Te Kōhanga Reo o Maraenui

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Te Kōhanga Reo
Not Applicable
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State Highway 35, Opotiki

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Te Kōhanga Reo o Maraenui

1 He Kupu Arataki

Kua mahi ngātahi Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga, ngā whānau, ngā kaiārahi, ngā kaimahi me ngā hapori ki te whakawhanake i ngā tirohanga aromātai e whai wāhi nui ai ki te hāpai i te kawenga takohanga me te whakapaitanga, ki te tautuhi i te ahu whakamua, ā, ki te whakapakari ake hoki i te āheinga ki te aromātai. Ka whakarato ngā pūrongo a Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga i ngā mōhiohio mātuatua mā ngā whānau, ngā hapū, me ngā iwi. 

2 Te Horopaki 

E tū ana Te Kōhanga Reo o Maraenui ki te iwi o Te Whānau-a-Apanui. E tino whakaaweawetia ana te hōtaka ki te hāhi Ringatū me Te Whānau-a-Apanuitanga. Ka toro atu ki te ngahere, ki te awa, ki ngā maunga, ki te marae, me te kura e tū pā tata mai ana, hei kōkiri i ngā akoranga e hāngai pū ana ki te takiwā nei. 

3 Te Aronga o te Aromātai

He pēhea rawa te whakapuaki mai a ngā mokopuna i tō rātou māramatanga ki te whanaungatanga? 

Ka kitea ki ngā mokopuna tō rātou māramatanga ki te whanaungatanga, i a rātou e taunekeneke māia ana ki ētahi atu.

4 Ngā Whakaaturanga

E puāwai ana ngā mokopuna ki tētahi taiao e whakapuaki ana i ngā akoranga e hāngai pū ana ki tō rātou Apanuitanga. Ka whai pānga nui te hāhi Ringatū ki te hōtaka akoranga. Ka tūhono atu ngā kaimahi, te whānau, me ngā mokopuna ki Te Kura o Maraenui mō ngā karakia o ia ata. Ka ārahi ngā kaimahi i ngā mokopuna, kia pupuri rātou i ngā tikanga me ngā kawa o te iwi i roto i ngā whakaritenga o ia rā. Ka whai pānga nui te wāhi whānui me te ākau ki ngā wheako ako o ngā mokopuna. Ka toro atu rātou ki ngā wāhi whenua whakahirahira, pērā i ngā marae, i ngā kura, me ngā māra kai, ā, ka whakarongo rātou ki ngā kōrero tuku iho o te rohe. He whānui ngā tūmomo whai wāhitanga mō ngā mokopuna ki te whakahōhonu i ō rātou māramatanga ki te taiao māoriori. I ngā wā katoa, e hono pū ana te aronga ako ki te whenua me te moana. Ka kitea te harikoa me te mauritau o ngā mokopuna mā roto mai i te whakawhanaungatanga, i a rātou e poipoi ana i ngā tūhonotanga ki ō rātou whānau, ō rātou hapū, ō rātou iwi, me te taiao. 

He ngahau, he auaha ngā taumahi ako reo e whāia ana e ngā mokopuna. Ka āta whakamahi ngā kaimahi i ngā rautaki patapatai hei whakapiki ake i te mātau reo o ngā mokopuna. Kei ngā mahinga o ia rā ngā whai wāhitanga riterite mō ngā mokopuna ki te ārahi me te whai wāhi atu ki ngā karakia, ngā mihimihi, ngā pānui, me ngā waiata koroua. Kei te tākare, kei te pakari hoki ngā kaimahi hei tino tauira o te reo Māori. He pakari te reo Māori o ngā tamariki tuākana, ā, ka kitea taua tūāhuatanga ki ā rātou whakautu. Ka kitea te māramatanga o ngā pēpi ki te āhua tonu o ō rātou kanohi me tō rātou reo ā-tinana. E whanake ana ngā mokopuna kia tīmatahia tā rātou kōrero i te reo Māori. 

Kei ngā kaimahi ngā tukanga whai hua ki te whakamahere hōtaka. Kua whakatakotohia e rātou tētahi marau i whakawhanakehia ai e ngā taikura o Te Whānau-a-Apanui, e ngā pakeke o Te Whānau-a-Hikarukutai, e te whānau hoki o te kōhanga reo. Kei te mahere ako ngā mahere ā-tau, ā-wāhanga, ā-marama hoki, i runga anō i te takotoranga o Te Maramataka o Te Ahi Kaa. E whai pūtake ana ngā mahere, ā, ka tohu hoki i ngā hononga ki ngā hītori o te hapū me te iwi. Ka whai hua ngā mokopuna nā tētahi hōtaka akoranga e whai pūtake ana, kua whakahāngaitia hoki ki ō rātou matea, ā, kua whakatōngia ki ngā kōrero tuku iho. 

E whakapakarihia ana ngā kawenga mahi a te whānau whakahaere. Kōkirihia ai e te whānau i ia te wā, ko ngā wānanga e whakapuaki ai i ngā mōhiohio, ā, e whakapiki ake ana i ngā māramatanga o te whānau ki te kaupapa o Te Kōhanga Reo. Ka whakarato Te Rōpū Whakahaere i ngā pūrongo ki ngā whānau, kia whai mōhiohio ai ngā whakataunga. Ka whai wāhi mātātoa te whānau me ngā kaumātua ki te kōhanga reo, ā, ka āta hāpai ake i te whakahaeretanga whānui tonu. I tēnei wā, e arotakengia ana ngā kaupapa here me ngā tukanga e pā ana ki te hauora, te haumaru, me ngā kaimahi, hei āta whakatau i te whakatutukitanga o ērā i ngā herenga ā-ture. Whakahaerehia ai ngā akoako ohotata i ia te wā, ā, ka whakatakotohia hoki ki te hōtaka akoranga. Kei te rawaka te whakahaeretanga o ngā take kaimahi. Kei ngā tuhinga mahi, ko ngā kirimina whiwhi mahi, ko ngā tuhinga tūranga mahi, me ngā tuhinga i manatokotia ai mō te arowhai i te haumaru o ngā kaimahi. Kua whakatutukihia ngā arotake whaiaro a ngā kaimahi, ā, ka ū te aronga ki te whakapai tonutanga. E whakatakoto ana te tūtohinga i te tino ārahitanga, i te tino aronga hoki mō te whānau, ā, kua pou herea ki ngā mātāpono o Te Korowai. Ko ngā mokopuna kei te pūtake o ngā mahi whakahaere a te whānau. 

Ngā Whakaritenga Matua ka whai ake

Me whakapai ake i ngā whakaritenga e pā ana ki te aromatawai me te aromātai hōtaka. Ahakoa ka tuhi ngā kaimahi i ngā wheako ngātahi o ngā mokopuna, kāhore te pae ā-ipurangi e āta kapo atu ana i te ako me te whakawhanaketanga o ia mokopuna takitahi, i roto i te roanga o te wā. Kāhore te aromātai hōtaka e āta tohu ana i te huarahi e whāia ana, i ngā mahi rānei e whakamaheretia ana kia pai haere ai. Ka whai wāhi atu ngā kaimahi ki ngā whakawhitinga kōrero e pā ana ki ngā whakatutukitanga me ngā wero i roto i te hōtaka akoranga, engari kāhore he tuhinga e tohu ana kei te whakamahere tonuhia. Ka whai hua ngā mokopuna mā te whakaōkawa ake i te aromatawai me te aromātai hōtaka, hei whakatairanga ake i te whakapai tonutanga. 

Tērā ngā tūāhuatanga o te hauora me te haumaru hei tirohanga wawe. I te wā o te arotake, kāhore i te wātea ngā rēhita hauora, rēhita haumaru hoki mō ngā tūāhuatanga whakamōrearea, mō ngā haerenga, me te aroturukitanga o ngā wā moe. Tāpiri atu ki tēnā, kāhore ngā tiwhikete whakaora whawhati a ngā kaimahi e hāngai ana ki tēnei wā tonu. He tūāhuatanga ka whakamōrearea pea i te hauora me te haumaru o ngā mokopuna. 

Me whakawhanake ake i ngā mahere ā-tau. Ahakoa e whakatutukihia ana ētahi o ngā kaupapa matua moroki, he uaua ki te aroturuki i ngā mahi whakahaere whānui, i ngā wā hoki ka whakatutukihia. Ka hāpai noatia te ako a ngā mokopuna i te wā e āta whakatutukihia ana ngā mahi whakahaere katoa. 

