61 Waller Street, Murchison
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Murchison Area School
School Evaluation Report
Tēnā koutou e mau manawa rahi ki te kaupapa e aro ake nei, ko te tamaiti te pūtake o te kaupapa. Mā wai rā e kawe, mā tātau katoa.
We acknowledge the collective effort, responsibility and commitment by all to ensure that the child remains at the heart of the matter.
Murchison Area School is located in Murchison and provides education for learners in Years 1 to 13. The school’s vision for its learners is: Living to Learn, Learning to Live | Ka ake, ka ora; Ka ora, ka ako, supported by the four school values: Respect (Whakaute), Honesty (Whakapono), Consideration (Whai Whakaaro) and Responsibility (Haepapa).
There are two parts to this report.
Part A: An evaluative summary of learner success and school conditions to inform the school board’s future strategic direction.
Part B: The improvement actions prioritised for the school’s next evaluation cycle.
Part A: Current State
The following findings are to inform the school’s future priorities for improvement.
Learner Success and Wellbeing
Learners’ progress across the school is positive with increasingly equitable and excellent outcomes. |
- Most learners in Years 1 to 8 are achieving at or above expected curriculum levels in reading and mathematics, with the majority of learners achieving at or above in writing.
- Most learners in Years 9 to 10 are achieving at or above expected curriculum levels in literacy and a small majority in mathematics.
- A large majority of Year 11, 12 and 13 learners, including a majority of Māori learners, continue to achieve National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) at Levels 1, 2 and 3.
- A small majority of learners are presently attending regularly, although the school is yet to meet the Ministry of Education’s target for regular attendance; school initiatives are improving attendance.
Conditions to support learner success
School leaders work strategically and collaboratively, improving outcomes for learners. |
- Leaders set goals and targets that are increasing equitable outcomes across all learning areas; specific attention is given to improve outcomes for target learners.
- Leaders allocate staff strategically to ensure that learners’ specific needs and learning progression are well supported.
- Leaders prioritise professional learning for staff that enhances effectiveness and consistency of teaching practice.
Learners at all year levels experience meaningful and relevant learning through a well-considered localised curriculum. |
- Teachers know their learners’ needs very well, closely monitor progress and provide appropriate targeted support.
- Senior learners’ engagement and achievement is supported by the broad and varied senior curriculum which uses local community resources and supportive and personalised teaching.
- Learners have planned transitions into, within and beyond school contributing to a strong sense of belonging and support for their post-school pathways.
Learners’ progress and achievement is well supported by increasingly effective learning partnerships with whānau and the community. |
- Learners benefit from intentional community partnerships; the board and staff actively include community perspectives in planning.
- Leaders continue to grow links with iwi and the local community to further develop and embed localised curriculum across all learning areas.
- The school is taking steps to integrate te ao Māori into learning programmes in order to increase bicultural understandings and practices.
Part B: Where to next?
The agreed next steps for the school are to:
- continue to raise learners’ progress and achievement in literacy in Years 1 to 10, embedding the current approaches to teaching literacy
- further grow the understanding of te reo and tikanga Māori and embed consistent practices across the school to ensure that the curriculum reflects an increasing commitment to bicultural partnership
- continue the development of staff-wide distributed leadership to ensure practices that best promote learner progress and achievement are sustained.
The agreed actions for the next improvement cycle and timeframes are as follows.
Within six months:
- leaders continue to improve evaluation and reporting to the board on the impact of strategies on improving progress and literacy achievement of learners in Years 1 to 10
- teachers use Poutama Reo to determine specific targets and timeframes to continue the development of staff capacity in te reo and tikanga Māori and the development of mātauranga Māori across the school curriculum
Every six months:
- leaders continue to report progress towards meeting attendance and literacy targets, wider student learning and achievement to the board and act on any emerging trends
- leaders evaluate the effectiveness of literacy practices to inform planning
- leaders review and evaluate schoolwide consistency of application of mātauranga Māori
- leaders review how effectively staff professional learning is supporting leadership development to ensure sustainability of schoolwide systems and learner progress and outcomes.
