94 Pakowhai Road, Frasertown
View on mapTe Kōhanga Reo o Pākōwhai
Te Kōhanga Reo o Pākōwhai
1 He Kupu Arataki
Kua mahi ngātahi Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga, ngā whānau, ngā kaiārahi, ngā kaimahi me ngā hapori ki te whakawhanake i ngā tirohanga aromātai e whai wāhi nui ai ki te hāpai i te kawenga takohanga me te whakapaitanga, ki te tautuhi i te ahu whakamua, ā, ki te whakapakari ake hoki i te āheinga ki te aromātai. Ka whakarato ngā pūrongo a Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga i ngā mōhiohio mātuatua mā ngā whānau, ngā hapū, me ngā iwi.
2 Te Horopaki
Ko Ngāti Mihi te hapū
Ko Ngāti Kahungunu te iwi
Ko Tama te Rangi te tangata
E tū ana Te Kōhanga Reo o Pākōwhai ki te marae o Pākōwhai, ki Te Kapu. I pā kino nei a Huripari Gabrielle ki te whānau me te hapori whānui o Wairoa, ā, he nui āna kawekawe whai muri atu. Kua kotahi tau i nāianei whai muri i te huripari, ā, kei te rongo tonu, kei te whakatika tonu te whānau i aua taumahatanga.
3 Te Aronga o te Aromātai
He pēhea rawa te whakaatu mai a ngā tamariki i tō rātou tuakiritanga?
Ka kitea ki ngā mokopuna ō rātou hononga, tō rātou aronga toi whenuatanga hoki ki waenga i a rātou anō, ki tō rātou kōhanga reo me te marae.
4 Ngā Whakaaturanga
E āta poipoia ana ngā matea o ngā mokopuna mā ngā hononga aroha o te whānau. He tino hononga ā-whakapapa ki waenga i te whānau, ngā kaimahi, me ngā mokopuna. Ka toro māoriori atu te taiao ako o te kōhanga reo ki te marae. Ka tūhono ngā mokopuna ki ngā hītori o ō rātou iwi mā ngā waiata me ngā karakia o Ngāti Mihi. Ka whakamahi ngā kaimahi i ngā rautaki papai ki te whakaako me te whakapūmau i ngā kaupapa Māori, i ngā kaupapa o Ngāti Mihi, i te reo Māori hoki. Ka whai wāhi nui ngā waiata me ngā karakia, he whiringa mā ngā mokopuna i roto i ngā taumahi pai, ā, ka whakatauirahia hoki te noho tahi a te tuakana me te teina. Ka āta ākina te taunekeneke papai a ngā mokopuna ki ētahi atu. Ki tā ngā mātua whakataunga, kei te tino atawhaitia ā rātou tamariki. He ngākau titikaha ō ngā mokopuna, nā tō rātou aronga toi whenuatanga ki te ao o tō rātou kōhanga reo.
Kua whakaritea ngā mahinga auau me ngā tūmanako, ā, ka whakatairangatia te waiora o ngā mokopuna. Kei te tino mōhio rātou ki ngā mahinga, ā, he ngāwari te whakawhiti atu ki ngā wheako ako ā-rōpū, ki ngā mahinga atawhai, me ngā taumahi mā te takitahi, mā ngā rōpū iti rānei. Kua whakaritea tētahi wāhi ako mō ngā mokopuna kei raro i te rua o ngā tau te pakeke, hei poipoi i ō rātou matea ake. Ka ākina hoki tā rātou whai atu i ō rātou ake ngākau nuitanga, ā, ka haereere rātou puta noa i te kōhanga reo. He pai te tākaro me te ako a ngā mokopuna ki te taha o ō rātou whanaunga.
Ka āta ārahi te whakamahere ngātahi me ngā mahi aromatawai i ngā wheako ako o ngā mokopuna. Ka ahu mai ngā mahere i Te Whāriki a Te Kōhanga Reo, ā, ka whai wāhi hoki ngā wawata o te whānau me tō rātou whakaaro huritao tonu. Ka tautuhi ngā mahere i ngā putanga ako e hiahiatia ana mō ngā mokopuna, i ngā taumahi ka whakaongaonga i tā rātou whai wāhi atu, ka whakatairanga hoki i tā rātou ako, me ngā rauemi e tika ana, e hāngai pū ana hoki ki ngā kaupapa. Ka whakaarohia ngā matea ako o ngā mokopuna ki ngā wāhanga ako i whakatakotohia ai. Kei ngā tukanga aromatawai ngā mātai mokopuna me ngā kōnae. Ka kapo atu ērā i ngā whakawhanaketanga ake o ngā mokopuna, tae atu hoki ki tā rātou ahu whakamua me tā rātou ako i roto i te roanga o te wā. He whai wāhitanga i ia wāhanga mō ngā whānau ki te kōrero urupare mō te kōnae a ā rātou ake tamariki i ia wāhanga. Ka ngākau nui ngā mokopuna ki te whiriwhiri me te ārahi i ngā taumahi o ia rā.
Ngā Whakaritenga Matua ka whai ake
Me whakapakari ake i ngā whakahaeretanga ki te kōhanga reo. I te wā i te kōhanga reo Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga mō te arotakenga nei, kāhore te whānau i te whakatinana i tētahi rārangi wā auau e arotake ai i ā rātou kaupapa here me ā rātou tukanga. He ruarua noa ngā whakaaturanga i tohu ai i te manatokotanga, i te arotakenga rānei a te whānau i ngā kaupapa here e pā ana ki te whakahaeretanga me ngā whakaritenga. Mai i te wā i te kōhanga reo Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga, kua whakatakotohia, kua arotakengia hoki e te whānau ētahi o ngā kaupapa here matua i te tāwēwē, i roto i te hauora, te haumaru, me te marau. Kua whakaaetia aua kaupapa here ki te hui ā-whānau, mā te ārahitanga hoki a te kaupapa kaimahi ā-rohe. E whakatutuki haere ana i ngā whakaritenga e whakatairanga ana i te haumaru me te waiora o ngā mokopuna.
E mōhio ana ngā kaimahi, e tika ana kia whakapakarihia te aromātai hōtaka, ā, e tautokona ana taua tūāhuatanga ki te aromātai a Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga. Ahakoa ka whakawhiti kōrero ngā kaimahi mō ngā whakarerekētanga ki te hōtaka akoranga, ko te tuhi haere i ngā whakarerekētanga e takunetia ana, i te wā rānei ka whakatutukihia, kāhore e āta tuhia ana. He tūāhuatanga tēnā ka pā ki te noho mōhio o te whānau ki te āhua tonu o te whakatutukitanga o ngā whakarerekētanga, i te whai pānga rānei o ērā ki ngā whai wāhitanga, ki ngā painga rānei mō ngā mokopuna. Ka whai hua ngā mokopuna mā ngā whakapaitanga e aro nui ana ki ō rātou matea.
Hei whakapai ake i ngā whakaritenga, me whakapakari ngā kaimahi i te tuhi haere o ngā arowhai e pā ana ki ngā wā moe o ngā mokopuna. Ka tohua ngā tuhinga, e arowhai auau ana ngā kaimahi i ngā mokopuna i a rātou e moe ana, ā, e ai ki ngā kaimahi, kei te mōhio rātou ki te tikanga kia arowhaingia ngā mokopuna e moe ana. Heoi, i te wā o te arotake ki te kōhanga reo, kīhai Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga i kite i taua mahi e whakatutukihia ana.
5 Te Whakatau a te Whānau o te Kōhanga Reo ki ngā Wāhanga Tautukunga
I te wā o te arotake, i tirohia e Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga ngā pūnaha ki te whakahaere i ngā wāhanga e whai ake nei, arā, ki:
- te haumaru ā-whatumanawa, tae atu ki te ārahi mauritau me te ārai tamariki
- te haumaru ā-tinana, tae atu ki te mātakitaki tamariki, ngā whakaritenga whakamoe, ngā aituā, te whāngai rongoā; me ngā kaupapa here, ngā tukanga hoki mō ngā haerenga whakawaho
- te tū tika o ngā kaimahi, tae atu ki te tika o ngā tohu mātauranga, ngā mahi arowhai a ngā pirihimana, me te tatauranga ki waenga i te kaiako me te tamaiti
- ngā whakaritenga ohotata me ngā tikanga ohotata e pā ana ki te rū whenua, te ahi, te waipuke, te tai āniwhaniwha, me te mate urutā.
Kia tutuki i te whānau ngā herenga ā-ture, me tahuri rātou ki te:
- whakatinana i tētahi tukanga o te arotake whaiaro e whakahaerehia ana i ngā wā katoa, hei hāpai i te kōhanga reo ki te whakapūmau me te whakapai ake i te kounga o te mātauranga me te atawhai.
[R46 Ture Mātauranga (Kōhungahunga) 2008; GMA6 Paearu Raihana mō ngā Kōhanga Reo kei raro i te maru o Te Poari Matua o Ngā Kōhanga Reo 2008]
6 Te Taunakitanga
E taunaki ana Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga me te whānau o te kōhanga reo kia mahi te whānau ki te taha o Te Poari Matua o Ngā Kōhanga Reo, kia whai tautoko rātou ki te whakapakari ake i ngā tūranga whakahaere o te whānau, me ā rātou kawenga mahi.
