Te Kōhanga Reo o Te Waihīrere

Education institution number:
Service type:
Te Kōhanga Reo
Not Applicable

Waihirere Road, Wairoa

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Te Kōhanga Reo o Te Waihīrere

1 He Kupu Arataki

Kua mahi ngātahi Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga, ngā whānau, ngā kaiārahi, ngā kaimahi me ngā hapori ki te whakawhanake i ngā tirohanga aromātai e whai wāhi nui ai ki te hāpai i te kawenga takohanga me te whakapaitanga, ki te tautuhi i te ahu whakamua, ā, ki te whakapakari ake hoki i te āheinga ki te aromātai. Ka whakarato ngā pūrongo a Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga i ngā mōhiohio mātuatua mā ngā hapū me ngā iwi.

2 Te Horopaki

E tū ana Te Kōhanga Reo o Te Waihīrere ki te marae o Tākitimu, ki Wairoa. Ko Tākitimu te whare tupuna, ā, he tohu whenua whakahirahira ki te iwi. E rere pā tata ana te awa o Wairoa ki te marae, ā, koia nei te wāhi i tau ai te waka me te iwi.  

3 Te Aronga o te Aromātai

He pēhea rawa te whakapuaki mai o ngā mokopuna i tō rātou tuakiri me tō rātou aronga toi whenuatanga?

E arohaina ana ngā mokopuna, ā, e whanakehia ana tō rātou tino tū tangata.  

4 Ngā Whakaaturanga

E tautāwhitia ana ngā mokopuna ki te whanaungatanga. Ka whakatauira ngā kaimahi i te aroha, te manaaki, me te tiaki i roto i ā rātou taunekeneke. He whai wāhitanga mō ngā mokopuna ki te mātakitaki, ā, ki te whai wāhi atu ki ngā tikanga me ngā kawa e pā ana ki ngā pōwhiri me ngā whakatau. Ka whakamahere, ka whakatinana hoki ngā kaimahi i ngā akoranga reo Māori e arotahi ana ki te whai māramatanga o ngā mokopuna ki te whakapapa. Ka akiaki, ka tautoko rātou i te whakapuakitanga o ngā mokopuna i ō rātou pepeha ki ētahi atu. Ko ngā waiata, ngā karakia, ngā hīmene, me ngā mihimihi e whakatairanga ana i te whai wāhi atu a ngā mokopuna ki ngā akoranga. Kei te whanake te māramatanga o ngā mokopuna ki a rātou anō.

Ka rongo ngā mokopuna i te manaakitanga. Ka āta whakarite ngā kaimahi i te noho harikoakoa o te taiao. Ka whakatairanga, ka whakatauira hoki rātou i ngā whanonga papai. Ka whakatinanahia e ngā mokopuna aua uara, mā roto mai i tō rātou whakaute ki a rātou anō, ā, ka whai hua rātou nā ngā mahinga a ngā kaimahi kua pou herea ki te mātāpono o te aroha. Ka whakamahi ngā kaimahi i te whānuitanga o ngā tūmomo rautaki e akiaki ana i te whakamahinga a ngā mokopuna i te reo Māori. Ka whakatauira rātou i ngā hanganga reo papai, ā, ka tāruarua i ngā kōrero hei hāpai i te whakawhanaketanga o te reo Māori. Ka whakapuaki ngā mokopuna i te aroha ki waenga i a rātou anō, i a rātou e puāwai ana ki te kōrero i te reo Māori.

Whakamihia ai ngā mokopuna i ngā wā katoa mō ā rātou whakatutukitanga. He ngāwari, he atawhai hoki tō te āhua o te reo kōrero o ngā kaimahi ki ngā mokopuna. Ka akiaki, ka tautoko hoki ngā mokopuna i a rātou anō. Ka whakatauira ngā tuākana i te āhua tonu o te whakawhiti kōrero pai me ngā taunekeneke e tika ana ki te taha o ngā tēina. E whakatairangatia ana te oranga ā-wairua o ngā mokopuna mā ngā hononga e whai hua ana, e whai pūtake ana.