5 Te Whakatau a te Whānau o te Kōhanga Reo ki ngā Wāhanga Tautukunga

I te wā o te arotake, i whakamātauhia e Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga ngā pūnaha o te kōhanga reo ki te whakahaere i ngā āhuatanga i raro iho nei e whai pānga nui ana ki te waiora o ngā tamariki:

  • te haumaru whatumanawa (tāpiri atu ko te ārahi mauritau, ko te ārai tamariki)
  • te haumaru ā-tinana (tāpiri atu ko te mātakitaki tamariki; ko ngā whakaritenga whakamoe; ko ngā aituā; ko te whāngai rongoā; ko ngā whakaritenga akuaku; ko ngā kaupapa here me ngā tikanga haerenga whakawaho)
  • te tū tika o ngā kaimahi (tae atu ki ngā taumata tohu mātauranga; te arowhai a ngā pirihimana; ngā rēhitatanga kaiako; me te tatauranga ki waenga i te kaiako me te tamaiti)
  • ngā whakaritenga, tikanga hōneatanga e pā ana ki te ahi me te rū whenua.

Ko te tikanga, ka whakatairanga ngā kōhanga reo katoa i te hauora me te haumaru o ngā tamariki, me te arotake anō hoki i ia te wā i tā rātou whakatutukitanga i ngā herenga ā-ture.

Kia tutuki i te whānau ngā herenga ā-ture, me tahuri rātou ki te:

  • āta whakarite i tētahi tukanga mō te whakatinanatanga me te aroturukitanga o te ahu whakamua o ngā āhuatanga matua o te mahere ā-tau o ngā whakahaeretanga
    [R47 Ture Mātauranga (Kōhungahunga) 2008; GMA8 Paearu Raihana mō ngā Kōhanga Reo kei raro i te maru o Te Poari Matua o Ngā Kōhanga Reo 2008]  
  • āta whakarite kia whakatutukihia i mua i te putanga a ngā tamariki ki waho atu i te kōhanga reo, ko te tātaritanga me te whakahaeretanga o ngā āhuatanga mōrearea, ā, nā konā, ka whakataungia te tatauranga e tika ana ki waenga i ngā pakeke me ngā tamariki. 
    [R46 Ture Mātauranga (Kōhungahunga) 2008; HS17 Paearu Raihana mō ngā Kōhanga Reo kei raro i te maru o Te Poari Matua o Ngā Kōhanga Reo 2008]
  • āta whakatau kia whakaatuhia, kia whakatinanahia hoki tētahi tukanga mō te aroturuki i te moe a ngā tamariki, ā, kia tuhia hoki ngā wā moe o ngā tamariki
    [R46 Ture Mātauranga (Kōhungahunga) 2008; HS9 Paearu Raihana mō ngā Kōhanga Reo kei raro i te maru o Te Poari Matua o Ngā Kōhanga Reo 2008]
  • āta whakatakoto ā-tuhi i te whakahaere me te kaupare atu i ngā tūāhuatanga whakamōrearea; ā, me whakapeto ngoi hoki ki te kaupare atu i ngā maiki, ā, me whakatika, me whakapai ake i ia te wā, me whakamahi tika, me noho mōrearea kore hoki te wāhi, ngā rauhanga, me ngā taputapu
    [R46 Ture Mātauranga (Kōhungahunga) 2008; HS12 Paearu Raihana mō ngā Kōhanga Reo kei raro i te maru o Te Poari Matua o Ngā Kōhanga Reo 2008]
  • āta whakatau i te noho mai o tētahi pakeke mō ngā tamariki 25 (iti iho rānei), me te whiwhinga o taua pakeke i te tiwhikete whakaora whawhati, mai i tētahi ratonga whakangungu whakaora whawhati i whakamanatia ai e Te Mana Tohu Mātauranga o Aotearoa; me mahi rānei taua tangata hei mātanga hauora, hei nēhi rānei e pupuri nei i tētahi tiwhikete mahi e hāngai ana ki tēnei wā tonu.
    [R46 Ture Mātauranga (Kōhungahunga) 2008; HS25 Paearu Raihana mō ngā Kōhanga Reo kei raro i te maru o Te Poari Matua o Ngā Kōhanga Reo 2008] 

6 Te Taunakitanga

E taunaki ana Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga kia mahi te whānau ki te taha o te tari ā-rohe o Te Poari Matua o Ngā Kōhanga Reo ki te whakawhanake i tētahi mahere mahi e whakatutuki ana i ngā take katoa i whakaraupapahia ai ki tēnei pūrongo.  

Darcy Te Hau
Toka ā Nuku 
Te Uepū-a-Motu – Māori Services

15 Haratua 2024

7 Ngā kōrero e pā ana ki te kōhanga reo

Te tūwāhiKei Maraenui, ki Whangaparāoa
Te tau a te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga40187
Te tau tohu o Te Kōhanga Reo12A028
Te tūmomo whareTe Kōhanga Reo
Te raihanaNgā Ture Mātauranga (Ratonga Kōhungahunga) 2008
Te tokomaha mō te raihana30 ngā tamariki, kia tekau kei raro i te rua o ngā tau
Te tokomaha kei runga i te rārangi ingoa24 ngā tamariki, tokoono kei raro i te rua o ngā tau
Ngā hononga ā-iwiMāori 24
Te wā i te kōhanga reo te rōpū arotakeHakihea 2023
Te wā o tēnei pūrongo15 Haratua 2024
Ngā pūrongo o mua   Arotake Mātauranga, Whiringa-ā-nuku 2016; Arotake Mātauranga, Here-turi-kōkā 2013; Arotake Mātauranga, Pipiri 2010 

1 Introduction

The Education Review Office (ERO) in collaboration with whānau, leaders, kaimahi and their communities develop evaluation insights that foster accountability and improvement, identify progress and build evaluation capability. ERO’s reports provide important information for whānau, hapū and iwi.

2 Context 

Te Kōhanga Reo o Maraenui is located within the tribal area of Te Whānau ā Apanui. The programme is strongly influenced by the Ringatū faith and Te Whānau ā Apanuitanga. The surrounding bush, river, mountains, marae and local kura are utilised to facilitate localised learning. 

3 Evaluation Focus

How well do mokopuna express their understanding of whanaungatanga?

Mokopuna show they understand whanaungatanga as the interact confidently with others.

4 Findings 

Mokopuna thrive in an environment which reflects learning that is specific to their Apanuitanga. Te Hāhi Ringatū plays an integral role in the learning programme. Kaimahi, whānau and mokopuna join Te Kura o Maraenui for karakia every morning. Kaimahi guide mokopuna to uphold the tikanga and kawa of the iwi in everyday practices. The surrounding area and ākau are an important part of mokopuna learning experiences. They embark on visits to significant landmarks such as local marae, kura and maara kai where they listen to ngā kōrero tuku iho of the area. Mokopuna are provided with various opportunities to deepen their understanding of the natural environment. The learning focus is consistently linked to the whenua and moana. Mokopuna appear happy and settled in their relationships, fostering a sense of connection within their whānau, hapū, iwi and taiao.

Mokopuna engage in language learning activities that are both fun and creative. Kaimahi purposefully utilise questioning techniques to increase mokopuna language proficiency. Daily routines provide consistent opportunities for mokopuna to lead and engage in karakia, mihimihi, pānui and waiata koroua.   Kaimahi are enthusiastic and strong te reo Māori language models. Tuākana have a good command of te reo Māori which is evident in their responses. Babies use facial expressions and body language to show understanding. Mokopuna are developing as early speakers of te reo Māori.

Kaimahi have in place effective processes for programme planning. They have embraced a marau developed by ngā taikura o Te Whānau a Apanui, ngā pākeke o Te Whānau ā Hikarukutai and te whānau o Te Kōhanga Reo. The mahere ako incorporates year, term and monthly planning according to Te Maramataka o Te Ahi Kaa. Planning is purposeful and shows links to the hapū and iwi history. Mokopuna benefit from a learning programme that is meaningful, tailored to their needs and embedded in kōrero tuku iho.   

Whānau whakahaere responsibilities are being strengthened. Whānau regularly facilitate wānanga to share information and increase whānau understanding of Te Kaupapa o Te Kōhanga Reo. Te Roopu Whakahaere provide reports to whānau to make informed decisions. Whānau and kaumātua actively participate in the kōhanga reo and make a significant contribution to the overall operations Health, safety and personnel policies and procedures are currently being reviewed to ensure they meet legislative requirements. Emergency drills are conducted and included in the learning programme. Personnel matters are sufficiently managed. Employment documentation includes employment agreements, position descriptions and verified kaimahi safety checks. Kaimahi self-appraisals are complete with ongoing focus for improvement. The tūtohinga sets out clear guidance and direction for whānau and is underpinned by the principles of Te Korowai. Mokopuna are at the centre of whānau whakahaere.

