ERO checked at the following areas:

  • emotional safety of students (including prevention of bullying and sexual harassment)

  • physical safety of students

  • teacher registration

  • processes for appointing staff

  • stand-downs, suspensions, expulsions, and exclusions

  • attendance

  • school policies in relation to meeting the requirements of the Children’s Act 2014.


ERO and the kura board developed the following recommendations:

  • that the kura and board continue to work with the Ministry of Education to urgently address the health risks posed by the state of teaching spaces and buildings 

  • the board continue to improve their knowledge and application of governance responsibilities.

Rita Walker
Acting Toka-ā-Nuku – Director
Te Uepū ā-Motu Māori Review Services

20 September 2022

7 Information about the Kura



Ministry of Education profile number


Kura type

Designated Special Character

Kura roll


Ethnic composition

Māori 83 

Special features

Kura Motuhake

Review team on site

June 2022

Date of this report

20 September 2022

Most recent ERO report(s)

Education Review, June 2021; Education Review, January 2019

Te Kura Akonga o Manurewa

1 He Kupu Arataki

Kua mahi ngātahi Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga, ngā whānau, ngā kaiārahi, me ngā hapori ki te whakatakoto i ngā tirohanga aromātai e whai wāhi nui ai ki te hāpai i ngā whakapaitanga, ki te tautuhi i te ahu whakamua, ā, ki te whakapakari ake hoki i te āheinga ki te aromātai.

2 Te Horopaki

E tū ana Te Kura Ākonga o Manurewa ki te hapori tonu o Manurewa, ki Tāmaki-makau-rau ki te tonga. Nō te tau 1996 te kura i whakatūngia ai e te tarahiti o Ngā Whare Ākonga Kotahitanga, ā, nō rātou te whenua me ngā whare. He nui ngā rerekētanga me ngā wero kua pā ki te kura, whai muri i te arotake o mua a Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga i te tau 2018. Whai muri i taua wā, kua whakatūngia te tumuaki whakakapi ki te tūnga tūturu, ā, he hou hoki te rōpū kaiako. Ko tā te tirohanga kura, kia whakatairangatia tētahi taiao ako e ahu mai ana i ngā uara o te aroha, o te manaaki, o te tiaki, me te whakamana.

3 Te Aronga o te Aromātai

He pēhea rawa ngā whai wāhitanga mō ngā ākonga ki te ako me te eke angitu?

Kua pai ake ngā whai wāhitanga e whakapuakihia ana mā ngā ākonga, kia ako, kia angitu.

4 Ngā Whakaaturanga

E whakawhanake tonu ana te poari kaitiaki i tō rātou āheinga ki te kāwana. I ngā wā ka taea, ka tiaki ngā kaitiaki i ngā whare me ngā rauhanga o te kura. E whakangungutia ana, e tautokona ana hoki rātou hei whakapakari ake i te mōhiotanga me te māramatanga ki ō rātou tūranga me ā rātou kawenga mahi hei kaitiaki. Kua whakawhanakehia e rātou tētahi mahere rautaki me tētahi mahere ā-tau e hāngai pū ana ki te horopaki tonu o te kura. Kei aua mahere tonu te aronga ki te whakatupu i te āheinga o ngā kaimahi me ngā kaitiaki, me te whakapūmau tonu i te tūnga o te kura mō meāke nei. Mā te haere tonutanga o te tautoko me ngā whakangungu e āta whakatau i te whiwhinga o ngā ākonga i te tautoko e hāngai pū ana ki ō rātou ake matea ako, ā, i te whai huatanga ake o ngā whai wāhitanga ki te eke angitu i roto i ngā hōtaka akoranga.

