The Rainbow Early Learning Centre

Education institution number:
Service type:
Education and Care Service
Not Applicable
Total roll:

6 Cosgrove Road, Kaiapoi

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The Rainbow Early Learning Centre

ERO’s Judgements

Akarangi | Quality Evaluation evaluates the extent to which this early childhood service has the learning and organisational conditions to support equitable and excellent outcomes for all learners. Te Ara Poutama Indicators of quality for early childhood education: what matters most are the basis for making judgements about the effectiveness of the service in achieving equity and excellence for all learners. Judgements are made in relation to the Outcomes Indicators, Learning and Organisational Conditions. The Evaluation Judgement Rubric derived from the indicators, is used to inform ERO’s judgements about this service’s performance in promoting equity and excellence.

ERO’s judgements for The Rainbow Early Learning Centre are as follows:

Outcome Indicators

(What the service knows about outcomes for learners)

Whāngai Establishing

Ngā Akatoro Domains


Learning Conditions
Organisational Conditions

Whāngai Establishing

Whakaū Embedding

2 Context of the Service

The Rainbow Early Learning Centre is a Christian, community-based early childhood service governed by the Person to Person Help Trust. The center is led by a center manager supported by a head teacher. Over a quarter of children attending are Māori. A small number of children are of Pacific heritage. Progress since the last ERO review in relation to internal evaluation, is ongoing.

3 Summary of findings

The service’s Christian philosophy and values are strongly evident in practice. Teachers know children and their whānau well. They foster children’s sense of belonging through intentional teaching and being attuned to them as individuals.

Infant and toddlers experience a calm, slower paced environment. Teachers are highly responsive to their verbal and non-verbal cues. The spacious natural outdoor environments support exploration and encourage children of all ages to lead their own learning. 

The team have undertaken significant work to design and implement a local curriculum. Deepening the curriculum by exploring the local cultural narratives, histories, and greater integration of te ao Māori is an ongoing focus and requires further development. 

The service has developed an effective working partnership with local primary schools. This helps to support successful transition for children and their whānau. Children with additional learning needs are well supported. Teachers remove barriers to ensure that children have access to full participation at the service.

Leaders and teachers gather relevant information on children’s learning and development aligned with the strands and goals of Te Whāriki, the early childhood curriculum. Te reo Māori is regularly used in assessment documentation. However, documentation does not consistently show:

  • continuity and progress of learning over time in relation to the learning outcomes in Te Whāriki

  • specific teaching strategies planned to extend learning

  • parents’ contributions and how teachers respond to these.

Leaders and teachers are collaborative, and improvement focused. They engage in regular professional learning and development aligned to the service’s priorities. Internal evaluation is used to inquire into aspects of practice and to understand what changes need to be made, however the process requires refinement to be fully effective.

Governance and management prioritise the learning and wellbeing of children and their whānau when making decisions and allocating resources.

4 Improvement actions

The Rainbow Early Learning Centre will include the following actions in its Quality Improvement Planning:

  • improve the consistency of assessment documentation to be assured of all children’s learning and progress over time

  • further develop the local curriculum in consultation with whānau to include te ao Māori perspectives including local cultural narratives and histories

  • build the capability of governance, leaders, and teachers to do and use effective internal evaluation. This includes refining the evaluative focus, and indicators to guide the evaluation, and monitoring changes made to know the impact on outcomes for learners.

5 Management Assurance on Legal Requirements

Before the review, the staff and management of The Rainbow Early Learning Centre completed an ERO Assurance Statement and Self-Audit Checklist. In these documents they attested that they have taken all reasonable steps to meet their legal obligations related to:

  • curriculum

  • premises and facilities

  • health and safety practices

  • governance, management and administration.

During the review, ERO looked at the service’s systems for managing the following areas that have a potentially high impact on children's wellbeing:

  • emotional safety (including positive guidance and child protection)

  • physical safety (including supervision; sleep procedures; accidents; medication; hygiene; excursion policies and procedures)

  • suitable staffing (including qualification levels; safety checking; teacher registration; ratios)

  • relevant evacuation procedures and practices.