Darcy Te Hau
Toka ā Nuku
Te Uepū-a-Motu – Māori Services
4 Paengawhāwhā, 2024
7 Ngā kōrero e pā ana ki te kōhanga reo
Te tūwāhi | Kei Te Kapu |
Te tau a te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga | 55305 |
Te tau tohu o Te Kōhanga Reo | 08A089 |
Te tūmomo whare | Te Kōhanga Reo |
Te raihana | Ngā Ture Mātauranga (Ratonga Kōhungahunga) 2008 |
Te tokomaha mō te raihana | 20 ngā tamariki, kia tokoono ki raro i te rua o ngā tau |
Te tokomaha kei runga i te rārangi ingoa | 20 ngā tamariki, tokoono kei raro i te rua o ngā tau |
Ngā hononga ā-iwi | Māori 20 |
Te wā i te kōhanga reo te rōpū arotake | Hui-tanguru 2024 |
Te wā o tēnei pūrongo | 4 Paengawhāwhā 2024 |
Ngā pūrongo o mua a Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga | Arotake Mātauranga, Paenga-whāwhā 2017; Arotake Mātauranga, Hui-tanguru 2014; Arotake Tāpiri, Pipiri 2009 |
1 Introduction
The Education Review Office (ERO) in collaboration with whānau, leaders, kaimahi and their communities develop evaluation insights that foster accountability and improvement, identify progress and build evaluation capability. ERO’s reports provide important information for whānau, hapū and iwi.
2 Context
Ko Ngāti Mihi te hapū
Ko Ngāti Kahungunu te iwi
Ko Tama Te Rangi te tangata.
Te Kōhanga o Pākōwhai is situated at Te Marae o Pakowhai in Frasertown. The whānau along with the wider hāpori of Wairoa suffered damage and repercussions in the after math of Cyclone Gabrielle. After the first anniversary of the cyclone, whānau are still dealing with these effects.
3 Evaluation Focus
How well do children demonstrate their tuakiritanga?
Mokopuna display a sense of connection and belonging to each other, their kōhanga reo and marae.
4 Findings
Mokopuna needs are well catered for through loving, whānau relationships. Whānau, kaimahi and mokopuna have strong whakapapa connections. The marae is a natural extension of the kōhanga reo learning environment. Mokopuna connect to their iwi histories through waiata and karakia specific to Ngāti Mihi. Kaimahi utilise good strategies to teach and reinforce kaupapa Māori, kaupapa o Ngāti Mihi and te reo Māori. This includes incorporating waiata and karakia, providing mokopuna choice in appropriate activities and through tuākana teina modelling. Mokopuna are gently encouraged to interact positively with others. Mātua are confident that their tamariki are well cared for. Mokopuna are confident in their sense of belonging in their kōhanga reo setting.
Regular routines and expectations are established and promote mokopuna wellbeing. They know these routines well and transition smoothly between group learning experiences, care routines and independent or small group activities. Mokopuna under two years old have a designated area provided for their specific needs. They are also encouraged to follow their own interests and move around the kōhanga reo freely. Mokopuna play and learn well alongside their whanaunga.
Collaborative planning and assessment practices guide mokopuna learning experiences well. Whānau aspirations and ongoing reflections are included in planning based on Te Whāriki ā Te Kōhanga Reo. Planning identifies desired learning outcomes for mokopuna, activities to stimulate their engagement and promote their learning, and appropriate resources required to teach specific kaupapa. Mokopuna learning needs are considered in designated learning areas. Assessment processes include mātai mokopuna and kōnae. These capture mokopuna milestone developments, progress and learning overtime. Whānau have opportunities to comment on their child’s kōnae every term. Mokopuna enjoy choosing and leading daily activities.
Key Next Steps
Te Kōhanga reo operations require strengthening. At the time ERO was onsite, for this review, the whānau were not implementing a regular schedule of review of their policies and procedures. There was limited evidence of operational and managerial policies being ratified or reviewed by whānau. Since the onsite the whānau have adopted and reviewed some outstanding key health and safety and curriculum policies. These policies have been accepted at a hui whānau with the guidance of the Kaupapa Kaimahi ā Rohe. Practices for promoting mokopuna safety and wellbeing are being addressed.
Kaimahi recognise the need to strengthen programme evaluation, ERO’s evaluation affirms this. While kaimahi discuss changes to the learning programme, recording the intended changes or when they will be completed is not well documented. This impacts on the whānau knowing how well changes were carried out or if they improved opportunities or outcomes for mokopuna because of the changes made. Mokopuna benefit from improvements that consider their needs.
To improve practice kaimahi need to strengthen recording checks for sleeping mokopuna. Records show kaimahi regularly check on sleeping mokopuna and kaimahi expressed they were aware of the expectation to carry out physical checks. However, during the onsite review this was not observed by ERO.
5 Kōhanga Whānau Assurance on Legal Requirements
During the evaluation, ERO looked at systems for managing the following areas:
- emotional safety including positive guidance and child protection
- physical safety including supervision, sleep procedures, accidents, medication, excursion policy and procedures
- suitable staffing including appropriate qualifications, police vetting, ratios
- emergency procedures and practices for earthquakes, fire, flood, tsunami and pandemic.
Actions for Compliance
To meet compliance requirements, they must:
- implement an ongoing process of self-review to help the kōhanga maintain and improve the quality of its education and care.
[Regulation 46 Education (Early Childhood Services) Regulations 2008; GMA6 Licensing Criteria for Kōhanga Reo affiliated with Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust 2008].
6 Recommendation
ERO and the kōhanga reo whānau recommends whānau work with the national trust to better support them to strengthen whānau whakahaere roles and responsibilities.
Darcy Te Hau
Toka-ā-Nuku – Director
Te Uepū ā-Motu – Māori Review Services
4 April 2024
7 Information about the Kōhanga Reo
Location | Frasertown |
Ministry of Education profile number | 55305 |
Kōhanga Reo Identification Number | 08A089 |
Licence type | Te Kōhanga Reo |
Licensed under | Education (Early Childhood Services) Regulations 2008 |
Number licensed for | 20 children, including up to 6 aged under 2 |
Service roll | 20 children, including 6 aged under 2 |
Ethnic composition | Māori 20 |
Review team on site | February 2024 |
Date of this report | 4 April 2024 |
Most recent ERO report(s) | Education Review, April 2017; Education Review, February 2014; Supplementary Review, June 2009. |
Te Kōhanga Reo o Pākōwhai - 05/04/2017
1 Te Horopaki
Ko Ngāti Mihi te hapū
Ko Ngāti Kahungunu te iwi
Ko Tama Te Rangi te tangata.
E tū ana Te Kōhanga Reo o Pakowhai ki te marae o Pakowhai, ki Frasertown, ki ngā tapa o Wairoa. He tino hononga ā-whakapapa tō ngā tamariki, te whānau, me ngā kaimahi, ki te marae, te hapū, me te iwi. Ka whai wāhi mātātoa rātou ki tō rātou marae, ā, ki ētahi atu marae anō hoki o te takiwā. Hono atu ēnei marae katoa ki a Hine Manuhiri.
Whai muri i te arotake o mua a Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga i te tau 2014, kua whakapūmautia ngā tino hononga ā-whānau me te pai o ngā mahi whakahaere e arotahi ana ki ngā putanga mō ngā tamariki.
2 Ngā Whakaaturanga o te Arotake
He pēhea rawa ngā tamariki e whakatinana i te whanaungatanga?
Ka kitea te māramatanga o ngā tamariki he aha te whanaungatanga.
Te Mana Tangata me te Mana Whenua
Ka ako ngā tamariki i ngā kaupapa mo te whānau, te hapū, me te iwi hoki. Nō Ngāti Mihi ngā tamariki katoa. Ka akiaki ngā kaimahi i ngā tamariki, i a rātou e ako ana i ō rātou tuakiri mā ngā pepeha me ngā whakapapa. Ka korero hoki ngā pākeke ki ngā tamariki ko wai rātou, ā, nō hea hoki rātou. E mōhio ana ngā tamariki ki ngā waiata, ngā hīmene, ngā karakia, ngā kōrero tuku iho i te hapori, me ngā hītori e whakapūmau ana i ō rātou hononga ki a Ngāti Mihi. Haereere ai rātou ia wā ki ngā pou whenua matua o te hapori, hei hāpai i ngā tamariki ki te whakahonohono ki tō rātou taiao. Haere ai ngā tamariki me tō rātou whānau ki tō rātou marae ia wā, ia wā mō te whānuitanga o ngā tūmomo uptake katoa. Kei te tino mōhio ngā tamariki ki ngā kawa me ngā tikanga o tēnei takiwā. Ka ngākau nui ngā tamariki ki te tūhura/tirotiro haere.