Kua kōkirihia e te tumuaki ētahi whakawhanaketanga papai i te kura. Ko tana aronga i nāianei, ko te whakapūmau i te whakawhirinakitanga ki te taha o ngā kaiako. Ka āta whakarongo ia ki ō rātou whakaaro, ā, ki ērā hoki o te poari. Ko te whakatūnga o tētahi tumuaki tuarua hou me ētahi kaimahi, kua hāpai ake i te tautoko e wātea ana mō rātou i roto i ngā hōtaka akoranga, hei whakapai ake i ngā putanga ako ki ngā ākonga. Kua oti te marau ā-kura, ā, kua tīmata noatia te whakatinanatanga. E whiwhi ana ngā ākonga i ngā hōtaka e whai pūtake ake ana, ā, e aro pū ana hoki ki ngā putanga e whai hua ai i ngā akoranga.

He tino kaha te ngākau nui o ngā kaiako ki te whakaako. Kei te whakawhanake rātou i tō rātou māramatanga ki te aromatawai, ā, me ngā huarahi ki te āta whakamahi ake i te aromatawai hei hāpai i ngā akoranga. E whakamahi ana rātou i ngā hōtuku paetae ākonga i te whakatinanatanga o ā rātou mahere. E hāpaitia ana tā rātou whakawhanake i te pāngarau. E whakawhanakehia ana ngā rautaki hei kōkiri i ngā paetae, puta noa i te kura. Mō te tau 2020, kua whakataungia tētahi tino kaupapa matua mō ngā ākonga o te Tau 8. Kei te tūmāia, kei te harikoa ngā ākonga ki te taiao o te kura.

Ko te reo Māori te reo matua o ngā whakawhitinga kōrero me ngā tohutohu o ngā ākonga me ngā kaiako. Kua whakatinanahia ētahi tino rautaki hei whakapakari i te mōhiotanga o ngā ākonga ki te reo Māori. Ka ū ngā ākonga ki te reo Māori i ngā wā katoa – o roto, o waho hoki i te akomanga.

Ngā Whakaritenga Matua ka whai ake

He whāinga, he tūmanako hoki kei te mahere rautaki o te kura mō meāke nei. Kāhore he mahere mahi kia tutuki ai aua whāinga. Kua tae ki te wā kia waihangatia e ngā kaiārahi o te kura tētahi mahere mahi e whakatakoto ana i ngā taumata me ngā rautaki e mārama ana, e tika ana, e hāngai pū ana hoki mō te whakatairanga ake i ngā paetae ākonga.

Kua tae hoki ki te wā ki te whakamahine me te whakapai ake i ngā tuhinga i te kura, tae atu hoki ki ngā mahere rautaki me ngā mahere ā-tau, kia tāutuhia ake, kia whakapuakihia ake hoki te āhuatanga motuhake o te kura.

Me whakawhanake i tētahi tukanga arotake whaiaro e riterite ana, e hāngai pū ana. E noho matua ana tēnei ki te rōnakitanga pae tawhiti.

Ko tētahi take tonu mō te kura, ko te painga rānei o ngā whare o te kura hei wāhi whakaako, hei wāhi ako. He take hauora, he take haumaru hoki mō ngā ākonga i ēnei whare, ā, he āhuatanga e kawea ana e ngā whānau me ngā kaiako. Me whakatika aua tūāhuatanga e ngā rangatira nō rātou ngā whare me Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga.

5 Te Whakatau ki ngā Wāhanga Tautukunga

I mua atu i te whakahaerenga o te arotake i whakatutukihia e te whānau me te tumuaki he Tauāki Kupu Tūturu a te Whānau mā Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga, me tētahi Rārangi Arowhai Tātari Whaiaro. I roto i ēnei tuhinga i oati rātou i whāia e rātou ngā huarahi whai take hei whakatutuki i ā rātou herenga ā-ture e pā ana ki:

  • ngā whakahaere a te poari;
  • te marautanga;
  • ngā whakahaere mō te hauora, te haumaru, me te oranga tinana;
  • ngā whakahaere o ngā kaimahi;
  • ngā whakahaere o te pūtea;
  • ngā whakahaere o ngā rawa me ngā taonga.

