Rainbow Corner Group of Companies Limited

Head office location:
Flat Bush, Auckland
Number of services:
Service types:
  • Education and care service
  • Homebased service

Rainbow Corner Group of Companies Limited

1 ERO’s Judgements

A Governing Organisation Evaluation evaluates the extent to which organisational conditions support equitable and excellent outcomes for all learners in the organisation’s services. Te Ara Poutama- indicators of quality for early childhood education: what matters most is the basis for making judgements about its effectiveness. The Governing Organisation Quality Evaluation Judgement Rubric derived from the indicators, is used to inform the ERO’s judgements about this organisation’s performance.

ERO’s judgement for Rainbow Corner Group of Companies Limited is as follows:

ERO’s judgement Organisational Conditions

Assurance Review









The organisation conditions encompass Ngā Akatoro | Domains of:

  • Ngā Aronga Whai Hua | Evaluation for improvement.
  • Kaihautū | Leadership fosters collaboration and improvement.
  • Te Whakaruruhau | Stewardship through effective governance and management.

2 Context of the Governing Organisation

Rainbow Corner Group of Companies Limited is a privately owned company which operates centre-based and home-based early childhood education and care services across New Zealand. Services that are part of this organisation include:

  • PORSE home-based services (not visited by ERO at this time).
  • More for Kidz Foundation Trust (a sessional service).
  • Rainbow Corner home-based services.
  • Rainbow Corner centre-based services.

At the time of this evaluation three of the Rainbow Corner Early Learning Services were on a provisional licence. The organisation is governed and managed by a chief executive officer (CEO) and managing director. A quality assurance manager provides operational and curriculum support to centre-based services.

Findings from ERO’s evaluation at the governance and organisational level included evaluating the extent to which Rainbow Corner Group of Companies Limited strategic intentions, quality improvement systems, processes and practices support the provision of a quality curriculum at individual service level.

As a result of EROs early findings at governance level the focus of this evaluation transitioned to an assurance review. ERO implemented assurance reviews for the service sample which focused on compliance with the Licensing Criteria for Early Childhood Education and Care Services 2008 and the Licensing Criteria for Home-based Education and Care Services 2008.

During the onsite stage of this evaluation, The Rainbow Group of Companies Limited went into liquidation and all services were closed.

3 Summary of findings

Governance and management are yet to develop overarching systems to ensure regular monitoring, evaluating, and reporting on how well the organisation and its services are meeting regulatory and professional obligations. This relates to curriculum, health and safety, premises, human resources, finances, and administration requirements.

Strategic planning for the organisation guides business as usual with little focus on improvement planning. Strategic goals and priorities are not cohesive or clearly aligned. There is no evidence of progress towards these goals or evaluation of the impact on outcomes for learners. Review and evaluation processes are not well developed or implemented to determine if systems, processes, or practices promote improvement and equitable outcomes for all children.

The organisation has not created the conditions for staff to:

  • build relational trust that allows for collaboration and sustained improvement
  • provide better support for current and future leaders to build their capability through leadership strategies
  • recruit, induct and retain new and existing staff using well defined teaching and learning expectations
  • access local, smoothly managed administration and resourcing provision.

As a result, there has been high turnover of staff at all levels of the organisation.

Leaders are yet to collaboratively develop and enact the organisation’s philosophy, vision, and goals that give emphasis to Te Tiriti of Waitangi. There is no evidence of Māori whānau consultation to inform improvements to culturally responsive practice.

There are limited opportunities for inter-professional work with others or collaboration between services, agencies, and the wider community to support broader educational outcomes.

4 Summary of findings from visits to services

ERO visited a sample of five services to verify what Rainbow Corner Group of Companies Limited knows about the quality of each of the services’ learning conditions and to what extent the organisational conditions support service improvement. ERO selected the service sample in consultation with the governing organisation.

ERO visited two all day centre-based services, a sessional service and four educator homes to verify compliance with regulatory standards.

Most of the services have experienced a high turnover of staff and as a result have relatively new leadership and teachers. Centre-based services are supported by a newly appointed quality assurance manager. The CEO had oversight of the home-based services.

ERO found several non-compliances in the sessional service, and poor practices in the home-based services. The CEO closed the Rainbow Corner home-based services immediately after these visits.

In the centre-based services leaders and teachers reflect the cultural diversity of the service’s community. They seek ways to maintain children's connections and fluency in home language/s and cultural identities.

