Te Kōhanga Reo o Te Puāwaitanga o Te Reo

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Te Kōhanga Reo
Not Applicable
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36 McLean Street, Wairoa

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Te Kōhanga Reo o Te Puāwaitanga o Te Reo

1 He Kupu Arataki

Kua mahi ngātahi Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga, ngā whānau, ngā kaiārahi, ngā kaimahi me ngā hapori ki te whakawhanake i ngā tirohanga aromātai e whai wāhi nui ai ki te hāpai i te kawenga takohanga me te whakapaitanga, ki te tautuhi i te ahu whakamua, ā, ki te whakapakari ake hoki i te āheinga ki te aromātai. Ka whakarato ngā pūrongo a Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga i ngā mōhiohio mātuatua mā ngā whānau, ngā hapū, me ngā iwi.

2 Te Horopaki 

E tū ana Te Kōhanga Reo o Te Puāwaitanga o Te Reo (Te Puāwaitanga) ki Wairoa. Kua raihanatia mō ngā mokopuna 16, me te tokoono o rātou kei raro i te rua o ngā tau te pakeke. Ka ahu mai ngā whānau o te kōhanga reo i te rohe o Ngāti Kahungunu. E kōkirihia ana Te Kōhanga Reo o Te Puāwaitanga e te whānau. He hou ngā kaiwhakahaere ki ō rātou tūranga. 

3 Te Aronga o te Aromātai

He pēhea rawa te whakaatu mai o ngā mokopuna i tō rātou ngākau titikaha ki te taunekeneke me te taiao, i a rātou e ako ana, e tākaro ana? 

Ka kitea ki ngā mokopuna tō rātou ngākau titikaha mā te papai o ngā taunekeneke ki ō rātou hoa me ngā kaimahi, i a rātou e toro atu ana ki te hōhonutanga o ngā whai wāhitanga ako.

4 Ngā Whakaaturanga

He ngākau titikaha ō ngā mokopuna ki te taunekeneke me tō rātou taiao ako. Ka whai wāhi mātātoa rātou, ā, ka kitea tō rātou harikoa ki te tākaro ngātahi me ō rātou hoa, i a rātou e tūhura ana i ngā taumahi hou. Ka whai wāhi atu hoki ngā whānau ki ngā taumahi, ki te taha o ngā mokopuna. He pai te whakatakotoranga o te hōtaka akoranga, ā, ko ngā mahinga i āta whakaritea ai e hāpai ana i te whakawhanaketanga o te mokopuna i tōna tū takitahi. He hononga manaaki tō ngā kaimahi ki ngā mokopuna, ā, kei te tino mōhio ki a rātou. He pai tā rātou mahi ngātahi ki te whakatinana i te papai o ngā whakaritenga. E tupu tonu ana te reo Māori o ngā mokopuna. Ka whakatauira, ka poutama haere ngā kaimahi i ngā tino rautaki hopu reo, hei hāpai i te ako a ngā mokopuna i te reo, me tō rātou mōhiotanga. Ka ngākau nui ngā mokopuna ki te ako me te tākaro. 

E whanake tonu ana ngā kaimahi i ō rātou mōhiotanga me ō rātou pūkenga ki te whakamahere hōtaka, ā, ka tino tautokona rātou e ngā mātanga kōhanga reo. Ka aro nui ngā mahere ki ngā ngākau nuitanga me ngā matea o ngā mokopuna, ā, ka tūhono hoki ki ngā mātāpono o Te Whāriki a Te Kōhanga Reo me ngā kaupapa i te hapori. Whakatutukihia ai ngā pūrongo i ngā wā e whā o te tau, ā, ka whakapuaki i ngā āheinga me ngā hononga o ngā mokopuna. Kua tautuhia hoki ngā whakaritenga ako ka whai ake. Ka whakapuakihia hoki te ako a ngā mokopuna ki ngā kōnae me ngā paki ako e kapo atu ana i tā rātou whai wāhi atu ki ngā wheako. Kōrerohia ai e ngā kaimahi i ia te wā, ngā take e whai pānga nui ana ki te hōtaka me ngā akoranga a ngā mokopuna. Ka whai hua ngā mokopuna nā tētahi hōtaka i āta whakaritea ai. 

E tupu ana te māramatanga o ngā whānau ki te āhua tonu o te mahi whakahaere ka āta whai hua anō hoki ki ngā mokopuna. E whakawhanakehia ana ngā pūnaha hei hāpai i ngā kaiwhakahaere i roto i ā rātou mahi. Tērā ētahi whānau hou ki te kōhanga reo, ā, he hononga ā-whakapapa ō rātou. Ka whakamōhiotia te whānau ki te hōtaka o te kōhanga reo me te ako a ngā mokopuna, ā, kei te pai aua tūāhuatanga ki a rātou. Ko te harikoa o ngā mokopuna, ko tō rātou noho rumaki ki te reo Māori, koia te aronga matua ki te whānau. Kei ngā kaiako katoa te tohu o Te Whakapakari Tino Rangatiratanga, ā, he tautōhito, he mātau hoki rātou ki ngā tikanga o Te Puāwaitanga. He pai te whakahaeretanga o ngā pūtea. Kei te harikoa ngā mokopuna ki tētahi taiao e aro nui ana ki ō rātou matea. 

Ngā Whakaritenga Matua ka whai ake

Kāhore e whakatutukihia ana te arotakenga auau o ngā kaupapa here me ngā tukanga e ārahi ana i te kōhanga reo. Ko tētahi kaupapa matua, ko te whakawhanaketanga o te whānau i tētahi rārangi wā mō te arotakenga, ā, me whakatakoto hoki i ngā whai wāhitanga mō ngā kōrero urupare a ngā whānau. Ka whai hua ngā mokopuna me ngā whānau i te wā e āta whakatau ana ngā whakaritenga i tō rātou noho haumaru, me tō rātou waiora. 