Actions taken against these next steps are expected to result in:
- raised learner achievement in literacy in Years 1 to 10
- schoolwide consistency of the implementation of mātauranga Māori
- effective systems to sustain schoolwide practices for learner attendance, progress and achievement.
ERO’s role will be to support the school in its evaluation for improvement cycle to improve outcomes for all learners. The next public report on ERO’s website will be a School Evaluation Report and is due within three years.
Me mahi tahi tonu tātau, kia whai oranga a tātau tamariki
Let’s continue to work together for the greater good of all children
Shelley Booysen
Director of Schools
20 September 2024
About the School
The Education Counts website provides further information about the school’s student population, student engagement and student achievement. educationcounts.govt.nz/home
Murchison Area School
Board Assurance with Regulatory and Legislative Requirements Report 2024 to 2027
As of May 2024, the Murchison Area School Board has attested to the following regulatory and legislative requirements:
Board Administration
Management of Health, Safety and Welfare
Personnel Management
Actions for Compliance
ERO has identified the following areas of non-compliance during the board assurance process:
- The board must ensure that suitable human resources management practices are implemented including documenting that original or certified copies of qualifications are properly sighted and, for non-teaching positions, a safety check including a Police Vet has been obtained every 3 years
[Education and Training Act, 2020, Children’s Act, 2014]
The board has since taken steps to address the areas of non-compliance identified.
Further Information
For further information please contact Murchison Area School Board.
The next School Board assurance that it is meeting regulatory and legislative requirements will be reported, along with the Te Ara Huarau | School Evaluation Report, within three years.
Information on ERO’s role and process in this review can be found on the Education Review Office website.
Shelley Booysen
Director of Schools
20 September 2024
About the School
The Education Counts website provides further information about the school’s student population, student engagement and student achievement. educationcounts.govt.nz/home
Murchison Area School - 21/09/2018
School Context
Murchison Area School is a Year 1-15 school with 146 students. The roll is steadily growing and includes a significant group of students, approximately one third, who enter and leave within the school year. Half of the students travel by bus from the surrounding rural area.
Since the 2015 ERO review, a new senior leadership team has been appointed, including a new principal. There have also been several new staff and trustees appointed.
The school’s vision for its learners is, Living to Learn, Learning to Live. Its three key aims are that students have the right attitudes, application and achieve well. This includes students having a ‘growth mindset.’ Other valued outcomes are that students will show respect, honesty, responsibility and consideration.
The school’s strategic goals are to provide a responsive and varied curriculum, support student wellbeing and achievement, and work in partnership with the community to achieve these things. A third goal is to provide a positive learning environment. The school’s achievement target is to raise student achievement in mathematics in Years 4-8, and raise endorsement levels in NCEA level 2.
Leaders and teachers regularly report to the board, schoolwide information about outcomes for students in the following areas:
achievement of Year 11-13 students in NCEA and university entrance
destination information for students who leave the school
year level achievement data for Year 1-8 students
the impact of learning support for students with additional needs.
The school is part of the Top of the South Island Kāhui Ako |Community of Learning (CoL).
Evaluation Findings
1 Equity and excellence – achievement of valued outcomes for students
1.1 How well is the school achieving equitable and excellent outcomes for all its students?
The school did not have sufficient achievement and progress information for Year 1-10 students for 2017 and the first half of 2018 for ERO to make a judgement as to how well the school is achieving equitable and excellent outcomes for all students.
2017 NCEA results show that almost all students achieved Level 1, 2 or Level 3. 2018 interim data shows the school is on track to increase endorsements at NCEA level 2. Almost all school leavers made a successful transition to further study or work.
Interim mid-year data for 2018 shows that almost all Year 1-8 students are at or above expected levels in reading. Close to 60% are at or above curriculum expectations for writing and mathematics. Māori students achieve very well in reading. There is disparity in achievement outcomes for boys in reading and writing.
There was no collated school-wide information for Year 9-10 students. Throughout the school there are good attendance levels.
