2 Pilkington Street , Maori Hill, Dunedin
View on mapJohn McGlashan College
John McGlashan College
Te Ara Huarau | School Profile Report
This Profile Report was written within fifteen months of the Education Review Office and John McGlashan College working in Te Ara Huarau, an improvement evaluation approach used in most English Medium State and State Integrated Schools. For more information about Te Ara Huarau see ERO’s website. www.ero.govt.nz
John McGlashan College is a state integrated, Presbyterian faith-based, Years 7 - 13 boys’ school situated in Dunedin. The boarding house at John McGlashan College currently accommodates over 100 boys predominantly from the Otago/Southland region. The College offers a dual pathway for academic success for senior students to achieve well in either NCEA or the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP). The College has recently purchased a second campus at Te Anau Downs in the Fiordland National Park. This complex will facilitate further growth in the College’s outdoor education and curriculum learning programmes from 2023.
John McGlashan College’s strategic priorities for improving outcomes for learners are to provide:
a responsive, coherent, balanced and innovative curriculum to enrich and empower teaching and learning that best suits boys’ education
equitable, inclusive, best-practice approaches to teaching, learning and assessment that support active, compassionate, lifelong learning
a culturally responsive, rich learning environment that contextualises students’ learning, values and sense of belonging
initiatives that enable students to be active contributors in the local and global community.
You can find a copy of the school’s strategic and annual plan on John McGlashan College’s website.
ERO and the school are working together to evaluate how successful, balanced and responsive the school's curriculum is.
The rationale for selecting this evaluation of the school’s curriculum is below.
The College and its community want a balanced curriculum that is successful and responsive to the needs of all learners, providing all boys with opportunities to learn and supporting them towards achieving the College’s vision. It wants to monitor and evaluate the impact of the College’s current curriculum offerings.
Clarifying the overall achievement and progress outcomes for boys in Years 7 to 10 will be foundational to this evaluation focus.
The school expects to see:
effective in-class discussions, tasks and activities that provide evidence of learning
students and teachers demonstrating links between teaching, learning and assessment
data-driven decisions that inform the teaching and learning in the classroom
evidence of learning that is effectively communicated to parents
common approaches to teaching, learning and assessment across subject disciplines supported by relevant, effective, timely professional learning and development
a curriculum that is meeting the needs, abilities and interests of all boys.
The school can draw from the following strengths to support the school in its goal to provide a responsive and balanced curriculum.
Students who take initiative and manage much of their own learning.
High rates of overall achievement, retention and leaver qualifications for senior students.
responsive and committed boards of Proprietors and Trustees and an engaged school community who readily contribute to learning opportunities for students.
Strong partnerships between the boarding house and school staff to support students in their learning.
A strong focus on supporting students’ and staff wellbeing through effective pastoral systems.
Teachers and school leaders have high expectations for students to succeed academically and as responsible ‘well-educated young men of character’.
Where to next?
Moving forward, the school will prioritise:
conducting a literature search regarding best-practice in boys’ education
engaging the student voice (opinions and perceptions) regarding the provision of effective opportunities to learn and showcase their learning
engaging the community in relation to the provision of a responsive, coherent, balanced and innovative curriculum
run further professional learning for staff on and implement findings of, the study on best-practice boys’ education.
ERO’s role will be to support the school in its evaluation for improvement cycle to improve outcomes for all learners. ERO will support the school in reporting their progress to the community. The next public report on ERO’s website will be a Te Ara Huarau | School Evaluation Report and is due within three years.
Dr Lesley Patterson
Director Review and Improvement Services (Southern)
Southern Region | Te Tai Tini
30 August 2022
About the School
The Education Counts website provides further information about the school’s student population, student engagement and student achievement. educationcounts.govt.nz/home
John McGlashan College
Board Assurance with Regulatory and Legislative Requirements Report 2022 to 2025
As of June 2022, the John McGlashan College Board of Trustees has attested to the following regulatory and legislative requirements:
Board Administration
Management of Health, Safety and Welfare
Personnel Management
Further Information
For further information please contact John McGlashan College Board of Trustees.
The next Board of Trustees assurance that it is meeting regulatory and legislative requirements will be reported, along with the Te Ara Huarau | School Evaluation Report, within three years.
Information on ERO’s role and process in this review can be found on the Education Review Office website.
Dr Lesley Patterson
Director Review and Improvement Services (Southern)
Southern Region | Te Tai Tini
30 August 2022
About the School
The Education Counts website provides further information about the school’s student population, student engagement and student achievement. educationcounts.govt.nz/home
John McGlashan College
Provision for International Students Report
The Education Review Office reviews schools that are signatories to the Education (Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners) Code of Practice 2021 established under section 534 of the Education and Training Act 2020.