He aronga nahanaha, he aronga whakariterite tā ngā kaimahi ki te ako a ngā mokopuna. E whai kiko ana ngā mahere. He mārama ngā hononga ki Te Whāriki a Te Kōhanga Reo. Ka whakapuaki te whānau i ō rātou whakaaro, ā, ka whai wāhi atu aua whakaaro ki ngā mahi whakamahere. Kei te tino mōhio ngā kaimahi ki ngā mokopuna. Ka aro atu rātou ki ngā matea me ngā ngākau nuitanga o ngā mokopuna. Ka whakanui ngā pūkete a ngā mokopuna i tā rātou ako me tō rātou tupu. Kua tuhia te aromātai hōtaka. E hāpaitia ana te ako a ngā mokopuna me ō rātou ngākau nuitanga mā ngā mahere i āta whakaarohia ai.

E ārahi ana te waiora o ngā mokopuna i ngā whakaritenga whakahaere a te whānau. He mārama ki te tūtohinga te ārahitanga me ngā tohutohu hei hāpai i te whānau. Kua whakahāngaitia ngā kaupapa here me ngā tukanga o te hauora me te haumaru ki ngā herenga ā-ture o te wā. He matawhānui ngā pūrongo pūtea, ā, ka whakawhārikihia ki ngā hui ā-whānau. Ka ārahi te mahere ā-tau i ngā whakataunga e pā ana ki ngā whakahaeretanga o te kōhanga reo. Kua whakamōhiotia te mahere rautaki ki Te Ara Tūāpae. Ka arotahi atu ki te whakamana i te whānau me ngā mokopuna, ki te whakawhanaketanga o te reo Māori, ā, ki te whakatairanga hoki i te kaupapa o te kōhanga reo. Kua whakatakotohia ngā tuhinga e pā ana ki ngā kaimahi. Kua oti ngā arohaehae, ā, ka hāngai te titiro ki te haere tonutanga o te whakawhanaketanga ngaio. Kua whakaritea ngā rēhita e pā ana ki te hauora me te haumaru, ā, ka hāngai ki ngā kaupapa here i te kōhanga reo. Ka whakatutukihia ngā akoako hōneatanga ohotata e pā ana ki te ahi me te rū whenua. E ako ana ngā mokopuna ki tētahi taiao e āta poipoi ana i tō rātou hauora, tā rātou haumaru, me tō rātou waiora.  

Ngā Whakaritenga Matua ka whai ake 

I whakapuakihia e te whānau me ngā kaimahi tā rātou takunetanga ki te whakawhanake i tētahi mahere tauatanga, hei āta whakapūmau i te rōnaki tonutanga o te kōhanga reo. E tautoko ana Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga i taua whakaritenga matua hei whai ake, nā te whai pānga o tēnā ki te whakatairanga tonutanga i ngā putanga e whai hua ai ki ngā mokopuna.  

5 Te Whakatau a te Whānau o te Kōhanga Reo ki ngā Wāhanga Tautukunga

I te wā o te arotake, i tirohia e Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga ngā pūnaha ki te whakahaere i ngā wāhanga e whai ake nei, arā, ki:

  • te haumaru ā-whatumanawa, tae atu ki te ārahi mauritau me te ārai tamariki

  • te haumaru ā-tinana, tae atu ki te mātakitaki tamariki, ngā whakaritenga whakamoe, ngā aituā, te whāngai rongoā; me ngā kaupapa here, ngā tukanga hoki mō ngā haerenga whakawaho

  • te tū tika o ngā kaimahi, tae atu ki te tika o ngā tohu mātauranga, ngā mahi arowhai a ngā pirihimana, me te tatauranga ki waenga i te kaiako me te tamaiti 

  • ngā whakaritenga ohotata me ngā tikanga ohotata e pā ana ki te rū whenua, te ahi, te waipuke, te tai āniwhaniwha, me te mate urutā.

Te Taunakitanga

I whakawhanakehia e Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga me te whānau o te kōhanga reo te taunakitanga e whai ake nei, arā, kia:

  • whakatairanga ngātahi tonu i ngā whakaritenga pakari, hei whakapūmau i ngā putanga e whai hua ai ki ngā mokopuna.  

