TKKM o Hurungaterangi

Education institution number:
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School gender:
Kura Kaupapa Maori
Total roll:

114 Sunset Road, Mangakakahi, Rotorua

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Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Hurungaterangi - 25/07/2017

Ngā Whakaaturanga

E tū ana Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Hurungaterangi ki Rotorua. Ka kitea ki ngā ākonga tō rātou oranga ā-tinana, ā-wairua, ā-whatumanawa hoki, tō rātou māramatanga ki ō rātou mana āhua ake, me te mōhio, te whakaute hoki mō rātou anō, ā, mō ētahi atu hoki. He pakari tō rātou reo Māori, ā, e whakamana ana rātou i ngā akoranga tuku iho e whakatinanahia ana i te ao hurihuri nei.

Tērā ka whakahaeretia e Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga te arotake whai muri o Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Hurungaterangi i roto i ngā tau e toru, arā, ko Te Rākeitanga. 

1 Te Horopaki

E tū ana Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Hurungaterangi ki Rotorua. Ka whakarato te whānau i te mātauranga mō ngā tau 1 ki te 13. E whakahaere ana mā ngā mātāpono o Te Aho Matua, ā, e whai pānga matua ana hoki Te Aho Matua ki te mātauranga e whāngaihia ana.

I whiriwhirihia e te whānau, ko Rongomātāne me te māra te aronga o tēnei arotake. I arotahi taua kaupapa ki ngā tikanga tuku iho e whakamahia ana i tēnei ao hurihuri, me ngā hononga ki waenga i te tangata me te taiao māoriori, tūturu hoki.

2  Te Tino Uaratanga

He pēhea rawa ngā ākonga e whakatinana ana i ō rātou pūmanawa ake, kia puāwai ai ō rātou tino pitomata?

Ka kitea ki ngā ākonga tō rātou oranga ā-tinana, ā-wairua, ā-whatumanawa hoki, tō rātou māramatanga ki ō rātou mana āhua ake, me te mōhio, te whakaute hoki mō rātou anō, ā, mō ētahi atu hoki.

Te Ira Tangata

Ka kitea te tākare o ngā ākonga ki te ako. E pou here ana Te Aho Matua i ngā hononga i ngā akoranga. Ka whai wāhi matua te whānau ki tētahi taiao i waihangatia ai ki ngā uaratanga, ngā whakapono, me ngā tikanga anō hoki o Te Aho Matua. Ko Rongomātāne me te māra te kaupapa ako puta noa i te kura, ā, nā tēnei i tūhonohono haere ngā ākonga i ngā tikanga tuku iho i te ao hurihuri, i manaaki hoki rātou i te whenua, ā, i whakamana hoki rātou i ngā mōhiotanga me ngā pūkenga o ngā atua Māori. Ka toro atu anō hoki aua hononga ki te āhua o te manaakitanga o ngā ākonga ki waenga i a rātou anō, tae atu hoki ki ngā kaiako, ngā mātua, me ngā tūmomo rōpū hapori. Nā ngā hōtaka akoranga ka whai wāhi ngā ākonga ki te whakatinana i aua mōhiotanga ki ngā tikanga e whakatairanga ana i te whakaaro whānui ki te whānuitanga o ngā tūmomo horopaki. Ka akiaki te whānau i ngā ākonga ki te whakamahi i aua uaratanga, whakapono, mōhiotanga, tikanga hoki i a rātou e taunekeneke ana ki ētahi atu i ngā tūmomo horopaki. Ka kōkiri te ākonga i a ia anō, ka tū takitahi, ā, ka ngana hoki ki te ako.

Te Reo

He pakari ngā ākonga ki te whakawhitiwhiti kōrero mā te reo Māori. E noho pūmau ana te whānau ki ngā whāinga rautaki e whakapakari ana i te reo. Ko te whānuitanga o ngā tūmomo hōtaka akoranga ngaio mā ngā kaiako me ngā mātua, e hāpai ana ki te whakapakari ake i te āheinga reo. Ka whakaemi, ka tātari hoki ngā kaiako i ngā hōtuku reo matatini hei tāutu i ngā matea o ia ākonga. Ka whakamahi rātou i aua hōtuku ki te whakahāngai i ngā rautaki ako ki te whakawhānui i te matatau o ngā ākonga ki te kōrero, te pānui, te whakarongo, me te tuhituhi i roto i te reo. He pūnaha aroturuki, he whakaritenga anō hoki e ārahi ana i ngā mahi a ngā kaiako ki te aru i te ahu whakamua o ia ākonga i roto i te reo Māori, ā, ki te whakatutuki anō hoki i ō rātou matea i roto i te hōtaka akoranga. E ākina ana te tūhura o ngā ākonga i te reo mā ngā kīwaha, ngā mōteatea, me ngā whakataukī. Ka whakahāngai ngā kaiako i ngā hōtaka ki ngā hanganga reo e tika ana mō ia rōpū reanga, ka akiaki rātou i ngā ākonga ki te tūhura i ngā tūmomo taera, ā, ka whakapuakihia ki a rātou te reo Māori e kōrerohia ana ki te whānuitanga o ngā tūmomo horopaki. Ka whakatairanga ngā kaiako i te hīraurau hopanga o ngā ākonga, mā te āta akiaki i tā rātou aro nui ki ngā hua o ngā rapanga e whāia ana e rātou i roto i ā rātou akoranga. Ka rumakina ngā ākonga ki te hōhonutanga o ngā tūmomo horopaki ako reo.

Ngā Iwi

He manawa whakahī tō ngā ākonga mō ō rātou tātai whakapapa, tātai hononga anō hoki ki te whānau, te hapū, me te iwi. Ka whakanuia te whanaungatanga mā te whakamana i te whakapapa o Hurungaterangi, i ngā hononga ki a Te Arawa, ā, i ngā tūmomo hononga ā-hapū, ā-iwi anō hoki o ngā ākonga me te whānau. Ka whai pānga matua te manaakitanga ki te āhua o te tū o ngā ākonga hei tangata whenua, me ā rātou kawenga mahi puta noa i te kura. Ka ārahi, ka hāpai aua tūmanako i ngā tikanga whakaaro ako o te whānau me ngā ākonga. E whakarato ana ngā wheako ako i ngā whai wāhitanga mō ngā ākonga ki te whakahonohono i roto i te hapori whānui tonu. Tū ai ngā kaupapa i ia te wā kia taunekeneke ngā ākonga ki ētahi atu i roto i ngā hākinakina, ngā kaupapa ahurea, ā, ka whakawhanaunga atu hoki hei tangata whenua ki ngā manuhiri nō tāwāhi, ka whai wāhi atu hoki ki ngā hōtaka ā-hapori. E hāpai ana aua taumahi ki te poipoi i te whanaungatanga ki ngā hapori whānui, ā, ka kitea ā-kanohi hoki rātou i ngā huihuinga Māori. E tū pakari ana ngā ākonga nā tō rātou mōhiotanga ki tō rātou reo, tō rātou tuakiri, me tō rātou ahurea.