Ka rongo ngā tamariki i ngā taunekeneke o te aroha, te manaaki, me te whai pūtaketanga. Ko te whanaungatanga te tūāpapa o ngā taunekeneke me ngā hononga papai ki waenga i ngā tamariki, ā, me te whānau. Ka whakatairanga ngā kaimahi i ngā uaratanga o te manaaki, te aroha, me te tiaki, ā, ka whai pānga nui hoki ēnei uaratanga ki te whānau. Ka kitea te whakaute me te manawanui o ngā tamariki ki ō rātou hoa, i a rātou taunekeneke haere ana, mo te rā katoa. E āhei ana ngā tamariki ki te whakatau i ngā amuamu i waenga i a rātou anō, me te kore whai wāhi mai hoki o ngā kaimahi. Kua āta whakawhanakehia ngā hononga ki waenga i te tuakana me te teina, ā, ka hāpai ngā tuākana i ō rātou tēina. He pai ngā hononga ki waenga i ngā tamariki me ngā kaimahi. He tau, he harikoa, he māia hoki ngā tamariki hei ākonga.
E ako ana ngā tamariki i te reo Māori me ōna tikanga mā te whānuitanga o ngā tūmomo horopaki ako e whai pūtake ana. Ka whakatairangatia te reo Māori mā ngā huarahi e tino whai hua ana, tae atu ki ngā patapatai, ngā akiaki, me ngā mahi whakatauira hoki. Ka rongo ngā tamariki i te reo Māori e kōrerohia ana, mai i te timatanga ki te mutunga o te rā. Ka whakapūmauhia e ngā kaimahi i te reo Māori hei reo mō ia rā. He whakaongaonga, he ngahau hoki ngā wheako reo ka whakamaheretia ai, a,ka puta noa mai i nga waha o nga tamariki. E whanake ana ngā tamariki ki te kōrero i te reo Māori.
He mātātoa te tūhura a ngā tamariki i ngā taiao māoriori, tūturu hoki. Ka whakarato te whānau i ngā taiao mo nga tamariki mai i ngā reanga me nga aheinga katoa, ki te āta whanake i to rātou hononga ki te whenua. Kua āta waihangatia ngā wāhi o waho, o roto hoki, ā, he nui ngā rauemi, he pai hoki te whakaritenga hei āta whakaongaonga i te taha tinana, te taha tangata, me te taha hinengaro o ngā tamariki. Ka whakamahia e ngā tamariki ngā taonga o te taiao i roto i ā rātou mahi me a rātou tākaro takaro hoki. Ka kitea te pākiki haere o ngā tamariki mō te ao e noho nei rātou. Ka whakapūmau ngā wheako akoranga i ā rātou taonga tuku iho, tō rātou reo, me o rātou tikanga hoki ki te ao whānui. Ka kitea e māia haere ana, e pakari haere ana hoki ngā tamariki ki te tūhura i te ao whānui e noho nei rātou.
Te Whakamahere me te Aromātai
Ka whakamahia te aromātai o roto hei whakamōhio i te aronga o te kōhanga reo. He kaha te whakaaro huritao me te mahi ngātahi a ngā mema o te whānau. He riterite te whakatakoto tuhinga me te pūrongo puta noa i te kōhanga reo, ā, ka whai mōhiohio, ka whai kiko anō hoki ngā meneti o ngā hui. Ka hāngai ngā kaupapa matua a te whānau ki te whakarato i te whānuitanga o ngā tūmomo wheako mō ngā tamariki, ki te whakapakari ake i te āheinga o te whānau ki te whakahaere, ā, ki te whakapūmau anō hoki i ngā hononga ā-whānau. Ka āta aroturukitia ngā putanga mō ngā tamariki.
E tino tautokona ana te whakawhanaketanga o ngā tamariki, kia pakari, kia whai hononga anō hoki tā rātou whai wāhi nui ki te whānau. Ka whakapūmautia ki te taumata teitei ngā pūnaha whakahaere katoa, kia whiwhi ai ngā tamariki i te kounga o ngā wheako ako, o te atawhai, o te aronga matua anō hoki. Kei te whanau katoa ngā pūkenga hei whakahāere i te kōhanga reo, ā, ka kitea te manaakitanga ki te āhua o tā rātou mahi ngātahi me te tautoko o tētahi i tētahi. Ka whai wāhi te whānau ki ngā āhuatanga katoa i te kōhanga reo, tae atu ki ngā whakahaeretanga, te whakangungu whānau, me te hāpai i te hōtaka a ngā tamariki i ia rā. Ka whakamahia te whānuitanga o ngā tūmomo rautaki whakawhitiwhiti, kia noho mōhio ai te whānau ki ngā whakawhanaketanga o te kōhanga reo, ngā whakaritenga, ngā kaupapa here, me ngā tukanga. I ngā wā katoa, ko ngā putanga ki ngā tamariki te aronga matua e whakatau ana i te āhua o te mahi ngātahi a te whānau.
Ko te whakawhanaketanga o ngā tamariki, me ā rātou ako tētahi tino aronga matua o ēnei mahi. Ka whakamahi ngā kaimahi i ngā kitenga i te aromātai hōtaka, ngā whakaaro hoki o te whānau, me ngā ariā e pā ana ki te whanaketanga o te tamaiti, hei hāpai, hei whakatairanga anō hoki i te ako a ngā tamariki. He mahere mo ia rā, mo ā-wiki, m ia wahanga o te tau hoki hei ārahi i ngā mahi a ngā kaimahi, ā, hei āta whakarite hoki i te aronga me te whai pūtaketanga o te hōtaka. He aronga nui ki te ako mā te tūhura i te taiao o te hapori me te ao whānui. Ka āta tīpakohia ngā taumahi ako hei whakaongaonga, hei whakawero, hei whakawhānui atu hoki i ngā tamariki. Aromātai ai ngā kaimahi i te hōtaka me ā rātou whakaritenga ia wā ia wā, hei whakamōhio i ō rātou huarahi ki te whakatairanga ake i ngā akoranga a ngā tamariki. Ka ngākau nui ngā tamariki ki te ako.
Ka aroturukitia te ahu whakamua me te eke angitu o ngā tamariki. He pai ngā mōhiohio e whakatakotohia ana mō te huarahi ako o ia tamaiti, me tā rātou angitu, me ā to rātou kaha hoki ki te whakatutukitanga i a rātou mahi i roto i te roanga o te wā. E wātea ana ki ngā whānau ngā pūkete ō ā rātou ake tamariki, ā, i roto i ēnei kete ka kitea nga korero, ngā tuhinga kua akohia e rātou i roto i te taiao o te kōhanga reo, ā, i tua atu hoki. Kua āta tuhia ngā honotanga o ngā tamariki ki o rātou whanau, hapū, iwi hoki. E tino tautokohia ana te ako me te whakawhanaketanga o te katoa o te tamaiti.
Ngā Whakaritenga Matua ka whai ake
He mārama te aronga rautaki a te whānau. Ko te whakatinanatanga o tēnei mahere, e hono ana ki te tukanga aromātai o roto o te whanau, he hāpai i te whānau ki te aro nui ki ngā hiahia o te kōhanga reo.
3 Te Whakatau a te Whānau ki ngā Wāhanga Tautukunga
I te wā o te arotake, i whakamātauhia e Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga ngā pūnaha o te kōhanga reo ki te whakahaere i ngā āhuatanga i raro iho nei e whai pānga nui ana ki te waiora o ngā tamariki:
- te haumaru whatumanawa (tāpiri atu ko te ārahi mauritau, ko te ārai tamariki)
- te haumaru ā-tinana (tāpiri atu ko te mātakitaki tamariki; ko ngā whakaritenga whakamoe; ko ngā aituā; ko te whāngai rongoā; ko ngā whakaritenga akuaku; ko ngā kaupapa here me ngā tikanga haerenga whakawaho);
- te tū tika o ngā kaimahi (tae atu ki ngā taumata tohu mātauranga; te arowhai a ngā pirihimana; ngā rēhitatanga kaiako; me te tatauranga ki waenga i te kaiako me te tamaiti)
- ngā whakaritenga, tikanga hōneatanga e pā ana ki te ahi me te rū whenua.
Ko te tikanga, ka whakatairanga ngā kōhanga reo katoa i te hauora me te haumaru o ngā tamariki, me te arotake anō hoki i ia te wā i tā rātou whakatutukitanga i ngā herenga ā-ture.
4 Ngā Taunakitanga
I whakawhanakehia e Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga me te whānau o te kōhanga reo te taunakitanga e whai ake nei, arā, kia:
- whakamahi tonu te whānau i te aromātai o roto, hei hāpai i te whakatau i ngā whakaritenga, i te aroturuki, te pūrongo, me te whakamahere i te pae tawhiti, me te hāngai pū o ēnei ki te kounga o ngā putanga mō ā rātou tamariki.
Hei ā hea te Tari Arotake Mātauranga aromātai anō ai i te kōhanga reo?
Ka aromātai anō Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga i Te Kōhanga Reo o Pakowhai i roto i ngā tau e whā.
