Kahurangi School

Education institution number:
School type:
Full Primary
School gender:
Not Applicable
Total roll:

45 Strathmore Avenue, Strathmore, Wellington

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Kahurangi School - 16/09/2019

School Context

Kahurangi School, located in Strathmore, caters for students from Years 1 to 8. At the time of this review the roll was 216 students, with 31% identifying as Māori and 19% Samoan. A large proportion of students are English language learners, and from a range of cultures.

The overarching vision is for ‘creative, energetic and enterprising young people who can seize the opportunities offered by new knowledge and technologies, who recognise Māori and Pākehā as treaty partners and value other cultures, and who will be confident, connected, actively involved lifelong learners’. School principles of Learning – Poutama, Pride – Whakahī, Culture – Ahurea and Community - Ahikāroa are the valued outcomes for students.

The 2019 charter goals are to ensure success and equity for all learners, future focused learning, partnership and collaboration, effective teaching and a supportive learning environment. The annual plan targets focus on raising achievement levels for all students in reading, most boys in writing and most Māori and Pacific students in writing and mathematics.

Since the May 2016 ERO report, there have been significant roll growth and new staff including the appointment of two internally appointed assistant principals commencing in 2018. Leaders and teachers regularly report to the board, schoolwide information about outcomes for students in the following areas:

  • achievement in reading, writing and mathematics
  • children with additional learning needs
  • behaviour
  • attendance.

Ongoing professional development since 2017 focused on growing leadership capability. This continues for 2019.

The school is a member of the Motu Kairangi Kāhui Ako|Community of Learning.

Evaluation Findings

1 Equity and excellence – achievement of valued outcomes for students

1.1 How well is the school achieving equitable and excellent outcomes for all its students?

School achievement data for 2018 shows that a large majority of students achieve at or above curriculum level expectations in reading and mathematics. The majority of students meet expectations in writing.

Equitable and excellent outcomes for Māori and Pacific students are not yet evident when compared to their Pākehā peers.

There is significant disparity for these students and children of other ethnicities in reading, writing and mathematics, and for boys in writing. This is an ongoing priority.

Students with additional learning needs are well supported to participate, progress and achieve in relation to appropriately developed Individual Education Plans.

1.2 How well is the school accelerating learning for those Māori and other students who need this?

The school is developing a clearer picture of acceleration for specific groups of students in writing and mathematics. School data for 2018 shows acceleration is evident, particularly in writing for many students at risk of not achieving. A small number of Māori students show accelerated progress in reading and Mathematics.

2 School conditions for equity and excellence – processes and practices

2.1 What school processes and practices are effective in enabling achievement of equity and excellence, and acceleration of learning?

Trustees, leaders and teachers actively pursue the school vision for equitable access for all students. Relationships between trustees, leaders and teachers are based on trust, integrity and openness, and transparent sharing of knowledge in the interests of improving outcomes. Trustees, leaders and teachers purposefully foster a positive culture aligned to meeting the school’s vision. High expectations clearly aligned to the school’s principles are strongly embedded. Reciprocal learning relationships between parents, families and whānau, and building wider community connections are actively promoted.

Well-considered systems, practices and processes promote shared schoolwide understanding and guide teaching and learning. Comprehensive analysis of achievement data is used well to inform teaching. Students at risk of not achieving are effectively identified and appropriate programmes are implemented. Sound systems at classroom level support effective measuring and monitoring of individual student achievement.

A well-considered, culturally responsive, local curriculum effectively promotes students’ culture, language and identity. Sufficient equitable opportunities for learning supports children’s engagement. Relationships of care and inclusiveness (whānaungatanga) are a key foundation for learning. All learners have many opportunities to participate and celebrate success in cultural, academic, sporting, artistic and leadership activities. Tuakana teina is clearly evident.

A robust appraisal process builds leadership and teacher capability. Leaders and teachers are strongly improvement-focused. They regularly reflect on their practice against well-constructed goals aligned to success criteria for the development of practice. Teachers evaluate the effectiveness of inquiries in accelerating the learning and progress of target students. This helps determine the impact of teaching for students’ learning.