Te Ao

Ka kitea ki ngā ākonga ngā tino pūkenga ki te āta whakatewhatewha me te āta tūhura haere i te ao Māori me te ao whānui. Ko te aronga ako a te whānau, ko te whakarato i ngā mōhiotanga, ngā pūkenga, me ngā whakaritenga tuku iho ki ngā ākonga i roto i tētahi wāhi ako moroki. Ka hāpai ngā atua Māori i te whakatinanatanga o te whānau i ngā whakaritenga ki te manaaki, te whakaute, me te aroha hei kaitiaki. Ko ngā tūranga me ngā kawenga mahi a ngā ākonga me te whānau e poipoi ana i aua whakaritenga ki te whānuitanga o ngā tūmomo horopaki, puta noa i te kura. Ko te pākiki tētahi āhuatanga e whai pānga nui ana ki te hōtaka akoranga. E ākina ana ngā ākonga ki te whakatewhatewha, te tūhura, me te rangahau anō hoki i ngā tūhonohono ki roto i te taiao māoriori, tūturu hoki. E āhei ana rātou ki te whakatewhatewha i ngā whakaritenga ake a te iwi me te whai pānga nui o ēnei ki te ahurea. Nā te hangarau mōhiohio ka whakapā atu ngā ākonga ki te ao whānui, ā, ka whai wāhi atu hoki ki te tūhura i ētahi atu taiao. Ka whakawero aua rautaki i ngā ākonga ki te tūhonohono, me te whakamahi i ō rātou pūkenga ki te whānuitanga o ngā tūmomo horopaki e whakawhānui ana i tō rātou tirohanga ki te ao. Ka āta aro nui ngā ākonga ki ngā tikanga o te ao Māori e whakatinanahia ana i te ao hurihuri nei.

Āhuatanga Ako

E tino aro nui ana ngā ākonga ki ngā whai wāhitanga ako. Ka arotahi te kounga o te mātauranga ki ngā painga mō ngā ākonga. Ko Te Aho Matua me Ngā Hua o te Ako ētahi tuhinga matua e whakarato ana ki ngā kaiako me te whānau te tino aronga me te ārahitanga ki te whakatutuki i ngā tūmanako, puta noa i te kura. Ka kawe ngātahi ngā kaiako me te whānau i ngā mahi ki te aroturuki i te ahu whakamua o ngā ākonga i ia rā, ki te whānuitanga o ngā tūmomo horopaki ako. Ka whai wāhi nui, ka whai pānga nui anō hoki te whānau ki te tāutu i ngā whāinga ako a ā rātou tamariki. Ka whakamahi ngā kaiako i aua whāinga ki te whakatinana haere i ngā mahere hōtaka me ngā whakaritenga aromātai, ā, ki te aroturuki anō hoki i te ahu whakamua o ngā ākonga i roto i ngā akoranga. Ka whakaemi ngātahi te whānau me ngā kaiako i ngā hōtuku e pā ana ki te ako a ngā ākonga. Ka whai wāhi atu te whānau ki ngā tirohanga ki te ngana o ngā ākonga i te kāinga me te hapori whānui. Ka whakamahi ngā kaiako i te whānuitanga o ngā tūmomo taputapu aromatawai whānui o te reo matatini me te pāngarau, ā, i ngā tūmanako ako hoki o te kura, ki te aroturuki i te ahu whakamua o ngā ākonga me ā rātou whakatutukitanga. Ka hāpai te whakapuakitanga o ngā taumahi ako i te whai wāhi atu o ngā ākonga ki ngā wheako e whai pūtake ana, e whai kiko ana. He ngana, he pākiki hoki ngā ākonga ki te ako.

Te Mātauranga i te Wharekura

He aronga tuitui tā ngā kaiako ki te marautanga i te wharekura. Ka whakahāngai rātou i ngā akoranga a ngā ākonga ki Te Taumata Mātauranga ā-Motu kua Taea. E wātea ana ki ngā ākonga te katoa o te marautanga, ā, e whakarato ana i ngā huarahi mō ngā akoranga me ngā tohu mātauranga ka whai ake. Ka āta aroturukitia te ahu whakamua me ngā whakatutukitanga o ia ākonga. Ka arotahi ngā ākonga ki te ako.

Ngā wāhanga i tāutuhia ai e te kura hei whakawhanake ake

Kāhore anō kia oti ngā tuhinga e pā ana ki te arohaehae i te tumuaki. Me mahi te whānau ki te taha o Te Rūnanga Nui o Ngā Kura Kaupapa Māori o Aotearoa ki te whakapakari ake i te tukanga nei.

3 Te Arotake Whaiaro me te Ārahitanga

Ko te kounga o te arotake o roto tētahi tino āhuatanga e whai hua ana. E arotahi ana ngā mahi aromātai o roto ki ngā whakapaitanga, ā, e hono ana ki Te Aho Matua me Ngā Hua o te Ako. Pūrongotia ai ngā putanga i te mutunga o ia tau. E hāngai ana ngā pūrongo ki ngā kaupapa matua a te whānau i roto i ia mātāpono o Te Aho Matua, ā, ka whakamahia hei whakamōhio i te aronga rautaki a te whānau.

Kua whakatinanahia te aronga ki te ārahi ngātahi. Ka whai wāhi nui te whānau, ngā kaiako, me ngā kaimahi ki te ārahitanga. E arotahi ana rātou ki ngā tino painga mō ngā ākonga, i runga anō i te āhua o ngā uaratanga, ngā whakapono, me ngā tikanga o Te Aho Matua. E poipoi ana taua aronga i te kawe ngātahi i ngā whakaritenga me te whai wāhi atu ki ngā whakataunga. Ka whakapuaki ngātahitia ngā tūranga ārahi me ngā kawenga mahi, ki waenga i ngā ākonga, te whānau, ngā kaiako, me ngā kaimahi. 

4 Te Whakatau a te Whānau ki ngā Wāhanga Tautukunga

I mua atu i te whakahaerenga o te arotake i whakatutukihia e te poari me te tumuaki he Tauāki Kupu Tūturu a te Whānau mā Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga, me tētahi Rārangi Arowhai Tātari Whaiaro. I roto i ēnei tuhinga i oati rātou i whāia e rātou ngā huarahi whai take hei whakatutuki i ā rātou herenga ā-ture e pā ana ki:

  • ngā whakahaere a te poari
  • te marautanga
  • ngā whakahaere mō te hauora, te haumaru, me te oranga tinana
  • ngā whakahaere o ngā kaimahi
  • ngā whakahaere o te pūtea
  • ngā whakahaere o ngā rawa me ngā taonga.

I te wā o te arotake, i whakamātauhia e Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga ngā āhuatanga i raro iho nei, i te mea he nui te pānga o ēnei ki ngā paetae o ngā ākonga:

  • te haumaru aronganui o ngā ākonga (tāpiri atu ki te ārai i ngā mahi whakawetiweti me ngā mahi whakaaito)
  • te haumaru ā-tinana o ngā ākonga
  • te rēhitatanga o ngā kaiako
  • ngā tukanga ki te whakatū kaimahi
  • te whakaunu, te aukati, te pana me te whakarerenga
  • te tae ā-tinana atu a ngā ākonga ki te kura.

Ki tā Te Rūnanga Nui o Ngā Kura Kaupapa Māori o Aotearoa titiro, kāhore Ngā Whanaketanga Rumaki Māori e āta whakatutuki ana i ngā tini āhuatanga katoa o Te Aho Matua. Kāhore te kura e pūrongo ana i ngā paetae ākonga mā Ngā Whanaketanga Rumaki Māori.

Kia tutukihia ai e te whānau āna herenga ā-ture, me tahuri rātou ki te:

  • arohaehae i te tumuaki me te tuhi haere i aua mahi i ia tau, hei whakatutuki i ngā whakaritenga i whakatakotohia ai ki ngā kaupapa here me ngā tukanga o te kura
    [Te Kahiti o Aotearoa me ngā Kirimini ā-tōpū mō te Whiwhi Mahi e whai pānga ana]
  • whakamahi i Ngā Whanaketanga Rumaki Māori, hei whakatutuki i ngā whakaritenga herenga ā-ture a te Hekeretari o te Mātauranga, mō ngā mahi pūrongo. 
    [Ngā Aratohu Whakahaere Mātauranga ā-Motu 1, Ngā Aratohu Whakahaere Mātauranga ā-Motu 2A(b), (c), me (d)] 

5 Te Taunakitanga

Kia toro atu te whānau ki te āwhina o Te Rūnanga Nui o Ngā Kura Kaupapa Māori o Aotearoa, ā, kia mahi ngātahi hoki rātou ki Te Rūnanga Nui ki te whakatutuki i ngā herenga ā-ture.