Me whakapakari ake i te aromātai hōtaka. Whakawhiti kōrero ai ngā kaimahi i ia te wā, i ngā whakaakoranga, ngā akoranga, me ngā matea o ngā mokopuna me ngā whānau. Engari, kāhore ngā whakataunga e āta tuhia ana. He uaua ki te tautuhi i ngā whakapaitanga ki te hōtaka, me te āhua o ngā putanga. Ka whai hua ngā mokopuna i te wā ka hāngai ngā whakapaitanga ki ō rātou matea. 

E whakahaerehia ana ngā arohaehae kaimahi, ā, he pai te tautoko a te kaupapa kaimahi ā-rohe o Te Poari Matua o Ngā Kōhanga Reo. E whakaae ngātahi ana te kaiwhakahaere, te kaupapa kaimahi ā-rohe, me Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga, he pai ina arohaehaengia te kaiako matua e tētahi kaiarohaehae o waho. Ka whai hua ngā mokopuna i te wā e tino mōhio ana ngā kaimahi me ngā kaiako ki ngā whakaritenga papai o tēnei wā tonu. 

5 Te Whakatau a te Whānau o te Kōhanga Reo ki ngā Wāhanga Tautukunga

I te wā o te aromātai, i whakamātauhia e Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga ngā pūnaha o te kōhanga reo ki te whakahaere i ngā āhuatanga i raro iho nei e whai pānga nui ana ki te waiora o ngā tamariki:

  • te haumaru whatumanawa (tāpiri atu ko te ārahi mauritau, ko te ārai tamariki)
  • te haumaru ā-tinana (tāpiri atu ko te mātakitaki tamariki; ko ngā whakaritenga whakamoe; ko ngā aituā; ko te whāngai rongoā; ko ngā whakaritenga akuaku; ko ngā kaupapa here me ngā tikanga haerenga whakawaho)
  • te tū tika o ngā kaimahi (tae atu ki ngā taumata tohu mātauranga; te arowhai a ngā pirihimana; ngā rēhitatanga kaiako; me te tatauranga ki waenga i te kaiako me te tamaiti)
  • ngā whakaritenga, tikanga hōneatanga e pā ana ki te ahi me te rū whenua.

Ko te tikanga, ka whakatairanga ngā kōhanga reo katoa i te hauora me te haumaru o ngā tamariki, me te arotake anō hoki i ia te wā i tā rātou whakatutukitanga i ngā herenga ā-ture.

Kia tutuki i te whānau ngā herenga ā-ture, me tahuri rātou ki te:

  • whakarite i tētahi tukanga o te arotake whaiaro, o te arotake o roto rānei e whakahaerehia ana i ngā wā katoa, hei hāpai i te kōhanga reo ki te whakapūmau me te whakapai ake i te kounga o te mātauranga, te hauora, me te haumaru, mā te arotake auau i ngā kaupapa here me ngā tukanga. 
    [R46 Ture Mātauranga (Kōhungahunga) 2008; GMA6 Paearu Raihana mō ngā Kōhanga Reo kei raro i te maru o Te Poari Matua o Ngā Kōhanga Reo 2008] 

6 Te Taunakitanga

E taunaki ana Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga kia mahi te whānau o Te Puāwaitanga ki te taha o te kaupapa kaimahi ā-rohe o Te Poari Matua o Ngā Kōhanga Reo ki te āta whakatau i te whakatutukitanga o ngā whakaritenga i tautuhia ai kia whai ake. 

Darcy Te Hau
Toka ā Nuku 
Te Uepū-a-Motu – Māori Services

29 Haratua 2024

7 Ngā kōrero e pā ana ki te kōhanga reo

Te tūwāhiKei Wairoa
Te tau a te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga55240
Te tau tohu o Te Kōhanga Reo08A103
Te tūmomo whareTe Kōhanga Reo
Te raihanaNgā Ture Mātauranga (Ratonga Kōhungahunga) 2008
Te tokomaha mō te raihana16 ngā tamariki, kia tokoono kei raro i te rua o ngā tau
Te tokomaha kei runga i te rārangi ingoa12 ngā tamariki, tokorima kei raro i te rua o ngā tau
Ngā hononga ā-iwiMāori 12
Te wā i te kōhanga reo te rōpū arotakePoutū-te-rangi 2024
Te wā o tēnei pūrongo29 Haratua 2024
Ngā pūrongo o mua a Te Tari Arotake MātaurangaArotake Mātauranga, Here-turi-kōkā 2019; Arotake Mātauranga, Haratua 2016; Arotake Mātauranga, Paenga-whāwhā 2013

1 Introduction

The Education Review Office (ERO) in collaboration with whānau, leaders, kaimahi and their communities develop evaluation insights that foster accountability and improvement, identify progress and build evaluation capability. ERO’s reports provide important information for whānau, hapū and iwi.

2 Context 

Te Kōhanga Reo o Te Puāwaitanga o Te Reo (Te Puāwaitanga) is situated in Wairoa. It is licensed to cater for sixteen mokopuna, including six aged less than two years of age. Whānau who attend the kōhanga reo are drawn from the Ngāti Kahungunu rohe. Te Puāwaitanga is a whānau led kōhanga reo. Kaiwhakahaere are new to their roles. 

3 Evaluation Focus

How well do mokopuna show they confidently interact with the environment as they learn and play?

Mokopuna demonstrate their confidence by interacting well with peers and kaimahi as they enjoy rich learning opportunities.

4 Findings 

Mokopuna confidently interact with their learning environment. They are actively engaged and display joy in playing cooperatively with their peers while exploring new activities. Whānau interact with activities alongside mokopuna. The learning programme is well organised and established routines support mokopuna to develop independence. Kaimahi have caring relationships with mokopuna and know them well. They work well together to apply good practice. Mokopuna te reo Māori continues to grow. Kaimahi model and scaffolds sound language acquisition strategies to support mokopuna with their learning and language knowledge. Mokopuna learning and playing.

