Te Kōhanga Reo o Waipatu

Education institution number:
Service type:
Te Kōhanga Reo
Not Applicable
Total roll:

Waipatu Marae 71 State Highway 51, Waipatu, Hastings

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Te Kōhanga Reo o Waipatu

1 He Kupu Arataki

Kua mahi ngātahi Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga, ngā whānau, ngā kaiārahi, me ngā hapori ki te whakatakoto i ngā tirohanga aromātai e whai wāhi nui ai ki te hāpai i ngā whakapaitanga, ki te tautuhi i te ahu whakamua, ā, ki te whakapakari ake hoki i te āheinga ki te aromātai.

2 Te Horopaki

E whakahaerehia ana Te Kōhanga Reo o Waipatu ki te marae o Waipatu, ki Heretaunga. Ko Te Kōhanga Reo o Wikitōria tōna ingoa i mua. Kei te marae hoki he whare karakia, he urupā, me ētahi kāinga noho mō ngā kaumātua.

3 Te Aronga o te Aromātai

He pēhea rawa te whakaatu mai o ngā mokopuna i tō rātou aronga toi whenuatanga ki te kōhanga reo?

Kei te tūmāia, kei te mauritau hoki te āhua o ngā mokopuna ki te kōhanga reo.

4 Ngā Whakaaturanga

E hāpaitia ana te ako a ngā mokopuna i ngā kawa me ngā tikanga i roto i te hōtaka o ia rā. He aroha nui tō te atawhai me te tautoko o ngā kaimahi i a rātou. Nā runga i taua āhuatanga, e whanake ana tō rātou tūmāia ki a rātou anō. Ka ngākau nui, ka whai wāhi nui hoki ngā mokopuna i ia te wā ki ngā karakia me ngā waiata, ā, ka taki hoki rātou i ō rātou pepeha. He mauritau te āhua o ngā mokopuna.

Ko te noho haumaru, ko te waiora hoki o ngā mokopuna e noho mātua ana ki te whānau. He pai ngā pūnaha a te whānau kia tau ai te kōhanga reo hei wāhi haumaru mō ngā mokopuna me ngā kaimahi.

Ngā Whakaritenga Matua ka whai ake

Kua tae ki te wā kia rapu te whānau i te tautoko e whakatairanga ake ai i tō rātou māramatanga me te whakatinanatanga o te arotake whaiaro, hei whakapakari i ngā wāhanga e whai ake nei:

He iti noa ngā whai wāhitanga mō ngā mokopuna ki te rongo me te whakamahi i te reo Māori, puta noa i te rā. He mea nui kia tautokona ngā kaimahi me te whānau ki te whakawhanake i ō rātou āheinga i roto i te reo Māori. I tēnei wā, kāhore e tino hāpaitia ana te whakawhanaketanga o te reo Māori o ngā mokopuna.

E tika ana kia riro i ngā kaimahi ngā mahi whakangungu me te tautoko e hāpai ai i ā rātou mahi ki te whakamahere hōtaka, te whakapuaki, te aromātai hōtaka, me te aromatawai i ngā mokopuna. I whakawhanakehia tā rātou hōtaka i wāhi kē atu, ā, kāhore ngā kaimahi e tino waia ana ki tōna aronga.

He rahi te wāhi ako o roto, ā, kāhore e tino whakaritea ana hei painga mō ngā pēpi me ngā tuākana. Me toro atu ngā kaimahi ki ngā whakangungu me te tautoko mō te whakariterite i te taiao ako e hāpai ai i ngā mokopuna ki te mahi auaha, ki te whakaaro pohewa, ki te tūhura haere, ā, ki te whai i ō rātou ake ngākau nuitanga.

Me riro i te whānau ngā whakangungu me te tautoko e hāpai ai i a rātou ki te whakawhanake i tētahi mahere rautaki e whai pānga ana ki tēnā e whakaaro nuitia ana mō tō rātou kōhanga reo. Ko te mahere e whakamahia ana e te kaiwhakahaere, kāhore e hāngai ana ki tō rātou horopaki.