1.2 How well is the school accelerating learning for those Māori and other students who need this?
School leaders do not have clear school-wide information about rates of progress for students. Therefore, ERO is not able to make a judgement about how well the school accelerates learning for Māori and other students who need this.
2 School conditions for equity and excellence – processes and practices
2.1 What school processes and practices are effective in enabling achievement of equity and excellence, and acceleration of learning?
Respectful and caring relationships contribute to equitable and successful outcomes for students. Students learn in a settled and supportive learning environment. Teachers know students very well as individuals and as learners and focus on their holistic wellbeing and academic success. Individual students’ learning is well tracked and monitored by classroom teachers. The school and wider community work closely to support and enrich students’ learning.
Students benefit from a varied and responsive curriculum. Increased curriculum and vocational/trade options at the senior level have resulted in greater choice, engagement, attendance and retention. Senior students from Years 11 to 14 have individual mentoring and pathways planning. A high number of students successfully transition to further study or employment. Teachers and students make very good use of digital technology, including distance learning, as a teaching, learning and communication tool. Isolation is not accepted as a barrier to learning. Provision for education outside the classroom is a feature of the school.
Students who need extra assistance to succeed are very well supported. There are improved systems to effectively identify, monitor and support these students. The school works constructively with parents and experts beyond the school to find solutions to improve student outcomes at home and at school. Students with additional learning needs benefit from well-considered individual learning plans and are supported towards full inclusion.
The vision, values and priorities that underpin the school’s culture and curriculum are well known and evident in practice. This includes restorative practices and growth mindset approaches.The school’s valued outcomes for students are regularly shared to build and embed understanding. The school tone is positive and student views and opinions are increasingly sought and valued.
School leaders are reflective and improvement focused. Students are at the centre of decision-making. The new leadership team is working in an increasingly collaborative manner. They have benefited from relevant leadership professional learning and development (PLD) that is resulting in school improvement. A strong appraisal system supports teacher practice. Purposeful PLD is provided for teachers and learning assistants that aligns well with school priorities.
The board represents and serves the school well. There is relational trust and focus on doing what is best for students. Trustees work constructively with the school leadership team. Generous funding is targeted to support student learning. The board makes well-considered resourcing decisions from available information and is strategic in its staffing appointments. Trustees engage in board training to better understand their roles and responsibilities.
2.2 What further developments are needed in school processes and practices for achievement of equity and excellence, and acceleration of learning?
There are four key areas that need to be improved to better enable achievement of equity, excellence and acceleration of learning for students. The board, school leaders and teachers need to:
- extend and deepen the understanding and effective use of internal evaluation to better inform decision-making for improvement
- considerably develop data management processes, including clear analysis and use of progress and achievement information, especially schoolwide for Years 1-10
- continue to develop understanding and capacity to build responsive bicultural practices across the school, including consultation with Māori
- further increase students’ understanding and management of their own learning in alignment with the school’s growth-mindset aspirations for curriculum and teaching practice.
3 Board assurance on legal requirements
Before the review, the board and principal of the school completed the ERO board assurance statement and self-audit checklists. In these documents they attested that they had taken all reasonable steps to meet their legislative obligations related to the following:
board administration
management of health, safety and welfare
personnel management
asset management.
During the review, ERO checked the following items because they have a potentially high impact on student safety and wellbeing:
emotional safety of students (including prevention of bullying and sexual harassment)
physical safety of students
teacher registration and certification
processes for appointing staff
stand down, suspension, expulsion and exclusion of students
school policies in relation to meeting the requirements of the Vulnerable Children Act 2014.
Actions for compliance
ERO identified non-compliance in relation to consulting with Māori.