Key Next Steps

Assessment and programme evaluation practices require improvement. While kaimahi document the collective experiences of mokopuna, the online platform does not effectively capture the individual learning and development of each mokopuna overtime. Programme evaluation does not clearly show how this is carried out or how planning for improvement occurs. Kaimahi engage in discussions about the successes and challenges within the learning programme however, there are no records of further planning. Mokopuna would benefit from formalising assessment and programme evaluation to promote continual improvement.

There are areas of health and safety that need urgent attention. During the review, health and safety registers for hazards, excursions and monitoring sleep were unavailable. Additionally, kaimahi first aid certifications were not current. Mokopuna health and safety is potentially compromised. 

Annual planning requires development. While some ongoing priorities are met, it is difficult to monitor the overall operational tasks and when these are to be completed. Mokopuna learning can only be supported when all operational tasks are sufficiently met.

5 Kōhanga Whānau Assurance on Legal Requirements

During the review, ERO looked at the kōhanga reo systems for managing the following areas that have a potentially high impact on children's wellbeing:

  • emotional safety (including positive guidance and child protection)
  • physical safety (including supervision; sleep procedures; accidents; medication; hygiene; excursion policies and procedures)
  • suitable staffing (including qualification levels; police vetting; teacher registration; ratios)
  • evacuation procedures and practices for fire and earthquake.

All kōhanga reo are required to promote children's health and safety and to regularly review their compliance with legal requirements.

6 Actions for Compliance 

To meet compliance requirements, they must: 

  • ensure there is a process to implement and monitor the progress of key aspects of the annual plan of operations 
    [Regulation 47 Education (Early Childhood Services] Regulations 2008; GMA8 Licensing Criteria for Kōhanga Reo affiliated with Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust 2008]
  • ensure when children leave the premises on an excursion, relevant documentation of assessment and management of risk is undertaken, and adult:child ratios are determined accordingly 
    [Regulation 46 Education (Early Childhood Services) Regulations 2008; HS17 Licensing Criteria for Kōhanga Reo affiliated with Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust 2008]
  • ensure a procedure for monitoring children’s sleep is displayed and implemented and a record of children’s sleep times is kept
    [Regulation 46 Education (Early Childhood Services) Regulations 2008; HS9 Licensing Criteria for Kōhanga Reo affiliated with Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust 2008]
  • ensure a documented risk management system for all reasonable precautions to prevent accidents and that the premises, facilities, and other equipment on those premises are kept in good repair, maintained regularly, used safely, and kept free from hazards
    [Regulation 46 Education (Early Childhood Services) Regulations 2008; HS12 Licensing criteria for kōhanga reo affiliated with the Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust 2008]
  • ensure there is always an adult present for every 25 children attending (or part thereof) that holds a current First Aid qualification gained from a New Zealand Qualification Authority accredited first aid training provider; or is a registered medical practitioner or nurse with a current practising certificate. 
    [Regulation 46 Education (Early Childhood Services) Regulations 2008; HS25 Licensing Criteria for Kōhanga Reo affiliated with Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust 2008].

7 Recommendation

ERO recommends that whānau work alongside the district tari to develop an action plan that addresses all concerns outlined in this report.

Darcy Te Hau 
Toka-ā-Nuku – Director
Te Uepū ā-Motu – Māori Review Services

15 May 2024

8 Information about the kōhanga reo

LocationMaraenui, East Cape
Ministry of Education profile number40187
Kōhanga Reo Identification Number12A028
Licence typeTe Kōhanga Reo
Licensed underEducation (Early Childhood Services) Regulations 2008
Number licensed for30 children, including up to 10 aged under 2
Service roll24 children, including up to 6 aged under 2
Ethnic compositionMāori 24
Review team on siteDecember 2023
Date of this report15 May 2024
Most recent ERO report(s) 
Education Review, October 2016; Education Review, August 2013; Education Review, June 2010

Te Kōhanga Reo o Maraenui - 13/10/2016

Te Aromātai

E tū ana Te Kōhanga Reo o Maraenui ki te Tai Rāwhiti, ki te hapori o Maraenui. He pakari ngā tamariki ki te kōrero i te reo Māori. Ka ngana, ka whakahihiri hoki te ako i ngā tamariki ki tō rātou taiao. Kua tau ki ngā tamariki ngā tikanga me ngā tūmanako o te Hāhi Ringatū. Kei te pakari haere te tū a ngā tamariki nā tō rātou Apanuitanga.

Ka arotake anō Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga i Te Kōhanga Reo o Maraenui i roto i te toru o ngā tau.

1 Te Horopaki

E tū ana Te Kōhanga Reo o Maraenui ki te Tai Rāwhiti, ki te hapori o Maraenui. He tātai whakapapa tō te nuinga o te whānau ki te iwi o Te Whānau-ā-Apanui. Kua āta whakatō i te hāhi Ringatū me Te Whānau-ā-Apanuitanga ki te hōtaka akoranga a ngā tamariki.

2 Ngā Whakaaturanga o te Arotake

He pēhea rawa tā ngā tamariki ako i te Apanuitanga, ā, me te kuhu hoki ki te Apanuitanga?

E tino ako ana ngā tamariki i te Apanuitanga, ā, e tino kuhu ana hoki rātou ki te Apanuitanga.

Ngā Taumata Whakahirahira

Ka ako ngā tamariki i te hua o ngā tikanga tuku iho. Ka whai pānga nui te Hāhi Ringatū ki te hōtaka akoranga. Ka whai wāhi atu ngā kaimahi, te whānau, me ngā tamariki ki ngā karakia Ringatū ki te taha o te whānau o te kura. Ka taki ngā tamariki i ngā karakia, ā, ka kitea tō rātou māramatanga ki ngā tikanga. Ka kawe atu ngā kaimahi i ngā tamariki i ia te wā, ki te whakanui i ngā kaupapa whakahirahira a te Hāhi Ringatū ki tō rātou marae.

Ka ako ngā tamariki i te whakahirahiratanga o ngā pūmanawa me ngā uaratanga e noho motuhake ana ki Te Whānau-a-Apanui me te Hāhi Ringatū. Ka ako rātou i te whai pānga o te moana hei pātaka kai ki te whānau, mā te hī kahawai ki te awa o Motu. Ka ako ngā tamariki i ā rātou kawenga mahi hei tangata whenua. Ka whakarato ngā kaimahi i ngā whai wāhitanga mō ngā tamariki ki te whakawhanake i ngā pūkenga toiora, puta noa i te hōtaka. Ka ako ngā tamariki ki te whakatupu, ki te hauhake, ki te tunu, me te whakapounamu i ngā kai i whakatupuria ai ki ngā māra i te kōhanga reo, mā ngā tikanga hou me ngā tikanga tuku iho. Kua haere ngā tamariki ki ngā marae maha, kua whakapiki rātou i tō rātou maunga, kua tākaro ki tō rātou awa, ā, kua āta whakahonohono rātou ki tō rātou whenua. Ka ako ngā tamariki i ngā pou whenua, ā, me te tū o ngā maunga me te awa hei pou whenua mō tō rātou iwi o Te Whānau-ā-Apanui. E mōhio ana ngā tamariki ki a rātou anō me tō rātou tūrangawaewae.

Ka ako ngā tamariki i te whai huatanga o te whanaungatanga. He pai ō rātou hononga ki ētahi atu i te kōhanga reo me te hapori. Ka whai wāhi atu ngā tamariki ki ngā kaupapa a ngā pākeke, pērā ki ngā hui, me ērā hoki e āta kōkirihia ana e ngā tamariki. He pārekareka ki a rātou te tākaro ngātahi, ā, ka kōkiri rātou i ā rātou ake taumahi. Ka tākaro ngā tamariki ki te papa tākaro, ā, ka whai wāhi nui rātou ki te wāhi o waho, hei wāhi omaoma, hei wāhi pikipiki. Ka kitea tō rātou manawa whakahī ki te whai wāhi nui ki tō rātou whānau me tō rātou hapori. Ka whakarato ngā kaimahi i ngā whai wāhitanga mō ngā tamariki ki te whakawhanaunga ki ngā kaumātua me ngā kuia. Ka rongo, ka whakatinana hoki ngā tamariki i te manaakitanga.