Kaimahi continue to develop their knowledge and skills in programme planning and are actively supported by kōhanga reo experts. Planning responds to mokopuna interests and needs, and links to the principles of Te Whāriki a Te Kōhanga Reo and local events. Pūrongo are completed four times a year where they share mokopuna capability and relationships. Next steps for learning are also identified. Mokopuna learning is also shared through kōnae and learning stories that capture their engagement in experiences. Kaimahi regularly discuss matters that are important to the programme and learning for mokopuna. Mokopuna benefit from a well organised programme.

Whānau are growing their understanding of how to manage operations well to benefit mokopuna. Systems are being developed to support kaiwhakahaere in their role. There are some new whānau to the kōhanga reo who are connected through whakapapa. Whānau are informed about and are content with the kōhanga reo programme and mokopuna learning. The happiness of mokopuna and being immersed in te reo Māori are their key foci. All kaiako hold Te Whakapakari Tino Rangatiratanga, and are experienced and knowledgeable in the tikanga of Te Puāwaitanga. Finances are managed well. Mokopuna are happy in an environment that is responsive to their needs.

Key Next Steps

Regular review of the kōhanga reo guiding policies and procedures has not occurred. As a priority, the whānau need to develop a schedule of review and provide opportunities for whānau input. Mokopuna and whānau benefit when practices that ensure their safety and wellbeing are in place. 

Programme evaluation needs strengthening. Kaimahi regularly discuss teaching, learning and mokopuna and whānau needs. However, any decisions made are not well documented. It is difficult to gauge what improvements have been made to the programme and what the outcomes were. Mokopuna benefit from improvements that consider their needs. 

Kaimahi appraisals are underway with good support from the district kaupapa kaimahi (DKK) of Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust. The kaiwhakahaere, DKK and ERO agreed it would be useful for the kaiako matua to be appraised by an external appraiser. Mokopuna benefit when kaimahi and kaiako are up-to-date with best practice. 

5 Kōhanga Whānau Assurance on Legal Requirements

During the evaluation, ERO looked at the kōhanga reo systems for managing the following areas that have a potentially high impact on children's wellbeing:

  • emotional safety (including positive guidance and child protection)
  • physical safety (including supervision; sleep procedures; accidents; medication; hygiene; excursion policies and procedures)
  • suitable staffing (including qualification levels; police vetting; teacher registration; ratios)
  • evacuation procedures and practices for fire and earthquake.

All kōhanga reo are required to promote children's health and safety and to regularly review their compliance with legal requirements.

Actions for Compliance

  • ensure there is an ongoing process of self-review or internal evaluation to help the kōhanga maintain and improve the quality of its education and health and safety through regular policy and procedure review . 
    [Regulation 46 Education (Early Childhood Services) Regulations 2008; GMA6 Licensing Criteria for Kōhanga Reo affiliated with Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust 2008]

6 Recommendation

ERO recommends that Te Puāwaitanga whānau will work alongside the DKK to ensure the next steps identified above are met.

Darcy Te Hau 
Toka-ā-Nuku – Director
Te Uepū ā-Motu – Māori Review Services

29 May 2024

7 Information about the kōhanga reo

Ministry of Education profile number55240
Kōhanga Reo Identification Number08A103
Licence typeTe Kōhanga Reo
Licensed underEducation (Early Childhood Services) Regulations 2008
Number licensed for16 children, including up to 6 aged under 2
Service roll12 children, including 5 aged under 2
Ethnic compositionMāori 12 
Review team on siteMarch 2024
Date of this report29 May 2024
Most recent ERO report(s) Education Review, August 2019; Education Review, May 2016; Education Review, April 2013 

Te Kōhanga Reo o Te Puāwaitanga o Te Reo - 05/08/2019

1 Te Horopaki

E tū ana Te Kōhanga Reo o Te Puāwaitanga o Te Reo ki Wairoa. Kua hokihoki mai ngā ākonga o mua ki te kōhanga reo, ki te kawe mai i ā rātou tamariki. Ko te kuia o te kōhanga reo te kaiako, ā, e whai wāhi nui ana rātou ko āna tamāhine tokorua ki te whakapuaki i te hōtaka akoranga. E tautokona ana, e whakapūmautia ana hoki e te whānau te mātauranga o ā rātou tamariki me te kaupapa o te kōhanga reo.

2 Ngā Whakaaturanga o te Aromātai

He pēhea rawa te whakaatu mai o ngā tamariki i tō rātou tūmāia hei ākonga?

He pakari te tūmāia o ngā tamariki hei ākonga, puta noa i te whānuitanga o ngā tūmomo wheako.

Ngā Taumata Whakahirahira

E ako ana ngā tamariki i tō rātou tū hei kaitiaki. Ka kitea tō rātou noho mōhio ki tō rātou taiao māoriori, taiao tūturu hoki. Ka whakawhitiwhiti whakaaro ngā kaimahi me ngā tamariki mā ngā kōrerorero me te auaha o ngā kāri pikitia e pā ana ki te taiao. Ka whakakōrerohia ngā tamariki mā ngā pātai e pā ana ki tēnā e kitea ana e rātou, me tēnā e mōhiotia ana e rātou. Ka whakapuaki ngā kaimahi i ngā kōrero e pā ana ki te orokohanga, ā, e hāpai ana ēnei i te tūhonohono o ngā tamariki ki ngā atua Māori. Ka ārahi ngā kaimahi me ngā kaumātua i ngā tamariki i roto i ngā tikanga, ā, ka mārama rātou i te pūtake o ngā karakia ki ngā tūmomo kaupapa pērā i te whakatō rākau. E whakawhanake ana ngā tamariki i tō rātou māramatanga ki ō rātou tūranga me ā rātou kawenga mahi hei kaitiaki.