Darcy Te Hau
Toka ā Nuku
Te Uepū-a-Motu
Māori Services

18 Hereturikōkā, 2022

7 Ngā kōrero e pā ana ki te Kōhanga Reo

Te tūwāhi

Kei Wairoa

Te tau a te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga


Te tau tohu o Te Kōhanga Reo


Te tūmomo whare

He kōhanga reo

Te raihana

Ngā Ture Mātauranga (Ratonga Kōhungahunga) 2008

Te tokomaha mō te raihana

22, kia tokowaru ki raro i te rua o ngā tau

Te tokomaha kei runga i te rārangi ingoa

19, tokoono kei raro i te rua o ngā tau

Ngā hononga ā-iwi

Māori 19

Te wā i te kōhanga reo te rōpū arotake

Hōngongoi 2022

Te wā o tēnei pūrongo

18 Hereturikōkā 2022

Ngā pūrongo o mua a
Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga

Arotake Mātauranga, Mahuru 2018; Arotake Mātauranga, Whiringa-ā-nuku 2013; Arotake Mātauranga, Haratua 2009

1 Introduction

The Education Review Office (ERO) in collaboration with whānau, leaders, kaimahi and their communities develop evaluation insights that foster accountability and improvement, identify progress and build evaluation capability. ERO reports provide important information for hapū and iwi.

2 Context

Te kōhanga reo o Te Waihīrere is based on te marae o Tākitimu in Wairoa. The whare tupuna is Tākitimu and is an important landmark for iwi. The Wairoa river flows close to the marae and it is the landing place of the waka and the people.

3 Evaluation Focus

How well do mokopuna express their identity and belonging?

Mokopuna are loved and are developing a positive sense of who they are.

4 Findings

Mokopuna are embraced in whanaungatanga. Kaimahi model aroha, manaaki and tiaki in their interactions. Mokopuna are provided opportunities to observe and participate in tikanga and kawa related to pōwhiri and whakatau. Kaimahi plan and implement learning in te reo Māori that focuses on mokopuna understanding of whakapapa. They encourage and support mokopuna to share their pepeha with others. Waiata, karakia, hīmene and mihimihi promote mokopuna participation in learning. Mokopuna are developing an understanding of who they are.

Mokopuna experience manaakitanga. Kaimahi ensure the environment is a happy place. They promote and model positive behaviours. Mokopuna reflect these values in their respect for each other and benefit from kaimahi routines that are underpinned by the principle of aroha. Kaimahi use a range of strategies to encourage mokopuna to use te reo Māori. They model good language structures and use repetition to support te reo Māori development. Mokopuna show aroha towards each other as developing speakers of te reo Māori.

Mokopuna are constantly praised for their success. The tone and way kaimahi talk with mokopuna is gentle and affectionate. Mokopuna are encouraging and supportive of one another. Tuakana model positive communication and interactions with teina. Mokopuna spiritual wellbeing is enhanced through positive and meaningful relationships.

Kaimahi have a planned and organised approach to mokopuna learning. Planning is detailed. There are clear links to Te Whāriki a Te Kōhanga Reo. Whānau contribute their thoughts and ideas to planning. Kaimahi know their mokopuna well. They respond to their needs and interests. Mokopuna profile books celebrate their learning and growth. Programme evaluation is documented. Mokopuna learning and interests are supported through well-considered planning.

Mokopuna wellbeing guides whānau management practices. The Tūtohinga provides clear guidance and direction for whānau. Health and safety policies and procedures align to current legislation. Financial reports are detailed and presented at whānau hui. The annual plan guides whānau decision making about kōhanga reo operations. The strategic plan is informed by Te Ara Tūāpae. It focuses on empowering whānau and mokopuna, the development of te reo Māori, and promoting te kōhanga reo kaupapa. Personnel documentation is in place. Appraisals are complete with an ongoing focus on professional development. Health and safety registers are in place and align to kōhanga reo policy. Emergency evacuations for fire and earthquakes are practised. Mokopuna learn in an environment where their health, safety and wellbeing is fostered.   

Key Next Steps

Whānau and kaimahi shared their intention to develop a succession plan to ensure the future of the kōhanga reo. ERO supports this key next step which will further enhance positive outcomes for mokopuna.