Ka rumakina ngā tamariki ki te hōhonutanga o tētahi taiao reo Māori. Ka ngākaunui rātou ki te whai wāhi atu ki te whānuitanga o ngā tūmomo whakawhitinga kōrero ka pupū ake i ngā taumahi ōkawa me ngā taumahi ōpaki. Ko te mōhiotanga me te reo o ngā pepeha me ngā whakapapa e hāpai ana i te noho mōhio o ngā tamariki ki a rātou anō me tō rātou tūrangawaewae. He pakari ngā tamariki, ā, he pai, he tākare hoki tā rātou whakautu kōrero i ngā whakawhitinga whakaaro ki ngā kaiako, ngā kuia, me te whānau. Ka tāwhai ngā pēpi i ngā mahi a ngā pākeke, ā, ka ngākaunui rātou ki te kōrerorero haere ki te taha o ō rātou kaitiaki. Ka whakamahi ngā kaiako i te whānuitanga o ngā tūmomo rautaki, tae atu ki te patapātai, ki te akiaki, me te whakatauira, hei whakawhānui i te whakawhanaketanga reo ō ngā tamariki. Ka mātua noho tonu te reo Māori hei tūāpapa mō ngā mahi katoa a ngā tamariki ki te kōhanga reo. He pakari ngā tamariki ki te kōrero i te reo Māori.

Te Whakamahere me te Aromātai

Ka whai hua ngā mahere me te aromātai i te hōtaka. He matawhānui, ka whai kiko anō hoki ngā mahere. He mahere ā-tau, ā-wāhanga, ā-wiki, o ia rā hoki, ā, e hāngai nui ana ēnei ki te kiko o ngā mahi me te whakapuakitanga. Kei ngā mahere hoki ētahi hītori o te kōhanga reo me te takiwā. Kei te whānuitanga o ngā taumahi te ngahau me ngā āhuatanga e whakawero ana i ngā tamariki. Whakawhiti kōrero ai ngā kaimahi mō te hōtaka i ia te wā, hei tātari i tēnā e whai hua ana, me ngā āhuatanga hoki hei whakapai ake. Ka āta tuhia aua whakawhitinga kōrero i ngā hui kaimahi. Ka whai wāhi atu ngā tamariki ki tētahi hōtaka akoranga i āta whakamaheretia ai, i āta arotakengia ai hoki.

Ka āta hāngai ngā mahi aromatawai ki ngā putanga i whakamaheretia ai. He pai te whakatakoto haere i ngā pūkete ā ia tamaiti, ā, e hāngai pū ana ngā pārongo ki te whakawhanaketanga ake o ia tamaiti. Kei te tino mōhio ngā kaimahi ki ā rātou tamariki, ā, ka whakahāngai rātou i ngā akoranga ki te poipoi i ia tamaiti. Ka whakaemihia ngā pārongo, ā, ka tātarihia hei tohu i te ahu whakamua a ngā tamariki i roto i te reo Māori me ngā pūkenga whanake hoki o ia tamaiti. E noho wātea ana aua mōhiohio ki te whānau. He pai te aroturuki i te ako a ngā tamariki.

He pai te whakahaeretanga a te whānau i tō rātou kōhanga reo. Ka whakatakoto haere te tūtohinga i te aronga nahanaha me te ahu whakamua, kia whakapuakihia ai e te whānau me ngā kaimahi tētahi marautanga ā-hapori e mau nei i te hōhonutanga o ngā hītori o Maraenui me te Apanuitanga. Kua whakaritea ngā kaupapa here matua me ngā tukanga matua e pā ana ki te hauora me te haumaru, me ngā tuhinga hoki e pā ana ki ngā kaimahi. Kua oti te arohaehae kaimahi. Whiwhi ai te whānau i ia te wā, ngā pūrongo ki te hui ā-whānau. Ka whai hua ngā tamariki me te whānau nā te aromātai whaiaro. Ko te waiora me te atawhai ō ngā tamariki kei te pūtake o ngā whakataunga katoa ki te kōhanga reo.

Ngā Whakaritenga Matua ka Whai Ake

Kāhore anō te whānau kia āta whakawhanake i te mahere rautaki me te mahere ā-tau hei āta ārahi i te ahu whakamua o ā rātou mahi whakawhanake. Kāhore e taea e te whānau ō rātou wawata paetawhiti te whakatakoto mō ā rātou tamariki. Me whakamahere rautaki, hei whakatutuki i ngā putanga ako mā ngā tamariki.

3 Te Whakataunga a te Whānau ki ngā Wāhanga Tautukunga

I te wā o te arotake, i whakamātauhia e Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga ngā pūnaha o te kōhanga reo ki te whakahaere i ngā āhuatanga i raro iho nei e whai pānga nui ana ki te waiora o ngā tamariki:

  • te haumaru whatumanawa (tāpiri atu ko te ārahi mauritau, ko te ārai tamariki)
  • te haumaru ā-tinana (tāpiri atu ko te mātakitaki tamariki; ko ngā whakaritenga whakamoe; ko ngā aituā; ko te whāngai rongoā; ko ngā whakaritenga akuaku; ko ngā kaupapa here me ngā tikanga haerenga whakawaho)
  • te tū tika o ngā kaimahi (tae atu ki ngā taumata tohu mātauranga; te arowhai a ngā pirihimana; ngā rēhitatanga kaiako; me te tatauranga ki waenga i te kaiako me te tamaiti)
  • ngā whakaritenga, tikanga hōneatanga e pā ana ki te ahi me te rū whenua.

Ko te tikanga, ka whakatairanga ngā kōhanga reo katoa i te hauora me te haumaru o ngā tamariki, me te arotake anō hoki i ia te wā i tā rātou whakatutukitanga i ngā herenga ā-ture.

4 Te Taunakitanga

I whakawhanakehia e Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga me te whānau o te kōhanga reo te taunakitanga e whai ake nei, arā:

  • kia whakawhanake, kia whakaoti hoki te whānau i te mahere rautaki me te mahere ā-tau

Te Whakarāpopototanga

E tū ana Te Kōhanga Reo o Maraenui ki te Tai Rāwhiti, ki te hapori o Maraenui. He pakari ngā tamariki ki te kōrero i te reo Māori. Ka ngana, ka whakahihiri hoki te ako i ngā tamariki ki tō rātou taiao. Kua tau ki ngā tamariki ngā tikanga me ngā tūmanako o te Hāhi Ringatū. Kei te pakari haere te tū a ngā tamariki nā tō rātou Apanuitanga.

Hei ā hea Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga arotake anō ai i te kōhanga reo?

Ka arotake anō Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga i Te Kōhanga Reo o Maraenui i roto i te toru o ngā tau.

Lynda Pura-Watson

Kaiurungi Whakaturuki Arotake Māori

13 Whiringa-ā-nuku, 2016

Ngā kōrero e pā ana ki te kōhanga reo

Te tūwāhi

Kei Maraenui, ki te Tai Rāwhiti

Te tau a te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga


Te tau tohu o Te Kōhanga Reo


Te tūmomo whare

He kōhanga reo

Te raihana

Ngā Ture Mātauranga (Ratonga Kōhungahunga) 2008

Te tokomaha mō te raihana

30, kia tekau ki raro i te rua o ngā tau

Te tokomaha kei runga i te rārangi ingoa

23, tekau kei raro i te rua o ngā tau

Te ira tangata

Kōtiro 9

Tama tāne 14

Ngā hononga ā-iwi



Te wā i te kōhanga reo te rōpū arotake

24-25 Here-turi-kōkā 2016

Te wā o tēnei pūrongo

13 Whiringa-ā-nuku, 2016

Ngā pūrongo o mua a Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga

Arotake Mātauranga

Arotake Mātauranga

Arotake Mātauranga

Here-turi-kōkā 2013

Pipiri 2010

Pipiri 2006


Te Kōhanga Reo o Maraenui is in Maraenui on the East Cape. Children are confident speakers of te reo Māori. Children learn in an environment where they are engaged and highly motivated. Children are accustomed to the Hahi Ringatū its discipline and expectations. Children are being well grounded in their Apanuitanga.

The next ERO review of Te Kōhanga Reo o Maraenui will be in three years.

1 Context

Te Kōhanga Reo o Maraenui is in the East Cape settlement of Maraenui. Many of the whānau whakapapa to the iwi of Te Whānau-ā-Apanui. The Ringatū faith and Te Whānau-ā-Apanuitanga is embedded in the children’s learning programme.