Lynda Pura-Watson
Kaiurungi Whakaturuki Arotake Māori
05 Paengawhāwhā, 2017
Ngā kōrero e pā ana ki te kōhanga reo
Te tūwāhi | Kei Frasertown | |
Te tau a te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga | 55305 | |
Te tau tohu o Te Kōhanga Reo | 08A089 | |
Te tūmomo whare | He kōhanga reo | |
Te raihana | Ngā Ture Mātauranga (Ratonga Kōhungahunga) 2008 | |
Te tokomaha mō te raihana | 20, kia tokoono ki raro i te rua o ngā tau | |
Te tokomaha kei runga i te rārangi ingoa | 20, tokorima kei raro i te rua o ngā tau | |
Te ira tangata | Kōtiro 6 Tama tāne 14 | |
Ngā hononga ā-iwi | Māori | 100% |
Te wā i te kōhanga reo te rōpū arotake | Hui-tanguru 2017 | |
Te wā o tēnei pūrongo | 05 Paengawhāwhā, 2017 | |
Ngā pūrongo o mua a Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga
| Arotake Mātauranga Arotake Tāpiri Arotake Mātauranga | Hui-tanguru 2014 Pipiri 2009 Whiringa-ā-nuku 2008 |
1 Context
Ko Ngāti Mihi te hapū
Ko Ngāti Kahungunu te iwi
Ko Tama Te Rangi te tangata.
Te Kōhanga Reo o Pakowhai is at Pakowhai Marae in Frasertown, on the outskirts of Wairoa. Children, whānau and kaimahi have strong whakapapa connections to the marae, hapū and iwi. They actively contribute to their own and other marae in the area. These marae all affiliate to Hine Manuhiri.
Since the previous ERO review in 2014, strong whānau connections and good management practices that focus on outcomes for children have been sustained.
2 The Review Findings
How well do children demonstrate confident interactions with people and places?
Children interact confidently with a range of people and places in their environment.
Mana Tangata and Mana Whenua
Children’s learn about whānau, hapū and iwi. All children affiliate to Ngāti Mihi. Kaimahi encourage children as they learn about their identity through pepeha and whakapapa. Adults talk with children about who they are and where they are from. Children know waiata, hīmene, karakia, local stories and histories that reinforce their links to Ngāti Mihi. Frequent visits to local landmarks help children to make connections to their environment. Children and whānau frequently visit their marae for a range of purposes. Children are very familiar with local kawa and tikanga. Children enjoy exploration.
Children experience loving, caring and meaningful interactions. Whanaungatanga is the foundation for positive interactions and relationships amongst children and whānau. Kaimahi promote the values of manaaki, aroha and tiaki which are considered important by the whānau. Children show respect and patience for each other when they interact throughout the day. Children are able to resolve conflicts with each other without kaimahi assistance. Tuakana-teina relationships are well developed where tuakana support their teina. There are positive connections between children and kaimahi. Children are settled, happy and confident learners.
Children learn te reo Māori me ōna tikanga in meaningful and varied contexts of learning. Te reo Māori is promoted in highly effective ways including questioning, prompting and modelling. Children hear te reo Māori spoken throughout the day. Kaimahi reinforce te reo Māori as an everyday language. Planned and spontaneous language experiences are stimulating and fun. Children are developing as speakers of te reo Māori.
Children actively explore the natural and physical environments. Whānau provide environments where children of all ages and abilities can develop a strong affinity to the land. The outdoors and indoors is well designed, resourced and organised to stimulate children physically, culturally and intellectually. Children use natural resources in their work and play. Children show a growing sense of curiosity about the world around them. Learning experiences reinforce their heritage, language and customs in the wider world. Children show increased confidence and ability to explore the wider world around them.
Planning and Evaluation
Internal evaluation is used to inform the direction of the kōhanga reo. There is a strong culture of reflection and collaboration amongst whānau members. Recording and reporting across the kōhanga reo is consistent and meeting minutes are informative and detailed. Whānau priorities include providing diverse experiences for children, building whānau management capacity and maintaining whānau relationships. Outcomes for children are closely monitored.
Children are well supported to develop as confident and connected members of the whānau. All management systems are upheld to a high standard, so that children receive quality learning experiences, care and attention. Leadership is shared amoungst whānau and they demonstrate manaaki in the ways that they work together and support each other. Whānau participate in all kōhanga reo matters, including operations, whānau training, and supporting the daily programme for children. A range of communication strategies are used to keep whānau informed about kōhanga reo developments, practice, policies and procedures. Outcomes for children are always a priority which determines how the whānau work together.
Children’s development and learning is a priority. Kaimahi use programme evaluation findings, whānau ideas and child development theories to support and enhance children’s learning. Planning includes daily, weekly and term plans to guide kaimahi practice and ensure the programme is focussed and purposeful. There is strong emphasis on learning through exploration of the local environment and the wider world. Learning activities are carefully selected to stimulate, challenge and extend children. Kaimahi regularly evaluate the programme and their practice to inform how they can enhance children’s learning. Children enjoy learning.
Children’s progress and achievement is monitored. There is good information kept about each child’s learning journey, their success and achievements over time. Whānau have access to their child’s profile which includes evidence about their learning in the kōhanga environment and beyond. The ways that children connect with their whānau, hapū and iwi are well documented. Children’s holistic learning and development is well supported.
Key Next Steps
The whānau has a clear strategic direction. The implementation of this plan linked to the whānau internal evaluation process will support whānau to respond to the needs of the kōhanga reo.
3 Whānau Management Assurance on Compliance Areas
During the review, ERO looked at the kōhanga reo systems for managing the following areas that have a potentially high impact on children's wellbeing:
- emotional safety (including positive guidance and child protection)
- physical safety (including supervision; sleep procedures; accidents; medication; hygiene; excursion policies and procedures)
- suitable staffing (including qualification levels; police vetting; teacher registration; ratios)
- evacuation procedures and practices for fire and earthquake.
All kōhanga reo are required to promote children's health and safety and to regularly review their compliance with legal requirements.
4 Recommendations
ERO and the Kōhanga Reo whānau developed the following recommendation:
- that the whānau continue to use internal evaluation to support decision making, long term monitoring, reporting and planning that is centred on quality outcomes for their children.
When is ERO likely to review the kōhanga reo again?
The next ERO review of Te Kōhanga Reo o Pākōwhai will be in four years.
Lynda Pura-Watson
Deputy Chief Review Officer Māori
5 April 2017
Information about the Kōhanga Reo
Location | Frasertown | ||
Ministry of Education profile number | 55305 | ||
Kōhanga Reo Identification Number | 08A089 | ||
Licence type | Te Kōhanga Reo | ||
Licensed under | Education (Early Childhood Services) Regulations 2008 | ||
Number licensed for | 20, kia tokoono ki raro i te rua o ngā tau | ||
Kōhanga Reo roll | 20, tokorima kei raro i te rua o ngā tau | ||
Gender composition | Girls 6 Boys 14 | ||
Ethnic composition | Māori | 100% | |
Review team on site | February 2017 | ||
Date of this report | 5 April 2017 | ||
Most recent ERO report(s) | Education Review Supplementary Review Education Review | February 2014 June 2009 October 2008 |
Te Kōhanga Reo o Pākōwhai - 27/02/2014
1 Ngā Kōrero e pā ana ki te Kōhanga Reo
Te tūwāhi | Kei Te Kapu ki Wairoa |
Te tau a te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga | 55305 |
Te tūmomo whare | He Kōhanga Reo |
Te maha mō te raihana | 20 tokoono kei raro iho i te rua o ngā tau |
Te maha kei runga i te rārangi ingoa | 18 tokowhā kei raro iho i te rua o ngā tau |
Te ira tangata | Kōtiro 13 Tama 5 |
Ngā hononga ā-iwi | He Māori 18 |
Te wā o te arotake | Hakihea 2013 |
Te wā o tēnei pūrongo | Hui-tanguru 2014 |
Ngā pūrongo o mua a te Tari Arotake Mātauranga | Arotake Tāpiri, Pipiri 2009 Arotake Mātauranga, Whiringa-ā-nuku 2008 Arotake Mātauranga, 2006 |
2 Te Aromātai a te Tari Arotake Mātauranga
Whakapunake te maunga
Waiau te awa
Takitimu te waka
Ngāti Mihi te hapu
Ngāti Kahungunu te iwi
Tama Te Rangi te tangata.
E tū ana te kōhanga reo o Pakowhai ki te marae o Pakowhai i Te Kapu ki Wairoa. He tino whanaunga ā-whakapapa ngā tamariki, te whānau me ngā kaimahi ki a rātou anō. Ka kōrero whakahīhī te whānau me ngā kaimahi mō ō rātou tūpuna e mōhiotia whānui ana mō ō rātou pūmanawa nui me ō rātou āheinga. He maha ngā marae ki tēnei hapori whāiti, ā, kei te tuawhenua tēnei hapori. Ka whakapapa ēnei marae ki tētahi tūpuna, ā, ko Hine Manuhiri tōna ingoa. He mea pikinga whaiora ēnei tūhonohono i waenganui i ngā tamariki, ngā kaimahi me te whānau.
I kōwhiritia e ngā kaimahi me te whānau te Mana Aotūroa hei kaupapa arotahi mō tēnei arotake. Mā te akiaki a ngā kaimahi e whai wāhi ana ngā tamariki ki te wero i a rātou anō me te āta whai whakaaro ki ā rātou anō i te wā e ako ana rātou tae noa ki te wā e tākaro ana rātou. Ka whakahaeretia e rātou te taiao e tū tata ana huri noa i a rātou, te ao whānui me te ao Māori hei whakahihiko me te whakawhanake i ngā akoranga a ngā tamariki. Ko te whai wāhi mā ia tamaiti ki te whiriwhiri i tāna ake akoranga tētahi wāhanga nui o te rā mā ngā tamariki.