Leadership is highly collaborative, reflective and has a strong improvement-focused approach. The leadership team is supported to deliberately establish and strengthen systems, practices and processes to improve equity and excellent outcomes for all children.

2.2 What further developments are needed in school processes and practices for achievement of equity and excellence, and acceleration of learning?

The school acknowledges that continued urgency is required to address disparity and to achieve equitable and excellent outcomes for all students to meet the intent of the strategic plan. Developing a more explicit schoolwide picture of acceleration, well aligned to target groups particularly Māori, Pacific, boys and other students at risk of underachieving, is a priority. This should better enable leaders and trustees to identify the progress of these groups of students in each learning area.

The school has identified that a key next step is to continue to develop and embed internal evaluation. This should better enable trustees, leaders and teachers to more effectively evaluate the impact of initiatives and interventions on student outcomes, particularly for those students at risk of underachieving.

3 Board Assurance on Legal Requirements

Before the review, the board and principal of the school completed the ERO board assurance statement and self-audit checklists. In these documents they attested that they had taken all reasonable steps to meet their legislative obligations related to the following:

  • board administration
  • curriculum
  • management of health, safety and welfare
  • personnel management
  • finance
  • asset management.

During the review, ERO checked the following items because they have a potentially high impact on student safety and wellbeing:

  • emotional safety of students (including prevention of bullying and sexual harassment)
  • physical safety of students
  • teacher registration and certification
  • processes for appointing staff
  • stand down, suspension, expulsion and exclusion of students
  • attendance
  • school policies in relation to meeting the requirements of the Vulnerable Children Act 2014.

4 ERO’s Overall Judgement

On the basis of the findings of this review, ERO’s overall evaluation judgement of Kahurangi School’s performance in achieving valued outcomes for its students is: Developing.

ERO’s Framework: Overall School Performance is available on ERO’s website.

5 Going forward

Key strengths of the school

For sustained improvement and future learner success, the school can draw on existing strengths in:

  • systems and processes that focus on responding to individual learning and wellbeing needs
  • leadership that promotes improvements in school performance and effectively supports teachers to develop their practice
  • a culturally responsive curriculum that promotes equitable access to learning.

Next steps

For sustained improvement and future learner success, priorities for further development are in:

  • trustees and leaders strengthening the analysis of achievement information to systematically address in-school disparities
  • continuing to develop a shared understanding of internal evaluation practices, to better understand the impact of programmes and initiatives on acceleration and achievement for learners at risk of not achieving.

Actions for compliance

ERO identified non-compliance in relation to Health and Safety policies.

In order to address this, the board of trustees must:

  1. develop a policy on Physical Restraint
    [Clause 11] Education (Physical Restraint) Rules 2017
  2. develop a policy on surrender and retention of property and searches of students by the principal, teachers and authorised staff members
    [Vulnerable Children Act 2014 Section 139AAA- 139AAF].

Areas for improved compliance practice

To improve current practice, the board of trustees should:

  • develop documented procedures that align with the appointment policy; and the Health and Safety policy
  • report in its annual report on the extent of its compliance with the personnel policy on being a good employer
  • regularly report health and safety information to the board.

Dr Lesley Patterson

Director Review and Improvement Services Te Tai Tini

Southern Region

16 September 2019

About the school



Ministry of Education profile number


School type

Full Primary (Years 1 to 8)

School roll


Gender composition

Boys 57%, Girls 43%

Ethnic composition

Māori 31%

NZ European/Pākehā 24%

Samoan 19%

Asian 4%

Other ethnicities 22%

Students with Ongoing Resourcing Funding (ORS)


Provision of Māori medium education


Review team on site

April 2019

Date of this report

16 September 2019

Most recent ERO report(s)

Education Review May 2016

Kahurangi School - 30/05/2016

1 Context

Kahurangi School was formed by the merger of Miramar South School and Strathmore Community School. It opened in February 2013 on the temporary site of the previous Miramar South School while the Strathmore Community School site was redeveloped. The school moved to their permanent site in Strathmore in Term 3, 2013.The school was established under the guidance of an establishment board (E-board). The principal joined this establishment group in October 2012. Following elections in Term 1 2013, three members of the Eboard were elected, along with three new trustees.