In order to address this, the board of trustees must:
consult with Māori community regarding policies, plans and targets for improving the progress and achievement of Māori students [NAG 1.(e)]
4 Going forward
Key strengths of the school
For sustained improvement and future learner success, the school can draw on existing strengths in:
a broad curriculum for students that offers considerable options for students at senior secondary level
very good NCEA achievement at level 1, 2 and 3 with almost all students going on to further learning or employment
positive school culture and relationships centred on student wellbeing and learning
individual student support through provision of targeted learning support and mentoring
Next steps
For sustained improvement and future learner success, priorities for further development are in:
ensuring robust data management and analysis of learner information to show a full picture of school-wide student progress and achievement, particularly in Years 1-10
improving understanding and use of internal evaluation to improve outcomes for students
consulting with Māori and ensuring te ao Māori perspectives are effectively interwoven in curriculum and school practices.
ERO’s next external evaluation process and timing
ERO is likely to carry out the next external evaluation in three years.
Alan Wynyard
Director Review & Improvement Services Southern
21 September 2018
About the school
Location |
Murchison |
Ministry of Education profile number |
299 |
School type |
Area School Year 1-15 |
School roll |
146 |
Gender composition |
Girls: 55% Boys: 45% |
Ethnic composition |
Māori 15% Pākehā 82% Other 3% |
Students with Ongoing Resourcing Funding (ORS) |
Yes |
Provision of Māori medium education |
No |
Review team on site |
August 2018 |
Date of this report |
21 September 2018 |
Most recent ERO reports |
Education Review: June 2015 Education Review: June 2012 Education Review: May 2009 |
Murchison Area School - 29/06/2015
The school is inclusive and welcoming. Students have a good range of learning experiences that link to the Murchison area history and community. The board, the senior leadership team and teachers are adjusting to changed systems, practices and responsibilities. Implementing and embedding new initiatives will ensure ongoing sustainability.
ERO is likely to carry out the next review in three years.
1 Context
What are the important features of this school that have an impact on student learning?
The school serves a large rural area with many students having to travel long distances to attend. Students come from diverse backgrounds. Many students stay at this school for short periods of time. Students’ learning and wellbeing is well supported by an inclusive, family-like school culture. Teachers know students and their families well.
Classes are small, particularly in the secondary part of the school. Many curriculum areas for senior students are covered by distance learning.
The school has had many staff changes since the 2012 ERO review. The board requested that the Ministry of Education (MOE) appoint a limited statutory manager (LSM). The LSM guided the board during the change of principals in 2013 and 2014. The new principal was appointed in November 2013. A stable staff has now been in place since the beginning of 2014.
The board, managers and teachers, with MOE support, have made good progress in addressing ERO’s 2012 review recommendations. A student achievement facilitator (SAF) has supported the board, principal and teachers to improve the analysis and reporting of student achievement information and family/whānau/community engagement.
2 Learning
How well does this school use achievement information to make positive changes to learners’ engagement, progress and achievement?
The leaders and teachers make good use of student achievement data to make positive changes to learners’ engagement, progress and achievement. Most students in Years 1 to 8 are achieving at or above National Standards in literacy and mathematics. Most students targeted in writing made good progress in 2014, and continue to be closely monitored and supported in 2015.
Professional development (PD) has helped teachers to develop useful systems to make overall teacher judgements about student achievement. These are used to develop school achievement targets.
All students in Years 9 to 13 are on individual education plans. Their progress and achievement towards achieving National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) is closely monitored, well analysed and regularly reported to parents and the board.
Students in the secondary school are well supported to make good use of vocational pathways. Programmes such as STAR and Gateway, with community involvement, support students’ learning and achievement.
Students who are at risk of not succeeding are effectively identified and are well supported by a good range of programmes and effective resources. The school’s recently-reviewed learning support programme is well organised and provides clear guidelines for teachers and support staff.
It is agreed that there is a need to strengthen:
- use and analysis of assessment and student achievement information
- ways students, teachers and parents can work together in accelerating the achievement of students at risk of not achieving.
3 Curriculum
How effectively does this school’s curriculum promote and support student learning?
The school curriculum effectively provides students with a wide range of interesting learning programmes and experiences.
The school values for supporting successful learning and positive relationships are well embedded in students’ learning programmes and the wider environment.