5 Te Whakatau ki ngā Wāhanga Tautukunga

I te wā o te aromātai, i tirohia e Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga ngā pūnaha ki te whakahaere i ngā wāhanga e whai ake nei:

  • te haumaru ā-whatumanawa, tae atu ki te ārahi mauritau me te ārai tamariki
  • te haumaru ā-tinana, tae atu ki te mātakitaki tamariki, ngā whakaritenga whakamoe, ngā aituā, te whāngai rongoā; me ngā kaupapa here, ngā tukanga hoki mō ngā haerenga whakawaho
  • te tū tika o ngā kaimahi, tae atu ki te tika o ngā tohu mātauranga, ngā mahi arowhai a ngā pirihimana, me te tatauranga ki waenga i te kaiako me te tamaiti 
  • ngā whakaritenga ohotata me ngā tikanga ohotata e pā ana ki te rū whenua, te ahi, te waipuke, te tai āniwhaniwha, me te mate urutā.

Kia tutuki i a rātou ngā herenga ā-ture, me tahuri te whānau ki te:

  • whakarite i tētahi tukanga o te arotake whaiaro, o te aromātai o roto rānei e whakahaerehia ana i ngā wā katoa, hei hāpai i te kōhanga reo ki te whakapūmau me te whakapai ake i te kounga o ngā whakaritenga mō ngā tamariki
    [R47 Ture Mātauranga (Kōhungahunga) 2008; GMA6 Paearu Raihana mō ngā Kōhanga Reo kei raro i te maru o Te Poari Matua o Ngā Kōhanga Reo 2008] 
  • āta whakarite i te whakatinanatanga o te marau o te kōhanga reo mā ngā mahere, ngā whakapuakitanga, me ngā aromātai e tohu ana i te māramatanga ki te ako a ngā mokopuna, tae atu hoki ki ō rātou ngākau nuitanga, ō rātou whānau, me te āhua tonu o ō rātou nā ao (i ērā i tuhia, i ērā tonu kāhore i tuhia)
    [R43 Ture Mātauranga (Kōhungahunga) 2008; Te Angamahi o te Marautanga mō te Mātauranga Kōhungahunga i kāhititia ai mō ngā Kōhanga Reo, Paearu C2] 
  • āta whakarite i tētahi mahere rautaki me tētahi mahere ā-tau hei ārahi i ngā whakahaeretanga ki te kōhanga reo
    [R47 Ture Mātauranga (Kōhungahunga) 2008; GMA8 Paearu Raihana mō ngā Kōhanga Reo kei raro i te maru o Te Poari Matua o Ngā Kōhanga Reo 2008] 
  • āta whakatau i te whakatinanatanga o ngā whakaritenga e tika ana mō te whakahaeretanga o ngā kaimahi, tae atu hoki ki ngā mahi e arohaehae ana i ngā kaimahi.
    [R47 Ture Mātauranga (Kōhungahunga) 2008; GMAS 7 Paearu Raihana mō ngā Kōhanga Reo kei raro i te maru o Te Poari Matua o Ngā Kōhanga Reo 2008]

6 Te Taunakitanga

E taunaki tahi ana Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga me te whānau o te kōhanga reo, kia whakawhanakehia e te whānau me te Poari Matua o Ngā Kōhanga Reo tētahi mahere mahi ki te whakatutuki i ngā whakaritenga matua i tāutuhia ai ki tēnei pūrongo kia whai ake.

Darcy Te Hau
Te Uepū ā-Motu - Māori Review Services

21 Haratua, 2021

7 Ngā kōrero e pā ana ki te kōhanga reo

Te tūwāhi

Kei Heretaunga

Te tau a te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga


Te tau tohu o Te Kōhanga Reo


Te tūmomo whare

He kōhanga reo

Te raihana

Ngā Ture Mātauranga (Ratonga Kōhungahunga) 2008

Te tokomaha mō te raihana

30, kia 15 ki raro i te rua o ngā tau

Te tokomaha kei runga i te rārangi ingoa

16, tokowaru kei raro i te rua o ngā tau

Te ira tangata

Kōtiro    4

Tama     12

Ngā hononga ā-iwi



Te wā i te kōhanga reo te rōpū arotake

Poutū-te-rangi 2021

Te wā o tēnei pūrongo

21 Haratua 2021

Ngā pūrongo o mua a Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga 

Arotake Tāpiri

Arotake Mātauranga

Arotake Mātauranga  

Kohi-tātea 2017

Hui-tanguru 2016

Here-turi-kōkā 2012

1 Introduction

The Education Review Office, whānau, leaders and communities provide evaluation insights that foster improvement, identify progress and build evaluation capability.