Kahurangi School caters for students in Years 1 to 8. The roll is currently 152, of which 33% are Māori and 34% are Pacific. The school celebrates more than 15 nationalities.

This is the school's first education review report.

2 Equity and excellence

The vision and valued outcomes defined by the school for all children are that learners will:

  • be creative, energetic and enterprising
  • seize opportunities offered by new knowledge and technologies
  • recognise Māori and Pākehā as Treaty partners and value other cultures
  • be confident, connected and actively involved lifelong learners.

The principles of Learning, Pride, Culture and Community underpin teaching and learning. They guide relationships and interactions across the school, with parents, whānau, aiga and the wider community.

The school’s achievement information shows that over the past three years there has been a gradual increase in the number of Māori students achieving at and above National Standards expectations. However, the high number of students who are achieving below National Standards remains a concern. Trends and patterns of achievement for Māori, Pacific and other students show that the school has yet to achieve equitable outcomes for all.

Appropriate charter targets are set for students whose progress needs acceleration. Māori learners are identified in these and class targets. The school uses a range of interventions to support these students' progress.

Since the ERO's new school assurance review in May 2014 the school has:

  • developed and implemented a new school curriculum
  • built a cohesive teaching team
  • engaged in professional learning and development (PLD) to support teaching and learning
  • continued to build partnerships with whānau, aiga and the community
  • taken a measured approach in continuing to develop the environment as a learning resource
  • begun to review the structures put in place when the school first opened.

3 Accelerating achievement

How effectively does this school respond to Māori children whose learning and achievement need acceleration?

There is a relentless focus on accelerating the progress of students achieving below expectation. The school appropriately identifies Māori students whose progress needs acceleration. Thorough assessment processes and setting of annual and class targets for improvement supports this.

Leaders build teachers' confidence and capability through PLD including exploration of Tātaiako: Cultural Competencies for Teachers of Māori Learners. Māori students' language, culture and identities are integrated through the responsive curriculum.

The principal has identified, and ERO agrees, that maintaining the urgency to accelerate learning for Māori students remains a priority. Leaders and teachers should continue to:

  • build on established partnerships with early childhood centres
  • facilitate successful transitions for students through the school and onto further education
  • develop shared understanding of age-appropriate expectations as students' progress through the school
  • closely track and monitor student progress to identify specific needs for individuals and respond through appropriate teaching strategies to accelerate learning.

The appointment of two middle leaders is an initiative to support building teachers' capability to promote the learning of students. Provision of relevant PLD should assist these leaders in their role.

How effectively does this school respond to other children whose learning and achievement need acceleration?

The school responds well to other students whose learning and achievement need acceleration by using the strategies identified above. The identity, language and culture of Pacific students is valued and celebrated, and aiga are welcomed as partners in their child’s learning. Teachers appropriately support English language learners through well-planned programmes specific to their language development needs.

4 School conditions

How effectively do the school’s curriculum and other organisational processes and practices develop and enact the school’s vision, values, goals and priorities for equity and excellence?

The school's curriculum, processes and practices effectively contribute to promoting equity and excellence for students.

Experienced trustees purposefully govern the school. They are strategic in their thinking about ongoing improvements. The board receives useful detailed information about student achievement, school practices and operations. Trustees have a clear understanding about what is working well from a range of perspectives. Their decision-making and resourcing is responsive to student achievement, learning and wellbeing.

The principal has a considered approach to implementing change. She is a knowledgeable professional who shares and models effective teaching practice.

The curriculum clearly expresses a vision, principles and values that reflect the culture, identity and aspirations of the community. These are highly evident in practice across the school. Appropriate guidelines outline high expectations for teaching and learning and what success looks like. Te ao Māori and Pacific cultures are integral to school life.