Students have opportunities to engage in well-planned class and school-wide programmes. This is helping them to extend their thinking, and to support the development of their social skills and relationships with others. Their learning is further enhanced through a wide range of sporting, cultural and outdoor education programmes.
Learning and teaching expectations across the school for teachers and students, known as ‘Growth Mindset’, is proving a successful model to support students’ achievements and attitudes. This mindset is used effectively by senior leaders and teachers to review and document the curriculum. Curriculum review is in its early stages. The early drafts of learning areas of the curriculum show a comprehensive range of learning experiences that link to the Murchison area history and current community.
Leaders and teachers have identified that they are continuing to develop the use of modern learning spaces and practices to support the effective delivery of the school's curriculum.
How effectively does the school promote educational success for Māori, as Māori?
Positive relationships and a caring, inclusive culture promotes educational success for Māori as Māori. Leaders and teachers are successfully implementing a number of initiatives to support Māori students to succeed as Māori. Teachers plan and integrate aspects of te reo and tikanga Māori in the curriculum and in the environment. Students from Years 1 to Year 13 enjoy regular kapa haka together, and as a performance group.
Māori families have been given good opportunities to share their aspirations for their children.
The next steps to better support Māori students to achieve as Māori include:
- collating and analysing the collective voice of parents of Māori students
- developing leadership, teacher confidence and competency to model and use te reo and tikanga Māori in learning and teaching
- developing a school goal and planning that will give further direction to school initiatives that support Māori students to achieve as Māori.
4 Sustainable Performance
How well placed is the school to sustain and improve its performance?
The school is developing the capacity to sustain and improve its performance. There have been significant leadership and staff changes in 2013 and 2014. The MOE support and well-targeted professional development for the board, teachers and leaders has contributed to improved school performance.
The board’s policies, procedures and systems help ensure smooth, accurate and rigorous governance and management practices. The board has had stable membership. All trustees have had regular PD to help them with direction setting and decision making.
The principal provides the board with useful achievement information that enables trustees to make sound resourcing decisions. These reports are aligned to, and show progress towards, achieving the annual goals.
Appraisal processes and well-targeted professional development are effectively helping the principal and teachers to:
- improve student engagement and the quality of teaching programmes
- develop a positive learning school culture and improved outcomes for students.
The school is central to the local community. The board and staff are developing good relationships with the community.
The board, the senior leadership team and teachers are making positive progress in adjusting to changed systems, practices and responsibilities. The next steps for the board and leadership team to ensure ongoing sustainability include:
- making sure leadership is distributed and senior leaders’ and teachers’ roles and responsibilities are clear
- implementing and embedding the new appraisal system for teachers
- developing and embedding self review as a culture within the school.
Board assurance on legal requirements
Before the review, the board of trustees and principal of the school completed the ERO Board Assurance Statement and Self-Audit Checklists. In these documents they attested that they had taken all reasonable steps to meet their legislative obligations related to:
- board administration
- curriculum
- management of health, safety and welfare
- personnel management
- financial management
- asset management.
During the review, ERO checked the following items because they have a potentially high impact on student achievement:
- emotional safety of students (including prevention of bullying and sexual harassment)
- physical safety of students
- teacher registration
- processes for appointing staff
- stand-downs, suspensions, expulsions and exclusions
- attendance.
The school is inclusive and welcoming. Students have a good range of learning experiences that link to the Murchison area history and community. The board, the senior leadership team and teachers are adjusting to changed systems, practices and responsibilities. Implementing and embedding new initiatives will ensure ongoing sustainability.
ERO is likely to carry out the next review in three years.
Graham Randell
Deputy Chief Review Officer Southern
29 June 2015
About the School
Location |
Murchison, Tasman |
Ministry of Education profile number |
299 |
School type |
Composite (Years 1 to 13) |
School roll |
127 |
Gender composition |
Girls 68; Boys 59 |
Ethnic composition |
Pākehā Māori Other ethnicities |
87% 11% 2% |
Review team on site |
May 2015 |
Date of this report |
29 June 2015 |
Most recent ERO reports |
Education Review |
June 2012 |