John McGlashan College has attested that it complies with all aspects of the Code and has completed an annual self-review of its implementation of the Code.
The College’s annual review against the Code is thorough. It ensures that any issues identified are responded to. The board receives frequent regular reports from the International Department. These should be extended to include relevant information about international students’ achievement, progress, successes and integration into college life.
At the time of this review there were 21 international students attending the school. International students live either at the college’s boarding house, in homestays or with their parents. The college’s community has been particularly welcoming of international students who have been unable to return to their home countries due to COVID-19. The college has also provided specific and deliberate support for international student families who have been unable to return home at his time.
International students participate widely in college life. Students receive appropriate support services from pastoral care staff. They receive targeted support with their learning if required. Students spoken with by ERO commented that their level of learning was suitable for them.
Dr Lesley Patterson
Director Review and Improvement Services (Southern)
Southern Region | Te Tai Tini
30 August 2022
About the School
The Education Counts website provides further information about the school’s student population, student engagement and student achievement. educationcounts.govt.nz/home
John McGlashan College
ERO Hostel Report
The Chief Review Officer has the authority to carry out reviews (which may be general or in relation to particular matters) of the provision of a safe physical and emotional environment that supports learning for students accommodated in hostels under section 470 of the Education and Training Act 2020. This function is delegated to review officers who have the powers to enter and carry out review of hostels under section 472 of the Act.
The hostel manager and the hostel owner have attested in the Hostel Assurance Statement that they meet the requirements of the Hostel Regulations 2005.
The boarding house at John McGlashan College currently accommodates over 100 boys predominantly from the Otago region. The whole boarding house was refurbished in 2019 including some new developments. It is a modern ‘fit for purpose’ facility. There is a particular emphasis on providing facilities and experiences that enhance boys’ physical and emotional wellbeing.
Boarding House boys’ learning at the college is very well supported through:
‘prep’ time that is appropriately supervised giving boys access to specialist help if required
personalised tutorial sessions
timely access to specialised school facilities to complete extended projects.
Strong communication networks between the boarding house and the college support an effective pastoral care overview. Comprehensive and robust systems and processes are used to manage boys’ leave, whereabouts and safety at all times. Boarding House staff use a wide range of reliable, ongoing ways of knowing about boys’ and parents’ experiences at John McGlashan College Hostel. They make good use of this information to respond appropriately. The boarding house director has an unrelenting focus on improvement and innovation for the benefit of boys and their families.
Dr Lesley Patterson
Director Review and Improvement Services (Southern)
Southern Region | Te Tai Tini
30 August 2022
About the School
The Education Counts website provides further information about the school’s student population, student engagement and student achievement. educationcounts.govt.nz/home
John McGlashan College - 03/08/2015
This is a high performing school. Students and staff respond positively to the school’s high expectations for teaching and learning. There is a strong focus on what is best for boys to become well educated men of character. Students succeed very well in their learning and in culture and sport. Students needing extra help are effectively supported. School leaders place a high priority on continuous improvement.
ERO is likely to carry out the next review in four-to-five years.
1. Context
What are the important features of this school that have an impact on student learning?
John McGlashan College provides a positive environment for student life and learning. Its vision, values and traditions are evident in the respectful way students and staff relate across the school.
Teachers and school leaders have high expectations for students to succeed, academically and as responsible, ‘well-educated young men of character’. The college’s special Christian character is integral to boys’ learning.
Students are effectively supported to succeed in their learning and in their wider cultural and sporting interests. They seek to achieve to a high level and their successes are celebrated. A dual pathway for academic success is available for senior students to achieve well in either NCEA or the International Baccalaureate.
Since the last ERO review in 2012, a new principal and chairs of the two governing boards were appointed. They work collaboratively and have maintained the college’s strong focus for what is best for boys and their learning. This includes providing safe and modern environments for teaching and learning.
Teachers are well supported to extend their professional learning and teaching practice. A continuing emphasis is placed on using a range of technologies to promote student engagement, as a tool for teaching and to support students to take their share of responsibility for their learning.
A strong focus is placed on ongoing improvement. This is evident in the way that staff and school leaders monitor students’ achievement and evaluate the quality of their learning. Student opinions help to inform decisions about teaching and learning.
The college boarding house provides effective care for its diverse mix of boys, from both rural and town backgrounds, as well as a small number from other countries.
The school responded well to the recommendations for improvement in the 2012 ERO report.
2. Learning
How well does this school use achievement information to make positive changes to learners’ engagement, progress and achievement?
The school makes effective use of learning information to identify next steps to be taken by students, teachers and leaders to continually improve outcomes for students.