E ako ana ngā tamariki i tō rātou tuakiri. Ka hāpai ngā kaimahi i ngā tamariki ki te āta whakapuaki mai i ō rātou whakapapa me ō rātou pepeha ki te taha o ētahi atu. Ka menemene ngā pēpi i a rātou e rongo ana i ō rātou ake pepeha e whakapuakihia ana mā rātou. Ka whai, ka whakaputa hoki ngā tāina me ngā tuākana i ngā tohu ā-ringa a ngā kaimahi, ā, ka whakautu hoki rātou i ngā pātai e akiaki ana i tā rātou taki i ō rātou tātai whakapapa. Ka whakatau ngā tamariki i ngā manuhiri ka taetae mai ki tō rātou kōhanga reo. He pai tō rātou māramatanga ki ngā tikanga me ngā kawa e whai pānga ana ki aua wā. Ka āta whakarite ngā kaimahi kia whakapuakihia e ngā tamariki te manaakitanga ki ō rātou hoa me ētahi atu. E ako ana ngā tamariki i ō rātou tuakiri me ō rātou whai hononga ki ētahi atu.

Ka rongo ngā tamariki i te pai o ngā taunekeneke ki te taha o ētahi atu. Ka āta kitea ki ngā kaimahi tō rātou aroha, tō rātou manaaki anō hoki mō ngā tamariki. He pūmanawa ō rātou e akiaki mārika ana i ngā tamariki ki te āta whakapuaki i ngā āhuatanga tangata o te mahi tahi, te manaakitanga, te atawhai, me te harikoa. He whai wāhitanga anō hoki mō ngā tamariki ki te ārahi. Ko ētahi o aua whai wāhitanga, ko te ārahi i ngā karakia me te whakatangi i te pere i mua i tā rātou taki i ō rātou whakapapa. Ka tūmāia ngā tamariki ki te ārahi. Kei te tau ngā tamariki i roto i ō rātou hononga ki ētahi atu.

E poipoia ana ngā tamariki kia māia haere rātou i roto i te reo Māori. He pai ngā kaimahi hei tauira o te reo. Ka whakamahi rātou i te whānuitanga o ngā tūmomo rautaki e hāpai ana i te whakawhanaketanga reo o ngā tamariki. Ko ētahi o aua rautaki, ko ngā karakia, ko ngā hīmene, ko ngā waiata, ko ngā pepeha, ko te patapatai, ko te tāruarua. Ka whakatangihia ngā waiata Māori hou i ia te wā, ā, he whai wāhitanga ako reo anō hoki taua tūāhuatanga. E whai hua ana te tohutohu ā-ringa hei hāpai i te reo, ā, hei rautaki ako reo hoki. Ka taea e ngā tamariki te āta whakahono ngā tohu ā-ringa ki ngā kupu Māori me ngā kīanga Māori. E whanake ana ngā tamariki ki te kōrero i te reo Māori.

E ako ana ngā tamariki ki tētahi kōhanga reo e āta poipoi ana i ō rātou whakaaro pohewa. He ngākau titikaha ō rātou ki te whakapuaki i ō rātou whakaaro ki te taha o ētahi atu. Ka whakaongaonga ngā kaimahi i ngā tamariki kia āta whakapuakihia e rātou ō rātou whakaaro pohewa mā te waiata, mā ngā whakawhitinga kōrero, ā, mā te whakaari hoki. Ka aro nui ngā tamariki ki ngā kupu whakamihi i a rātou e whakanuia ana mō ā rātou whakamātau me ā rātou whakatutukitanga. He whai wāhitanga mō ngā tamariki ki te whakamau i ngā kākahu pohewa kia rite rātou ki ō rātou tuatangata. E ākina ana tā rātou whakapuaki mai i ngā pūmanawa o aua tuatangata, ā, he wā whakangahau tēnei ki a rātou ko ngā kaimahi. Ka rongo i te māhorahora o te katakata me te harikoakoa, puta noa i te kōhanga reo. Ka taea e ngā tamariki te kōkiri ngā akoranga e ngākau nuitia ana e rātou. I aua wā, ka ū mārika te aronga atu ki ngā kaupapa mahi. Kei te harikoa, kei te auaha hoki ngā tamariki hei ākonga.

Te Whakamahere me te Aromātai

Kua whakatakotohia ngā mahere hōtaka me ngā whakaritenga e pā ana ki te aromatawai. Ka whakaatuhia ngā mahere ki te wāhi ako matua, hei ārahi i ngā wheako ako. He whāinga mō ia rua wiki, mō ia rua wiki hei ārahi i te huarahi ako o ngā kaimahi, ā, ka whakatinanahia ki te hōtaka o ia rā. Ka aru ngā aromatawai i ngā akoranga a ia tamaiti, me ōna whakawhanaketanga. Ka whai wāhi nui te whānau ki ngā mahi aromatawai. Ka whakakoia ā rātou tuhinga urupare i te whakawhitinga o ngā akoranga i te kōhanga reo ki ngā kāinga. Ko te auau o ngā whakawhitinga kōrero ki waenga i ngā kaimahi me te whānau e āta whakarite mārika ana i tō rātou noho mārama ki te ahu whakamua o ā rātou tamariki. Ka whai hua ngā tamariki nā te pai o te whakamahere me ngā mahi aromatawai.

E whakahaere ana te whānau i te kōhanga reo hei painga mō ā rātou tamariki. Kua whakatakotohia te tūtohinga. E ārahi ana ngā kaupapa here me ngā tukanga i ngā mahi whakahaere, mahi whakamahere hoki a te whānau mā ngā tamariki. Tū ai te arohaehae kaimahi i ia tau, ā, ka āta whakaarohia ngā whai wāhitanga mō te ako ngaio me te whakawhanaketanga ngaio, kia tupu tonu ai ngā whakaritenga a ngā kaimahi. Ka noho matua tonu te hauora me te haumaru ki te kōhanga reo, ā, ko ngā tamariki kei te pūtake o ngā whakataunga. E whiwhi ana ngā tamariki i ngā hua e puta ai i ngā tukanga whakahaere papai a te whānau.