I te wā o te aromātai, i whakamātauhia e Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga ngā āhuatanga i raro iho nei, i te mea he nui te pānga o ēnei ki ngā paetae o ngā ākonga:

  • te haumaru aronganui o ngā ākonga (tāpiri atu ki te ārai i ngā mahi whakawetiweti me ngā mahi whakaaito);
  • te haumaru ā-tinana o ngā ākonga;
  • te rēhitatanga o ngā kaiako;
  • ngā tukanga ki te whakatū kaimahi;
  • te whakaunu, te aukati, te pana me te whakarerenga; me
  • te tae ā-tinana atu a ngā ākonga ki te kura.

Te wāhanga kāhore e tutuki ana e ai ki te ture

  • Kia whakawhanakehia e te poari kaitiaki ngā kaupapa here me ngā tukanga, ngā aratohu, me ngā whakaritenga e kōkiri ana i te whakaratonga o tētahi wāhi hauora, wāhi haumaru hoki mō ngā ākonga me ngā kaimahi, hei tiaki i tō rātou oranga.

[Ture Mātauranga 1989, Wāhanga 3 o ngā Aratohu Whakahaere Mātauranga ā-Motu 5]

6 Ngā Taunakitanga

I whakawhanakehia e Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga me te poari kaitiaki o te kura ngā taunakitanga e whai ake nei, arā:

Kia mahi tonu te kura me te poari kaitiaki ki te taha o ngā ratonga e tautoko ana i a rātou i tēnei wā, ki te:

  • whakapūmau tonu i ngā tukanga me ngā pūnaha e kōkiri tonu ai i ngā paetae ākonga
  • whakarite tonu i te pūnaha o te arotake whaiaro, puta noa i te kura
  • whakamahine tonu, ki te whakapai tonu i ā rātou mahere rautaki me ā rātou mahere ā-tau
  • āta whakatau tonu i te whakatutukitanga o ngā wāhi ako katoa me ngā whare ako katoa i ngā herenga ā-ture me ngā tikanga e pā ana ki te hauora me te haumaru.

Darcy Te Hau
Te Uepū ā-Motu - Māori Review Services

14 Pipiri, 2021 

7 Ngā Kōrero e pā ana ki te kura

Kura Te Aho Matua Te Kura Ākonga o Manurewa
Te tau a Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga 1619
Te tūwāhi Kei Manurewa, ki Tāmaki-makau-rau te tonga

Te tūwāhi

Kei Manurewa, ki Tāmaki-makau-rau ki te tonga

Te tau a te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga


Te tūmomo kura

He kura tuatahi (Tau 1 – 8)

Te tokomaha o ngā ākonga o te kura


Te ira tangata

Kōtiro   38

Tama    50

Ngā hononga ā-iwi



Te taumata o te reo Māori e whakaratohia ana

Taumata 1 (81 – 100%)

Te wā i te kura te rōpū arotake

Whiringa-ā-nuku 2020

Te wā o tēnei pūrongo

14 Pipiri 2021

Ngā pūrongo o mua a Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga 

Arotake Tāpiri 

Arotake Mātauranga

Arotake Mātauranga

Kohi-tātea 2019

Haratua 2015

Poutū-te-rangi 2013

1 Introduction

The Education Review Office, whānau, leaders and communities have collaborated to provide evaluation insights that foster improvement, identify progress and build evaluation capability.

2 Context

Te Kura Ākonga o Manurewa is situated in Manurewa, South Auckland. The kura was established in 1996 by the Ngā Whare Ākonga Kotahitanga Trust, who are the proprietors of the land and buildings. The kura has experienced significant change and challenge from the time of ERO’s last review in 2018. Since then, the acting tumuaki has been appointed to the permanent position as well as a new team of kaiako. The vision for the kura is to promote a learning environment based on the values of aroha, manaaki, tiaki and whakamana.

3 Evaluation Focus

To what extent do students have opportunities to learn and be successful?

Students are receiving improved opportunities to learn and be successful.