Te Whakarāpopototanga

E tū ana Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Hurungaterangi ki Rotorua. Ka kitea ki ngā ākonga tō rātou oranga ā-tinana, ā-wairua, ā-whatumanawa hoki, tō rātou māramatanga ki ō rātou mana āhua ake, me te mōhio, te whakaute hoki mō rātou anō, ā, mō ētahi atu hoki. He pakari tō rātou reo Māori, ā, e whakamana ana rātou i ngā akoranga tuku iho e whakatinanahia ana i te ao hurihuri nei.

Hei ā hea Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga arotake anō ai i te kura?

Tērā ka whakahaeretia e Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga te arotake whai muri o Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Hurungaterangi i roto i ngā tau e toru, arā, ko Te Rākeitanga. 

Lynda Pura-Watson

Kaiurungi Whakaturuki Arotake Māori 

25 Hōngongoi, 2017 

Ngā kōrero e pā ana ki te kura 

Te tūwāhi

Kei Rotorua

Te tau a te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga


Te tūmomo kura

Tau 0 - 13

Te tokomaha o ngā ākonga o te kura


Te ira tangata

Kōtiro 48

Tama tāne 40

Ngā hononga ā-iwi



Ngā āhuatanga motuhake

Te Aho Matua

Te wā i te kura te rōpū arotake

19 Pipiri 2017

Te wā o tēnei pūrongo

25 Hōngongoi, 2017

Ngā pūrongo o mua a Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga 

Arotake Mātauranga Te Aho Matua

Arotake Mātauranga Te Aho Matua  

Haratua 2013

Whiringa-ā-nuku 2009


Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Hurungaterangi is in Rotorua. Students demonstrate physical, spiritual and emotional wellbeing, an awareness of their uniqueness and knowledge and respect for themselves and others. They are confident speakers of te reo Māori and value the traditional learning to apply in a contemporary setting.

The next ERO review of Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Hurungaterangi will be in three years – Te Rākeitanga – Expansive Evaluation. 

1  Context

Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Hurungaterangi is in Rotorua. The whānau provide an education for Years 1 – 13. They operate in accordance with the principles of Te Aho Matua, which is an integral part of the education provision.

The whānau selected Rongomātane and the maara as the focus for the review. This kaupapa focussed on traditional practices in a contemporary setting and the interrelationships of people with the natural and physical environment.

2  Te Tino Uaratanga

How well do students demonstrate individual talents to achieve their potential?

Students demonstrate physical, spiritual and emotional wellbeing, an awareness of their uniqueness and knowledge and respect for themselves and others.

Te Ira Tangata

Students show they are enthusiastic learners. Te Aho Matua underpins relationships in learning. The whānau are an integral part of creating an environment based on values, beliefs and practices of Te Aho Matua. The school wide learning themes of Rongomātane and the maara enable students to make connections with traditional practices in a contemporary setting, care for the whenua and respect for atua Māori knowledge and skills. These connections are transferred into caring relationships students have with each other, kaiako, parents and community groups. Learning programmes provide students with opportunities to apply this knowledge into tikanga that promotes diverse thinking in a range of contexts. The whānau encourage students to use these values, beliefs knowledge and practices when they interact with others in different contexts. Students are self-motivated and independent engaged learners.

Te Reo

Students are confident communicators in te reo Māori. The whānau are committed to the strategic goals to strengthen the language. A range of professional learning programmes for kaiako and parents help with building language capability. Kaiako gather and analyse literacy data to identify individual’s needs. They use this data to focus learning strategies on extending students language proficiency in speaking, reading, listening and writing. Monitoring systems and practices guide kaiako tracking of individuals’ progress with te reo Māori and responding to their needs in learning programme. Students are encouraged to explore language through kīwaha, mōteatea and whakataukī. Kaiako focus the programmes on language structures appropriate to age groups, encourage students to explore different genre and expose them to speakers of te reo Māori in a range of settings. Kaiako promote challenge with student’s thinking by encouraging them to be solution focussed to overcome problems in their learning. Students are immersed in rich language learning contexts.

Ngā Iwi

Students are proud of their ancestral links and connections to whānau, hapū and iwi. Whanaungatanga is emphasised from acknowledging the whakapapa of Hurungaterangi, the connections to Te Arawa and links students and whānau have in relation to their place in the hapū and iwi. Manaaki is an integral part of school wide tangata whenua roles and responsibilities. These expectations guide and support whānau and student learning philosophies. Learning experiences provide students with opportunities to establishing relationships in the local and wider communities. There are regular events for students to engage with peers in sporting and cultural activities, interacting with overseas visitors as tangata whenua and participating in local community programmes.  These activities help to foster positive relationships in diverse communities and contributes to their visibility in Māori settings. Students are secure in their language, identity and culture.

Te Ao

Students display the skills to confidently investigate and explore te ao Māori and te ao whānui. The whanau learning focus is to provide students with the traditional knowledge, skills and practices to apply in a modern learning setting. Ngā atua Māori helps whānau to implement practices of care, respect and aroha as kaitiaki.  Roles and responsibilities for students and whānau foster these practices in a range of school wide contexts. Curiosity is an integral part of the learning programme. Students are encouraged to investigate, explore and research interrelationships of the natural and physical environments. They are able to investigate iwi specific practices of cultural significance. Information communication technology give students access to the wider world and opportunity to explore other environments. These strategies challenge students to make connections, use their skills in a range of contexts to extend their world view. Students respond positively to the traditions of te ao Māori in a contemporary setting.

Āhuatanga Ako

Students are highly responsive to learning opportunities. The quality of education is focussed on outcomes for students. Te Aho Matua and Ngā Hua o te Ako are key documents that provide kaiako and whānau with clear direction and guidance to fulfil school wide expectations. Kaiako and whānau share responsibility for monitoring student progress daily in a range of learning contexts. Whānau play and important role in identifying their children’s learning goals. Kaiako use these goals to inform programme planning, evaluation practices and monitoring students’ progress in learning. Whānau and kaiako collectively gather data about students’ learning. The whānau contribute observations of student engagement at home and wider community. Kaiako use a range standardised literacy and numeracy assessment tools and school wide learning objectives to monitor students’ progress and achievement. The delivery of learning activities supports students to engage in purposeful and meaningful experiences. Students are engaged inquisitive learners.

Wharekura Education

Kaiako follow an integrated approach in the wharekura curriculum. They align student’s learning to the National Certificates of Achievement (NCEA).  Students have access a full curriculum that provides pathways for future learning and achievement of qualifications. Individual progress and achievement is carefully monitored. Students are focussed learners.

Kura-identified areas of development

Documentation for appraisal of the tumuaki is incomplete. The whānau must work with Te Runanganui o Ngā Kura Kaupapa Māori (TRN) to strengthen the process.

3 Self Review and leadership

The quality of internal review is a strength. Internal evaluation practices are improvement focussed linked to Te Aho Matua, Ngā Hua o te Ako. Outcomes are reported annually at the close of the year. Reporting is based on whānau priorities for each of the mātāpono of Te Aho Matua that are used to inform the whānau strategic direction.

A collaborative model of leadership is in place. Whānau, kaiako and kaimahi are an integral part of leadership. They are focussed on positive outcomes for students based on the values, beliefs and practices of Te Aho Matua. This approach fosters sharing of responsibilities and contribution to decision making. Leadership roles and responsibilities are shared amongst students, whānau, kaiako and kaimahi.