Ngā Whakaritenga Matua ka Whai Ake

Ahakoa kua whakatakotohia te mahere rautaki me te mahere ā-tau, kāhore ngā mahi matua e whakaraupapahia ana. Me whai wāhi atu ki te mahere rautaki, ko tētahi mahere mahi kia aroturukitia ai te ahu whakamua ki te whakatutuki i ngā whāinga matua. Me whai kiko ake te mahere ā-tau hei āta whakarite i te whakatutukitanga o ngā take whakahaere katoa, kia whai hua ai. Ka hāpai taua mahi i ngā whakawhitinga whakaaro auau, i ngā tukanga aroturuki, ā, ka whakapiki ake hoki i te aromātai o roto.

Kāhore he tukanga e aromātai ana i te whai huatanga o te hōtaka akoranga. Kāhore ngā meneti a ngā kaimahi e tohu ana i tēnā i whai hua ai, i ngā āhuatanga hoki hei whakarerekē kia pai ake ai te kounga o te hōtaka mā ngā tamariki. Ka taea anō hoki ngā pūrongo a ngā kaiako ki te whānau te whakapai ake, kia whai wāhi atu ai ēnei ki ngā mahi e aromātai ana i te hōtaka. He uaua ki te tātari i te āhua o ngā whakarerekētanga me ngā whakapaitanga ki te hōtaka akoranga.

3 Te Whakatau a te Whānau ki ngā Wāhanga Tautukunga

I te wā o te aromātai, i whakamātauhia e Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga ngā pūnaha o te kōhanga reo ki te whakahaere i ngā āhuatanga i raro iho nei e whai pānga nui ana ki te waiora o ngā tamariki:

  • te haumaru whatumanawa (tāpiri atu ko te ārahi mauritau, ko te ārai tamariki)
  • te haumaru ā-tinana (tāpiri atu ko te mātakitaki tamariki; ko ngā whakaritenga whakamoe; ko ngā aituā; ko te whāngai rongoā; ko ngā whakaritenga akuaku; ko ngā kaupapa here me ngā tikanga haerenga whakawaho)
  • te tū tika o ngā kaimahi (tae atu ki ngā taumata tohu mātauranga; te arowhai a ngā pirihimana; ngā rēhitatanga kaiako; me te tatauranga ki waenga i te kaiako me te tamaiti)
  • ngā whakaritenga, tikanga hōneatanga e pā ana ki te ahi me te rū whenua.

Ko te tikanga, ka whakatairanga ngā kōhanga reo katoa i te hauora me te haumaru o ngā tamariki, me te arotake anō hoki i ia te wā i tā rātou whakatutukitanga i ngā herenga ā-ture.

4 Ngā Taunakitanga

I whakawhanakehia e Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga me te whānau o te kōhanga reo ngā taunakitanga e whai ake nei, arā, kia:

  • whakawhanakehia tētahi mahere mahi ka ārahi i te āhua o ngā mahi e whakatutuki haere ana i ngā kaupapa rautaki matua a te kōhanga reo
  • arotake, kia whakamahine hoki i tā rātou mahere ā-tau
  • whakapakarihia te aromātai hōtaka.

Hei ā hea Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga aromātai anō ai i te kōhanga reo?

Ka aromātai anō Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga i Te Kōhanga Reo o Te Puāwaitanga o Te Reo i roto i te toru o ngā tau.

Charles Rolleston

Toka ā-nuku

05 Hereturikōkā, 2019

Ngā kōrero e pā ana ki te kōhanga reo

Te tūwāhi

Kei Wairoa

Te tau a te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga


Te tau tohu o Te Kōhanga Reo


Te tūmomo raihana

He kōhanga reo

Kua raihanatia ki te ture

Ngā Ture Mātauranga (Ratonga Kōhungahunga) 2008

Te tokomaha mō te raihana

16, kia tokoono ki raro i te rua o ngā tau

Te tokomaha kei te rārangi ingoa

12, tokowhā kei raro i te rua o ngā tau

Te ira tangata

Kōtiro 6

Tama 6

Ngā hononga ā-iwi



Te wā i te kōhanga reo te rōpū arotake

1 - 2 Hōngongoi 2019

Te wā o tēnei pūrongo

05 Hereturikōkā, 2019

Ngā pūrongo o mua a Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga

Arotake Mātauranga

Arotake Mātauranga

Arotake Mātauranga

Haratua 2016

Paenga-whāwhā 2013

Paenga-whāwhā 2009

1 Context

Te Kōhanga Reo o Te Puāwaitanga o Te Reo is in Wairoa. Graduates of the kōhanga reo have returned with their children. The kaiako, who is the kuia of the kōhanga reo, and her two daughters are instrumental in the delivery of the learning programme. Whānau are supportive and committed to the education of their children and the kaupapa of the kōhanga reo.

2 The Evaluation Findings

How well do children demonstrate confidence as a learner?

Children confidently demonstrate confidence as learners across a range of experiences.

Ngā Taumata Whakahirahira

Children are learning about their roles as kaitiaki. They show their awareness of their natural and physical environments. Kaimahi engage with the children through stories about nature using creative picture cards. Questions prompt the children to talk about what they can see and what they know. Kaimahi tell creation stories that support the children to make links to atua Māori. Kaimahi and kaumātua guide children through tikanga processes where they understand the purpose of karakia in activities such as tree planting. Children are developing their understanding of their roles and responsibilities as kaitiaki.

Children are learning about their identity. Kaimahi support children to successfully share their whakapapa and pepeha with others. Babies smile as they hear their pepeha being shared for them. Tāina and tuākana follow and perform hand action prompts from kaimahi as well as answer questions that cue them to recite their whānau connections. Children welcome visitors into the kōhanga reo. They have a good understanding of tikanga and kawa during these times. Kaimahi ensure children show manaakitanga towards their peers and others. Children are leaning about who they are and their connections to others.