2 Context

This Te Kōhanga Reo o Waipatu is located on Waipatu marae in Hastings. It was originally known as Te Kōhanga Reo o Wikitoria. The marae complex includes a whare karakia, an urupā and kaumatua housing.

3 Evaluation Focus

How well do mokopuna demonstrate belonging in the kōhanga reo?

Mokopuna appear confident and settled in the kōhanga reo.

4 Findings

Mokopuna are supported to learn about kawa and tikanga in the daily programme. Kaimahi provide them with loving care and support. This enables them to develop confidence in themselves. Mokopuna enjoy and regularly participate in karakia, waiata and reciting their pepeha. Mokopuna appears settled.

Mokopuna safety and wellbeing are priorities for the whānau. Whānau have good systems in place to ensure the kōhanga reo is a safe place for mokopuna and kamahi.

Key Next Steps

It is timely for whānau to seek support to build their understanding and implementation of self-review to strengthen the following areas:

  • mokopuna have limited opportunities to hear and use te reo Māori during the day. It is important that support for kaimahi and whānau is put in place to develop their te reo Māori capacity.
  • kaimahi require training and support for programme planning, implementation, programme evaluation and mokopuna assessment. The programme they follow was developed elsewhere and kaimahi are not familiar with the direction it provides.
  • the learning space indoors is large and poorly prepared for infants and tuākana. Kaimahi require training and support in planning a learning environment where mokopuna can be creative, imaginative, explore and have opportunities to follow their own interests.
  • the whānau require training and support to develop a strategic plan that reflects what is important for their kōhanga reo. The plan used by the kaiwhakahaere does not reflect their context.

5 Assurance on Legal Requirement

During the evaluation, ERO looked at systems for managing the following areas:

  • emotional safety including positive guidance and child protection
  • physical safety including supervision, sleep procedures, accidents, medication, excursion policy and procedures
  • suitable staffing including appropriate qualifications, police vetting, ratios
  • emergency procedures and practices for earthquakes, fire, flood, tsunami and pandemic.

To meet compliance requirements, they must:

  • establish an ongoing process of self-review to help maintain and improve the quality of practice for children
    [Regulation 47 (Early Childhood Services) Regulations 2008; GMA6 Licensing Criteria for Kōhanga Reo affiliated with Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust 2008]
  • ensure that the kōhanga reo curriculum is informed by planning, implementation, and evaluation that demonstrates an understanding of mokopuna learning, their interests, whānau, and life contexts (documented and undocumented)
  • [Regulations 43 (Early Childhood Services) Regulations 2008; Early Childhood Education Curriculum Framework as gazetted for Kōhanga Reo, Criterion C2]
  • ensure there is a strategic and annual plan to guide kōhanga reo operation
    [R47 Education (Early Childhood Services) Regulations 2008; GMA8 Licensing Criteria for Kōhanga Reo affiliated with Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust 2008]

6 Recommendation

ERO and the kōhanga reo whānau recommends that the whānau and Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust develop an action plan to address the key next steps identified in this report.

Darcy Te Hau
- Director
Te Uepū ā-Motu - Māori Review Services

21 May 2021

7 Information about the Kōhanga Reo

Te Kōhanga Reo Te Kōhanga Reo o Waipatu



Ministry of Education profile number


Kōhanga Reo Identification Number


Licence type

Te Kōhanga Reo

Licensed under

Education (Early Childhood Services) Regulations 2008

Number licensed for

30 children, including up to 15 aged under 2

Kōhanga Reo roll

16 children, including up to 8 aged under 2

Gender composition

Girls       4

Boys       12

Ethnic composition



Review team on site

March 2021

Date of this report

21 May 2021

Most recent ERO report(s)

Education Review

Education Review

Education Review

January 2017

February 2016

August 2012

Te Kōhanga Reo o Te Whare o Wikitoria - 25/01/2017

1 He Whakamārama

He Kupu Whakataki

Ka whakahaeretia tētahi arotake tāpiri i runga o te whakataunga ā te Kaitiriwā Toihau Arotake Māori i Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga.

E aromātai ana te arotake tāpiri i te whānuitanga me te whai hua o ngā mahi ā te kōhanga reo ki te whakatutuki i ngā take i whakatakotohia ai i roto i te arotake mātauranga o mua atu i tēnei, me ētahi atu wāhanga rānei kua tāutuhia whai muri o taua arotake.