4 Whānau assurance on legal requirements

Before the review, the board of trustees and principal completed the ERO Whānau Assurance Statement and Self-Audit Checklists. In these documents they attested that they had taken all reasonable steps to meet their legislative obligations related to:

  • board administration
  • curriculum
  • management of health, safety and welfare
  • personnel management
  • financial management
  • asset management.

During the review, ERO checked the following items because they have a potentially high impact on student achievement:

  • emotional safety of students (including prevention of bullying and sexual harassment)
  • physical safety of students
  • teacher registration
  • processes for appointing staff
  • stand-downs, suspensions, expulsions and exclusions
  • attendance.

It is the view of Te Rūnanga Nui o Ngā Kura Kaupapa Māori o Aotearoa that Ngā Whanaketanga Rumaki Māori do not adequately reflect the dimensions of Te Aho Matua. The kura has not reported student achievement in relation to Ngā Whanaketanga Rumaki Māori.

In order for the Whānau to meet compliance requirements they must:

  • Implement  the school policy and procedures of appraisal for the principal annually
    [NZ Ed Gazette: and relevant employment agreement]
  • Use Ngā Whanaketanga Rūmaki Māori to fulfil legislative reporting expectations to the Secretary of Education.

[NAG 1,NAG 2A (b),(c) and (d)]

5 Recommendation

The whānau seek assistance and work with the TRN to meet legislative requirements.


Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Hurungaterangi is in Rotorua. Students demonstrate physical, spiritual and emotional wellbeing, an awareness of their uniqueness and knowledge and respect for themselves and others. They are confident speakers of te reo Māori and value the traditional learning to apply in a contemporary setting.

When is ERO likely to review the kura again?

The next ERO review of Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Hurungaterangi will be in three years – Te Rākeitanga – Expansive Evaluation. 

Lynda Pura-Watson

Deputy Chief Review Officer Māori 

25 July 2017 

Information about the Kura 



Ministry of Education profile number


Kura type

Year 0 - 13

Kura roll


Gender composition

Girls 48

Boys 40

Ethnic composition



Special features

Te Aho Matua

Review team on site

19 June 2017

Date of this report

25 July 2017

Most recent ERO report(s)

Te Aho Matua Review

Te Aho Matua Review

May 2013

October 2009

Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Hurungaterangi - 15/05/2013

1 He Whakamārama

He Kōrero Whakataki

E aromātai ana te arotake Te Aho Matua i te kounga o te mātauranga e whakawhiwhia ana ki ngā ākonga, me te whakahaere a te poari ki te whakarato i ngā ratonga mātauranga.

Ka tino whai hua te pūrongo i te aromātai e whakaatu mai ana i ngā painga ake i ngā akoranga o ngā ākonga, i te wā e whakarato ana ngā pūrongo i ngā tino mōhiohio e pā ana ki ngā putanga hua ki ngā ākonga.

Ngā Kōrero mō te Kura

Kei hea

Kei Rotorua

Te tau a te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga


Te tūmomo kura

Tau 0 – 13

Ngā kaiako: mai i te rārangi ingoa ētahi atu te maha o ngā kaiako

6.0 6.0

Te rārangi ā-kura


Ngā hononga ā-iwi

Māori 76

Te ira tangata

Tama tāne 38 Kōtiro 38

Ngā āhuatanga motuhake

Te Aho Matua Kura

Te wā i te kura te rōpū arotake

Poutū-te-rangi 2013

Te rā o tēnei pūrongo

Haratua 2013

Ngā pūrongo o mua a te Tari Arotake Mātauranga

Arotake Mātauranga, Haratua 2009

Arotake Whakatū, Poutū-te-rangi 2006

Arotake Whakatū, 2002

2 Te Whakarāpopototanga Te Aho Matua

Ko te manu ka kai i te miro, nōna te ngahere

Ko te manu ka kai i te mātauranga, nōna te ao

Ka āta kitea te whakatinanatanga o ngā mātāpono o Te Aho Matua, ki ngā whakaritenga i te kura. He aronga ēnei mō te whānau o te kura, me ā rātou mahi, ā rātou kaupapa hoki. Ka whakapūmau ngā mātāpono i te whakawhanaketanga o te waiora ā-tinana, ā-wairua, ā-whatumanawa hoki o ngā ākonga, ā, ka whakapuakihia ki te noho o ngā ākonga me te whānau i ia rā.

Ka tino hāpai te whānau i ngā mātāpono o Te Aho Matua. Ka hāpai ake ngā mātāpono i tō rātou whakawhanaketanga, tō rātou waiora hoki ko ngā ākonga, me tā rātou whai wāhitanga anō hoki ki te ao Māori. Ko tā rātou whakamana i aua mātāpono e tautoko ana hoki i tā rātou whai wāhi mātātoa ki ngā kaupapa kapa haka ā-motu. Ka eke angitu ngā ākonga nā tā rātou pukumahi, tā rātou whakapau kaha anō hoki. Ka whakatauirahia ngā mātāpono pērā i te kiritoa, te ngākau nui, me te paihere, hei kawenga anō hoki mā ngā tamariki.

E whai ana te ārahitanga o te kura i te whakataunga a Te Rūnanga Nui o Ngā Kura Kaupapa Māori o Aotearoa, kia tatari i tā rātou whai wāhitanga ki Ngā Whanaketanga Rumaki Māori.

I kitea e te Tari Arotake Mātauranga:

  • E mōhio ana ngā ākonga ki tō rātou tū motuhake, ā, e whakaatu ana hoki rātou i tō rātou mōhiotanga, tā rātou noho whakaute hoki ki a rātou anō, ki ētahi atu hoki.
  • He mātau ngā ākonga ki te whakaaro, te kōrero, te pānui, me te tuhituhi i roto i te reo Māori, ā, ka rongo hoki rātou i te whānuitanga o ētahi atu reo.
  • He manawa whakahī tō ngā ākonga mō ō rātou hapū, ō rātou iwi hoki.
  • He mārama ki ngā ākonga ngā tirohanga hou, ngā tirohanga tuku iho hoki o te ao Māori, te ao whānui, me ngā tūmomo taiao.
  • Ka whakaongaongatia ngā hinengaro o ngā ākonga ki tētahi taiao e whakatairanga nui ana i te ako.

Whakaritenga Whaimuri

E whakapono ana te Tari Arotake Mātauranga e āhei ana te poari ki te whakahaere i te kura, i runga i te whai whakaarotanga nui ki ngā ākonga me te Karauna, ā, e āhei ana hoki rātou ki te whakatinana i ngā whakapainga i tāutuhia ai ki tēnei pūrongo.

Ka arotakehia anō e te Tari Arotake Mātauranga te kura, i roto i ngā tau e toru.

3 He Whakamārama

Te Tirohanga a te Whānau mō Te Aho Matua

Ko te manu ka kai i te miro, nōna te ngahere

Ko te manu ka kai i te mātauranga, nōna te ao

Ko te tirohanga mō ngā ākonga o Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Hurungaterangi, kia tautāwhi rātou i Te Aho Matua, ā, kia oke rātou ki te hiranga.

Te Tauāki o Ngā Putanga o Te Aho Matua

Kei te whakahaeretia Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Hurungaterangi i raro i ngā mātāpono o Te Aho Matua. Ka āta kitea aua mātāpono ki te wawata o te whānau me ngā kaiako ki te whakarato i te mātauranga o te kounga kairangi mō ngā ākonga.

Te Kaupapa Aromātai

I whakaritea e te whānau ko Te Matatini te kaupapa arotahi mō tēnei arotake. Nō nā tata tonu nei a Te Arawa i whakatū ai i Te Matatini, mō te tau 2013. I tū ngā kaiako, ngā mema hoki o te whānau ki tēnei whakataetae. Ko te whakariterite i tēnei kaupapa, he tino whai wāhitanga mō ngā ākonga ki te kite i te whānuitanga o ngā mahi me ngā whanonga e whai pānga ana ki te hiranga, me te eke angitu. Ka whakahihiri tēnei kaupapa i ngā ākonga – ki roto, ki tua atu hoki i te akomanga, ā, i whakatairanga anō hoki i ō rātou wawata.