Children experience positive interactions with others. Kaimahi show genuine love and care for the children. They display qualities that encourage children to share their expressions confidently such as cooperation, manaakitanga, affection and happiness. Leadership opportunities are provided for children. These opportunities include leading karakia and the ringing of the bell before they recite their whakapapa. Children confidently take on leadership roles. Children are settled in their relationships with others.

Children are supported to build confidence in te reo Māori. Kaimahi are good language models. They use a variety of strategies to support children’s language development. These include karakia, hīmene, waiata, pepeha, questioning and repetition. Modern Māori music playing in the background provides additional language learning opportunities. Sign language is used effectively as a prompt and language learning strategy. Children can make direct links between these hand signs and Māori words and phrases. Children are developing as speakers of te reo Māori.

Children learn in a kōhanga reo where imagination is fostered. They confidently share their ideas with others. Kaimahi stimulate the children to explore their imaginations through waiata, conversations and whakaari. Children respond well to praise when acknowledged for their efforts and successes. Children have opportunities to dress up as their heroes. They are encouraged to assert the traits of these characters which is a time to have fun with one another and the kaimahi. Laughter and joy are common in the kōhanga reo. Children are able to initiate learning that interests them. During these times, there are sustained periods of engagement. Children are happy and creative learners.

Planning and Evaluation

Programme planning and assessment practices are in place. Planning is displayed in the main learning space to guide learning experiences. Fortnightly goals provide learning direction for kaimahi and are implemented into the daily programme. Assessments track learning and development for individual children. Whānau play an integral role in assessments. Their written feedback confirms the transfer of learning from the kōhanga reo into the homes. Regular communication between kaimahi and whānau ensure that they have a good understanding of their children’s progress. Children benefit from good planning and assessment practices.

Whānau manage the kōhanga reo in the interests of their children. The charter is in place. Policies and procedures guide whānau operations and planning for children. Kaimahi appraisals are conducted annually and PLD opportunities are well considered to grow kaimahi practice. Health and safety is a priority in the kōhanga reo where children are at the centre of decision-making processes. Children benefit from good whānau management processes.

Key Next Steps

Although whānau have strategic and annual plans in place, key tasks are missing. The strategic plan requires an action plan in order to monitor the progress made to achieve major goals. More detail is required of the annual plan to ensure all operational matters are tended to and successfully completed. This would support regular discussions, monitoring processes and increase internal evaluation.

There is no process in place to evaluate the effectiveness of the learning programme. Kaimahi minutes do not indicate what has worked and what changes are required to improve the quality of the programme for children. Reporting by kaiako to whānau could be improved in order to contribute to programme evaluation. It is difficult to gauge any changes or improvements made to the learning programme.

3 Whānau Management Assurance on Compliance Areas

During the evaluation, ERO looked at the kōhanga reo systems for managing the following areas that have a potentially high impact on children's wellbeing:

  • emotional safety (including positive guidance and child protection)
  • physical safety (including supervision; sleep procedures; accidents; medication; hygiene; excursion policies and procedures)
  • suitable staffing (including qualification levels; police vetting; teacher registration; ratios)
  • evacuation procedures and practices for fire and earthquake.

All kōhanga reo are required to promote children's health and safety and to regularly review their compliance with legal requirements.

4 Recommendations

ERO and the Kōhanga Reo whānau developed the following recommendations:

  • develop an action plan to guide work towards strategic priorities for the kōhanga reo

  • review and refine their annual plan

  • strengthen programme evaluation.

When is ERO likely to evaluate the kōhanga reo again?

The next ERO evaluation of Te Kōhanga Reo o Te Puāwaitanga o Te Reo will be in three years.

Charles Rolleston

Toka ā-nuku

5 August 2019

Information about the Kōhanga Reo



Ministry of Education profile number


Kōhanga Reo Identification Number


Licence type

Te Kōhanga Reo

Licensed under

Education (Early Childhood Services) Regulations 2008

Number licensed for

16 children, including up to 6 aged under 2

Kōhanga Reo roll

12 children, including 4 aged under 2

Gender composition

Girls 6

Boys 6

Ethnic composition



Review team on site

1 - 2 July 2019

Date of this report

5 August 2019

Most recent ERO report(s)

Education Review

Education Review

Education Review

May 2016

April 2013

April 2009

Te Kōhanga Reo o Te Puāwaitanga o Te Reo - 06/05/2016

Te Aromātai

E tū ana Te Kōhanga Reo Te Puāwaitanga o Te Reo ki Wairoa. E whakawhanake ana ngā tamariki i tō rātou māramatanga ki tō rātou tūnga hei kaitiaki. Ka whai pānga matua te manaaki me te tiaki ki ngā akoranga. He tau ngā tamariki ki te whānuitanga o ngā tūmomo taiao. Ka taea e ngā tamariki te whakawhiti kōrero ki ētahi atu mā te reo Māori.

Ka arotake anō Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga i Te Kōhanga Reo o Te Puāwaitanga o Te Reo i roto i te toru o ngā tau.

1 Te Horopaki

E tū ana Te Kōhanga Reo o Te Puāwaitanga o Te Reo ki Wairoa. He hononga ā-whakapapa tō ngā tamariki, te whānau, me ngā kaimahi. Ka whai pānga matua ngā tikanga o te marae ki ngā whakahaeretanga o te kōhanga reo. E hāpaitia ana ngā kaimahi me ngā tamariki e tētahi kuia o tēnei hapori.

Mai i te pūrongo o mua a Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga, kua pā mai ētahi rerekētanga ki ngā tūnga kaimahi me te whānau.

2 Ngā Whakaaturanga o te Arotake

He pēhea rawa te whakaatu a ngā tamariki i tō rātou māramatanga ki te kaitiakitanga?

Ka kitea ki ngā tamariki te whakawhanaketanga o te māramatanga ki ā rātou kawenga hei kaitiaki.