2 The Review Findings

How well do children learn and engage in Apanuitanga?

Children are effectively learning and are fully engaged in Apanuitanga

Ngā Taumata Whakahirahira

Children learn the value of traditional tikanga. The Hāhi Ringatū is an integral part of the learning programme. Kaimahi, whānau and children participate in Ringatū karakia with the kura whānau. Children recite karakia and show their understanding of tikanga. Kaimahi regularly take children to celebrate the special events of te Hāhī Ringatū on their local marae.

Children learn about the special characteristics and values unique to Te Whānau-ā-Apanui and Te Hāhi Ringatū. They learn about how the moana provides sustenance for whānau through the catching of kahawai in the Motu river. Children learn about their responsibilities as tangata whenua. Kaimahi provide children with opportunities to develop life skills throughout the programme. Children learn to grow, harvest, cook and preserve kai grown in the kōhanga reo gardens using contemporary and traditional methods. Children have visited various marae, climbed their maunga, played in their awa and established a real affinity for their whenua. Children learn about Ngā Pou Whenua and how local maunga and awa act as the boundary markers for their iwi Te Whānau-ā-Apanui. Children know who they are and where they are from.

Children learn the value of whanaungatanga. They have positive relationships with others at kōhanga reo and in the community. Children participate in both adult contexts like hui as well as child-centred activity. They enjoy games together and initiate their own activities. Children play on the adventure playground and utilise the outdoor areas to run and climb. They show pride in being important members of their whānau and community. Kaimahi provide opportunities for children to interact with kaumātua and kuia. Children experience and exhibit manaakitanga.

Children are immersed in a rich te reo Māori environment. They are willing participants in a range of conversations during formal and informal activity. Knowledge and language of pepeha and whakapapa support children to know who they are and where they are from. Children are confident and respond positively and enthusiastically during conversations with kaiako, kuia and whānau. Pepi mimic what adults do and enjoy babbling with their carers. Kaiako use a range of strategies including questioning, prompting and modelling to extend children’s language development. Te reo Māori continues to be the major priority for all that happens for children at kōhanga reo. Children are confident speakers of te reo Māori.

Planning and Evaluation

Programme planning and evaluation are effective. Planning is comprehensive and detailed. There are annual, term, weekly and daily plans that highlight content and delivery. Planning includes historic aspects of the kōhanga reo and local area. A variety of activities provide fun and challenge for the children. Kaimahi regularly discuss the programme to determine what works well and what can be improved. These discussions are well documented in kaimahi hui. Children participate in a well planned and reviewed learning programme.

Assessment tasks are clearly aligned to planned outcomes. Individual portfolios are presented well and information is focussed specifically on the development of each child. Kaimahi know their children well and tailor learning to cater to individual children. Information is collected and analysed to show childrens’ progress in te reo Māori and individual developmental skills. This information is readily available to whānau. Children’s learning is well monitored.

The whānau manage their kōhanga reo well. The charter sets out a planned approach and direction for whānau and kaimahi to deliver a local curriculum that is rich in the history of Maraenui and Apanuitanga. Core health and safety policies and procedures and personnel documentation are in place. Kaimahi have completed their appraisals. Whānau receive regular reports at whānau hui. Internal evaluation benefits children and whānau. Children’s wellbeing and care are paramount in all decision making at kōhanga reo.

Key Next Steps

The whānau has not developed both strategic and annual plans sufficiently to guide their future priorities for development. The whānau are unable to demonstrate their long term aspirations for their children. Strategic planning is necessary to achieve positive learning outcomes for children.

3 Whānau Management Assurance on Compliance Areas

During the review, ERO looked at the kōhanga reo systems for managing the following areas that have a potentially high impact on children's wellbeing:

  • emotional safety (including positive guidance and child protection)
  • physical safety (including supervision; sleep procedures; accidents; medication; hygiene; excursion policies and procedures)
  • suitable staffing (including qualification levels; police vetting; teacher registration; ratios)
  • evacuation procedures and practices for fire and earthquake.

All kōhanga reo are required to promote children's health and safety and to regularly review their compliance with legal requirements.

4 Recommendation

ERO and the Kōhanga Reo whānau developed the following recommendation:

  • Whānau to develop and complete both strategic and annual plans


Te Kōhanga Reo o Maraenui is in Maraenui on the East Cape. Children are confident speakers of te reo Māori. Children learn in an environment where they are engaged and highly motivated. Children are accustomed to the Hahi Ringatū its discipline and expectations. Children are being well grounded in their Apanuitanga.

When is ERO likely to review the kōhanga reo again?

The next ERO review of Te Kōhanga Reo o Maraenui will be in three years.

Lynda Pura-Watson

Deputy Chief Review Officer Māori

13 October 2016 

Information about the Kōhanga Reo


Maraenui, East Cape

Ministry of Education profile number


Kōhanga Reo Identification Number


Licence type

Te Kōhanga Reo

Licensed under

Education (Early Childhood Services) Regulations 2008

Number licensed for

30 children, including up to 10 aged under 2

Kōhanga Reo roll

23 children, including up to 10 aged under 2

Gender composition

Girls 9

Boys 14

Ethnic composition



Review team on site

24 - 25 August 2016

Date of this report

13 October 2016

Most recent ERO report(s)

Education Review

Education Review

Education Review

August 2013

June 2010

June 2006


Te Kōhanga Reo o Maraenui - 23/08/2013

1 Ngā Kōrero e pā ana ki te Kōhanga Reo

Te tūwāhi

Kei Te Kaha, ki Ōpōtiki

Te tau a te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga


Te tūmomo whare

He kōhanga reo

Te tokomaha mō te raihana

30, kia 10 ki raro i te rua o ngā tau

Te maha kei runga i te rārangi ingoa

15, tokorua kei raro i te rua o ngā tau

Te ira tangata

Kōtiro 8 Tama tāne 7

Ngā hononga ā-iwi

Māori 15

Te wā i te kōhanga te rōpū arotake

Haratua 2013

Te wā o tēnei pūrongo

Here-turi-kōkā 2013

Ngā pūrongo o mua ā te Tari Arotake Mātauranga

Arotake Mātauranga, Pipiri 2010

Arotake Mātauranga, Pipiri 2006

Tātari Manatū, Poutū-te-rangi 1996

2 Te Aromātai a te Tari Arotake Mātauranga

E tū ana Te Kōhanga Reo o Maraenui ki te rohe o Te Whānau-a-Apanui, ā, ka whai pānga nui te hāhi Ringatū me Te Whānau-ā-Apanuitanga ki te hōtaka. Ka whakapā atu ki ngā taonga i te ngahere, te awa, ngā maunga, te marae, te moana, me te kura o te takiwā nei, hei hāpai i te noho mārama, te noho maioha hoki o ngā tamariki ki tō rātou taiao.

Ko te kaupapa arotahi mō tēnei arotake, ko te waiora o te tamaiti me te whānau.

Ka arotahi te whānau ki ngā take nui i tāutuhia ai ki tā rātou mahere rautaki. Ko ngā whāinga rautaki ko te whakapakari i te reo Māori, ko te whakapakari i te tamaiti me te whānau, me te whakapakari anō hoki i te kaupapa. Ko te kaha me te whai huatanga o te ārahi, me te kaha tautoko hoki o te whānau e āta whakarite ana i te noho matua o ngā mahi e hāngai ana ki aua whāinga.

Ka arahina te kōhanga reo e ngā kaiārahi pakari, tūtoro hoki. Kei ia tangata ōna mātanga, pērā i te reo Māori me te Whānau-a-Apanuitanga, te mōhiotanga ki ngā whakaritenga marautanga pai, te mātau ki te whakahaere, me te āheinga ki te mahi ngātahi me te whānau ki te kōkiri i te āhua o ngā mahi ki te kōhanga reo.

E noho pūmau ngātahi ana te whānau me ngā kaimahi ki te tirohanga me te kaupapa o tēnei kōhanga reo. E hiahia ana rātou kia pakari ngā tamariki i roto i tamariki i roto i tō rātou mōhiotanga ki te Whānau-a-Apanuitanga. E mōhio ana rātou, ko te mōhio ki te reo Māori, te māramatanga ki ngā tikanga me ngā uaratanga o te hāhi Ringatū, ka hāpai i ngā tamariki ki te tū pakari hei Māori me te whakawhanake ā-wairua, ā-tinana, ā-hinengaro hoki. E hiahia ana ngā kaimahi me te whānau kia tū ā rātou tamariki ā tōna wā, hei rangatira Māori.