4 Findings

The board of trustees (BOT) is continuing to develop its capacity to govern. Trustees maintain the kura buildings and facilities, where possible. They are receiving training and support to build their knowledge and understanding of their roles and responsibilities as board members. They have developed a strategic and annual plan that is specific to the kura context. The plans include a focus on growing the capability of staff and trustees and future proofing the kura. Ongoing support and training for the board will help ensure students receive targeted support to meet their learning needs and improved opportunities for success within the learning programmes.

The tumuaki has led some positive developments within the kura. Her focus now is to build a culture of trust with her kaiako. She listens to their views and those of the board. The appointment of a new deputy principal and staff has increased support available for the learning programmes to improve learning outcomes for students. The marau-ā-kura has been completed and it is in the early stages of implementation. Students receive programmes that are more meaningful and focused on outcomes from learning.

Kaiako have a great passion for teaching. They are developing their understanding of assessment and how to better use it to support learning. They are using achievement data to inform their planning. They are being supported to develop their teaching of pāngarau. Strategies are being developed to accelerate achievement kura-wide. For 2020, a particular priority has been placed on students at Year 8. Students appear confident and happy in the kura environment.

Te reo Māori is the main language of communication and instruction for students and kaiako. Deliberate strategies are implemented to build student knowledge of te reo Māori. The students continually use te reo Māori inside and outside of the classroom. 

Key Next Steps

The kura strategic plan has goals and aspirations for the future. There is no action plan to achieve the goals. It is timely for kura leaders to create an action plan that sets clear, appropriate and specific targets and strategies for raising student achievement.

It is also timely to refine and improve kura documents, including the strategic and annual plans, to better define and reflect the special character of the kura.

There is a need to develop a self-review process that is consistent and focused. This is critical to the long-term sustainability.

The suitability of kura buildings for teaching and learning are an ongoing issue for the kura. The buildings pose health and safety issues for the students which whānau and kaiako have to contend with. This must be addressed by the proprietors and Ministry of Education (MoE).

5 Assurance on Legal Requirement

Actions for Compliance

Before the evaluation, the whānau and Tumuaki completed the ERO Whānau Assurance Statement and Self-Audit Checklists. In these documents they attested that they had taken all reasonable steps to meet their legislative obligations related to:

  • board administration
  • curriculum
  • management of health, safety and welfare
  • personnel management
  • financial management
  • asset management.

During the evaluation, ERO checked the following items because they have a potentially high impact on student achievement:

  • emotional safety of students (including prevention of bullying and sexual harassment)
  • physical safety of students
  • teacher registration
  • processes for appointing staff
  • stand-downs, suspensions, expulsions and exclusions
  • attendance.

Area of non-compliance

The board of trustees develop policies and procedures/ guidelines/practices that facilitate the provision of a healthy and safe environment for students and staff that protects their welfare.
[Education Act 1989, Section 3 of the National Administration Guidelines 5]

6 Recommendations

ERO and the kura board developed the following recommendations:

That the kura and BOT continue to work with the providers that they currently receive support from to further:

  • embed processes and systems to continue to accelerate student achievement
  • establish a system of self-review kura-wide
  • refine and improve their strategic and annual plans
  • ensure all teaching spaces and buildings meet legislative and health and safety requirements.

Darcy Te Hau
Toka-ā-Nuku – Director
Te Uepū ā-Motu – Māori Review Services

14 June 2021

7 Information about the Kura


Manurewa, South Auckland

Ministry of Education profile number


Kura type

Full Primary (Years 1-8)

Kura roll


Gender composition

Boys      50

Girls      38

Ethnic composition



Māori language provision

Level 1 (81-100%)

Review team on site

October 2020

Date of this report

14 June 2021

Most recent ERO report(s)

Education Review

Education Review

Education Review

January 2019

May 2015

March 2013

Te Kura Akonga o Manurewa - 30/01/2019

1 Te Horopaki

Kia kaha, kia toa, kia manawanui

E tū ana Te Kura Ākonga o Manurewa ki te hapori o Manurewa, ki Tāmaki-makau-rau ki te tonga. E whakarato ana te whānau i te mātauranga rumaki reo Māori ki ngā ākonga o ngā tau 1 ki te 8. E whakahaere ana te kura ki ngā whare o tētahi papa e puritia ana, e whakahaerehia ana hoki e te Poari o Ngā Whare Ākonga Kotahitanga.