Ngā Taumata Whakahirahira

E ako ana ngā tamariki ki tētahi taiao e whakanui ana i te manaaki me te tiaki. Ka whakatau ngā karakia i ngā tamariki, ā, ka whakarite hoki i a rātou ki te ako. Ka akiaki ngā kaimahi i ngā tamariki ki te whakatinana i te manaaki me te whakaute mō ētahi atu. Ka whai pānga nui te whanaungatanga ki te hōtaka akoranga. He pai te taunekeneke a ngā tamariki hei tuakana, hei teina. Ka whakamihi, ka whakanui hoki ngā kaimahi i ngā whakamātau me ngā whakatutukitanga a ngā tamariki. He harikoa ngā tamariki.

Ka manaaki ngā tamariki i a rātou anō, i ō rātou taiao hoki. Ka tūhura rātou i ō rātou marae me te taiao māoriori. Ka whakapuaki ngā tamariki i ō rātou pepeha, ā, ka whakamārama rātou i ō rātou hononga ki te whenua, te marae me te iwi. Kei te mōhio ngā tamariki ki tō rātou tūrangawaewae.

E whakawhanake ana ngā pūkenga o ngā tamariki ki te whakawhiti whakaaro mā te reo Māori. Ka whakamahi ngā kaimahi i te whānuitanga o ngā tūmomo rautaki, tae atu ki te whakatauira i ngā hanganga rerenga kōrero, me te whakapuaki i ngā kupu hou. Ka tito waiata ngā kaimahi hei whakawhānui i te reo o ngā tamariki. Ka whakarerekē haere rātou i tō rātou reo mō ngā tuākana me ngā tēina, hei hāpai i te āhua o ō rātou tūmomo māramatanga. Ka whakapuakihia ngā pūkenga reo matatini mā ngā tuākana, ā, ka waia haere rātou ki ngā tūmomo pū me te tuhi hoki i ō rātou ingoa. E tūhonohono ana ngā tamariki i te reo tuhituhi me te reo kōrero.

Te Whakamahere me te Aromātai

Ka ārahi ngā matea ako o ngā tamariki i te whakamaheretanga o te hōtaka. He mārama ngā mahere hōtaka, ā, ka tāutu i ngā putanga ako a ngā tamariki, me te hononga ki ngā kaupapa ako. Ka mahi ā-rōpū ngā tamariki i runga i te āhua o ō rātou reanga me ō rātou matea. Ka poipoi ngā taumahi i ngā ngākau nuitanga o ia tamaiti. Ka tino hāpaitia ngā matea ako o ngā tamariki, ā, he ngana rātou hei ākonga.

Ka whakamahi te whānau i Te Ara Tūāpae hei hāpai ngā mahere mō te aronga o te kōhanga reo ā meāke nei. Ka arotahi ngā mahere rautaki ki ngā kaupapa matua o te kōhanga reo. E hāngai ana ngā whāinga o te whānau ki te whakapakari i tō rātou mōhiotanga ki Te Korowai. Ko ngā tamariki kei te pūtake o ngā whakataunga a te whānau.

Ngā Whakaritenga Matua ka Whai Ake

He whāiti te aromātai hōtaka. Kāhore ngā kaimahi e whakatinana ana ki ā rātou mahi, tō rātou māramatanga ki te aromātai hōtaka me te aromatawai. Kāhore rātou e arotake ana i te hōtaka i ia te wā.

Me āta arotahi e te whānau i te wāhanga o te aromātai o roto. Ahakoa ka arotahi te whānau ki ngā putanga hua mō ngā tamariki, kāhore tēnei e kitea ana ki ā rātou pūnaha e pā ana ki te whakamahere me te pūrongo. Kāhore ngā putanga mō ngā tamariki e tāutuhia ana i roto i ngā mahere rautaki.

3 Te Whakataunga a te Kōhanga Reo ki ngā Wāhanga Tautukunga

I te wā o te arotake, i whakamātauhia e Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga ngā pūnaha o te kōhanga reo ki te whakahaere i ngā āhuatanga i raro iho nei e whai pānga nui ana ki te waiora o ngā tamariki:

  • te haumaru whatumanawa (tāpiri atu ko te ārahi mauritau, ko te ārai tamariki)
  • te haumaru ā-tinana (tāpiri atu ko te mātakitaki tamariki; ko ngā whakaritenga whakamoe; ko ngā aituā; ko te whāngai rongoā; ko ngā whakaritenga akuaku; ko ngā kaupapa here me ngā tikanga haerenga whakawaho)
  • te tū tika o ngā kaimahi (tae atu ki ngā taumata tohu mātauranga; te arowhai a ngā pirihimana; ngā rēhitatanga kaiako; me te tatauranga ki waenga i te kaiako me te tamaiti)
  • ngā whakaritenga, tikanga hōneatanga e pā ana ki te ahi me te rū whenua.

Ko te tikanga, ka whakatairanga ngā kōhanga reo katoa i te hauora me te haumaru o ngā tamariki, me te arotake anō hoki i ia te wā i tā rātou whakatutukitanga i ngā herenga ā-ture.

4 Te Taunakitanga

I whakawhanakehia e Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga me te whānau o te kōhanga reo ngā taunakitanga e whai ake nei, arā, kia:

  • whakawhanake, kia whakatinana hoki ngā kaimahi i tētahi rautaki ako ka whakahono i te aromātai hōtaka me te aromatawai, hei whakapai ake i te kounga o te hōtaka akoranga
  • tahuri te whānau ki te whakapai ake i te aromātai o roto o ā rātou pūnaha e pā ana ki ngā mahere me ngā pūrongo.

Te Whakarāpopototanga

E tū ana Te Kōhanga Reo Te Puāwaitanga o Te Reo ki Wairoa. E whakawhanake ana ngā tamariki i tō rātou māramatanga ki tō rātou tūnga hei kaitiaki. Ka whai pānga matua te manaaki me te tiaki ki ngā akoranga. He tau ngā tamariki ki te whānuitanga o ngā tūmomo taiao. Ka taea e ngā tamariki te whakawhiti kōrero ki ētahi atu mā te reo Māori.