5 Kōhanga Whānau Assurance on Legal Requirements

During the evaluation, ERO looked at systems for managing the following areas:

  • emotional safety including positive guidance and child protection

  • physical safety including supervision, sleep procedures, accidents, medication, excursion policy and procedures

  • suitable staffing including appropriate qualifications, police vetting, ratios

  • emergency procedures and practices for earthquakes, fire, flood, tsunami and pandemic.

6 Recommendation

ERO and the kōhanga reo whānau developed the recommendation:

  • to continue to collectively enhance sound practises to maintain positive outcomes for mokopuna.

Darcy Te Hau
Toka-ā-Nuku – Director
Te Uepū ā-MotuMāori Review Services

18 August 2022

7 Information about the Kōhanga Reo



Ministry of Education profile number


Kōhanga Reo Identification Number


Licence type

Te Kōhanga Reo

Licensed under

Education (Early Childhood Services) Regulations 2008

Number licensed for

22 children, including up to 8 aged under 2

Service roll

19 children, including 6 aged under 2

Ethnic composition

Māori 19 

Review team on site

July 2020

Date of this report

18 August 2022

Most recent ERO report(s) 

Education Review, September 2018; Education Review, October 2013; Education Review, May 2009


Te Kōhanga Reo o Te Waihīrere - 17/09/2018

1 Te Horopaki

E tū ana Te Kōhanga Reo o Te Waihīrere ki te marae o Waihīrere, ki Wairoa. Ko Tākitimu te whare tupuna, ā, e noho whakahirahira ana te whare ki te iwi. E rere pā tata mai ana te awa o Wairoa ki te marae, ā, i konei te waka me te iwi i tau ai.

Whai muri i te pūrongo o mua a Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga i te tau 2013, he maha ngā rerekētanga i whakatutukihia ai, hei hāpai i te whānau me ngā kaimahi ki te whakapai ake i te kounga o ngā akoranga mā ngā tamariki.

2 Ngā Whakaaturanga o te Aromātai

He pēhea rawa te whakapuaki mai o ngā tamariki i ō rātou ake whakaaro?

E whanake ana ngā tamariki i ngā pūkenga ki te whakapuaki i a rātou anō – ā-wairua, ā-tinana hoki – hei uri o Kahungunu.

Ngā Taumata Whakahirahira

Ka rongo ngā tamariki i te reo Māori ki te hōtaka akoranga. E arotahi ana ngā kaimahi ki te waihanga i tētahi taiao ako reo Māori. He nahanaha ā rātou mahere kia kōrero ai ngā tamariki i te reo Māori ki ētahi atu, ā, i a rātou hoki e tākaro ana. E hāpaitia ana te whakamahinga a ngā tamariki i te reo Māori mā ngā waiata, mā te mahi ngahau me ngā kupu, ā, mā te whakamahi anō hoki i ngā mahi ā-ringa māmā e whakawhanake ai i tō rātou māramatanga. Kua whakawhanakehia e ngā kaimahi tētahi hōtaka e hāpai ana i ngā tamariki e mau ana i te iti noa o te reo, kia whānui ake ai ā rātou puna kupu. Ka whakamahi rātou i ngā ngākau nuitanga o ngā tamariki ki te hāpai i te whakawhanaketanga o tō rātou reo mō ngā kararehe, ngā tae, ngā nama, me ngā tūmomo mahi, pērā i te omaoma me te hīkoi. He pārekareka ki ngā tamariki te ako i te reo.

E ako ana ngā tamariki i tō rātou whai wāhi nui ki te whānau. He hononga ā-whakapapa tō ngā tamariki katoa ki a rātou anō, ā, ki te whānau hoki o te kōhanga reo. Ka whakamahi ngā kaimahi i ngā akiaki ngāwari me tētahi huarahi mihimihi māmā e hāpai ai i te whakawhanaketanga o ngā tamariki i te ngākau titikaha ki te tū me te whakapuaki i ā rātou akoranga. Kua whakatakotohia ngā mahinga. E mōhio ana ngā tamariki ki ngā tikanga e pā ana ki ngā karakia, ā, ki te tangi hoki o te pere hei tohu i te wā ki te whakapaipai me te whakahoki i ngā rauemi i mua i te noho tahi mai ki te whāriki. E whakarato ana ngā kaimahi i ngā whai wāhitanga mō ngā tamariki ki te ārahi i roto i te hōtaka o ia rā. E ākina ana te tū o ngā tuākana hei tauira mō ngā tēina, me te whakaatu anō hoki i te atawhai. He aronga toi whenuatanga tō ngā tamariki.