4 Ngā Whakaaturanga Aromātai o ngā Kaupapa

Ngā Tino Uaratanga

He pakari te kiritau, te whakatoatoa, me te kiritoa o ngā ākonga, ā, kua āta whakawhanakehia hoki ō rātou pūmanawa ki te ārahi.

Te Ira Tangata

E mōhio ana ngā ākonga ki tō rātou tū motuhake, ā, e whakaatu ana hoki rātou i tō rātou mōhiotanga, tā rātou noho whakaute hoki ki a rātou anō, ki ētahi atu hoki.

Ka whakapuakihia ngā mātāpono o Te Aho Matua ki te ahurea me te taiao o te kura, ā, ka āta kitea ki ngā whakaritenga i te kura. He aronga ēnei mō ngā mahi me ngā kaupapa i te kura me ngā akomanga, ā, ka ārahi hoki i te whanonga o te whānau, ngā kaimahi, me ngā ākonga. Ka whakapūmautia te waiora ā-tinana, ā-wairua, ā-whatumanawa hoki o ngā ākonga, nā tā rātou ū ki ngā mātāpono. Ka whai pānga anō hoki Te Aho Matua ki te noho o ngā ākonga me ngā whānau i ia rā.

He ratarata, he harikoa hoki ngā ākonga, ā, ka atawhai anō hoki i ngā manuhiri i te kura. He pakari te whanaungatanga ki waenga i te whānau me ngā ākonga. Ka whakatauira ngā pākeke me ngā ākonga tuākana i ngā tūmanako e pā ana ki ngā whanonga, te whakawhanaungatanga, te whakapūmautanga, me ngā pūmanawa ki te eke angitu. He tauira anō hoki i waenga i te whānau me ngā kaimahi, mō ngā ākonga. E mōhio ana te whānau o te kura me ngā ākonga, ka puta te hiranga i te pukumahi me te kiritoa. Ka kitea tēnei i te wā ka tū ngā kaiako me te whānau ki te haka i ngā atamira ā-rohe, ā-motu hoki. E mōhiotia ana, e māramahia ana hoki e ngā ākonga te nui o ngā mahi kia eke ki taua taumata. Nō mai rā anō te pakari o Te Arawa i roto i te ao kapa haka, ā, e tākare ana ngā ākonga ki te whai i ngā tapuwae o ō rātou tīpuna. Ka tautoko te kura i a rātou ki te mahi pēnei, ā, ka whakanuia hoki ā rātou mahi angitu.

Ka ako hoki ngā ākonga i ngā mahi whakahirahira a te tāne me te wahine. E tino mōhio ana rātou ki ngā tūranga me ngā kawenga mahi i ngā pōwhiri. Ka whakaatu ngā ākonga i tō rātou mōhiotanga ki ngā tūmomo mahi, kawenga hoki i te marae, i a rātou e tae atu ana ki ngā hui. Ko te manaakitanga tētahi āhuatanga e kawea ana e rātou i aua wā. Ka whakamahia hoki ngā tikanga, hei rautaki ki te whakahaere i te akomanga, i te whanonga hoki.

Nō nā tata tonu nei Te Matatini i tū ai i te rohe o Te Arawa. Ko ngā māramatanga o ngā ākonga ki ngā tūranga me te ārahitanga, i āta whakapūmautia ake nā tā rātou tae ā-tinana atu ki Te Matatini. I whakanui ake anō hoki tēnei i te ngākau nui o ngā ākonga ki te kapa haka me te eke angitu. Ka tau mai anō hoki tēnei ngākau nuitanga ki te akomanga, ā, ka tino whakahihiri anō tonu i ngā ākonga i roto i ā rātou akoranga.

Ko te waiora ā-tinana o ngā tamariki e āta poipoia ana nā ngā hōtaka hauora i te kura. Ka whai wāhi ngā ākonga ki te whānuitanga o ngā taumahi, ā, ka tino tautokona hoki e ngā kaiako me te whānau. Kua whakaritea ngā pūnaha hauora, haumaru hoki, ā, ka arotakengia i ia te wā.

He manawa whakahī tō te whānau mō ā rātou tamariki, ā rātou mahi me ngā mahi hoki o ō rātou whanaunga i tū ai ki te atamira, i whakapau kaha hoki, ā, i tū mō tō rātou hapū, tō rātou iwi hoki, ā, hei tauira tonu mō ā rātou tamariki.

  • Ka whakaatu ngā ākonga i tō rātou mōhiotanga ki te tuakana me te teina.
  • Ka whai wāhi ngā ākonga ki te whānuitanga o ngā horopaki e whakamahi ana i ngā tūmomo karakia, ngā waiata, me ngā mōteatea.
  • E mōhio ana, e tautoko ana, e noho whakaute ana hoki ngā ākonga ki te tū a te wahine me te tū a te tāne.
  • Ka whakamanahia, ka poipoia, ka whakaaro nuihia ana ngā ākonga.

Te reo Māori

He mātau ngā ākonga ki te whakaaro, te kōrero, te pānui, me te tuhituhi i roto i te reo Māori, ā, ka rongo hoki rātou i te whānuitanga o ētahi atu reo.

He nui ngā tūmanako o te whānau kia reo Māori ai te taiao. Ka whakapakaritia te reo Māori o ngā ākonga nā te ū tonutanga ki ngā mātāpono o Te Aho Matua. Ka kitea tēnei ki te tikanga kia kōrerohia te reo Māori i ngā wā katoa. Ka tautokona tēnei aronga e te kaupapa here e pā ana ki te whakauru tamariki ki te kura. E mōhiotia ana, e whakapūmautia ana hoki e te whānau te tūmanako kia kōrero ā rātou tamariki i te reo Māori, ā, kia ako rātou ki tētahi taiao reo Māori anō hoki.

He mātau ngā kaiako ki te kōrero i te reo Māori o Te Arawa, me te whakatauira i te tūmanako o te kura e pā ana ki te reo Māori. Ko ngā whakawhitinga kōrero katoa o ngā ākonga – ā-hoa, ā-akomanga hoki – mā te reo Māori. Ko Te Matatini tētahi tino ariā akoranga i whai hua ai kia piki ake ngā ākonga i tō rātou āheinga ki te kōrero i te reo Māori. Ka kōrero, ka pānui, ka tuhituhi hoki ngā ākonga i ā rātou wheako i Te Matatini.

Ko ngā taumata paetae ākonga mō te tau 2013, ka whai pānga anō hoki ki te pānui, te tuhituhi, me te reo kōrero. Ka tohu ngā paetae o te tau 2012, i te ahunga whakamua a ngā ākonga. Kua tāutuhia ngā ākonga kāhore anō kia eke ki te taumata e hiahiatia ana, ā, ka whakarato i ngā huarahi ka tautoko i a rātou ki te whakapakari i ā rātou akoranga, tā rātou ahunga whakamua hoki.

Ka whakamōhiotia te whānau mō te ahunga whakamua o ngā ākonga nā ngā hui kanohi ki te kanohi, me ngā pūrongo o ia te wā ki ngā mātua.

  • He pakari te whai wāhi atu a ngā ākonga ki te whānuitanga o ngā tūmomo whakawhitinga kōrero, tae atu ki ngā kōrero ōpaki, ōkawa hoki ki mua i te hunga mātakitaki.
  • He pārekareka ki ngā ākonga te whakapuaki reo ki te taha o ētahi atu.
  • Ka rangahau, ka tuhi kōrero hoki ngā ākonga mō te kapa haka.
  • Ka whai wāhi ngā ākonga ki te whānuitanga o ngā taumahi reo matatini e whakawhānui ana, e whakawero ana hoki i a rātou.