All early childhood services are required to promote children's health and safety and to regularly review their compliance with legal requirements.

Kathy Lye
Director Review and Improvement Services (Acting, Southern)
Southern Region | Te Tai Tini

14 February 2023 

6 About the Early Childhood Service

Early Childhood Service Name

The Rainbow Early Learning Centre

Profile Number




Service type

Education and care service

Number licensed for

48 children, including up to 12 aged under 2

Percentage of qualified teachers


Service roll


Review team on site

November 2022

Date of this report

14 February 2023

Most recent ERO report(s)

Education Review, November 2019; Education Review, October 2016

The Rainbow Early Learning Centre - 27/11/2019

1 Evaluation of The Rainbow Early Learning Centre

How well placed is The Rainbow Early Learning Centre to promote positive learning outcomes for children?

Not well placed

Requires further development

Well placed

Very well placed

The Rainbow Early Learning Centre is well placed to promote positive learning outcomes for children.

ERO's findings that support this overall judgement are summarised below.


The Rainbow Early Learning Centre is a Christian, community-based centre governed by the Person To Person Help Trust. It provides a full-day service and is licenced for 48 children, including 12 aged under two years. The centre is led by a long-serving head teacher with a team leader, and all teachers are fully qualified.

The separate nursery and preschool areas each have adjacent indoor and outdoor areas. Interaction between older and younger children, including siblings, is encouraged.

The centre has made progress in addressing the key next steps identified in the October 2016 review, particularly improving the quality of planning and assessment practices.

The centre's philosophy is Christian-centred and underpinned by Te Whāriki, the early childhood curriculum. It states that through play-based and child-led programmes children are supported to be competent and confident learners, and that the service values reciprocal learning relationships with families. It also says that the cultural background of each child, and the unique place of Māori as tangata whenua will be valued.

The Rainbow Early Learning Centre is a member of the Katote Kāhui Ako | Community of Learning.

The Review Findings

Children actively lead their own learning, empowering them to grow in competence and confidence physically, emotionally, cognitively and socially. Teachers respond to individual learning needs through effective curriculum planning and assessment. Te ao Māori and Christian concepts are clearly aligned with outcomes from Te Whāriki to help determine learning. Māori children are well supported in their learning.

Assessment records children’s strengths, interests and learning dispositions, and demonstrates progress in a range of contexts. Parents' and whānau aspirations for their children are known and valued. Teachers proactively learn about, and respond to, children’s cultural values.

Teachers engage in positive, responsive relationships with children. Their conversations with children, which also incorporate some te reo Māori, meaningfully promote curiosity, social engagement and learning. Teachers provide authentic learning experiences that offer opportunities to learn within and about the local community. Children’s sense of belonging is nurtured, with close whānau involvement, through individualised transitions into and within the service, and when moving on to school.

Infants experience warm, caring interactions with their key teachers. Their routines are calm and unhurried. The initiative of the child is respected, and their learning environment provides stimulation and challenge.

The centre's extensive learning environment supports curriculum implementation and makes use of many natural resources that invite exploration, wondering and creativity. Children experience the care of animals and sustainable practices that foster responsibility and gentleness. They are encouraged to take responsibility for their own and others' wellbeing and their environment.

Trustees, leaders and teachers demonstrate a strong, shared understanding of, and commitment to, the centre’s Christian philosophy. They provide an inclusive education for children with diverse needs through their collaborative practices and continual learning. The Trust resources the centre well as part of its mission of service and equity in its community. Leaders and teachers provide emotional and practical support and advocacy for children and whānau. Children are valued, affirmed and celebrated for who they are and what they bring to their learning.

Centre leaders and teachers are active participants and contributors to the wider education community. This has led to improvements in building cultural responsiveness and positive transitions to school. Professional learning is enhanced by teacher inquiry practices and sharing new knowledge within the team.