Ngā Whakataunga mō ngā Whakapuakitanga

Ko tēnei arotake tāpiri i whakaritea i runga o te aromātai o te whakatutukitanga a te whānau i te whakahaeretanga o te kōhanga reo, ki ngā wāhanga i tāutuhia ai e te pūrongo a Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga, i mua atu, me ngā take rānei kua tāutuhia whai muri o taua arotake. Ko ngā whakataunga mō ngā whakapuakitanga e pā ana ki tēnei arotake, ko te titiro ki:

  • Ngā Taumata Whakahirahira – te aroturuki i te ako me te ahu whakamua a ngā tamariki
  • Te whakamahere me te aromātai – ngā whakataunga a te whānau, ngā hononga papai me te whakahaere i te whanonga, me
  • ētahi atu take i tāutuhia ai whai muri i te arotake o mua.

2 Te Horopaki

E tū ana Te Kōhanga Reo o Te Whare o Wikitōria ki te marae o Waipatu, ki Heretaunga. He tino hononga tō te kōhanga reo ki ngā hapū o tō rātou hapori, ā, ka whai wāhi atu ki te rōpū whakakotahitanga o ngā marae, tae atu ki ngā māra o te hapori, ngā whare karakia, ngā kāinga o ngā kaumātua, me ngā whare karapu whutupaoro. I taunakihia te pūrongo o mua a Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga, kia mahi te whānau me ngā kaimahi ki te taha o te Poari Matua o Ngā Kōhanga Reo ki te whakatutuki i ngā take i tāutuhia ai i te wā o taua arotake. Ka hāngai te pūrongo nei ki te whānuitanga o te whānau ki te whakatutuki i aua wāhanga.

3 Ngā Whakaaturanga

I tāutuhia ki te pūrongo o mua, kīhai ngā tamariki i āta tautokona i roto i ā rātou akoranga. Mai i taua wā, he nui te ahu whakamua. He pai te āta whakamahere, te aroturuki, me te aromātai i ngā akoranga a ngā tamariki. Kei ngā mahere me ngā aromatawai katoa ngā tikanga me ngā āhuatanga o te mātauranga. Ka whai pānga anō hoki ēnei ki ngā wawata o te whānau. Ka pūrongohia ngā akoranga me te ahu whakamua a ngā tamariki ki te whānau i ngā hui o ia marama. Kua tae atu te whānau ki ngā wānanga o Te Whāriki, kia mōhio ai me pēhea te tautoko ake i ngā akoranga a ā rātou tamariki. I tēnei wā, e whai wāhi atu ana ngā kaimahi katoa ki ngā mahi whakangungu me te whakawhanaketanga ngaio. He kaupapa here hou, he tukanga hou hoki e āta whakarite ana i te whai o ngā kaimahi katoa i ngā mātāpono, ngā whenu, ngā whāinga, me ngā putanga ako o Te Whāriki. E whai wāhi atu ana ngā tamariki ki tētahi hōtaka akoranga e hāpai ana i ā rātou akoranga.

Te Whakamahere me te Aromātai

I taunaki te pūrongo o mua a Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga, kia whakarato te whānau i ngā kitenga me te tautoko hei whakapai ake i ngā whakataunga a te whānau, te whakahaeretanga o te whanonga, me ngā hononga papai.

He nui ngā whakawhanaketanga i whakatutukihia ai i roto i ngā mahi whakataunga a te whānau, te whakahaeretanga i te whanonga o ngā tamariki, me te whakaritenga o ngā hononga papai. He pakari te ārahitanga i te whakahaeretanga a te whānau, hei āta whakarite i te tika me te mārama o ngā whakataunga. Kua arotakengia e te whānau tā rātou tūtohinga, ngā kaupapa here, me ngā tukanga. Ka kōrerohia ngā wāhanga katoa o te whakahaeretanga a te whānau, ka āta whakatakoto ā-tuhi nei i ngā whakataunga, ā, ka arotakengia te ahu whakamua i ia te wā. Kua tautokona te whānau e tētahi ratonga o waho, i raro i te maru o tētahi kirimana SELO. Nā tēnei, kua whakapakari ake te whānau i tō rātou āheinga ki te arotake whaiaro, hei whakapūmau i te ahu whakamua.