E ako ana ngā tamariki i te kaitiakitanga. Kua tuituia e ngā kaimahi te kaitiakitanga ki te hōtaka o ia rā. Haere ai rātou ki te marae i ia te wā ki te kōrero mō ia whare, ngā ingoa o aua whare, me ō rātou hononga ā-whakapapa. E ākina ana te mōhio haere o ngā tamariki ki ngā wāhanga katoa o te marae, ā, ka mihi, ka hongi rānei rātou i ō rātou tūpuna. E whakatinana anōtia aua akoranga ki te whare o te kōhanga reo, hei āhuatanga tonu o tō rātou tū hei kaitiaki. Ka akiaki ngā kaimahi kia noho mā ai, kia noho para kore ai hoki te marae. Kei te harikoa ngā tamariki ki te ako.

Te Whakamahere me te Aromātai

Ko te waiora o ngā tamariki tētahi aronga matua, tae atu hoki ki tō rātou hauora me tō rātou haumaru. E noho pūmau ana te whānau ki te whakahaere i te kōhanga reo noho marae nei. Hui ai rātou i ia te wā ki te whakahou ake i ngā kaupapa here e hāngai ana ki ngā whakaritenga. Ka whiwhi anō hoki te whānau i te tautoko o ngā kaimahi ā-rohe o te Poari Matua o Ngā Kōhanga Reo, ki te whakahaere i ngā pūtea o te kōhanga reo. Ka whiwhi hoki i te tautoko o te purapura, ki te whakapiki ake i te māramatanga o te whānau ki Te Whāriki a Te Kōhanga Reo. Ka whakaratohia ngā pūrongo kia āhei ai te whānau ki te aroturuki i te ahu whakamua o ngā kaupapa matua, inarā, i te whai pānga o ngā putanga ki ngā tamariki. Ka whai wāhi atu aua mōhiohio ki ngā whakataunga, me te whakawhanaketanga o ngā whakaritenga e pā ana ki te arotake whaiaro. Ka noho matua tonu ngā matea ako o ngā tamariki.

Ka whakamaheretia, ka aroturukitia hoki ngā wheako ako a ngā tamariki. He tino tautōhito ngā kaimahi i roto i te kōhanga reo. He māramatanga ngātahi tō rātou mō te whakamahere, te aromatawai, me te aromātai i te hōtaka. I tēnei wā, kei te whakamahia te whānuitanga o ngā tūmomo huarahi aromatawai, hei whakapuaki i ngā akoranga a ngā tamariki ki te taha o te whānau. Kua whakatōpū te rōpū i ō rātou whakaaro e pā ana ki te ako me te whakaako, ā, he aronga ki ngā tino painga mō ngā tamariki. E whakatakoto ana ngā meneti a ngā kaimahi i te pakari o ngā whakawhitinga kōrero me ngā whakaaro huritao e hāpai ai i te huarahi mahi ki te whakapai ake i te hōtaka akoranga. Ka whai hua ngā tamariki i te wā e whai wāhi ai ō rātou matea ako, ō rātou painga ako hoki ki te pūtake tonu o ngā whakawhitinga kōrero katoa.

Ngā Whakaritenga Matua ka Whai Ake

E whanake ana te mōhiotanga o ngā tamariki ki te reo Māori, me tā rātou whakamahinga i te reo. Kāhore anō rātou kia tīmata te rere māhorahora mai o ā rātou whakawhitinga kōrero ki ētahi atu, ā rātou patapatai hoki. E mōhio ana ngā kaimahi, e tika ana kia tāutuhia te reo matua me ngā hanganga reo matua e ako ai ngā tamariki, hei āhuatanga tonu o te hōtaka akoranga. E takunetia ana, mā taua aronga ka nui ake ngā whai wāhitanga mō ngā tamariki ki te kōrerorero māhorahora nei ki ētahi atu, me te āta whakamātau i te reo hou e hopukina ai. Kei te whāiti te whakawhanaketanga reo o ngā tamariki.