He maha rawa ngā wheako a ngā tamariki ki te tūhura me te whai atu i ō rātou hiahia. He mea ngāwari mā rātou te whakapā ki ngā rauemi me ngā ngohe e wātea ana mā rātou i ngā wāhi o-roto me ngā wāhi o waho. Ka puta atu ngā tamariki i te kōhanga reo i ia wa ki te torotoro i ngā wāhi whakahirahira. Mā ēnei wheako kua whakanuia te whanaungatanga i waenganui i ngā tamariki, ngā tūhonohono ā-whakapapa, ngā akoranga me te whakatipuranga o ngā tamariki. Ka whakaputa ngā tamariki i ngā karakia me ngā hīmene o Rātana i te wā i te wā mō te rā katoa. E māia ana ngā tamariki ki te waiata me te whakangahau.
E piki ana te mātau o ngā tamariki hei kaikōrero ki te reo Māori. Ka whakaputa ētahi o ngā tamariki pakeke i ngā rerenga kōrero māmā noa, ā, e āhei ana rātou ki te whakawhitiwhiti kōrero ki ngā kaimahi ahakoa he māmā noa ngā kupu me ngā rerenga ka kōrerotia. E harikoa ana ngā tamariki kōhungahunga ki te whakamātautau i te reo, ā, e hāngai ana ēnei whakamātautau ki te oro, ngā mahi ā ringa me te manawataki. Kua oti i ngā kaiako tokorua te tohu Whakapakari. He tauira whai hua rāua ki te reo Māori mā te whānau, ngā tamariki me te kaiāwhina.
Kei te pai ngā kaimahi ki te whakahaere, ā, te pai hoki o ngā whakamāherehere ā-kaupapa. He hōhonu me te whānui ngā māhere, ā, kua arahina pai ngā kaimahi e ēnei māhere. Ka whakahaeretia te hōtaka aromātai i te wā i te wā, ā, he whai painga ēnei whakaritenga e tautoko ana i te akoranga me te whakatipuranga o ngā tamariki. Me whai wāhi ngā kaimahi inaiānei ki te whakapai ake i ā rātou whakahaere mō te aromatawai. Kāore ngā kaimahi i te tino whakahaere ngā aromatawai i ia wā.
Kei te whakahaeretia te kōhanga reo e te whānau hei painga mō ngā tamariki. He tōtika te āhua o ngā pūnaha mō te whakahaere pūtea, ngā whakahaere o te tari, ngā aromātai mā ngā kaimahi, ngā take e pā ana ki ngā kaimahi tae noa ki te whakangungu a tēnā me tēnā. Kua āta whakaritea ngā tino tuhinga hei whakahaere i te kōhanga reo, ā, he māmā mā ngā mātua ki te tiki i ngā tuhinga. He tino whai painga te tuhinga a māhere rautaki, ā, e whai hua ana ngā whakahaere o te māhere nei.
Me whai wāhi te whānau ki te āta whakatū i ngā tukanga hei arotake i te whai painga o ngā whakahaere a te kōhanga reo. Kei te wāhanga tīmatanga o ngā whanaketanga te arotake whaiaro, ā, me nui ake te whai wāhitanga o tēnā me tēnā ki te whakamāherehere.
Ngā Mahi Ā Meāke Nei
E whakaae ana Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga kei te whakahaeretia te kōhanga hei painga mō ngā tamariki. Nō reira, ka arotakehia anō e te Tari Arotake Mātauranga te kōhanga hei wāhanga o te huringa arotake o te wā.
3 Ngā Kaupapa Motuhake o Te Arotake
Te Arotahi o te Arotake
I mua o te arotake, i īnoitia te whānau Te Kōhanga Reo o Pakowhai kia whai whakaaro ki ā rātou kaupapa motuhake mō te arotake, ā, kia whakamahia ngā aratohu me ngā rauemi i whakaratohia e te Tari Arotake Mātauranga.
Kātahi ka whakaritea ngā tino kaupapa motuhake mō te arotake, whai muri o te whakawhitiwhitinga kōrero i waenga o te rōpū arotake o te Tari Arotake Mātauranga me te whānau. I arotahi tēnei whakawhitiwhitinga ki ngā kōrero i te puritia e te kōhanga (tāpiri atu ki ngā kōrero arotake whaiaro) ā, me te whānui atu o te pānga o ngā take mō te arotake ki ngā hua ka puta ki ngā tamariki o Te Kōhanga Reo o Pakowhai.
I whakaritea e te whānau ko āna kaupapa arotahi ko:
- Mana Aotūroa.
Ko te katoa o ngā arotake mātauranga ā te Tari Arotake Mātauranga i roto o ngā kōhanga reo e arotahi ana ki te kounga o te mātauranga. Ki tā te Tari Arotake Mātauranga, kei roto i tēnei ko te kounga o te:
- whakamāherehere i te māhere rautaki me te arotake whaiaro ā te whānau
- hōtaka whakamāherehere hōtaka, te aromatawai me te aromātai.
Ko ngā kitenga a te Tari Arotake Mātauranga i roto i ēnei wāhanga, kei raro iho nei.
4 Ngā Whakaaturanga
Mana Aotūroa
He whakamārama
I kōwhiritia e te whānau te Mana Aotūroa hei kaupapa arotake mō tēnei arotake. Mā te akiaki a ngā kaimahi e whai wāhi ana ngā tamariki ki te wero i a rātou anō me te āta whai whakaaro ki ā rātou anō i te wā e tūhura ana rātou i te ao Maori me te ao whānui.
Ngā wāhanga kei te pai te whakahaere
Ngā whanaketanga o te reo Māori o ngā tamariki.E whakawhanake ana ngā tamariki i ō rātou pūkenga hei kaikōrero o te reo Māori. He kōhungahunga te nuinga o ngā tamariki. Mai i ngā pēpi ki te toru ngā tau te whānui a ō rātou tau. E āhei ana ngā tamariki ki te mārama me te whai i ngā tohutohu māmā noa me ngā rerenga kōrero māmā noa. E kamakama ana ngā tamariki ki te waiata, te hīmene, te karakia me te mihi. Ka whakaputa ētahi o ngā tamariki pakeke i ngā rerenga korero māmā, ā, e āhei ana ki te kōrero i ngā whakawhitiwhiti kōrero māmā noa ki ngā kaimahi. E harikoa ana ngā tamariki teina ki te whai i ngā ngohe e pā ana ki te ako i te reo, ā, ka hāngai ngā ngohe nei ki te oro, ngā mahi ā-ringa me ngā manawataki o te reo.
Ngā tauira o te Reo Māori.E whai wāhi ana ngā tamariki ki te mātakitaki me te whakarongo ki ngā tauira whaihua e kōrero ana i te reo Māori. Kua oti i ngā kaiako tokorua te tohu Whakapakari. Ka whakahaeretia e tētahi o ēnei kaiako i tōna mātauranga ki te whakaako i ngā karakia, ngā hīmene me te reo Māori. Kua whakauru tēra atu kaiako ki roto i tētahi hōtaka Te Whāriki mō ngā tāngata e tino mātau ana ki te kōhanga reo. He mea tautoko nui ngā pūkenga me ngā wheako o ngā kaiako tokorua mā te kaiako e whakawhanake tonu ana i ō rātou mātau ki te whakaputa i te reo Māori.
Ngā tino tūpuna.Ka kōrero whakahīhī te whānau me ngā kaimahi mō te āhua o ā rātou tūhonohono ki tō rātou whānau, ō rātou hapū me ō rātou iwi. Ka kōrero ngā kaimahi i ngā wā katoa i ngā pūrākau e pā ana ki ō rātou tūpuna. Ka tīpako rātou i ngā pūmanawa rerekē o ngā pūkenga o ēnei tūpuna. Ka whakanui ngā kaimahi me te whānau i ngā wāhi whakahirahira o ngā tūpuna me ngā marae mā te whakaputa i ngā whakapapa, ngā pepeha, ngā mōteatea me ngā waiata. Ka tū whakahīhī ngā tamariki i te wā ka kōrero rātou mō ngā tūhonohono o tō rātou whānau, ō rātou hapū me ō rātou iwi.
Ngā akongā mō te tamaiti i tōna kōtahi.E whai wāhi ana ngā tamariki ki te whakahaere i ā rātou ake akoranga me te whai i ō rātou hiahia. E wātea ana rātou ki te hūnuku mai i ngā wāhi ō-roto me ngā wāhi ō-waho, ā, e taea ana e rātou te whiriwhiri i ngā ngohe me ngā rauemi e hiahiatia ana e rātou te whai. E whai wāhi ana ngā tamariki ki te whakawhanake i ō rātou āheinga ā-tinana me ngā pūkenga e pā ana ki te mātauranga ā-pāngarau, te mātauranga ā-pānui, te pūtaiao me te hāngarau. Ka ako rātou i roto i ngā rōpū iti rānei, i ngā rōpū nui rānei, i tō rātou kōtahi rānei. Ka āta hāpai ngā kaimahi i ō ratou pūkenga i te wā ka tautoko rātou i ngā tamariki i te wā e rāwekeweke ana rātou, tae noa ki te wā e tūhura haere ana rātou. E whai wheako angitū ana ngā tamariki, ā, tō rātou harikoa hoki i te wā ka whakatuhuratia e rātou tētahi kitenga hou tae noa ki te wā e taunekeneke ana rātou ki a rātou anō me ētahi atu o ngā kaimahi.