Students achieve very well both in NCEA and the alternative international university entrance examination, that some students in Years 12 and 13 choose to participate in. Students show high levels of achievement in Years 7 and 8 against the National Standards in reading, writing and mathematics. The small number of students not achieving as expected in writing are well supported to make extra progress.
- set useful personal goals, strive to achieve well and value excellence
- respond well to the good teaching practices that are tailored to their needs
- learn cooperatively and collaboratively.
- Teachers effectively use learning information to:
- evaluate the efforts they make to accelerate students’ progress
- know what worked and build their knowledge for improvement and future innovation
- design relevant courses that provide students with a suitable level of challenge, and an appropriate pathway to success in the senior school.
Leaders effectively use learning information to:
- set useful annual targets for improving achievement in discussion with trustees
- know where teaching and learning are going well and where improvements need to be made
- determine what support is needed to bring about the planned improvements for students.
- receive reports about student achievement and the effectiveness of teaching programmes
- receive principal reports through the year that help them know about progress the school is making towards achieving the annual achievement targets and curriculum goals.
The next step is to ensure the setting of achievement targets focuses clearly on the students at risk of not making sufficient progress. School leaders can then:
- evaluate the efforts of teachers to accelerate the progress of these students
- celebrate the positive impact of teaching on all students who make more than twelve months progress in a year.
3. Curriculum
How effectively does this school’s curriculum promote and support student learning?
The school’s curriculum very effectively promotes students’ learning. Learning programmes are responsive to students’ abilities, needs and interests. A consistent focus on what works best for boys guides teachers’ planning.
Strong support for the school’s vision and values is evident in the attitudes and actions of staff and students.
Teachers and senior leaders are using technology well in teaching and learning. Students are becoming more involved in and responsible for their learning. A next step for school leaders is to provide a better basis for more focused monitoring and evaluation of the impact technology has on students’ learning.
Students appreciate the wide range of opportunities they have to learn and to achieve at a level that supports, extends and challenges them. Their programmes of learning are meaningfully based on their interests. The range of senior courses leading purposefully to future employment are continually reviewed and extended. ERO agrees with the identified need to develop a school-wide vocational pathways programme that better supports all students to plan well for their future.
A community of learners, ‘ako’, is evident and modelled across the school. Teachers take time to tutor and mentor students. Boys also support and tutor other boys in their learning. This collaboration, ‘tuakana-teina’, contributes to the school’s positive culture.
Teachers provide comprehensive support for students. This includes pastoral care for all students and highly effective learning support for students at risk of not achieving. Students who have specific learning challenges are effectively supported to demonstrate what they know and can do to achieve NCEA certificates. Teachers work collaboratively with each other and with parents to help students focus on their learning.
Teachers find ways to make assessment accessible to students so they can show what they know and can do. These practices are well under way in Years 7 and 8. A next step is to make sure they happen more widely in Years 9 and 10.
School leaders and trustees have a strong focus on continuing to improve teaching and learning. They receive regular reports about how their expectations for quality are being met across the school. School leaders have identified the need to strengthen the approach to careers education so that a school-wide approach supports all students to follow well-considered vocational pathways.
How effectively does the school promote educational success for Māori, as Māori?
The school effectively supports Māori students to achieve highly in senior school qualifications and to learn about their cultural heritage.
Māori students speak highly of their teachers and school. Their learning, abilities, interests and needs are effectively supported.
The ways Māori language and culture are used and promoted across the school are currently under review. The school has experienced an increased number of Māori students entering the junior school, and an increased interest and competence among junior students in learning Māori language and culture.
A number of initiatives are being considered to help further meet the needs of Māori students. These include:
- maintaining close liaison between school leaders, Māori parents, teachers and whānau
- a leadership group, steering committee, and planning to help manage and monitor change
- supporting teachers’ confidence and competence in using te reo Māori
- the establishment of a cultural club, and attendance at cultural performing arts festivals
- increased collaboration with tertiary providers and other schools.
ERO supports the board's intention to update its planning for Māori success. At the on-site stage of the review the principal was leading a process to record key decisions for action planning.
The next step is to build on the good work already underway by ensuring planning covers building Māori success across the school, particularly for students in the junior part of the school. This will provide an improved basis for effective implementation, monitoring, reporting and evaluation.
4. Sustainable Performance
How well placed is the school to sustain and improve its performance?
The school is very well placed to sustain and improve its performance.
Staff members benefit from a collaborative culture with a clear focus on what is best for boys and school improvement. Teachers inquire into their practice to improve outcomes for students.
Leadership in the school is strong. The principal and other professional leaders are well focused on continuous improvement in the ways they meet the learning needs of boys. School leaders make helpful evaluative responses to curriculum leaders about how well teachers have implemented strategies to bring about better outcomes for students.