Ka whakamahi ngā kaimahi i ngā rautaki papai, hei whakahaere i te whanonga o ngā tamariki. Ka hoatuhia e ngā kaimahi ētahi atu mahi, hei āwhina, hei tautoko, ā, hei whakawhānui atu i ngā āhuatanga pai mo ngā tamariki. Ka ngākau nui te whānau ki te aronga papai ā te kōhanga reo, ki ngā tamariki.

He maha ake ngā hononga papai. He tukanga ā te whānau hei whakahaere i ngā take amuamu. Ko te mauritau o te kōhanga reo e whakatau ana anō hoki i ngā tamariki. Kua piki ake te whai wāhi mai o ngā pāpā ki te hōtaka. He mātātoa tā rātou whai wāhi atu hei kairīwhi, hei kaitautoko anō hoki i ngā kaimahi. E whai hua ana ngā tamariki nā te whai wāhi mai me te tū tōtika hoki o ngā tāne.

Ngā Whakaritenga Matua ka Whai Ake

Kei te whanake tonuhia te whakamahere rautaki. Kei te whakatutuki tonu te whānau i ngā mahi rautaki i whakamaheretia ai hei kōkiri i te mahere rautaki hou. Ka whai hua ngā tamariki nā ngā putanga i whakaritea ai, ā, e āta whakatau ana hoki i te rōnakitanga o te kōhanga reo ā meāke nei.

Ngā wāhanga kāhore e tutuki ana e ai ki te ture

He whakamārama

I tāutuhia ki te pūrongo o mua ngā wāhanga kāhore e tutuki ana e ai ki te ture, tae atu ki ngā tukanga ki te aroturuki i ngā wā moe, me ngā take i hāngai ai ki te kore whakatutukitanga o ngā herenga ā-ture, o te paearu raihana rānei, te whakahaere i te whanonga, me te whakapā atu ki ngā mōhiohio, te whai wāhi atu hoki ki te kōhanga reo. Kua whakatutukihia te katoa o aua herenga ā-ture i tāutuhia ai ki te pūrongo o Hui-tanguru 2016.

5 Te Taunakitanga

I whakawhanakehia e Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga me te whānau o te kōhanga reo te taunakitanga e whai ake nei, arā:

  • kia whakaoti i tētahi mahere rautaki me tētahi mahere mahi.

Te Whakarāpopototanga

E tū ana Te Kōhanga Reo o Te Whare o Wikitōria ki te marae o Waipatu, ki Heretaunga. He tino nui te ahu whakamua a te whānau i roto i ngā wāhanga i tāutuhia ai ki te pūrongo o mua. He pai tā rātou mahi ngātahi ki te āta whakarite i te kounga o ngā putanga mō ngā tamariki, me te āta ahu whakamua tonu o te kōhanga reo ā meāke nei.

Hei ā hea Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga arotake anō ai i te kōhanga reo?

Ka arotake anō Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga i Te Kōhanga Reo o Te Whare o Wikitōria i roto i te toru o ngā tau.

Lynda Pura-Watson

Kaiurungi Whakaturuki Arotake Māori

25 Kohitātea, 2017

Ngā kōrero e pā ana ki te kōhanga reo 

Te tūwāhi

Kei Heretaunga

Te tau a te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga


Te tau tohu o te kōhanga reo


Te tūmomo whare

He kōhanga reo

Te raihana

Ngā ture Matauranga (Ratonga Kohunghunga) 2008

Te tokomaha mō te raihana

30, kia tekau ki raro i te rua o ngā tau

Te tokomaha kei runga i te rārangi ingoa

16, tokowhā kei raro i te rua o ngā tau

Te ira tangata

Kōtiro 5

Tama tāne 11

Ngā hononga ā-iwi



Te wā i te kōhanga reo te rōpū arotake

1 Whiringa-ā-rangi 2016

Te wā o tēnei pūrongo

25 Kohitātea, 2017

Ngā pūrongo o mua a Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga

Arotake Mātauranga

Arotake Mātauranga Arotake Tāpiri

Hui-tanguru 2016

Here-turi-kōkā 2016

Poutū-te-rangi 2009

1 Background


A supplementary review is undertaken at the discretion of the Deputy Chief Review Officer Māori in the Education Review Office (ERO).