Nā te pai o ngā hononga me ngā whakawhitinga kōrero ka whai hua te ārahitanga me te ngākau nui o te whānau. He māhorahora te whakapuaki mōhiohio ki ngā hui a te whānau, a ngā kaimahi hoki. Ka tino whai wāhi ngā mātua me ngā kaumātua ki te hōtaka o te kōhanga reo, ā, he nui tā rātou whai wāhi ki te whakahaeretanga whānui o te kōhanga reo.

Kua waihangatia te hōtaka akoranga kia whai pānga ai ngā whāinga, ngā wawata hoki o te whānau. Ka whakaongaongatia ngā tamariki kia whai wāhi rātou ki ā rātou taumahi, ā, he pakari rātou ki te taiao o te kōhanga reo. Ka ako ngā tamariki ki tētahi taiao rumaki reo. Ka aroturuki ngā tamariki kaimahi i te whakawhanaketanga o te reo Māori o ia tamaiti, ā, ka pūrongotia te ahunga whakamua ki ngā mātua i ia te wā. Ka rongo ngā tamariki i te reo o tō rātou iwi, ā, he māoriori tā rātou whakamahinga i te reo i a rātou e mahi ana, e tākaro ana hoki.

Whakaritenga Whaimuri

E whakaae ana te Tari Arotake Mātauranga kei te whakahaeretia te kōhanga reo hei painga mō ngā tamariki. Nō reira, ka arotakehia anō e te Tari Arotake Mātauranga te kōhanga reo hei wāhanga o te huringa arotake o te wā.

3 Ngā Kaupapa Motuhake o te Arotake

Te Arotahi o te Arotake

I mua o te arotake, i īnoitia te whānau o Te Kōhanga Reo o Maraenui kia whai whakaaro ki ā rātou kaupapa motuhake mō te arotake, ā, kia whakamahia ngā aratohu me ngā rauemi i whakaratohia e te Tari Arotake Mātauranga.

Kātahi ka whakaritea ngā tino kaupapa motuhake mō te arotake, whai muri o te whakawhitiwhitinga kōrero i waenga o te rōpū arotake o te Tari Arotake Mātauranga me te whānau. I arotahi tēnei whakawhitiwhitinga ki ngā kōrero i te puritia e te kōhanga (tāpiri atu ki ngā kōrero arotake whaiaro)ā, me te whānui atu o te pānga o ngā take mō te arotake ki ngā hua ka puta ki ngā tamariki o Te Kōhanga Reo o Maraenui.

I whakaritea e te whānau ko tāna kaupapa arotahi ko:

  • te waiora o te tamaiti me te whānau.

Ko te katoa o ngā arotake mātauranga ā te Tari Arotake Mātauranga i roto o ngā kōhanga reo e arotahi ana ki te kounga o te mātauranga. Ki tā te Tari Arotake Mātauranga, kei roto i tēnei ko te kounga o te:

  • whakamāherehere rautaki me te arotake whaiaro ā te whānau; me te
  • whakamāherehere hōtaka, te aromatawai me te aromātai.

Ko ngā kitenga ā te Tari Arotake Mātauranga i roto i ēnei wāhanga, kei raro iho nei.

4 Ngā Whakaaturanga

Te waiora o te tamaiti me te whānau

He whakamārama

Ko tētahi o ngā whāinga rautaki o te kōhanga reo, ko te whakapakari i te tamaiti me te whānau. Ko tā te kōhanga reo whāinga, ko te whakamana i ngā tamariki me te whānau, kia āhei ai rātou ki te tū pakari, te noho manawa whakahī anō hoki, nā ō rātou taonga tuku iho.

Ngā wāhanga e pai ana te whakahaere

Te ngākau nui ki te kaupapa.He pakari te tirohanga, ngā tūmanako hoki o te whānau me ngā kaimahi mō te kōhanga reo. He mātau rātou ki te kaupapa o te kōhanga reo, ngā tikanga me te reo o tō rātou iwi, me ngā uaratanga, ngā whakaritenga hoki o te hāhi Ringatū. Ka tautoko hoki ngā kaumātua i te kōhanga reo, ā, he puna mōhio tō rātou, he mātanga hoki rātou i roto i aua āhuatanga. Ka ako ngā tamariki i tō rātou iwi, tō rātou reo hoki hei wāhanga o tā rātou hōtaka o ia rā.

Te Whānau-a-Apanuitanga.Ka ako, ka whakahua hoki ngā tamariki i ngā hapū o tō rātou iwi. E mōhio ana rātou ki ētahi o ngā kaupapa hītori i whai pānga nui ai ki te Whānau-a-Apanui. Ka ako ngā tamariki i ngā tino waiata o te iwi. Ka taki ngā tamariki tuākana i ō rātou pepeha, ā, e tīmata ana rātou ki te ako i ō rātou whakapapa.

Te noho mōhio ki te taiao.Ka ako ngā tamariki i ngā rauemi ki tō rātou taiao. Ka whai wāhi nui te ngahere, te moana, te awa, te marae, me te kura o te takiwā ki te hōtaka akoranga. Haereere ai ngā tamariki ki aua wāhi, ā, ka whai wāhi atu hoki ki ngā tūmomo kaupapa, huihuinga hoki e tika ana mō rātou. Ka ako hoki rātou i ngā mahi ki te tiaki i te taiao. E whakawhanake ana ngā tamariki i te maioha mō te whai pānga o tō rātou taiao ake ki tō rātou oranga.

Te reo Māori.E ai ki te whānau, he taonga te reo Māori. He matatau ngā kaimahi me ngā kaumātua ki te kōrero i te reo Māori, ā, he tino tauira rātou mō te whānau me ngā tamariki.

Ka ako ngā tamariki ki tētahi taiao rumaki reo. Ka aroturuki ngā kaimahi i te whakawhanaketanga reo Māori o ia tamaiti, ā, ka pūrongo rātou ki ngā mātua i ia te wā. Ka rongo ngā tamariki i te reo o tō rātou iwi, ā, he māoriori tā rātou whakamahinga i te reo i a rātou e mahi ana, e tākaro ana hoki. He pakari rātou ki te kōrero i te reo Māori ki tētahi taiao e akiaki ana i tō rātou tū Māori me ō rātou whakaaro Māori, me tō rātou whakawhanaketanga ā-wairua, ā-tinana, ā-hinengaro hoki hei Māori.

Ngā hononga.Kua whakaritea e ngā kaimahi ngā hononga papai ki ngā tamariki, te whānau, ngā kaumātua, ngā rōpū ā-iwi, me te kura. Ka ākina ngā mātua e ngā kaimahi ki te mātakitaki me te whai wāhi ki te hōtaka akoranga. Ka noho tahi, ka tautoko hoki ngā kaumātua i ngā kaimahi me ngā tamariki. He tirohanga ngātahi tā te kōhanga reo me te kura, ā, whai wāhi ai ngā tamariki i ia te wā, ki ngā tūmomo kaupapa mahi i te kura.

Te hōtaka akoranga.Kua āta whakaritea ngā tūmomo taumahi o ia rā, ā, e mōhio ana ngā tamariki ki te aronga whānui o te rā. E mōhio ana ngā tamariki ki ngā tikanga e pā ana ki te karakia tīmatanga o te rā, ā, ka ārahi rātou i ngā karakia, ngā hīmene, me ngā mihimihi. Ka mātakitaki, ka hono atu hoki ngā kaimahi ki ngā tamariki i roto i te whānuitanga o ngā tūmomo taumahi, puta noa i te rā. He pai te aronga o ngā kōrero a ngā mātua mō te hōtaka i te kōhanga reo.

Te Whakamāherehere me te Aromātai

He whakamārama

I ngā wā katoa, ka aromātai te Tari Arotake Mātauranga i te kounga o te whakamahere me te aromātai ki ngā kōhanga reo hei tātari i te kounga me te whānuitanga o te whānau o te kōhanga reo ki te whakamahere, te whakahaere, me te aroturuki i ngā wāhanga katoa o te whakahaeretanga o te kōhanga reo mō ā rātou tamariki me te whānau.

Ka hāngai hoki te whakamahere me te aromātai ki te whakamahere hōtaka, me te aroturuki i te whakawhanaketanga o ngā tamariki.