Te ao whānui.Ia wā, ia wā ka whai wāhi ngā tamariki ki te tūhura i te ao whānui. Ka torotoro rātou i ngā wāhi whakahirahira i roto i tō rātou hapori me te hapori whānui tonu. E hāngai ana ēnei haerenga ki ngā kaupapa akoranga kua whakamāhereheretia. Ko ētahi o ngā haerenga whakahirahira ko te taha moana, te awa, te roto, ngā hīkoi i roto i te ngahere, me ngā haerenga ki ngā kōhanga reo o te rohe me ngā hui nui ka whakahaeretia e te iwi. E tino harikoa ana ngā tamariki i ēnei wā i te mea e whai wāhi ana rātou ki te ngā wheako ki te tūtaki i ngā tāngata hou, te whakapakari ake i ō rātou here ā-whakapapa me te tūhonohono anō ki ngā tino wāhi o ngā mātua tūpuna.
Ngā whanaungatanga me ngā taunekeneke.Ka rangona te kaha whanaungatanga i waenganui i ngā tamariki, te whānau me ngā kaimahi. E whai hua ana te mahitahi a ngā kaimahi ki ngā tamariki, ā, he mea tiaki me te manaaki te āhua o ā rātou whanaungatanga ki a rātou. He tamariki awhiawhi ngā tamariki tuakana, ā, ka hāpai rātou i ō rātou haepapa i te wā kei te taha rātou o ā rātou hoa. Ka whai wāhi ngā tamariki kōhungahunga ki ā rātou tākaro, ā, ka āwhina rātou i ngā teina ki te whai i ngā taka mahi o ia rā me ngā ngohe. E whakahaeretia ana e ngā kaimahi ngā rautaki whai hua hei arahi me te whakahaere i ngā tamariki. Ka whakamihi rātou, ā, ka whakanui rātou i ngā tamariki ki whakahoki whakaaro ki ngā putanga angitū me te pukumahi o ngā tamariki. E whanake pai ana ngā pūkenga a ngā tamariki ki te whakawhanaunga me te taunekeneke.
Ngā kāhui.Kua whakatūria e ngā tamariki me te whānau ngā whanaungatanga whai hua ki ngā rōpū huhua me ngā tāngata o te hau kāinga. Ka tae atu ngā tamariki i ia wā ki ngā hui nui i te marae. Ka mātakitaki rātou i ngā kuia me ngā kaumātua e hāpai ana i ō rātou tūranga ā ngā mātua tūpuna mō te pōwhiri, te tangihanga me ngā hui nui. E māia ana ngā tamariki ki te whai i ngā tikanga me ngā kawa e hāngai ana ki ngā horopaki whānui.
Tokomaha o ngā tamariki ka haere ake ki te kura kaupapa Māori ki ngā akomanga rumaki rānei i te wā ka wehe rātou i te kōhanga reo. Ka tae atu ngā tamariki i ia wā ki ngā hui me ngā akoranga whakatau i mua noa atu i ā rātou whakauru ki ēnei wāhi akoranga. Kua tautokotia nui ēnei tamariki ki te āta whakawhiti ki ō rātou wāhi akoranga hou.
Ngā akoranga ngaio me ngā whanaketanga.E tino manawanui ana ngā kaimahi ki te whakapakari ake i ō rātou mātauranga ngaio. Ka tae atu ngā kaimahi i ia wā ki ngā kura reo, ngā wānanga me ngā whakangungu ka whakahaeretia e te purapura. Ka āwhina ēnei hōtaka i ngā kaimahi ki te whakapakari ake i ō rātou mātauranga o te reo Māori, ngā mahi o neherā ā ngā mātua tūpuna, ngā tikanga, ngā kawa tae noa ki ngā āhuatanga ki te whakamāherehere me te whakahaere i ngā kaupapa. Mā te haere a ngā kaimahi ki ngā whakangungu i ia wā ki te whakapakari ake i ō rātou mātauranga me ō rātou pūkenga e whai painga ana ngā tamariki.
Te Whakamāherehere me te Aromātai
He whakamārama
I ngā wā katoa, ka aromātai te Tari Arotake Mātauranga i te kounga o te whakamāherehere me te aromātai i roto i ngā kōhanga reo hei whakatau i te kounga me te whānuitanga o te whānau o te kōhanga reo ki te whakamāherehere, ngā whakahaere me te aroturuki i ngā wāhanga whakahaere katoa o te kōhanga reo mā a rātou tamariki me te whānau. Ka āta hāngai te aromātai nei ki te hōtaka whakamāherehere me te aroturuki i te tipuranga ako o ngā tamariki.
Ngā wāhanga kei te pai te whakahaere
Te whai wāhitanga a te whānau. He mea nui rawa te whanaungatanga. Ka whakapapa te nuinga o ngā mātua o te whānau me ngā kaimahi ki a rātou anō. Ka tae atu ngā tamariki me ngā mātua ki ngā huihuinga ōrite ki te marae tae noa ki ngā hui ka whakatūria e te hapori. Mā tēnei ka pakari ake ngā tūhonohono ō rātou here whakapapa me ō rātou whanaungatanga ā-pāpori. Ka mahi ngātahi te whānau. Ka tino tautoko rātou i ngā haerenga a ngā tamariki. Kātahi anō ka oti ētahi o ngā mātua o te whānau i ngā wānanga hei ako i te reo Māori. Ka kōrero whakahīhī rātou mō ngā paetae kua whakatutukitia e rātou mō te reo Māori. Ko ngā hiahia me te whaiora o ngā tamariki te kaupapa nui rawa atu.
Te whakatakoto i te māhere rautaki.E tino mārama ana te whānau ki te pūtake o tō rātou kaupapa me ngā mahi me ngā mahi nui hei whai atu mō ngā rangi ā meāke nei. He māhere e kikī ana i ngā kōrero whakamārama, ā, kei roto i te māhere ō rātou whāinga rautaki. Ka hāngai te māhere ki Te Ara Tūāpae me ngā whāinga rautaki o tō rātou purapura. Ko ētahi o ngā whāinga mātua ko te reo Māori, te whakawhānui ake i ngā whare me ngā whāinga hei whakapai ake te te papa tākaro. Ka arotahi ngā whakawhitiwhiti kōrero me ngā whakamāherehere mō ngā rangi ā meāke nei ki te whakatipuranga me te whaiora o ngā tamariki.
Ngā whakahaere a ngā kaiwhakahaere.Ka whakahaeretia e te whānau ngā tukanga pakari rawa hei whakahaere i ngā whakaritenga o ia rā a te kōhanga reo. Tērā ngā tukanga māmā te whai mō te whakahaere pūtea, ngā whakahaere ā-tari, ngā take e pā ana ki ngā kaimahi me ngā whakangungu ngaio. Kua tuhia ngā kōrero whaitake ki roto i ngā rēhita mō ngā aitua o ngā tamariki, ngā rongoā ārai mate me ngā ritenga moe. Kua āta mau ngā tino tuhinga mō te tūtohinga, ngā kaupapa here me ngā tukanga whakahaere o ia rā, te māhere rautaki, ngā mēneti o te komiti whakahaere, ā, e taea ana e te whānau te tiki atu i ēnei tino tuhinga. Ka mahitahi ngā mātua o te whānau i te mea kei te tino manawanui rātou ki te mātauranga o ā rātou tamariki me te kaupapa matua o te kōhanga reo.
Te whakamāherehere ā-kaupapa.Ka kaha arotahi te hōtaka whakamāherehere ki te Māna Aotūroa, ā, kua whakatutukitia ngā hiahia, te whānui o ngā tau rerekē me ngā āheinga rerekē o ngā tamariki. E whakahaeretia ana e ngā kaimahi ngā tauira whakamāherehere whai tikanga nō mai rānō mai i te Poari Matua o te Kōhanga Reo. He mea whānui me te whai hua te āhua o ngā māhere whāroa me ngā māhere poto, ā, kua aratakina ngā kaimahi i te wā e whakahaere ana rātou i ngā kaupapa akoranga ki ngā tamariki. Ka riro i ngā tamariki ngā wheako whai hua, ā, e hāngai tōtika ana ngā wheako ki te ao Māori me te ao whānui.
Te hōtaka aromātai.He mea whānui me te hōhonu ngā whakahaere e pā ana ki te hōtaka aromātai. He kāhui kaha whai whakaaro ngā kaimahi, ā, i te wā i te wā ka āta aromātai rātou i ngā wāhanga rerekē a te hōtaka whakahaere o ia rā mā ngā tamariki me ngā kaupapa. Ināia tata ake nei ka arotahi ngā whakawhitiwhiti kōrero ki ngā taiao ō-ahupungao. Ko te hōtaka aromātai te take kua pai ake ngā whakahaere mō ngā wheako akoranga mā ngā tamariki.