Whai muri i te arotake o mua a Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga i te tau 2013, kua pā ki te whānau, te poari, ngā kaiārahi matua, me ngā kaimahi ētahi tino whakarerekētanga, tino wero anō hoki hei whakatutukitanga mā rātou. Kua tino rongo ngā kaiārahi me ngā kaimahi i te ngarotanga atu o te tumuaki o mua. Ko ētahi o ngā kaupapa matua i nā tata nei, ko te whakatū i tētahi tumuaki hou, me te whakakī i ngā tūranga kaiako i roto i ngā marama 12 kua pahure ake nei.

2 Ngā Whakaaturanga

Te ako me te whai wāhi atu

E ako ana ngā ākonga ki tētahi taiao e whakapūmautia ana e te kaiako kia piki ake ai te taumata o te mātauranga. E hāngai ana te tikanga whakaaro o te kura ki ngā pūmanawa o te aihe, ā, he kupu whakarite tēnei e whakamārama ana i ngā huarahi ako ā-tinana, ā-wairua, ā-whakaaro, ā-hinengaro hoki o ngā ākonga me te whānau mā te mātauranga rumaki reo Māori. E tautuhi ana tēnei i te kounga o te mātauranga mō ngā ākonga o tēnei kura. E whakawhanake ana ngā kaiako i ngā hōtaka akoranga hei āta whakarite i te pai o te whakawhanaungatanga ki waenga i ngā ākonga, hei tuākana, hei tēina. Ka whakarato rātou i ngā whai wāhitanga mō ngā ākonga ki te whakapakari i ngā pūkenga e tika ana mō te mahi ngātahi, te hāpai i ngā rōpū, me te ārahi anō hoki mā te whakatauira tonu. Ko te aronga o ngā akoranga i ngā hōtaka o te ata puta noa i te kura, ko te hāpai me te kōkiri i te reo matatini me te pāngarau o ngā ākonga mā roto mai i ā rātou rōpū reanga me ā rātou akomanga. I te hōtaka o te ahiahi, ka tahuri ngā kaiako ki ētahi atu wāhanga o te marautanga pērā i te pūtaiao, te hangarau, ngā toi, me te tikanga ā-iwi mā te tini o ngā reanga ki ia rōpū ākonga. E whanake ana te whai wāhi atu a ngā ākonga ki ngā akoranga.

Te whakaako me ngā paetae ākonga

He tāupe te ako a ngā ākonga. E arotahi ana te tumuaki whakakapi ki te whakatairanga ake i te kounga o te whakapuakitanga, puta noa i te kura. I whakamahia ngā hōtuku o te tau 2017 hei whakawhanake i tētahi mahere ka kōkiri ai i te ako a ngā ākonga i te tau 2018. Ko te tātari i ngā hōtuku i tāutu ai i ia ākonga, i ngā rōpū ākonga hoki hei hāpai ake i roto i te reo matatini me te pāngarau. Kei tētahi kaiāwhina te kawenga o te rautaki ki te hāpai i te kohikohi, te whakaemi, me te tātari i ngā aromatawai. Ahakoa kua whakawhanakehia e te kaiāwhina tētahi tukanga kia tutuki haere ngā aromatawai ako matua ki te kura whānui, tē taea pea taua aronga te whakapūmau rawa mō te roanga o te wā.