Key Next Steps

The key next steps for leaders and teachers are to continue to focus on:

  • engaging with parents and whānau throughout the process of undertaking planned inquiries and evaluations for improvement
  • effectively evaluating service practices, including changes to practice, and key developments to determine the impact these have had on improving outcomes for children.

Management Assurance on Legal Requirements

Before the review, the staff and management of The Rainbow Early Learning Centre completed an ERO Centre Assurance Statement and Self-Audit Checklist. In these documents they attested that they have taken all reasonable steps to meet their legal obligations related to:

  • curriculum
  • premises and facilities
  • health and safety practices
  • governance, management and administration.

During the review, ERO looked at the service’s systems for managing the following areas that have a potentially high impact on children's wellbeing:

  • emotional safety (including positive guidance and child protection)

  • physical safety (including supervision; sleep procedures; accidents; medication; hygiene; excursion policies and procedures)

  • suitable staffing (including qualification levels; police vetting; teacher registration; ratios)

  • evacuation procedures and practices for fire and earthquake.

All early childhood services are required to promote children's health and safety and to regularly review their compliance with legal requirements.

To improve current practice, the early childhood service management should ensure that parents are notified in a timely manner in the event of their child sustaining an injury.

Dr Lesley Patterson

Director Review and Improvement Services Southern

Southern Region

27 November 2019

The Purpose of ERO Reports

The Education Review Office (ERO) is the government department that, as part of its work, reviews early childhood services throughout Aotearoa New Zealand. ERO’s reports provide information for parents and communities about each service’s strengths and next steps for development. ERO’s bicultural evaluation framework Ngā Pou Here is described in SECTION 3 of this report. Early childhood services are partners in the review process and are expected to make use of the review findings to enhance children's wellbeing and learning.

2 Information about the Early Childhood Service



Ministry of Education profile number


Licence type

Education & Care Service

Licensed under

Education (Early Childhood Services) Regulations 2008

Number licensed for

48 children, including up to 12 aged under 2

Service roll


Gender composition

Male 34, Female 28

Ethnic composition

NZ European/Pākehā


Percentage of qualified teachers

0-49% 50-79% 80%+

Based on funding rates

80% +

Reported ratios of staff to children

Under 2


Better than minimum requirements

Over 2


Better than minimum requirements

Review team on site

October 2019

Date of this report

27 November 2019

Most recent ERO reports


Education Review

October 2016

Education Review

June 2013

3 General Information about Early Childhood Reviews

ERO’s Evaluation Framework

ERO’s overarching question for an early childhood education review is ‘How well placed is this service to promote positive learning outcomes for children?’ ERO focuses on the following factors as described in the bicultural framework Ngā Pou Here:

Pou Whakahaere – how the service determines its vision, philosophy and direction to ensure positive outcomes for children

Pou Ārahi – how leadership is enacted to enhance positive outcomes for children

Mātauranga – whose knowledge is valued and how the curriculum is designed to achieve positive outcomes for children

Tikanga whakaako – how approaches to teaching and learning respond to diversity and support positive outcomes for children.

Within these areas ERO considers the effectiveness of arotake – self review and of whanaungatanga – partnerships with parents and whānau.

ERO evaluates how well placed a service is to sustain good practice and make ongoing improvements for the benefit of all children at the service.

A focus for the government is that all children, especially priority learners, have an opportunity to benefit from quality early childhood education. ERO will report on how well each service promotes positive outcomes for all children, with a focus on children who are Māori, Pacific, have diverse needs, and are up to the age of two.

For more information about the framework and Ngā Pou Here refer to ERO’s Approach to Review in Early Childhood Services.

ERO’s Overall Judgement

The overall judgement that ERO makes will depend on how well the service promotes positive learning outcomes for children. The categories are:

  • Very well placed

  • Well placed

  • Requires further development

  • Not well placed

ERO has developed criteria for each category. These are available on ERO’s website.

Review Coverage

ERO reviews are tailored to each service’s context and performance, within the overarching review framework. The aim is to provide information on aspects that are central to positive outcomes for children and useful to the service.