Hei ā hea Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga arotake anō ai i te kōhanga reo?

Ka arotake anō Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga i Te Kōhanga Reo o Te Puāwaitanga o Te Reo i roto i te toru o ngā tau.

Lynda Pura-Watson

Kaiurungi Whakaturuki Arotake Māori

06 Haratua, 2016

Ngā kōrero e pā ana ki te kōhanga reo

Te tūwāhi

Kei Wairoa

Te tau a te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga


Te tau tohu o Te Kōhanga Reo


Te tūmomo whare

He kōhanga reo

Te raihana

Ngā Ture Mātauranga (Ratonga Kōhungahunga) 2008

Te tokomaha mō te raihana

16, kia tokoono ki raro i te rua o ngā tau

Te tokomaha kei runga i te rārangi ingoa

14, tokorima kei raro i te rua o ngā tau

Te ira tangata

Tama tāne 10

Kōtiro 4

Ngā hononga ā-iwi



Te wā i te kōhanga reo te rōpū arotake

Poutū-te-rangi 2016

Te wā o tēnei pūrongo

06 Haratua, 2016

Ngā pūrongo o mua a Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga

Arotake Mātauranga

Arotake Mātauranga

Arotake Mātauranga

Paenga-whāwhā 2013

Paenga-whāwhā 2009

Pipiri 2006


Te Kōhanga Reo o Te Puāwaitanga o Te Reo is in Wairoa. Children are developing an understanding of their role as kaitiaki. Manaaki and tiaki are an integral part of learning. Children are comfortable in a range of environments. Children can communicate with others in te reo Māori.

The next ERO review of Te Kōhanga Reo o Te Puāwaitanga o Te Reo will be in three years.

1 Context

Te Kōhanga Reo o Te Puāwaitanga o Te Reo is in Wairoa. Children, whānau and kaimahi are related by whakapapa. Tikanga of the marae is an integral part of kōhanga reo operations. Kaimahi and children are supported by a local kuia.

Since the previous ERO report kaimahi and whānau changes have occurred.

2 The Review Findings

How well do children show they understand kaitiakitanga?

Children show they are developing an understanding about their responsibility as kaitiaki.

Ngā Taumata Whakahirahira

Children learn in an environment that values manaaki and tiaki. Karakia settles children and prepares them for learning. Kaimahi encourage children to show care and respect for each other. Whanaungatanga is an integral part of the learning programme. Children interact in positive ways as tuakana and teina. Kaimahi praise and acknowledge children’s efforts and achievements. Children are happy.

Children care for themselves and their environments. They explore their local marae and the natural environment. Children share their pepehā and explain their connections to the land, marae and iwi. Children know where they belong.

Children are developing skills to communicate in te reo Māori. Kaimahi use a range of strategies that includes modelling sentence structures and introducing new words. Kaimahi write waiata to extend children’s language. They adjust their language for the older and younger children to support their different levels of understanding. Tuakana are introduced to literacy skills and familiarise themselves with letters and writing their names. Children are making connections between written and spoken language.

Planning and Evaluation

Children’s learning needs guide programme planning. Programme planning is clear and identifies learning outcomes for children linked to kaupapa ako. Children work in groups according to their ages and needs. Activities cater for children’s individual interests. Children’s learning needs are well supported and they are focussed learners.

Whānau use Te Ara Tūāpae to support planning for the kōhanga reo future direction. Strategic planning is focussed on the priorities of the kōhanga reo kaupapa. The whānau goals are based on strengthening their knowledge about Te Korowai. Children are the focus of the whānau decision making.

Key Next Steps

Programme evaluation is limited. Kaimahi do not apply their understanding of programme evaluation and assessment to their practice. They do not review the programme regularly.

Internal evaluation is an area for whānau to address. While the whānau are focused on positive outcomes for children this is not reflected in their planning and reporting systems. Outcomes for children are not identified in strategic planning.

3 Whānau Management Assurance on Compliance Areas

During the review, ERO looked at the kōhanga reo systems for managing the following areas that have a potentially high impact on children's wellbeing:

  • emotional safety (including positive guidance and child protection)
  • physical safety (including supervision; sleep procedures; accidents; medication; hygiene; excursion policies and procedures)
  • suitable staffing (including qualification levels; police vetting; teacher registration; ratios)
  • evacuation procedures and practices for fire and earthquake.

All kōhanga reo are required to promote children's health and safety and to regularly review their compliance with legal requirements.

4 Recommendation

ERO and the Kōhanga Reo whānau developed the following recommendations:

  • kaimahi develop and implement a learning strategy to link programme evaluation and assessment to improve the quality of learning programmes
  • whānau work to improve internal evaluation of their planning and reporting systems.


Te Kōhanga Reo o Te Puāwaitanga o Te Reo is in Wairoa. Children are developing an understanding of their role as kaitiaki. Manaaki and tiaki are an integral part of learning. Children are comfortable in a range of environments. Children can communicate with others in te reo Māori.

When is ERO likely to review the kōhanga reo again?

The next ERO review of Te Kōhanga Reo o Te Puāwaitanga o Te Reo will be in three years.

Lynda Pura-Watson

Deputy Chief Review Officer Māori

6 May 2016

Information about the Kōhanga Reo



Ministry of Education profile number


Kōhanga Reo Identification Number


Licence type

Te Kōhanga Reo

Licensed under

Education (Early Childhood Services) Regulations 2008

Number licensed for

16 children, including up to 6 aged under 2

Kōhanga Reo roll

14 children, including up to 5 aged under 2

Gender composition

Boys 10

Girls 4

Ethnic composition



Review team on site

March 2016

Date of this report

6 May 2016

Most recent ERO report(s)

Education Review

Education Review

Education Review

April 2013

April 2009

June 2006