Ngā wāhanga e pai ana te whakahaere

Te ārahitanga.Ka arahina te kōhanga reo e ngā kaiārahi pakari, tūtoro hoki. Kei ia tangata ōna mātanga, pērā i te reo Māori me te Whānau-a-Apanuitanga, te mōhiotanga ki ngā whakaritenga marautanga pai, te mātau ki te whakahaere, me te āheinga ki te mahi ngātahi me te whānau ki te kōkiri i te āhua o ngā mahi ki te kōhanga reo.

Te whakamahere marautanga.E hāngai ana te hōtaka o ia rā ki te tirohanga whānui o te marau mō te wā roa, me ngā mahere hoki e pā ana ki te wā poto. Ka hāngai ngā hōtaka ki ngā akoranga me ngā rauemi e whai pānga nui ana ki tō rātou takiwā. Hei tauira, ko ngā kōrero tuku iho a te iwi e pā ana ki te kahawai, ngā maunga, me te ngahere. Ka whakarite ngā kaimahi i ngā rauemi, ā, he tika anō hoki tā rātou whakatakoto haere i te taiao.

Te whakamahere rautaki.He tino tirohanga, he tino kaupapa hoki ā te whānau, hei pūtake o tā rātou mahere rautaki. Ka noho pūmau ngātahi te katoa o te whānau me ngā kaimahi ki ngā whāinga rautaki, ā, ka kitea tēnei āhuatanga ki te whakahaeretanga o te kōhanga reo.

Ngā tohu mātauranga me ngā whakangungu.E ngākau nui ana, e whakaaro nui ana hoki ngā kaimahi me te whānau ki ngā tūmomo whakangungu, whakawhanaketanga ngaio anō hoki ka whakawhānui ake i ō rātou pūkenga, ō rātou mōhiotanga hoki ki te whakapuaki i te hōtaka mā ngā tamariki. Kua whakamanahia ngā kaimahi katoa, ā, he mahere mahi tā tēnā, tā tēnā o rātou, hei whakawhanake ake i ō rātou āheinga. Ka whakatakoto haere i ngā tuhinga e pā ana ki ngā whakangungu me ngā tohu mātauranga. E mōhio ana te whānau, he mea nui te whakawhanake i ngā kaimahi me ngā hua ka riro i ngā tamariki nā tēnei tūmomo āhuatanga.

Te whakahaeretanga a te whānau.He mātātoa te whai wāhi atu a te whānau ki ngā mahi whakahaere a te kōhanga reo. E mōhio ana rātou ki ō rātou tūranga, ā, he tau hoki ā rātou pūnaha ki te whakahaere i ā rātou kawenga mahi.

Ngā wāhanga hei whakapai ake

Te arotake whaiaro.Ahakoa ka whakatutuki te whānau i ētahi arotake whaiaro, ko tētahi tukanga e nahanaha ake ana, ka āwhina i a rātou ki te aroturuki i tā rātou āheinga whakamua i runga i te mahere rautaki, me ētahi atu wāhanga o te whakahaeretanga o te kōhanga reo.

5 Te Whakatau a te Whānau ki ngā Wāhanga Tautukunga

Te Tirohanga Whānui

Te Kōhanga Reo o Maraenui I mua o te arotake, i whakakīia e te kaipupuri raihana, te whānau, me ngā kaimahi o, tētahiTauāki Kupu Tūturu a te Whānau o te Kōhangame tētahiRārangi Tātari Whaiaro. I roto i ēnei tuhinga i oati rātou, i whāia e rātou ngā huarahi whai take hei whakatutuki i ā rātou herenga ā-ture e pā ana ki:

  • ngā whakahaerenga ā te whānau
  • te hauora, te waiora me te whai oranga
  • ngā whakahaerenga kaimahi
  • ngā whakahaerenga pūtea me ngā whakahaerenga rawa.

I te wā o te arotake, i whakamātauhia e te Tari Arotake Mātauranga ngā āhuatanga i raro iho nei, i te mea he nui te pānga o ēnei ki ngā hua ka puta ki ngā tamariki:

  • te haumaru whatumanawa (tāpiri atu ko te whakatau tamariki, ko te ārai i ngā mahi whakaweti, mahi tūkino)
  • te haumaru ā-tinana (tāpiri atu ko te whakatau tamariki; ko ngā whakaritenga whakamoe, tiaki tamariki; ko ngā aituā me te whāngai rongoā; ko ngā whakaritenga akuaku; ko ngā kaupapa here me ngā tikanga haerenga whakawaho)
  • ngā tohu mātauranga me ngā whakaritenga kaimahi
  • ngā whakaritenga, tikanga hōneatanga e pā ana ki te ahi me te rū whenua.

6 Ngā Taunakitanga

E taunaki ana te Tari Arotake Mātauranga me te whānau o te kōhanga reo kia tahuri te whānau ki te:

6.1 whakawhanake i tētahi aronga arotake whaiaro e nahanaha ake ana.

7 Whakaritenga Whaimuri

E whakaae ana te Tari Arotake Mātauranga kei te whakahaeretia te kōhanga reo hei painga mō ngā tamariki. Nō reira, ka arotakehia anō e te Tari Arotake Mātauranga te kōhanga reo hei wāhanga o te huringa arotake o te wā.

Makere Smith

Kaiwhakahaere ā-Motu mō ngā Ratonga Arotake Māori (Te Uepū ā-Motu)

23 Hereturi-kôkâ 2013

1 About the Kōhanga Reo


Te Kaha Opotiki

Ministry of Education profile number



Kōhanga Reo

Number licensed for

30 including 10 under two years old

Roll number

15 including 2 under two years old

Gender composition

Girls 8 Boys 7

Ethnic composition

Māori 15

Review team onsite

May 2013

Date of this report

August 2013

Previous ERO reports

Education Review June 2010

Education Review June 2006

Assurance Audit March 1996

2 The Education Review Office (ERO) Evaluation

Te Kōhanga Reo o Maraenui is located within the iwi of Te Whanau ā Apanui and the programme is strongly influenced by the Ringatu faith and Te Whānau ā Apanuitanga. The resources of the surrounding bush, river, mountains, marae, beach and local kura are used to help children understand and appreciate their environment.

The focus for this review is child and whānau well being.

Whānau focus on matters of importance as identified in their strategic plan. Strategic goals include strengthening te reo Māori, strengthening the child and whānau and strengthening the kaupapa. Strong and effective leadership and a supportive whānau ensure that actions associated with these goals are given priority.

The kōhanga reo is led by capable visionary leaders. Individuals have expertise in te reo Māori and Whānau ā Apanuitanga, knowledge of good curriculum practice, expertise in management and an ability to work with the whānau to drive up the performance of the kōhanga reo.

The whānau and kaimahi have a shared commitment to the vision and kaupapa of this kōhanga reo. They want the children to be strong in their knowledge of Whānau ā Apanuitanga. They recognise that ability in te reo Māori and understanding of tikanga and the values of the Ringatu faith will help their children to live confidently as Māori and to develop spiritually, physically and mentally. Kaimahi and whānau want their children to be the next generation of Māori leaders.

Positive relationships and good communication contribute to the effectiveness of the leadership and whānau commitment. Information is shared openly at whānau and staff meetings. Parents and kaumātua readily participate in the kōhanga reo programme and make a significant contribution to the overall operation of the kōhanga reo.

The learning programme is designed to reflect the goals and aspirations of the whānau. Children are stimulated to engage in their activities and are confident in the kōhanga reo environment. Children learn in a total immersion environment. Kaimahi monitor each child’s development in te reo Māori and regularly report progress to parents. Children hear the language of their iwi and use it naturally as they work and play.

Future Action

ERO is confident that the kōhanga reo is being managed in the interests of the children. Therefore ERO will review the kōhanga reo again as part of the regular review cycle.

3 Review Priorities

The Focus of the Review

Te Kōhanga Reo o MaraenuiBefore the review, the whānau ofwas invited to consider its priorities for review using guidelines and resources provided by ERO.

Te Kōhanga Reo o MaraenuiThe detailed priorities for review were then determined following a discussion between the ERO review team and whānau. This discussion focused on existing information held by the kōhanga reo (including self-review information) and the extent to which potential issues for review contributed to positive outcomes for children at.

The whānau chose as its focus area:

  • Child and whānau well being.

All ERO education reviews in kōhanga reo focus on the quality of education. For ERO this includes the quality of:

  • whānau self review and strategic planning
  • programme planning, assessment and evaluation.

ERO’s findings in these areas are set out below.

4 Findings

Child and Whānau Well Being


One of the kōhanga reo strategic goals is to strengthen the child and the whānau. The kōhanga reo aim is to empower children and whānau to enable them to be confident in and proud of their heritage.