Teachers have access to a regular professional growth cycle process and internal online professional development programmes. The curriculum provided to children is aligned to Te Whāriki, the early childhood curriculum.

Effective systems for governance and management have not been established. 

Organisational conditions that need to be developed to promote positive outcomes for all children include: 

  • overarching assurance and accountability processes to meet and maintain regulatory requirements
  • consistent processes for all staff to understand and implement policy and procedures
  • regular monitoring and reporting of compliance, including evaluation of action plans to ensure safe environments
  • developing clear expectations for teaching and learning to provide an effective curriculum
  • understanding and implementing evaluative thinking and processes that support improvement.

5 Improvement actions

Prior to the next ERO evaluation Rainbow Corner Group of Companies Limited will progress the following actions through its Quality Improvement Planning:

Organisation leaders to develop overarching systems to ensure regular monitoring, evaluating, and reporting on how well the organisation and its services are meeting regulatory and professional obligations. This relates to curriculum, health and safety, premises, human resources, finances, and administration.


The Ministry of Education undertakes a funding audit.

6 Management Assurance on Legal Requirements

As part of this review, a representative of Rainbow Corner Group of Companies Limited completed an ERO Governing Organisation Assurance Statement and Self-Audit Checklist. In these documents they stated that the organisation has the systems, processes, and practices to be assured that service providers for licensed services within the organisation are meeting legal requirements related to:

  • curriculum
  • premises and facilities
  • health and safety practices
  • governance, management, and administration.

The licensed service provider/s of the sampled services listed at the end of this report also completed an ERO Assurance Statement and Self-Audit Checklist for their service. In these documents they attested that they have taken all reasonable steps to meet legal requirements, including those detailed in Ministry of Education Circulars and other documents, related to these areas.

All early childhood services are required to promote children's health and safety and to regularly review their compliance with legal requirements.

During its visits to sample services ERO identified the following non-compliances. These are outlined in more detail in the Assurance Review reports for the centre-based services listed below:

Profile number
Name of service
Non-compliance identified in the Regulatory Standards, licensing criteria
Satisfactorily addressed
46340More for Kidz Foundation Trust
  • Premises and Facilities- 6 non- compliances identified.
  • Health and Safety-4 non-compliances identified.
  • Governance Management and Administration- 3 non compliances identified.
  • Regulation 44 (3) and Regulation 22 (5)
Service closed
47746Rainbow Early Learning Centre Flat Bush One
  • Premises and Facilities- 1 non-compliance identified.
  • Health and Safety- I non-compliance identified.
  • Governance, Management and Administration-2 non compliances identified.
Service closed
47747Rainbow Early Learning Centre Flat Bush Two
  • Premises and Facilities -1 non-compliance identified.
  • Health and Safety- I non-compliance identified.
  • Governance, Management and Administration-2 non compliances identified.
Service closed
46793Rainbow Corner Home Based Standard Network
  • Health and Safety -10 non-compliances identified.

No report service closed before review was completed.


Service closed
46968Rainbow Corner Home Based Quality Network
  • Health and Safety- 7 non-compliances identified.

No report service closed before review was completed.

Service closed

Patricia Davey
Director Early Childhood Education (ECE)

22 June 2023 


7 About the Governing Organisation

Governing OrganisationRainbow Corner Group of Companies Limited
Head Office LocationFlat Bush, Auckland
Service typesEducation and care, Casual education and care and Homebased
Total number of licensed services16
Total number of children licensed for across all services1093
Total number of children enrolled across all services 646
Ethnic composition* (%)Māori 15.4%, NZ European/Pākehā 20.32%, Indian 23.02%, Fijian 5.8%, Samoan 5.4%, Cook Island 5.5%, Tongan 0.9%, Niuean 0.5%.
Number of full-time equivalent teachersQualified:  77

Unqualified:  60

Educators:  73

ERO team on siteFebruary 2023
Date of this report22 June 2023
Most recent ERO report(s)No previous ERO reports.

8 List of sampled services

All sampled services are on a full licence.

Services sampled in this evaluation:

Profile Number  
Name of service  
Service Type
46340More for Kidz Foundation TrustCasual education and care
47746Rainbow Corner Early Learning Centre – Flat Bush OneEducation and care
47747Rainbow Corner Early Learning Centre – Flat Bush TwoEducation and care
46793   The Rainbow Corner Homebased Early Learning Service – Standard NetworkHomebased
46968The Rainbow Corner Homebased Early Learning Service – Quality NetworkHomebased