Newly developed indicators of quality for early childhood education published

Published: 06 Apr 2020
Early learning

The newly developed indicators of quality for early childhood education in Aotearoa New Zealand are now available on the ERO website.

Te Ara Poutama – indicators of quality for early childhood education: what matters most outlines the essential features of quality which ERO expects early childhood services to be demonstrating. The indicators have two dimensions: Valued Learning Outcomes (Outcome Indicators) and Process indicators that describe the conditions which influence the quality of early childhood education. These new indicators describe the learning and organisational conditions that enable the service to provide equitable learning opportunities for all children.

These indicators will form the basis of ERO’s approach to evaluating quality in centre-based early childhood services going forward. ERO equally expects services to evaluate their own performance using these indicators and have in place processes to take action to improve quality.

Accompanying the indicators is a set of academic papers which were used as a starting point for the revision.

Supporting material for the sector and for parents and whānau is currently in development and will be available later in the year.