Ngā wāhanga hei whakapai ake anō
Te arotake whaiaro.Me pai ake te āhua o ētahi wāhanga mō ngā whakahaere e pā ana ki te arotake whaiaro. Me whakawhanake te whānau i ngā tukanga mō te aroturuki me te tuku pūrongo e pā ana ki ō whāinga rautaki.
Aromatawai. E whakawhānui ake ngā kaimahi i ō rātou mātauranga mō te aromatawai. E hāpaitia ana e rātou ngā tauira mahi, ngā ngohe ā-kaupapa me te whakawhitiwhiti kōrero a ngā kaimahi e pā ana ki ngā whāinga o te hōtaka ki te aroturuki i ngā putanga paetae o ngā tamariki. He iti noa ngā kōrero mai i ngā matua o te whānau e pā ana ki ngā putanga paetae me ngā akoranga o ā rātou tamariki. I tēnei wā tonu, kāore ngā kaimahi i te whakaemi i te wā i te wā ngā mōhiohio aromatawai mō ia tamaiti.
5 Te Whakatau a te Whānau ki ngā Wāhanga Tautukunga
He whakamārama
I mua o te arotake, i whakakīia e te whānau me ngā kaimahi o Te Kōhanga Reo o Pakowhai tētahi Tauāki Kupu Tūturu a te Whānau o te Kōhanga me tētahi Rārangi Tātari Whaiaro. I roto i ēnei tuhinga i oati rātou, i whāia e rātou ngā huarahi whai take hei whakatutuki i ā rātou herenga ā-ture e pā ana ki:
- ngā whakahaerenga a te whānau
- te hauora, te waiora me te whai oranga
- ngā whakahaerenga kaimahi
- ngā whakahaerenga pūtea me ngā whakahaerenga rawa.
I te wā o te arotake, i whakamātauhia e te Tari Arotake Mātauranga ngā āhuatanga i raro iho nei, i te mea he nui te pānga o ēnei ki ngā hua ka puta ki ngā tamariki:
- te haumaru whatumanawa (tāpiri atu ko te whakatau tamariki, ko te ārai i ngā mahi whakaweti, mahi tūkino)
- te haumaru ā-tinana (tāpiri atu ko te whakatau tamariki; ko ngā whakaritenga whakamoe, tiaki tamariki; ko ngā aituā me te whāngai rongoā; ko ngā whakaritenga akuaku; ko ngā kaupapa here me ngā tikanga haerenga whakawaho)
- ngā tohu mātauranga me ngā whakaritenga kaimahi
- ngā whakaritenga, tikanga hōneatanga e pā ana ki te ahi me te rū whenua.
6 Ngā Tūtohunga
E tūtohu ana te Tari Arotake Mātauranga ki te whānau me ngā kaimahi ki te whakatutuki i ngā whāinga e whai ake nei:
- te whakawhanake me te whakahaere i ngā tukanga arotake whaiaro ki te aroturuki me te tuku pūrongo e pā ana ki ngā whai hua o ngā whakahaere a te kōhanga reo me ngā whai hua o te hōtaka akoranga a ngā tamariki
- te whakawhanake kia huhua ake ai ngā whakahaere aromatawai me te tino whakahaere i ēnei aromatawai i ia wā.
7 Ngā Mahi ā Meāke Nei
E whakaae ana Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga kei te whakahaeretia te kōhanga hei painga mō ngā tamariki. Nō reira, ka arotakehia anō e te Tari Arotake Mātauranga te kōhanga hei wāhanga o te huringa arotake o te wā.
27 Hui-tanguru 2014Lynda Pura-Watson Kaiwhakahaere ā-Motu Whakakapi mō ngā Ratonga Arotake Māori (Te Uepū ā-Motu)
1 About the Kōhanga Reo
Location | Frasertown, Wairoa |
Ministry of Education profile number | 55305 |
Type | Kōhanga Reo |
Number licensed for | 20 including 6 under two years old |
Roll number | 18 including 4 under two years old |
Gender composition | Girls 13 Boys 5 |
Ethnic composition | Māori 18 |
Review team onsite | December 2013 |
Date of this report | February 2014 |
Previous ERO reports | Supplementary Review, June 2009 Education Review, October 2008 Education Review, 2006 |
2 The Education Review Office (ERO) Evaluation
Whakapunake te maunga
Waiau te awa
Takitimu te waka
Ngāti Mihi te hapu
Ngāti Kahungunu te iwi
Tama Te Rangi te tangata.
Te Kōhanga Reo o Pakowhai is at Pakowhai Marae in Frasertown, near Wairoa. Children, whānau and kaimahi have strong whakapapa connections to each other. Whānau and kaimahi speak proudly about their ancestors who were renowned for their chiefly qualities and abilities. A number of marae exist within this small, rural district. These marae all affiliate to a common ancestor, Hine Manuhiri. These links instil a strong sense of wellbeing and connectedness in children, kaimahi and whānau.
Kaimahi and whānau chose Mana Aoturoa as the focus for the review. Kaimahi encourage children to be adventurous and curious as they learn and play. They use the immediate environment, wider world and te ao Māori to stimulate and develop children’s learning. Self directed learning is an important part of children’s day.
Children have lots of opportunities to explore and follow their interests. They have easy access to resources and activities which are available in the indoor and outdoor areas. Children regularly go on excursions. These experiences enhance children’s social interactions, whakapapa connections and learning and development. Children regularly recite Ratana karakia and hīmene throughout the day. Children confidently sing and perform waiata.
Children are developing as speakers of te reo Māori. Some of the older children use basic sentences and have simple conversations with kaimahi. The younger children enjoy experimenting with language that includes sound, actions and rhythm. Two of the kaiako have completed Whakapakari. They are effective language models for whānau, children and the kaiawhina.
Kaimahi manage and plan kaupapa well. Plans are comprehensive and effectively guide kaimahi. Programme evaluation is regular and benefits children’s learning and development. Kaimahi now need to improve their assessment practices. Kaimahi do not regularly carry out assessments.
The whānau effectively manage the kōhanga reo operations. There are clear systems for financial management, office administration, appraisals, personnel matters and professional learning and development. Key documents required to operate the kōhanga reo are well organised and easily accessible to whānau. The strategic plan is well written and effectively implemented.
Whānau need to establish clear processes for reviewing the effectiveness of the kōhanga reo operations. Self review is in the early stages of development and requires more planning.
Future Action
ERO is confident that the kōhanga reo is being managed in the best interest of the children. Therefore ERO will review the kōhanga again as part of the regular review cycle.
3 Review Priorities
The Focus of the Review
Te Kōhanga Reo o PakowhaiBefore the review, the whānau ofwas invited to consider its priorities for review using guidelines and resources provided by ERO.
Te Kōhanga Reo o PakowhaiThe detailed priorities for review were then determined following a discussion between the ERO review team and whānau. This discussion focused on existing information held by the kōhanga reo (including self-review information) and the extent to which potential issues for review contributed to positive outcomes for children at.
The whānau chose as its focus area:
- Mana Aoturoa.
All ERO education reviews in kōhanga reo focus on the quality of education. For ERO this includes the quality of:
- whānau self review and strategic planning
- programme planning, assessment and evaluation.
ERO’s findings in these areas are set out below.
4 Findings
Mana Aoturoa
The whānau chose Mana Aoturoa as the focus area for the review. Children are encouraged to be curious and adventurous when they explore te ao Māori and the wider world.
Areas of good performance
Children’s te reo Māori development.Children are developing well as speakers of te reo Māori. Most children are very young. Their ages range from babies to three year olds. Children are able to understand and follow simple instructions and phrases. Children eagerly participate in waiata, hīmene, karakia and mihi. Some of the older children use basic sentences and maintain simple conversations with kaimahi. The younger children enjoy language activities that include sound, action and rhythm.
Te reo Māori language models. Children are exposed to effective te reo Māori language models. The two kaiako have completed Whakapakari. One of these kaiako uses his knowledge well to teach karakia, hīmene and te reo Māori. The other kaiako is currently enrolled in the advanced Te Whāriki programme. The combined skills and experience of the two kaiako is encouraging for the kaiawhina who are developing in their use of te reo Māori.
Influential ancestors.Whānau and kaimahi speak proudly about their whānau, hapū and iwi connections. Kaimahi often retell children stories about their ancestors. They highlight the different characteristics and skills of these ancestors. Kaimahi and whānau highlight ancestral landmarks and marae through whakapapa, pepeha, moteatea and waiata. Children stand proudly when they speak about their whānau, hapū and iwi connections.
Independent learning.Children have opportunities to direct their own learning and follow their interests. They move freely between the indoor and outdoor areas where various activities and resources are available. Children have opportunities to develop their physical abilities and skills in numeracy, literacy, science and technology. They learn in small or large groups or independently. Kaimahi skilfully support and guide children as they experiment, and explore. Children experience success and enjoyment when they make new discoveries and interact with each other and kaimahi.
The wider world. Children frequently explore the wider world. They often go to places of interest in the local and wider community. These outings link to learning topics that have been planned. Highlights have included the beach, river, marae, lake, bush walks, local kōhanga and iwi events. Children enjoy these occasions which provide them with opportunities to meet new people, strengthen their whakapapa ties and reconnect with ancestral landmarks.