Teachers are well supported by an appraisal system that evaluates their teaching and their efforts to be culturally responsive to the various backgrounds of the students.
The board of trustees and the board of proprietors work well together to promote the best outcomes for boys at the school. They have a well-considered strategic focus on improvement. The planned future direction of the school has been developed out of a good consultation and communication process. Trustees are focused on combining the best of the school’s traditions with current best teaching approaches as they plan for the future.
Trustees and leaders are developing collaborative relationships with other schools, locally and beyond, and with tertiary providers and other organisations, to strengthen what they provide for students.
Trustees are well informed about student achievement and the quality of the learning programmes. They focus on responding to information gathered to ensure the school is serving the needs of its community in a coherent and effective way.
The next step is to ensure all reports to the board about curriculum and achievement are consistently evaluative, with a clear focus on how well the work of teachers has made a positive difference to improved outcomes for students.
Provision for international students
The school is a signatory to the Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students (the Code) established under section 238F of the Education Act 1989. The school has attested that it complies with all aspects of the Code.
At the time of this review there were 25 international students attending the school. A well-coordinated team of staff members manage the systems that ensure the needs of these students are effectively met. The work of the team of staff is reported to a board committee that requires regular assurance that the international students are well cared for and their learning programme is tailored to their needs.
International students are supported on enrolment to feel welcome in the school and carefully placed in suitable accommodation. The high standard of pastoral care they receive ensures their wellbeing requirements are identified and met. Students’ language needs and learning goals are identified so they can be supported and monitored. Progress towards achieving their individual learning goals is carefully tracked. The students are well integrated into the school and the wider community. Their culture and learning achievements are celebrated and shared within the school.
Provision for students in the school hostel
The school’s boarding houses are owned and operated by a board of proprietors that works closely with the school. Accommodation includes a senior hall, a junior hall, and an international students’ house, all effectively within the school grounds. About 130 Year 9 to 13 boarders are accommodated seven days a week.
The board, director of boarding and matron show good leadership. They and the staff have good systems to show they take all reasonable steps to provide a safe environment that supports boarders’ welfare and learning.
Learning is positively promoted within the hostel. Several members of the school’s teaching staff regularly provide tutoring that fits effectively into the learning support programme for boarders. The director of boarding ensures boarders’ families are kept informed about what is provided for their sons’ wellbeing and learning needs. Parent support for the school’s boarding houses is strong.
The director of boarding and staff members in the boarding houses work effectively as a team to provide comprehensive systems to meet the needs of the boys. There are clear systems and expectations about what boarders should do and how they will be supported. International students who board are well integrated into the boarding house life.
Some key features impacting positively on boarders include:
- the physical environment providing boys with suitable spaces for dining, study and recreation
- the support boarders get to follow sporting and cultural interests
- the focus on boarders’ wellbeing, individual responsibility, communication and links with home
- the support for their learning and access to ICT
- the provision of pastoral support and counselling
- the range of ways boarders can raise issues and expect a response to their ideas and opinions.
Boarders are very positive about their experiences living and learning at the boarding house and school.
Staff members in the boarding houses receive good support from the board of proprietors, including the expectation that regular reporting to the proprietors is providing assurance about what is going well and what needs to be improved.
Board assurance on legal requirements
Before the review, the board of trustees and principal of the school completed the ERO Board Assurance Statement and Self-Audit Checklists. In these documents they attested that they had taken all reasonable steps to meet their legislative obligations related to:
- board administration
- curriculum
- management of health, safety and welfare
- personnel management
- financial management
- asset management.
During the review, ERO checked the following items because they have a potentially high impact on student achievement:
- emotional safety of students (including prevention of bullying and sexual harassment)
- physical safety of students
- teacher registration
- processes for appointing staff
- stand-downs, suspensions, expulsions and exclusions
- attendance.
This is a high performing school. Students and staff respond positively to the school’s high expectations for teaching and learning. There is a strong focus on what is best for boys to become well educated men of character. Students succeed very well in their learning and in culture and sport. Students needing extra help are effectively supported. School leaders place a high priority on continuous improvement.
ERO is likely to carry out the next review in four-to-five years.
Chris Rowe
Deputy Chief Review Officer Southern (Acting)
3 August 2015
About the School
Location |
Dunedin |
Ministry of Education profile number |
387 |
School type |
Secondary (Years 7 to 13) |
School roll |
547 |
Number of international students |
25 |
Gender composition |
Male 100% |
Ethnic composition |
NZ European/Pākehā Asian Māori Pacific |
80% 10% 9% 1% |
Review team on site |
June 2015 |
Date of this report |
3 August 2015 |
Most recent ERO report(s) |
EducationReview Education Review Education Review |
May 2012 December 2008 August 2005 |