A supplementary review evaluates the extent and effectiveness of actions a kōhanga reo has taken towards addressing issues specified in its previous ERO review and/or any additional areas identified since that review.

Terms of Reference

This supplementary review is based on an evaluation of the performance of the kōhanga reo governing body and management in relation to areas identified in the previous ERO report or issues identified since that review. The terms of reference for this review are to investigate:

  • Ngā Taumata Whakahirahira - Monitoring children’s learning and progress.

  • Planning and Evaluation - Whānau decision making, positive relationships and behaviour management and any issues identified since the previous review.

2 Context

Te Kōhanga Reo o Te Whare o Wikitōria is based at Waipatu Marae in Hastings. The kōhanga reo has strong connections to their local hapū and form part of a marae collective including community gardens, whare karakia, kaumatua flats and rugby clubrooms. The last ERO report recommended that the whānau and staff work with Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust (TKRNT) to address the issues identified during the review. This report considers the extent to which the whānau has addressed these areas.

3 Findings

The previous ERO report identified concerns about children not being well supported in their learning. There has been significant progress in since then. Children’s learning is well planned, monitored and evaluated. All planning and assessment includes tikanga and aspects of matauranga. These coincide with whānau aspirations. Children’s learning and progress is reported to whānau at monthly hui. Whānau have attended Te Whāriki wānanga to learn how to better support their children’s learning. All kaimahi are currently involved in training or professional development. New policies and procedures ensure that all kaimahi follow the principles, strands, goals and learning outcomes of Te Whāriki. Children enjoy a learning programme that supports their learning.

Planning and Evaluation

The previous ERO report recommended whānau provide evidence and support to improve whānau decision-making, behaviour management and positive relationships.

There has been considerable development in whānau decision-making, children’s behaviour management and the establishment of positive relationships. Whānau management is guided by strong leadership to ensure decision-making is fair and transparent. The whānau have reviewed their Tūtohinga, policies and procedures. All areas of whānau management are discussed, decisions are clearly recorded and progress is regularly reviewed. The whānau have been supported by an external provider under a SELO (Strengthening Early Learning Opportunities) contract. This has enable whānau to build self-review capability in order to sustain progress.

Kaimahi use positive strategies to manage children’s behaviour. Children are provided with alternative activities including positive reinforcement and re-direction to alternative activities. Whānau appreciate the positive approach the kōhanga reo has with the children.

Positive relationships have increased. The whānau have in place processes for managing complaints. The positive environment has had a settling effect on children. There has been an increase in fathers participating in the programme. They play an active role as relieving staff and supporting the kaimahi. Children are fortunate to be surrounded by positive male role models.

Key Next Steps

Strategic planning is still developing. Whānau continue to fulfil the planned strategic actions towards the new strategic plan. Children benefit from a planned outcomes that will ensure sustainability of the kōhanga reo in to the future.

4 Actions of non-compliance


The last report identified areas of non-compliance including procedures to monitor sleep habits, complaints about non-compliance with the regulations or licensing criteria, behaviour management and access to information and involvement in the Kōhanga Reo. All areas of non-compliance identified in the February 2016 report have been addressed.

5 Recommendation

ERO and the Kōhanga Reo whānau developed the following recommendation:

  • Complete the strategic and action plan.


Te Kōhanga Reo o Te Whare o Wikitōria is based at Waipatu Marae in Hastings. The whānau have made significant progress with the areas identified in the previous report. They work well together to ensure quality outcomes for children and a positive future for the kōhanga reo.

When is ERO likely to review the kōhanga reo again?

The next ERO review of Te Kōhanga Reo o Te Whare o Wikitōria will be in three years.

Lynda Pura-Watson

Deputy Chief Review Officer Māori

25 January 2017

Information about the Kōhanga Reo 



Ministry of Education profile number


Kōhanga Reo Identification Number


Licence type

Te Kōhanga Reo

Licensed under

Education (Early Childhood Services) Regulations 2008

Number licensed for

30 children, including up to 10 aged under 2

Kōhanga Reo roll

16 children, including up to 4 aged under 2

Gender composition

Girls 5

Boys 11

Ethnic composition



Review team on site

1 November 2016

Date of this report

25 January 2017

Most recent ERO report(s)

Education Review

Education Review

Supplementary Review

February 2016

August 2016

March 2009