Relationships and interactions.There is a strong sense of whānaungatanga among children, whānau and kaimahi. Kaimahi relate in positive ways to children and are respectful and caring. The older children are affectionate and act responsibly towards their younger peers. They include the younger children in their play and assist them with routines and activities. Kaimahi use effective strategies to guide and manage children. They regularly use praise and encouragement to acknowledge children’s successes and efforts. Children are developing well in their relationships and interactions.
Networks. Children and whānau have established positive relationships with several organisations and people in the local community. Children regularly attend important events at the marae. They observe kuia and kaumatua in their traditional roles during pōwhiri, tangihanga and special celebrations. Children confidently follow tikanga and kawa in a range of settings.
Several children continue on to the local kura kaupapa Māori or immersion classrooms when they leave kōhanga reo. Children often attend events and orientation classes before formally enrolling into these learning institutions. These children are well supported to transition smoothly into their new places of learning.
Professional learning and development.There is a strong commitment by kaimahi to improve their professional knowledge. Kaimahi regularly attend kura reo, wānanga and purapura training. These programmes help strengthen kaimahi knowledge of te reo Māori, traditional practices, tikanga, kawa and the planning and delivery of kaupapa. Children benefit from the knowledge and skills kaimahi gain from ongoing professional development.
Planning and Evaluation
ERO always evaluates the quality of planning and evaluation in kōhanga reo to determine the quality and extent to which the whānau plans, manages and monitors all areas of the operations. Planning and evaluation includes programme planning and the monitoring and assessment of children’s development and progress.
Areas of good performance
Whānau participation. Whanaungatanga is highly valued. The majority of whānau and kaimahi are linked through whakapapa to each other. Children and whānau attend the same functions and events at the marae and in the local community. This further strengthens whakapapa ties and social relationships. Whānau work collaboratively. They readily support children on outings. Some whānau have recently completed te reo Māori classes. They speak proudly about their achievements in te reo Māori. Children’s interests and wellbeing are foremost for their whānau.
Strategic planning. The whānau has a clear sense of purpose and direction. They have a detailed plan which includes their strategic priorities. The plan links to Te Ara Tūāpae and the strategic goals of their local purapura. Some priorities include te reo Māori, building extensions and playground developments. Whānau discussions and future planning focus on the development and wellbeing of children.
Management practices. The whānau use robust processes to manage the kōhanga reo operations. There are clear systems for financial management, office administration, personnel matters and professional learning and development. Registers for children’s accidents, immunisations, medication requirements and sleep patterns are up to date. Key documents including the charter, policies with procedures, strategic plan and committee minutes are well organised and easily accessible to whānau. Whānau work in a collaborative way because of the commitment they have towards their children’s education and the philosophy of kōhanga reo.
Kaupapa planning.Programme planning has a strong focus on Mana Aoturoa and effectively caters for children’s interests and the range of age levels and abilities. Kaimahi use a well established model for planning from Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust. Long and short term plans are comprehensive and effectively guide kaimahi when they deliver learning topics to children. Children receive valuable learning experiences which have a clear focus on te ao Māori and the wider world.
Programme evaluation. Programme evaluation is regular and thorough. Kaimahi are reflective thinkers who consistently evaluate different aspects of the children’s daily programme and kaupapa. Recent discussions have focussed on the physical environment. Programme evaluation has led to improved learning opportunities for children.
Areas for development
Self review. Some aspects of self review need to be improved. The whānau need to develop systematic monitoring and reporting of progress for their strategic priorities.
Assessment. Kaimahi are developing in their knowledge of assessment. They use work samples, kaupapa activities and kaimahi discussions relating to programme objectives to monitor children’s progress. There is limited input from whānau about their children’s development and learning. Presently, kaimahi do not regularly gather assessment information on individual children.
5 Whānau Management Assurance on Compliance Areas
Te Kōhanga Reo o Pakowhai Before the review, the licensee, whānau and staff ofcompleted an EROKōhanga Whānau Assurance StatementandSelf-Audit Checklist. In these documents they have attested that they had taken all reasonable steps to meet their legislative obligations related to:
- administration
- health, safety and welfare
- personnel management
- financial and property management.
During the review, ERO checked the following itemsbecause they have a potentially high impact on outcomes for children:
- emotional safety (including behaviour management, prevention of bullying and abuse)
- physical safety (including behaviour management, sleeping and supervision practices; accidents and medication; hygiene and routines; travel and excursion policies and procedures)
- staff qualifications and organisation
- evacuation procedures and practices for fire and earthquake.
6 Recommendations
ERO recommends the whānau and kaimahi address the following:
- develop and implement self review processes to monitor and report on the effectiveness of the kōhanga reo operations and the children’s learning programme
- develop a wider range of assessment practices and ensure these are carried out on a regular basis.
7 Future Action
ERO is confident that the kōhanga reo is being managed in the interests of the children. Therefore ERO will review the kōhanga reo again as part of the regular review cycle.
Lynda Pura Watson
National Manager Review Services Māori (Te Uepū ā-Motu)
To the Parents and Community of Te Kōhanga Reo o Pakowhai
These are the findings of the Education Review Office’s latest report on.
Whakapunake te maunga
Waiau te awa
Takitimu te waka
Ngāti Mihi te hapu
Ngāti Kahungunu te iwi
Tama Te Rangi te tangata.
Te Kōhanga Reo o Pakowhai is at Pakowhai Marae in Frasertown, near Wairoa. Children, whānau and kaimahi have strong whakapapa connections to each other. Whānau and kaimahi speak proudly about their ancestors who were renowned for their chiefly qualities and abilities. A number of marae exist within this small, rural district. These marae all affiliate to a common ancestor, Hine Manuhiri. These links instil a strong sense of wellbeing and connectedness in children, kaimahi and whānau.
Kaimahi and whānau chose Mana Aoturoa as the focus for the review. Kaimahi encourage children to be adventurous and curious as they learn and play. They use the immediate environment, wider world and te ao Māori to stimulate and develop children’s learning. Self directed learning is an important part of children’s day.
Children have lots of opportunities to explore and follow their interests. They have easy access to resources and activities which are available in the indoor and outdoor areas. Children regularly go on excursions. These experiences enhance children’s social interactions, whakapapa connections and learning and development. Children regularly recite Ratana karakia and hīmene throughout the day. Children confidently sing and perform waiata.
Children are developing as speakers of te reo Māori. Some of the older children use basic sentences and have simple conversations with kaimahi. The younger children enjoy experimenting with language that includes sound, actions and rhythm. Two of the kaiako have completed Whakapakari. They are effective language models for whānau, children and the kaiawhina.
Kaimahi manage and plan kaupapa well. Plans are comprehensive and effectively guide kaimahi. Programme evaluation is regular and benefits children’s learning and development. Kaimahi now need to improve their assessment practices. Kaimahi do not regularly carry out assessments.
The whānau effectively manage the kōhanga reo operations. There are clear systems for financial management, office administration, appraisals, personnel matters and professional learning and development. Key documents required to operate the kōhanga reo are well organised and easily accessible to whānau. The strategic plan is well written and effectively implemented.
Whānau need to establish clear processes for reviewing the effectiveness of the kōhanga reo operations. Self review is in the early stages of development and requires more planning.
Future Action
ERO is confident that the kōhanga reo is being managed in the best interest of the children. Therefore ERO will review the kōhanga again as part of the regular review cycle.
Review Coverage
ERO reviews do not cover every aspect of kōhanga reo performance and each ERO report may cover different issues. The aim is to provide information on aspects that are central to student achievement and useful to this kōhanga reo.
If you would like a copy of the full report, please contact the kōhanga reo or see the ERO web page, http://www.ero.govt.nz.
Lynda Pura-Watson
National Manager Review Services Māori (Te Uepū ā-Motu)
General Information About Reviews
About ERO
ERO is an independent, external evaluation agency that undertakes reviews of kura kaupapa Māori and kōhanga reo throughout New Zealand.
About ERO Reviews
ERO follows a set of standard procedures to conduct reviews. The purpose of each review is to:
- improve quality of education for children in kōhanga reo; and
- provide information to parents, communities and the Government.
Reviews are intended to focus on outcomes for tamariki and build on each kōhanga reo self review.
Review Focus
ERO’s framework for reviewing and reporting is based on four review strands.
Planning and Evaluation– in particular the quality of planning and evaluation. This area is most likely to support long term improvement. Implicit in this is the quality of whānau management and the quality of education.
Kōhanga Reo Priorities– based onTe Whāriki,thewhānau through their management and programme, influence positive outcomes for tamariki.
Compliance with Legal Requirements– assurance that this kōhanga reo has taken all reasonable steps to meet legal requirements.
Review Coverage
ERO reviews do not cover every aspect of kōhanga reo performance and each ERO report may cover different issues. The aim is to provide information on aspects that are central to positive outcomes for tamariki and useful to this kōhanga reo.
Review Recommendations
Most ERO reports include recommendations for improvement. A recommendation on a particular issue does not necessarily mean that a kōhanga reo is performing poorly in relation to that issue. There is no direct link between the number of recommendations in this report and the overall performance of this kōhanga reo.