Ka taea e te nuinga o ngā ākonga te whakawhitiwhiti whakaaro mā te reo Māori. Kua whakaaetia e te tumuaki whakakapi, e te poari hoki te urunga mai o ngā ākonga e iti ana te reo Māori ki te kura. E tautokona ana te whakawhanaketanga o aua ākonga i ō rātou mōhiotanga me ō rātou māramatanga ki te reo Māori. Ka whakamahi ngā kaiako i te whānuitanga o ngā tūmomo rautaki whakawhanake reo, tae atu ki te āta whakapuakitanga mai o ngā kupu hou, te whakatauira mai i ngā whakatakotoranga reo, me te aronga anō hoki ki te tika o te wetewete reo. Ka mahi ngātahi ngā kaiako me ngā kaiāwhina ki te tautoko i ngā ākonga i roto i ngā akomanga, puta noa i ngā rōpū reanga katoa. E ako ana ngā ākonga ki te whakamahi i te reo Māori ki tētahi taiao rumaki reo.

Te ārahitanga

E aro pūmau ana te tumuaki whakakapi ki te whakatairanga ake i ngā paetae ākonga. I whakamahia ngā paetae ākonga o te tau 2017 hei whakatinana haere i tētahi aronga ā-kura e whakatairanga ake ai, e kōkiri ai hoki i ngā putanga o ngā ākonga i te tau 2018. Nā taua āhuatanga, kua whakatinanahia e ia ngā tūmanako ngaio riterite mō ngā kaimahi katoa, puta noa i te kura. Kua whakatakotohia ngā pūnaha me ngā tukanga e ārahi ai i te whakatinanatanga o te marau, hei whakapai ake i te kounga o te whakaako me te ako o ngā ākonga. E whanake ana ngā tūranga me ngā kawenga e whai pānga ana ki te whakahaeretanga.

Te kāwanatanga

E whakapakari ana te poari i tō rātou mōhiotanga ki ngā tūranga me ngā kawenga mahi e pā ana ki te kāwanatanga o te kura. Kua tāutuhia e rātou ngā kaupapa matua e pā ana ki te whakaritenga o ngā hononga papai ki te whānau me ngā rangatira o ngā papa whenua nei. Kua whakatakotohia ngā pūnaha me ngā tukanga hei āta whakarite i te auau o ngā pūrongo e pā ana ki ngā ākonga me ngā whakahaeretanga i te kura. Ahakoa kua whakawhanakehia e te poari ngā tuhinga matua e hāpai ai i te aronga rautaki o te kura, ko te aromātai o roto tētahi wāhanga tonu hei whakawhanake ake.

Ngā wāhanga i tāutuhia ai hei whakawhanake ake

E whanake ana ngā whakaritenga e pā ana ki te kāwana me te whakahaeretanga. Ko te whakamahine tonu i ngā tūranga me ngā kawenga mahi te papa hei whakapiki ake i ngā putanga o ngā ākonga, ka hāpai hoki i te aronga rautaki. Kua tāutu hoki te tumuaki whakakapi me te poari i ngā kaupapa here ake me ngā tukanga ake hei arotake, hei whakapuaki.

He whāiti rawa ngā tūmomo rautaki hei poipoi i ngā matea whakaehu o ngā ākonga. He maha anō hoki ngā tūmomo kōkiritanga whakahirahira e whakawhanake tonuhia ana, kua tata rānei te whakaoti - tae atu ki te āhua o te ākonga i tana putanga i te kura, te marau ā-kura, me te whakatinanatanga o tētahi pūnaha hou mō te whakahaere ākonga - hei hāpai i ngā mahi ki te whakamahere me te pūrongo i te ako a ngā ākonga, tā rātou ahu whakamua, me ā rātou whakatutukitanga. He mahi anō e whai ake ana ki te whakapakari ake i te āheinga o ngā kaiako ki te aroturuki me te kōkiri i ngā paetae ākonga i roto i te pāngarau, me te whakatinana i tētahi aronga e noho nahanaha ake ana ki te whakapuaki i te whakamahinga o te reo Māori ki te kura.