Ahakoa e ako ana ngā tamariki i ō rātou hononga ā-whakapapa, kāhore anō ngā kaimahi kia whakauru ki te hōtaka, ko ngā kōrero tuku iho me ngā hītori o te hapori e whai pānga ana ki te marae o Tākitimu me tō rātou rohe.

3 Te Whakatau a te Whānau ki ngā Wāhanga Tautukunga

I te wā o te aromātai, i whakamātauhia e Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga ngā pūnaha o te kōhanga reo ki te whakahaere i ngā āhuatanga i raro iho nei e whai pānga nui ana ki te waiora o ngā tamariki:

  • te haumaru whatumanawa (tāpiri atu ko te ārahi mauritau, ko te ārai tamariki)
  • te haumaru ā-tinana (tāpiri atu ko te mātakitaki tamariki; ko ngā whakaritenga whakamoe; ko ngā aituā; ko te whāngai rongoā; ko ngā whakaritenga akuaku; ko ngā kaupapa here me ngā tikanga haerenga whakawaho)
  • te tū tika o ngā kaimahi (tae atu ki ngā taumata tohu mātauranga; te arowhai a ngā pirihimana; ngā rēhitatanga kaiako; me te tatauranga ki waenga i te kaiako me te tamaiti)
  • ngā whakaritenga, tikanga hōneatanga e pā ana ki te ahi me te rū whenua.

Ko te tikanga, ka whakatairanga ngā kōhanga reo katoa i te hauora me te haumaru o ngā tamariki, me te arotake anō hoki i ia te wā i tā rātou whakatutukitanga i ngā herenga ā-ture. I te wā o te arotake, kāhore he take i tāutuhia ai i roto i ngā āhuatanga e whai pānga ana ki ngā herenga ā-ture.

4 Ngā Taunakitanga

I whakawhanakehia e Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga me te whānau o te kōhanga reo ngā taunakitanga e whai ake nei, arā, kia:

  • whakawhanakehia, kia whakatinanahia tētahi aronga rautaki e whakapakari ai i te reo Māori
  • whakawhanakehia tētahi aronga nahanaha e whakapakari ai i ngā hononga ki te marae o Tākitimu, ngā hītori, me ō rātou tūpuna.

Hei ā hea Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga aromātai anō ai i te kōhanga reo?

Ka aromātai anō Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga i Te Kōhanga Reo o Te Waihīrere i roto i te toru o ngā tau.

Lynda Pura-Watson

Kaiurungi Whakaturuki Arotake Māori

17 Mahuru, 2018

Ngā kōrero e pā ana ki te kōhanga reo

Te tūwāhi

Kei Wairoa

Te tau a te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga


Te tau tohu o Te Kōhanga Reo


Te tūmomo raihana

He kōhanga reo

Kua raihanatia ki te ture

Ngā Ture Mātauranga (Ratonga Kōhungahunga) 2008

Te tokomaha mō te raihana

10, kia tokowhā ki raro i te rua o ngā tau

Te tokomaha kei te rārangi ingoa

Tokowhitu, kotahi kei raro i te rua o ngā tau

Te ira tangata

Kōtiro 5

Tama 2

Ngā hononga ā-iwi



Te wā i te kōhanga reo te rōpū arotake

Hōngongoi 2018

Te wā o tēnei pūrongo

17 Mahuru, 2018

Ngā pūrongo o mua a Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga

Arotake Mātauranga

Arotake Mātauranga

Arotake Tāpiri

Whiringa-ā-nuku 2013

Haratua 2009

Poutū-te-rangi 2008

1 Context

Te Kōhanga Reo o Te Waihīrere is based on Waihīrere Marae in Wairoa. The whare tupuna is Tākitimu and it is an important landmark for iwi. The Wairoa River flows close to the marae and it is the landing place of the waka and the people.

Since the last ERO report in 2013, there have been several changes to support whānau and kaimahi to improve the quality of learning for children.

2 The Evaluation Findings

How well do children express themselves?

Children are developing the skills to express themselves ā wairua, ā tinana as Kahungunu.

Ngā Taumata Whakahirahira

Children hear te reo Māori in learning programme. Kaimahi are focussed on creating a te reo Māori learning environment. They have strategically planned to have children speaking te reo Māori with others and in their play. Children are supported to use te reo Māori through waiata, having fun with words and using simple hand actions to develop their understanding. Kaimahi have developed a programme to help children with limited language to build their vocabulary. They use children’s interests to support their language development related to animals, colours, numbers and actions such as running and walking. Children enjoy language learning.