Ngā Iwi

He manawa whakahī tō ngā ākonga mō ō rātou hapū, ō rātou iwi hoki. Nō ngā hapū me ngā iwi o Te Arawa rāua ko Ngāi Tūhoe rātou. He pērā anō hoki ngā hononga ā-whakapapa o ngā kaiako. Ko te arotahi rautaki a te whānau, ko ngā akoranga a ngā ākonga ki a rātou anō, ki ō rātou tūrangawaewae anō hoki. Ko ngā tohu i whakawhanakehia ai, e hāpai ana i te aromatawai o te ahunga whakamua a ngā ākonga ki te whakapakari me te whakahōhonu ake o tō rātou mōhiotanga ki te whānau, te hapū, me te iwi.

I ngā wā pōwhiri, ka kitea te mōhiotanga o ngā ākonga ki ngā tikanga o Te Arawa me Hurungaterangi. Ka tū pakari rātou hei tauira o ngā kawa o Te Arawa, ā, ka whakatinana tōtikatia ngā kawenga mahi a ngā tāne me ngā wahine. Ko ngā mōteatea o ō rātou iwi, ō rātou hapū hoki e waiatatia ana hei tautoko i ngā kaikōrero. Ka tautoko ngā kaumātua i te kaupapa me te kura.

He pakari ngā ākonga ki te kawe tōtika i ngā tūranga mahi. Ka haere tonu ngā whakaritenga mō aua mahi i ngā wā katoa, ā, e mōhio ana ngā ākonga katoa, ka pātai tētahi ki a rātou ā tōna wā ki te taki. He toki ngā kaiako i te ao kapa haka, ā, e mōhiotia ana, e tauirahia ana hoki tēnei āheinga e ngā ākonga o te kura. Ko te oke ki te angitu i roto i te kapa haka, he āhua tonu i tau ai ki te kura, ā, ka hāngai ake hoki tēnei ki ētahi atu kaupapa i te kura.

Ko ngā haerenga i ia tau ki te moutere o Mokoia, he wā whakahirahira mō ngā ākonga, ngā kaiako, me te whānau. Ka āta whakariterite mō taua haerenga, ā, kāhore i te tino ngāwari te āhua o ngā rauhanga i te moutere. I a rātou e noho ana ki reira, ka āta rumakina ngā ākonga ki ngā hītori me ngā kōrero tuku iho e pā ana ki ō rātou tīpuna.

Ka whai wāhi hoki ngā ākonga ki ngā haerenga i te takiwā, me te tae ā-tinana atu ki ngā kaupapa a te iwi, te whai wāhi hoki ki ngā akoranga. Ka whakamahere ngā kaiako me te whānau i ngā taumahi e hāngai ana ki te noho ā-hapū i roto i ngā rōpū. Ka whai wāhi hoki ngā whānau ki ngā akoranga, ā, ka ako hoki rātou ki te taha o ā rātou tamariki i aua wā.

  • Haere ai ngā ākonga ki ngā kaupapa a te whānau, te hapū, me te iwi.
  • Ka kitea te tino aronga toi whenuatanga o ngā ākonga ki ō rātou hapū, ō rātou iwi hoki.
  • Ka pānui, ka tuhituhi, ka kōrero, ka waiata hoki ngā ākonga mō ō rātou hapū, ō rātou iwi hoki.

Te Ao

He mārama ki ngā ākonga ngā tirohanga hou, ngā tirohanga tuku iho hoki o te ao Māori, te ao whānui, me ngā tūmomo taiao.

He āhuatanga nui ki te whānau me ngā kaimahi o te kura, kia haere tonu ngā ākonga ki te tū hei kaiārahi haka, hei tino kaihaka anō hoki, pērā ki ō rātou tīpuna, ō rātou kaiako, ō rātou whānau hoki. Ko te tūmanako, kia tū rātou ā tōna wā, mō tō rātou hapū, tō rātou iwi hoki, ki ngā taumata ā-kura, ā-rohe, ā-motu hoki. E tūmanako ana, he whai wāhitanga anō hoki tēnei mō ngā ākonga ki te whakawhānui ake i tā rātou titiro, mai i te iwi ki te ao whānui.

E tino hāpaitia ana ngā ākonga ki te tūhura i tō rātou ao me te ao whānui. Ka whakaritea ngā haerenga me ngā taumahi. Nā te tautoko o te whānau, e āhei ana ngā ākonga ki te whai wāhi ki te whānuitanga o ngā taumahi e whakawhānui ake ana i te taiao akoranga ki tua atu i te akomanga. He pai te whakaritenga o ngā haerenga, ā, ka tāutuhia hoki ngā putanga. Kua tonoa te kapa haka kia haere ki tētahi hui o ngā tāngata taketake, ka tū ki Ahitereiria. Ka pupū ake te taha whakataetae i te kura. Ko te whai wāhi atu a ngā ākonga ki ngā kaupapa whakataetae, e whakanui ana i te angitu me te kaha, ā, ka tāutuhia, ka whakanuia hoki aua āhuatanga.

He pai ngā pūnaha whakawhiti kōrero ki waenga i te kura me te whānau. Ko ngā pānui me ngā hui ā-whānau i ia te wā, e akiaki ana i te whai wāhitanga a te whānau ki ngā tūmomo kaupapa me te whakatau hoki i ngā whakaritenga.

E whakahou ake ana te kura i ngā pūnaha hangarau mōhiohio, kia piki ake ai te whai huatanga o ēnei. Engari, he nui tonu ngā mahi hei whakatutuki ki tēnei āhuatanga.

  • He manawa whakahī tō ngā ākonga, ka tū rangatira hoki rātou ki te kapa haka, ā, he pakari tō rātou tū mō tō rātou kura.
  • He kaha ngā ākonga ki te kawe ake i ngā wero.
  • E mōhio ana ngā ākonga ki ngā kōrero tuku iho, ngā tikanga hoki o ō rātou hapū me ō rātou iwi.
  • E mōhio ana ngā ākonga ki ngā whai wāhitanga e wātea ana ki a rātou i te ao whānui.

Āhuatanga Ako

Ka whakaongaongatia ngā hinengaro o ngā ākonga ki tētahi taiao e whakatairanga nui ana i te ako.

Ka whakamahia ngā tohu Mauriora o Te Aho Matua, puta noa i te kura, ā, ki ngā āhuatanga katoa o ngā mahi whakamahere i ngā akomanga. He matawhānui, he riterite hoki ngā mahere, ā, ka whakamahere ngātahi ngā kaiako. Ko ngā mahere a ngā kaiako mō te kaupapa o Te Matatini, ka tuituia ki ngā wāhanga ako katoa. He pai ngā whakaritenga a ngā kaiako, ā, ka noho rite rātou ki te whakaako. He muramura, he ātaahua hoki te taiao o ngā akomanga, ā, ka whakanuia, ka whakaatuhia hoki ngā mahi a ngā ākonga.

Ka whakarato ngā kaiako i ngā kōrero urupare, ngā whāinga hoki – mā te kōrero, mā te tuhituhi hoki – hei whakamōhio i ngā ākonga mō tā rātou ahunga whakamua.

Ka whakamahia ngā hōtuku aromatawai hei whakarōpū i ngā ākonga i roto i te pānui me te pāngarau.

He tākare ngā ākonga ki te whai wāhi ki te hōtaka akoranga, ā, e mōhio ana hoki rātou ki tēnā e tūmanakohia ana mō rātou. Ka ngana atu, ka arotahi hoki rātou ki ngā akoranga.