3 Te Whakatau a te Poari ki ngā Wāhanga Tautukunga

I mua atu i te whakahaerenga o te aromātai i whakatutukihia e te poari me te tumuaki he Tauāki Kupu Tūturu a te Poari mā Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga, me tētahi Rārangi Arowhai Tātari Whaiaro. I roto i ēnei tuhinga i oati rātou i whāia e rātou ngā huarahi whai take hei whakatutuki i ā rātou herenga ā-ture e pā ana ki:

  • ngā whakahaere a te poari
  • te marautanga
  • ngā whakahaere mō te hauora, te haumaru, me te oranga tinana
  • ngā whakahaere o ngā kaimahi
  • ngā whakahaere o te pūtea
  • ngā whakahaere o ngā rawa me ngā taonga.

I te wā o te arotake, i whakamātauhia e Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga ngā āhuatanga i raro iho nei, i te mea he nui te pānga o ēnei ki te hauora me te haumaru o ngā ākonga:

  • te haumaru aronganui o ngā ākonga (tāpiri atu ki te ārai i ngā mahi whakawetiweti me ngā mahi whakaaito)
  • te haumaru ā-tinana o ngā ākonga
  • te rēhitatanga me te whai tiwhiketetanga o ngā kaiako
  • ngā tukanga ki te whakatū kaimahi
  • te whakaunu, te aukati, te pana me te whakarerenga;
  • te tae ā-tinana atu a ngā ākonga ki te kura
  • te whakatutuki i ngā herenga ā-ture e pā ana ki Te Ture Oranga Tamariki 2014.

4 Te Taunakitanga

I whakawhanakehia e Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga te taunakitanga e whai ake nei, arā, kia:

  • whakapakarihia e te poari, te whānau, te tumuaki, me ngā kaiako te aromātai o roto, kia pai ake ai hoki te kounga o ngā akoranga a ngā ākonga, ā, hei whakatakoto anō hoki i tētahi tauira ārahitanga e noho pūmau ai ki te kura.

Hei ā hea Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga arotake anō ai i te kura?

Tērā ka whakahaeretia e Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga te arotake whai muri o Te Kura Ākonga o Manurewa i roto i te kotahi ki te rua o ngā tau.

Charles Rolleston Toka ā-nuku

30 Kohitātea, 2019

Ngā Kōrero e pā ana ki te kura

Te tūwāhi

Kei Manurewa, ki Tāmaki-makau-rau

Te tau a te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga


Te tūmomo kura

He kura tuatahi (Tau 1-8)

Te tokomaha o ngā ākonga o te kura


Te ira tangata

Kōtiro 36

Tama 48

Ngā hononga ā-iwi



Ngā āhuatanga motuhake

Taumata 1 - 81-100%

Te wā i te kura te rōpū arotake

Whiringa-ā-rangi 2018

Te rā o tēnei pūrongo

30 Kohitātea, 2019

Ngā pūrongo o mua a Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga

Arotake Mātauranga

Arotake Mātauranga

Arotake Mātauranga

Haratua 2015

Poutū-te-rangi 2013

Whiringa-ā-rangi 2009

1 Context

Kia kaha, kia toa, kia manawanui

Te Kura Ākonga o Manurewa is in Manurewa, South Auckland. The whānau provide Māori medium education for students from Years 1 to 8. The kura operates from buildings on a site that is owned and administered by Ngā Whare Ākonga Kotahitanga Trust.

Since the previous ERO review in 2013, the whānau, board, senior leaders and staff have had to deal with significant changes and challenges. The passing of the previous tumuaki has impacted on leadership and staff. Recent priorities have included the appointment of a new tumuaki and filling kaiako vacancies that have been in place for the past 12 months.

2 Findings

Learning and engagement

Students learn in an environment where kaiako are committed to improving the standard of education. The kura philosophy is based on the attributes of the aihe which is a metaphor to describe the physical, spiritual, mental and psychological learning pathways for students and whānau in a Māori medium setting. This defines what quality education is for students in this kura. Kaiako are developing learning programmes to establish positive relationships amongst students as tuākana and tēina. They provide opportunities for students to build skills required to work cooperatively with others, to guide groups, and to lead by example. The learning focus for morning programmes across the kura is to support and accelerate literacy and numeracy for students within their age-based groups and classes. The afternoon programme enables kaiako to deliver other curriculum areas such as pūtaiao, hangarau, ngā toi and tikanga ā-iwi with mixed-age groups of students. Students’ engagement in learning is developing.