Leaders and teachers engage meaningfully with families in partnership for children's learning. Trustees and staff are proactive in making connections with whānau, aiga and the wider community. They value their contributions, using these to inform strategic direction and priorities.

Parents are well informed about their children’s progress, achievement and next learning steps. Reporting to parents is usefully differentiated for:

  • English language learners using the relevant progressions
  • students in their first three years at school
  • Years 4 to 8 students.

Leaders and teachers know students well. They demonstrate a collective responsibility for student learning and wellbeing. Relationships are trusting between teachers and their students. Students know and respond to well-established routines and organisation.

Teachers effectively use appropriate strategies to engage students in meaningful learning. Students work cooperatively and support each other. They know about the purpose, and are taking increasing ownership of their learning.

Students successfully take on a range of leadership roles. The concept of tuakana teina is highly evident across the school. The particular needs, strengths and interests of Year 8 students are well-planned for.

Performance appraisal and PLD are appropriately challenging and improvement focused. Teachers identify that it contributes to ongoing development of schoolwide consistency of practice. School leaders and teachers are highly reflective. They inquire into their leadership and teaching. Staff discuss, challenge and critique their practice. This is used to plan, determine next steps and inform changes to teaching and programmes.

5 Going forward

How well placed is the school to achieve and sustain equitable and excellent outcomes for all children?

Leaders and teachers:

  • know the children whose learning and achievement need to be accelerated
  • respond to the strengths, needs and interests of each child
  • regularly evaluate how teaching is working for these children
  • do not always or systematically act on what they know works for each child
  • have a plan in place but have not yet built teacher capability effectively to achieve equitable outcomes for all children.

The school has the capacity to monitor and evaluate actions to accelerate achievement outlined in its achievement plans and targets. However, some improvement initiatives are in the early stages of implementation and disparity of achievement is yet to be addressed. School leaders recognise that internal evaluation is an essential part of improvement. Establishing and implementing clear processes should assist them to determine the effectiveness and impact of developments on outcomes for students.

Action: The board, principal and teachers should use the findings of this evaluation, the Effective School Evaluation resource, the Internal Evaluation: Good Practice exemplars and the School Evaluation Indicators to develop a Raising Achievement Plan to further develop processes and practices that respond effectively to the strengths and needs of children whose learning and achievement need to be accelerated.

As part of this review ERO will continue to monitor the school’s Raising Achievement Plan and the progress the school makes.

ERO is likely to carry out the next review in three years.

6 Board assurance on legal requirements

Before the review the board of trustees and principal of the school completed the ERO board assurance statement and Self Audit Checklists. In these documents they attested that they had taken all reasonable steps to meet their legislative obligations related to the following:

  • Board administration.
  • Curriculum.
  • Management of health, safety and welfare.
  • Personnel management.
  • Asset management. 

During the review, ERO checked the following items because they have a potentially high impact on student safety and wellbeing:

  • Emotional safety of students (including prevention of bullying and sexual harassment).
  • Physical safety of students.
  • Teacher registration.
  • Processes for appointing staff.
  • Stand down, suspensions, expulsions and exclusions.
  • Attendance.
  • Compliance with the provisions of the Vulnerable Children Act 2014.

7 Recommendations

ERO recommends that the school:

  • continues a relentless focus on accelerating the achievement of Māori, Pacific and other underachieving students
  • is vigilant about the responsiveness of teaching for each individual Māori student whose learning needs accelerating
  • uses internal evaluation to ensure actions effectively accelerate achievement for all.

Joyce Gebbie

Deputy Chief Review Officer Central

30 May 2016 

About the school



Ministry of Education profile number


School type

Full Primary (Years 1 to 8)

School roll


Gender composition

Female 59%, Male 41%

Ethnic composition





Other ethnic groups






Review team on site

March 2016

Date of this report

30 May 2016

Most recent ERO report(s)

No previous ERO reports