Nā ngā whakawhitinga kōrero ki te whānau, ka arotake i ngā whakaritenga me ngā tukanga ki te whakapai ake. Ka kawe ngā tāngata tika i ngā whāinga ka whakatutukihia. Ka whai wāhi hoki te whānau ki te arohaehae i ngā kaiako.

Ka tino tautoko te whānau i ngā tukanga e whakamahia ana ki te whakawhanake i te ahurea akoranga o te kounga kairangi ki te kura.

He mea nui i nāianei, kia whakawhanake ake te kura i ngā tukanga aromatawai pakari, hei aromatawai i te ahunga whakamua me ngā whakatutukitanga a ngā ākonga ki ngā wāhanga katoa o te marautanga. E āhei ana hoki tēnei whakawhanaketanga ki te whakawhānui ake i ngā mōhiotanga aromatawai, ngā mahi aromatawai hoki, ki ngā ākonga me te whānau.

He tākare ngā ākonga ki te ako.

Ka whakapuaki ngā ākonga i ō rātou whakaaro me ō rātou huatau.

Ka whakaatu ngā ākonga i tō rātou mōhiotanga ki ngā pūmanawa e tika ana mō te eke angitu.

5 Te Whakatau Te Aho Matua a te Whānau ki ngā Wāhanga Tautukunga

Hei whakatutuki te poari i āna kawenga i whakaaetia ai, me tahuri te poari ki te:

5.1 whakatinana i Ngā Whanaketanga Rumaki Māori mō ngā ākonga. [Ngā Aratohu Whakahaere Mahi mō te Motu 2a, b, c].

6 Ngā Taunakitanga

E taunaki ana te Tari Arotake Mātauranga kia whai whakaaro te poari ki te:

  • whakahou ake i ngā hangarau mōhiohio i te kura, hei whakawhānui ake i ngā whai wāhitanga ako a ngā ākonga, ā, hei hāpai ake hoki i te tūhura haere o ngā ākonga i te ao whānui.

7 Whakaritenga Whaimuri

E whakapono ana te Tari Arotake Mātauranga e āhei ana te poari ki te whakahaere i te kura, i runga i te whai whakaarotanga nui ki ngā ākonga me te Karauna, ā, e āhei ana hoki rātou ki te whakatinana i ngā whakapainga i tāutuhia ai ki tēnei pūrongo.

Ka arotakehia anō e te Tari Arotake Mātauranga te kura, i roto i ngā tau e toru.

Makere Smith Kaiwhakahaere ā-Motu mō ngā Ratonga Arotake Māori (Te Uepū ā-Motu)

15 Haratua 2013

1 Background


A Te Aho Matua review evaluates the quality of education received by students and the performance of the Board of Trustees in providing education services.

Reported evaluation of improvements in student learning will be most useful to a board where the board is able to provide reliable achievement information.

About the Kura



Ministry of Education profile number


Kura type

Year 0 - 13

Teaching staff: Roll generated entitlement Other Number of teachers

6.0 6.0

Roll number


Ethnic composition

76 Māori

Gender composition

Boys 38 Girls 38

Special features

Te Ao Matua Kura

Review team on site

March 2013

Date of this report

May 2013

Previous ERO reports

Education Review, May 2009

Establishment Review, March 2006

Establishment Review, 2002

2 Te Aho Matua Summary

Ko te manu kai i te miro, nona te ngāhere

Ko te manu kai i te mātauranga, nona te ao

Ngā matapono o Te Aho Matua are clearly demonstrated in kura practices. These provide direction for kura whānau and their actions and activities. The matapono sustain the development of the student’s physical, spiritual and emotional wellbeing and are carried over into the daily lives of students and whānau.

Whānau are strong in their support of the principles of Te Aho Matua. The principles support the development and wellbeing of their students and themselves as participants in te ao Māori. Adherence to these principles supports their active participation in national kapa haka events. Students receive high levels of success through hard work and effort. Self discipline, dedication and commitment are some of the mātāpono that they modelled for children to adopt.

Thekura leadership is guided by a decision made by Te Rūnanganui o Ngā Kura Kaupapa o Aotearoa to delay their involvement and participation in Ngā Whanaketanga Rumaki Māōri

ERO found that:

  • Students are aware of their uniqueness and demonstrate knowledge of and respect for themselves and others.

  • Students are competent thinkers, speakers, readers and writers in te reo Māori and exposed to a range of other languages.

  • Students exhibit personal pride in their hapū and iwi.

  • Students understand contemporary and traditional views of te ao Māori, the wider world and the physical worlds.

  • Students are intellectually stimulated in an environment conducive to learning.

Future Action

ERO is confident that the board of trustees can manage the kura in the interests of the students and the Crown and bring about the improvements outlined in this report.

ERO will review the kura again in three years.

3 Introduction

Whānau Te Aho Matua Vision

Ko te manu kai i te miro, nona te ngāhere

Ko te manu kai i te mātauranga, nona te ao

The vision for the students of Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Hurungaterangi is that they embrace Te Aho Matua and strive towards excellence.

Te Aho Matua Outcome Statement

Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Hurungaterangi operates in accordance with the principles of Te Aho Matua. These principles are strongly reflected in the desire of the whānau and kaiako to provide a high quality education for students.

Evaluation Kaupapa

The whānau selected Matatini as the focus for the review. Te Arawa has just completed holding the Matatini 2013. Kaiako and whānau members were involved in performances. Preparation for this event provided students with opportunities to see a range of activities and behaviours that lead to excellence and achievement. This kaupapa was motivating for students both in and out of the classroom as well as influencing student aspiration.

4 Evaluation Kaupapa Findings

Ngā Tino Uaratanga

Students have self esteem, self confidence, self discipline and well developed qualities of leadership.

Te Ira Tangata

Students are aware of their uniqueness and demonstrate knowledge of and respect for themselves and others.

Ngā matapono o Te Aho Matua are expressed in the kura culture and environment and are clearly demonstrated in kura practices. They provide direction for kura and classroom actions and activities and guide whānau, staff and student conduct. Student’s physical, spiritual and emotional wellbeing is sustained through their adherence to ngā mātāpono. The impact of Te Aho Matua carries over into student and whānau daily lives.

Students are friendly, happy and welcoming of visitors to the kura. Whānau and students have a strong sense of whanaungatanga. Adults and older students model expectations of behaviour, relationships, commitment and qualities required to achieve. Students see role models among whānau and staff. The kura whānau and students understand that achieving excellence comes with hard work and self discipline. They acknowledged this when kaiako and whānau perform kapa haka on the regional and national stage. Students know and understand the effort needed to get there. Kapa haka has always been a strength of Te Arawa and students are keen to follow in the footsteps of their tipuna. The kura supports them to do this and celebrates their success.

Students also learn about the importance of the respective roles of men and women. They are well versed in the roles and responsibilities in powhiri. Students demonstrate knowledge of marae roles and responsibilities when they attend marae hui. Manaakitangata is part of their responsibility in this environment. Tikanga is used as a classroom and behaviour management strategy.

Te Matatini was recently held in Te Arawa. Students’ perceptions of roles and leadership were further embedded through their attendance at Te Matatini. This further increased the passion students have for kapa haka and high achievement. This passion filters into the classroom and provides strong motivation for students in their learning.

The physical wellbeing of children is well catered for through the health programmes in the kura. Students participate in a variety of activities and are well supported by kaiako and whānau. Health and safety systems are in place and reviewed regularly.

Whānau are proud of their tamariki, their efforts and the efforts of their whanaunga who grace the stage, work hard, represent their hapū and iwi and are role models for their children.

  • Students demonstrate concepts of tuakana/teina.

  • Students participate in a range of situations where different karakia, waiata and moteatea are used.