Areas of good performance

Commitment to the kaupapa. Whānau and kaimahi have a strong vision and expectations for the kōhanga reo. They are knowledgeable about the kaupapa of kōhanga reo, the tikanga and language of their iwi and the values and practices of the Ringatu faith. The kōhanga reo has ready support from kaumātua who have indepth knowledge and expertise in these areas. Children learn about their iwi and language as part of their daily programme.

Whānau ā Apanuitanga.Children learn about and can name the sub-tribes of their iwi. They know about particular historical events that have impacted on Whānau ā Apanui. Children learn significant tribal waiata. The older children can recite their pepeha and are beginning to learn about their whakapapa.

Awareness of the environment. Children learn about the resources in their environment. The bush, sea, river, marae and local kura play a significant part in the learning programme. Children regularly visit these places and join in activities and events that are appropriate for them. They also learn about looking after the environment. Children are developing an appreciation of how the local environment contributes to their lives.

Te Reo Māori. The whānau speak of te reo Māori as a taonga. Kaimahi and kaumātua are fluent speakers of te reo Māori and are strong role models for whānau and children.

Children learn in a total immersion environment. Kaimahi monitor each child’s development in te reo Māori and regularly report progress to parents. Children hear the language of their iwi and use it naturally as they work and play. They confidently speak te reo Māori in an environment that encourages them to be Māori, think Māori and develop themselves spiritually, physically and mentally as Māori.

Relationships. Kaimahi have established positive relationships with children, whānau, kaumātua, iwi groups and the kura. Kaimahi welcome parents to observe and participate in the learning programme. Kaumātua attend and support kaimahi and children. The kōhanga reo and the kura have a common philosophy and children regularly participate in activities with the kura.

The learning programme. The daily activities are well organised and children know the general direction of the day. The children know the protocols for the opening karakia session and confidently lead karakia, himene and mihimihi. Kaimahi supervise and engage with children in a wide range of activities during the day. Parents comment about the kōhanga reo programme positively.

Planning and Evaluation


ERO always evaluates the quality of planning and evaluation in kōhanga reo to determine the quality and extent to which the kōhanga reo whānau plans, manages and monitors all areas of kōhanga reo operations for their children and whānau.

Planning and evaluation includes programme planning and monitoring children’s development.

Areas of good performance

Leadership. The kōhanga reo is led by capable visionary leaders. Individuals have expertise in te reo Māori and Whānau ā Apanuitanga, knowledge of good curriculum practice, expertise in management and an ability to work with the whānau to drive up the performance of the kōhanga reo.

Curriculum planning. The daily programme reflects the long term curriculum overview and short term plans. The programme themes reflect learning about resources that are important to their local area. For example iwi stories about the kahawai, the mountains and bush. Kaimahi prepare resources and organise the environment appropriately.

Strategic planning. The whānau has a clear vision and strong kaupapa as the basis of their strategic plan. All whānau and kaimahi share a common commitment to the strategic goals and this is reflected in the operation of the kōhanga reo.

Qualifications and training. Kaimahi and whānau are committed and open to training and professional development in order to broaden their skills and knowledge in delivering the programme for the children. All kaimahi are appraised and have a personal action plan to develop their abilities. A record of training and qualifications is maintained. The whānau knows the importance of staff development and the benefits of this for their children.

Whānau management. Whānau are actively involved in the management activities of the kōhanga reo. They know their roles and have sound systems for managing their responsibilities.

Areas for development

Self review.While the whānau undertakes some internal review, a more systematic process would assist them in monitoring their progress against the strategic plan and other areas of the kōhanga reo operations.

5 Whānau Management Assurance on Compliance Areas


Te Kōhanga Reo o Maraenui Before the review, the licensee, whānau and staff ofcompleted an EROKōhanga Whānau Assurance StatementandSelf-Audit Checklist. In these documents they have attested that they had taken all reasonable steps to meet their legislative obligations related to:

  • administration
  • health, safety and welfare
  • personnel management
  • financial and property management.

During the review, ERO checked the following itemsbecause they have a potentially high impact on outcomes for children:

  • emotional safety (including behaviour management, prevention of bullying and abuse)
  • physical safety (including behaviour management, sleeping and supervision practices; accidents and medication; hygiene and routines; travel and excursion policies and procedures)
  • staff qualifications and organisation
  • evacuation procedures and practices for fire and earthquake.

6 Recommendation

ERO and the kōhanga reo whānau recommend the whānau

  • develop a more systematic approach to self review.

7 Future Action

ERO is confident that the kōhanga reo is being managed in the interests of the children. Therefore ERO will review the kōhanga reo again as part of the regular review cycle.

Makere Smith

National Manager Review Services Māori (Te Uepū ā-Motu)


To the Parents and Community of Te Kōhanga Reo o Maraenui

Te Kōhanga Reo o MaraenuiThese are the findings of the Education Review Office’s latest report on.

Te Kōhanga Reo o Maraenui is located within the iwi of Te Whanau ā Apanui and the programme is strongly influenced by the Ringatu faith and Te Whānau ā Apanuitanga. The resources of the surrounding bush, river, mountains, marae, beach and local kura are used to help children understand and appreciate their environment.

The focus for this review is child and whānau well being.

Whānau focus on matters of importance as identified in their strategic plan. Strategic goals include strengthening te reo Māori, strengthening the child and whānau and strengthening the kaupapa. Strong and effective leadership and a supportive whānau ensure that actions associated with these goals are given priority.

The kōhanga reo is led by capable visionary leaders. Individuals have expertise in te reo Māori and Whānau ā Apanuitanga, knowledge of good curriculum practice, expertise in management and an ability to work with the whānau to drive up the performance of the kōhanga reo.

The whānau and kaimahi have a shared commitment to the vision and kaupapa of this kōhanga reo. They want the children to be strong in their knowledge of Whānau ā Apanuitanga. They recognise that ability in te reo Māori and understanding of tikanga and the values of the Ringatu faith will help their children to live confidently as Māori and to develop spiritually, physically and mentally. Kaimahi and whānau want their children to be the next generation of Māori leaders.

Positive relationships and good communication contribute to the effectiveness of the leadership and whānau commitment. Information is shared openly at whānau and staff meetings. Parents and kaumātua readily participate in the kōhanga reo programme and make a significant contribution to the overall operation of the kōhanga reo.

The learning programme is designed to reflect the goals and aspirations of the whānau. Children are stimulated to engage in their activities and are confident in the kōhanga reo environment. Children learn in a total immersion environment. Kaimahi monitor each child’s development in te reo Māori and regularly report progress to parents. Children hear the language of their iwi and use it naturally as they work and play.

Future Action

ERO is confident that the kōhanga reo is being managed in the interests of the children. Therefore ERO will review the kōhanga reo again as part of the regular review cycle.

Review Coverage

ERO reviews do not cover every aspect of kōhanga reo performance and each ERO report may cover different issues. The aim is to provide information on aspects that are central to student achievement and useful to this kōhanga reo.

If you would like a copy of the full report, please contact the kōhanga reo or see the ERO web page, http://www.ero.govt.nz.

Makere Smith

National Manager Review Services Māori (Te Uepū ā-Motu)


About ERO

ERO is an independent, external evaluation agency that undertakes reviews of kura kaupapa Māori and kōhanga reo throughout New Zealand.

About ERO Reviews

ERO follows a set of standard procedures to conduct reviews. The purpose of each review is to:

  • improve quality of education for children in kōhanga reo; and
  • provide information to parents, communities and the Government.

Reviews are intended to focus on outcomes for tamariki and build on each kōhanga reo self review.

Review Focus

ERO’s framework for reviewing and reporting is based on four review strands.

  • Planning and Evaluation– in particular the quality of planning and evaluation. This area is most likely to support long term improvement. Implicit in this is the quality of whānau management and the quality of education.
  • Kōhanga Reo Priorities– based onTe Whāriki,thewhānau through their management and programme, influence positive outcomes for tamariki.
  • Compliance with Legal Requirements– assurance that this kōhanga reo has taken all reasonable steps to meet legal requirements.

Review Coverage

ERO reviews do not cover every aspect of kōhanga reo performance and each ERO report may cover different issues. The aim is to provide information on aspects that are central to positive outcomes for tamariki and useful to this kōhanga reo.

Review Recommendations

Most ERO reports include recommendations for improvement. A recommendation on a particular issue does not necessarily mean that a kōhanga reo is performing poorly in relation to that issue. There is no direct link between the number of recommendations in this report and the overall performance of this kōhanga reo.