Children are learning about their place in the whānau. All children have whakapapa links to each other and the kōhanga reo whānau. Kaimahi use simple prompts and mihimihi process that supports the development of children’s confidence to stand and share their learning. Routines are in place. Children are aware of tikanga for karakia and the sound of a bell to tidy up, return resources before sitting on the mat. Kaimahi are providing opportunities for children to lead in the daily programme. Tuākana are encouraged to be good role models for teina and show care. Children have a sense of belonging.

Children are learning about kaitiakitanga. Kaimahi have integrated kaitiakitanga into the daily programme. They regularly go to the marae to talk about each of the whare, the names of those whare, and their connections through whakapapa. Children are encouraged to familiarise themselves with all the parts of the marae and mihi or hongi their tūpuna. This learning is recreated in the kōhanga reo whare as part of their kaitiaki role. Kaimahi encourage to keep the marae tidy and free of litter. Children are happy learners.

Planning and Evaluation

Children’s wellbeing including health and safety is a priority. The whānau are committed to managing the marae-based kōhanga reo. They meet regularly to update policies aligned to practice. The whānau receive support from the regional TKRNT kaimahi to manage the kōhanga reo finances. Additional support from the purapura is accessed to increase whānau understanding of Te Whāriki a Te Kōhanga Reo. There are reports provided for whānau to monitor progress priorities particularly the impact on outcomes for children. This information helps with decision making and developing self-review practices. Children’s learning needs are important.

Children’s learning experiences are planned and monitored. Kaimahi have considerable experience in kōhanga reo. They have shared understandings about planning, assessment and programme evaluation. A variety of assessment tools are currently being used to share children’s learning with whānau. The team have combined their collective ideas about teaching and learning with a focus on positive outcomes for children. Kaimahi minutes document robust discussions and individual reflections that contributes to the steps of improving the learning programme. Children benefit when their learning needs and outcomes are at the centre of all discussions.

Key Next Steps

Children’s knowledge and use of te reo Māori is developing. They do not yet converse freely with others or ask questions. Kaimahi are aware of the need to identify key language and structures children will learn as part of the learning programme. This approach is intended to increase opportunities for children to communicate confidently with others and experiment with newly acquired language. Children’s language development is limited.

Although children are learning about their whakapapa connections, kaimahi have not included the local stories and history specific to Tākitimu marae and the rohe.

3 Whānau Management Assurance on Compliance Areas

During the evaluation, ERO looked at the kōhanga reo systems for managing the following areas that have a potentially high impact on children's wellbeing:

  • emotional safety (including positive guidance and child protection)
  • physical safety (including supervision; sleep procedures; accidents; medication; hygiene; excursion policies and procedures)
  • suitable staffing (including qualification levels; police vetting; teacher registration; ratios)
  • evacuation procedures and practices for fire and earthquake.

All kōhanga reo are required to promote children's health and safety and to regularly review their compliance with legal requirements. There were no issues of non-compliance identified during this review.

4 Recommendations

ERO and the Kōhanga Reo whānau developed the following recommendations:

  • Develop and implement a strategic approach to strengthening te reo Māori

  • Develop a planned approach to make stronger connections to Tākitimu Marae, its history and their ancestors.

When is ERO likely to evaluate the kōhanga reo again?

The next ERO evaluation of Te Kōhanga Reo o Te Waihīrere will be in three years.

Lynda Pura-Watson

Deputy Chief Review Officer Māori

17 September 2018

Information about the Kōhanga Reo



Ministry of Education profile number


Kōhanga Reo Identification Number


Licence type

Te Kōhanga Reo

Licensed under

Education (Early Childhood Services) Regulations 2008

Number licensed for

10 children, including up to 4 aged under 2

Kōhanga Reo roll

7 children, including 1 aged under 2

Gender composition

Girls 5

Boys 2

Ethnic composition



Review team on site

July 2018

Date of this report

17 September 2018

Most recent ERO report(s)

Education Review

Education Review

Supplementary Review

October 2013

May 2009

March 2008