  • Students know about, accept and respect gender difference.

  • Students feel valued, nurtured and respected.

Te Reo Māori

Students are competent thinkers, speakers, readers and writers in te reo Māori and exposed to a range of other languages.

Whānau have high expectations for a te reo Māori speaking environment. Student’s te reo Māori is strengthened through adherence to Te Aho Matua principles. This is reflected in the requirement to speak te reo Māori at all times. The enrolment policy supports this focus. Whānau know and uphold the expectation that their children are speakers of te reo Māori, learning in a te reo Māori speaking environment.

Kaiako are competent speakers of te reo Māori no Te Arawa and model the kura expectation for te reo Māori. All students’ social and learning conversations are in te reo Māori. Te Matatini provided an effective learning platform for students to increase their te reo Māori capability. Students talk, read and write about their experiences at Te Matatini.

Student achievement targets for 2013 include reading, writing and oral language. The achievement data from 2012, shows that students are making progress. Those who are not achieving at expectation are identified and support provided to strengthen their learning and progress.

Whānau are informed about student progress through face to face meetings and regular reports to parents.

  • Students confidently engage in a range of verbal exchanges which include informal and formal conversation to an audience.

  • Students enjoy sharing language with others.

  • Students research and write about kapa haka.

  • Students participate in a range of literacy activities that extend and challenge them.

Ngā Iwi

Students exhibit personal pride in their hapū and iwi. They come from different hapū and iwi of Te Arawa and Ngai Tuhoe. Kaiako also have similar whakapapa links. The strategic focus for the whānau is on students’ learning about who they are and where they belong. Developed indicators support assessment of students’ progress in the strengthening and deepening of their knowledge of whānau, hapū and iwi.

During powhiri students demonstrate knowledge of Te Arawa tikanga, no Hurungaterangi. They stand tall and are proud exponents of Te Arawa kawa and confidently carry out roles and responsibilities of men and women. Moteatea from their iwi and hapū are sung to support speakers. Kaumātua tautoko the kaupapa and the kura.

Students carry out leadership roles confidently and effectively. Preparation for this task is ongoing and all students know they may be asked to lead at any time. Kaiako are expert kapa haka exponents and this capability is known and emulated by students of the kura. Striving for excellence in kapa haka has become normalised and this ethic extends to other kura activities.

Annual visits to Mokoia Island are a special time for students, kaiako and whānau. In-depth preparation occurs as living conditions on the island are basic. While there, students are steeped in history and stories about the deeds of their tipuna.

Students also participate in trips around the area, attending iwi events and participating in learning. Kaiako and whānau plan activities connected to hapū house grouping. Whānau, contribute to learning as well as learning alongside their children during this time.

  • Students attend whānau, hapū and iwi events.

  • Students demonstrate a strong sense of belonging to their hapū and iwi.

  • Students read, write, speak and sing about their hapū and iwi.

Te Ao

Students understand contemporary and traditional views of te ao Māori, the wider world and the physical worlds.

It is important to the whānau and kaimahi of the kura that students go on to be kapa haka leaders and excellent performers like their tipuna, kaiako and whānau. They are expected to go on to represent their hapū and iwi at kura, regional and national levels. It is hoped that this pathway will also offer students opportunities to extend their vision from inside the iwi out into the wider world.

Students are well supported to explore their world and the wider world. Trips and activities are organised. With the support of whānau, students are able to participate in a range of activities that extend the learning environment outside the classroom. Kura trips are well organised and outcomes identified. The kapa haka group has been invited to attend an indigenous hui in Australia. A competitive environment exists within the kura. Student participation in competitive activities results in acknowledgment of achievement and strengths which are identified and celebrated.

Good communication systems exist between kura and whānau. Regular pānui and whānau hui encourage whānau participation in kura decision making and activities.

The kura is upgrading information communication technology systems to increase their efficiency. However, there is still much work to be done in this area.

  • Students are proud exponents of kapa haka and are able representatives of their kura.

  • Students participate readily in challenges.

  • Students know about the traditions and culture of their hapū and iwi.

  • Students are knowledgeable about the opportunities available to them in the wider world.

Ahuatanga Ako

Students are intellectually stimulated in an environment conducive to learning.

Te Aho Matua Mauriora indicators are used throughout the kura and in all aspects of classroom planning. Planning is comprehensive and consistent and kaiako plan collaboratively. Kaiako planning for the kaupapa of Te Matatini is integrated into all subject areas. Kaiako are organised and well prepared for teaching. Classroom environments are bright and attractive and student work is valued and displayed.

Kaiako provide verbal and written feedback and feed forward to inform students of their progress.

Assessment data is used to group students in reading and mathematics.

Students are eager participants in the learning programme and know what is expected of them. They are attentive and focused on learning.

Whānau discussions result in reviewing practices and processes to make improvements. Appropriate people are responsible for achieving goals. Whānau also have input into kaiako appraisal.

Whānau are very supportive of the processes used to develop a high quality learning culture in the kura.

It is important now that the kura develops more robust assessment processes to assess student progress and achievement in all curriculum areas. This development could also extend assessment knowledge and practice to students and whānau.

  • Students are eager to learn.

  • Students share ideas, thoughts and opinions.

  • Students demonstrate an awareness of the attributes required to achieve.

5 Te Aho Matua Whānau Assurance on Compliance Areas

In order to meet its agreed accountabilities, the board must:

5.1 implement Ngā Whānaketanga Rumaki Māori for students.[National Administration Guidelines 2a, b, c].

6 Recommendations

ERO recommends the board should consider:

  • upgrading information communication technology in the kura to extend student learning opportunities and support student exploration of the wider world.

7 Future Action

ERO is confident that the board of trustees can manage the kura in the interests of the students and the Crown and bring about the improvements outlined in this report.

ERO will review the kura again in three years.

Makere Smith

National Manager Review Services Māori (Te Uepū ā-Motu)

15 May 2013

15 May 2013

To the Parents and Community of Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Hurungaterangi

These are the findings of the Education Review Office’s latest report on Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Hurungaterangi.

Ko te manu kai i te miro, nona te ngāhere

Ko te manu kai i te mātauranga, nona te ao

Ngā matapono o Te Aho Matua are clearly demonstrated in kura practices. These provide direction for kura whānau and their actions and activities. The matapono sustain the development of the student’s physical, spiritual and emotional wellbeing and are carried over into the daily lives of students and whānau.

Whānau are strong in their support of the principles of Te Aho Matua. The principles support the development and wellbeing of their students and themselves as participants in te ao Māori. Adherence to these principles supports their active participation in national kapa haka events. Students receive high levels of success through hard work and effort. Self discipline, dedication and commitment are some of the mātāpono that they modelled for children to adopt.

Thekura leadership is guided by a decision made by Te Rūnanganui o Ngā Kura Kaupapa o Aotearoa to delay their involvement and participation in Ngā Whanaketanga Rumaki Māōri

ERO found that:

  • Students are aware of their uniqueness and demonstrate knowledge of and respect for themselves and others.

  • Students are competent thinkers, speakers, readers and writers in te reo Māori and exposed to a range of other languages.

  • Students exhibit personal pride in their hapū and iwi.

  • Students understand contemporary and traditional views of te ao Māori, the wider world and the physical worlds.

  • Students are intellectually stimulated in an environment conducive to learning.

Future Action

ERO is confident that the board of trustees can manage the kura in the interests of the students and the Crown and bring about the improvements outlined in this report.

ERO will review the kura again in three years.

Review Coverage

ERO reviews do not cover every aspect of school performance and each ERO report may cover different issues. The aim is to provide information on aspects that are central to student achievement and useful to this school.

If you would like a copy of the full report, please contact the school or see the ERO web page,

Makere Smith

National Manager Review Services Māori (Te Uepū ā-Motu)