Teaching and achievement

Students’ learning is variable. The acting tumuaki is focused on raising the quality of delivery across the kura. Data from 2017 was used to develop a plan to accelerate student learning in 2018. The analysis of the data identified individuals and groups of students requiring additional support in literacy and numeracy. A strategy to support assessment gathering, collating and analysis has been delegated to a kaiāwhina. Although the kaiāwhina has developed a process to carry out key learning assessments across the kura, this approach is not likely to be sustainable in the longer term.

Most students can communicate in te reo Māori. The acting tumuaki and board of trustees have allowed students with limited te reo Māori to enrol in the kura. These students are supported to develop their knowledge and understanding of te reo Māori. Kaiako use a variety of language development strategies including the deliberate introduction of new vocabulary, modelling language conventions and focussing on grammatical correctness. Kaiako and kaiāwhina work together to provide in-class support for students across all year groups. Students are learning to use te reo Māori in an immersion setting.


The acting tumuaki is committed to raising student achievement. Student achievement data from 2017 was used to inform a kura-wide approach to raise and accelerate learner outcomes in 2018. As a result, she has implemented consistent professional expectations for all kaimahi across the kura. Systems and processes to guide curriculum implementation are in place to improve the quality of teaching and learning for students. Management roles and responsibilities are developing.


The board of trustees is strengthening their knowledge of governance roles and responsibilities. They have identified priorities related to establishing positive relationships with the whānau and proprietors. Systems and processes are in place to ensure regular reporting about students and kura operations. Although the board of trustees has developed key documents to support the strategic direction of the kura, internal evaluation is an area for development.

Identified areas of development

Governance and management practices are developing. Ongoing refinement related to roles and responsibilities is based on improving outcomes for students and supporting the strategic direction. The acting tumuaki and board of trustees have also identified specific policies and procedures that need to be reviewed and actioned.

The range of strategies to cater for the diverse needs of students is limited. There are also a number of important initiatives that are under development or near completion, including the graduate profile, the marau ā-kura and the implementation of the new student management system to support the planning and reporting of students’ learning, progress and achievement. Further work is required to build kaiako capability to monitor and accelerate student achievement in pāngarau and to implement a more deliberate approach to grow the use of te reo Māori within the kura.

3 Board assurance on legal requirements

Before the evaluation, the board of trustees and principal completed the Board Assurance Statement and Self-Audit Checklists. In these documents they attested that they had taken all reasonable steps to meet their legislative obligations related to:

  • board administration

  • curriculum

  • management of health, safety and welfare

  • personnel management

  • financial management

  • asset management.

During the evaluation, ERO checked the following items because they have a potentially high impact on student safety and wellbeing:

  • emotional safety of students (including prevention of bullying and sexual harassment)

  • physical safety of students

  • teacher registration and certification

  • processes for appointing staff

  • stand-downs, suspensions, expulsions and exclusions

  • attendance

  • compliance with the Vulnerable Children Act 2014.

4 Recommendation

ERO has developed the following recommendation that:

  • the board, whānau, tumuaki and kaiako strengthen internal evaluation in order to improve the quality of student learning and to create a sustainable leadership model in the kura.

When is ERO likely to evaluate the kura again?

The next ERO evaluation of Te Kura Ākonga o Manurewa will be over the course of 1-2 years.

Charles Rolleston Toka ā-nuku

30 January 2019

About the Kura


Manurewa, Auckland

Ministry of Education profile number


Kura type

Full Primary (Year 1-8)

Kura roll


Gender composition

Girls 36

Boys 48

Ethnic composition



Māori language provision

Level 1 - 81-100%

Review team on site

November 2018

Date of this report

30 January 2019

Most recent ERO report(s)

Education Review

Education Review

Education Review

May 2015

March 2013

November 2009