Makuri School

Makuri School 

Te Ara Huarau | School Profile Report


This Profile Report was written by the Education Review Office and Makuri School working in Te Ara Huarau, an improvement evaluation approach used in most English Medium State and State Integrated Schools. For more information about Te Ara Huarau see ERO’s website.


Makuri School is situated to the east of Pahiatua in the Tararua District. It provides learning opportunities for learners in Years 1 to 8 in a small, rural school setting.

Makuri School’s strategic priorities for improving outcomes for learners are to:

  • strive for the best possible individual achievement in targeted areas of the curriculum
  • develop a local curriculum that reflects the distinctive community and provides a quality place of learning
  • develop a learning environment that is responsive and nurturing to student wellbeing and inclusion.

You can obtain a copy of the school’s strategic and annual plan from Makuri School’s office.

ERO and the school are working together to evaluate how effectively the school’s recently revised local curriculum is providing positive learning opportunities that enhance educational outcomes for all learners.

The rationale for selecting this evaluation is to evaluate to what extent the revised local curriculum:

  • is supporting wellbeing, progress and achievement of students
  • recognises and supports individual learning needs. 

The school expects to see students actively engaged in their learning and demonstrating pride in the identity and heritage of their area. It also expects to see teachers implementing new teaching strategies that meet the needs of individual learners, evidence in improved progress and achievement in literacy and mathematics over time. 


The school can draw from the following strengths to support the school in its goal to evaluate how effectively the school’s recently revised curriculum is providing positive learning opportunities and enhancing educational outcomes for all learners:

  • meaningful relationships within and across the community enable additional support that extends children’s experiences.
  • staff continuously pursue ongoing improvement to their programmes and practice to better meet student needs.

Where to next?

Moving forward, the school will prioritise:

  • engaging the community in the identification and provision of local learning opportunities
  • implementing the ‘forest school’ approach to learning and monitoring the impact this has on student engagement, and student outcomes in literacy and mathematics.

ERO’s role will be to support the school in its evaluation for improvement cycle to improve outcomes for all learners. ERO will support the school in reporting their progress to the community. The next public report on ERO’s website will be a Te Ara Huarau | School Evaluation Report and is due within three years. 

Shelley Booysen
Director of Schools 

16 May 2024

About the School

The Education Counts website provides further information about the school’s student population, student engagement and student achievement.

Makuri School

Board Assurance with Regulatory and Legislative Requirements Report 2024 to 2027

As of March 2024, the Makuri School Board has attested to the following regulatory and legislative requirements:

Board Administration




Management of Health, Safety and Welfare


Personnel Management






Further Information

For further information please contact Makuri School Board.

The next School Board assurance that it is meeting regulatory and legislative requirements will be reported, along with the Te Ara Huarau | School Evaluation Report, within three years.

Information on ERO’s role and process in this review can be found on the Education Review Office website.

Shelley Booysen
Director of Schools

16 May 2024

About the School

The Education Counts website provides further information about the school’s student population, student engagement and student achievement.

Makuri School - 24/10/2018

School Context

Makuri School is a small rural school located in the Tararua District. It caters for students in Years 1 to 8. At the time of this review there are five students on the roll. A recent survey indicates the wider community are committed to the continued operation of Makuri School. The school has experienced changes in leadership this year. A new principal was appointed in Term 3, 2018.

The school vision emphasises ‘with strong community support Makuri students to grow as confident, self-directed learners’. Its values, ‘MAKURI: Motivated; Adaptable; Kind; United; Resourceful and Involved’ have been developed with community input.

Leaders and teachers regularly report to the board, schoolwide information about outcomes for students in the following areas:

  • progress and achievement in reading writing and mathematics
  • curriculum enrichment opportunities
  • wellbeing and attendance
  • Kāhui Ako activities and implications for student outcomes.

The School is a member of the Tararua Kāhui Ako.

Evaluation Findings

1 Equity and excellence – achievement of valued outcomes for students

1.1 How well is the school achieving equitable and excellent outcomes for all its students?

Historical data shows past students have achieved well.

1.2 How well is the school accelerating learning for those Māori and other students who need this?

All students are new to the school in 2018. Most are in Years 1 to 3. Base-line information has been gathered on these students to enable programmes to be developed and achievement monitored. All students have an individual learning programme (ILP) being developed for them. Current goals and targets for improvement focus on student outcomes in writing and mathematics.

2 School conditions for equity and excellence – processes and practices

2.1 What school processes and practices are effective in enabling achievement of equity and excellence, and acceleration of learning?

Trustees are reflective and bring a range of relevant skills and expertise to their role. They place importance on knowing about student progress and achievement and receive a range of appropriate student achievement information. Useful strategic planning is in place, targeted to student achievement. This requires adjusting to the needs of current students.

Suitable and current policy frameworks are in place and regular review occurs. On advice from New Zealand Trustees Association (NZSTA) the school has established an appropriate set of policies relating to the physical safety and wellbeing of students and staff within the school.

There are strong connections between the school and its community. Community expertise is valued and used. Opinions are sought and considered. Multiple opportunities exist to build relationships as the school is the hub of the community and well supported in fundraising and other events.

Staff actively seek relevant professional learning and development opportunities, especially to support students with complex needs. The leader is establishing a useful connection with the Tararua Kāhui Ako and making good use of this for professional support.

Teacher are seeking ways to integrate te reo me ngā tikanga Māori and local history into the curriculum in authentic ways.

2.2 What further developments are needed in school processes and practices for achievement of equity and excellence, and acceleration of learning?

Positive relationships are evident. A robust framework for appraisal, linked to school goals is being established. The next steps are to develop a deeper understanding of the role and responsibilities of principal in:

  • revising curriculum delivery to meet the needs of current students
  • revisiting the school’s annual plan to make sure the goals are relevant to current students.

Students experience a broad and localised curriculum where considerable use is made of current technologies. They have a wide range of opportunities to interact with their peers and other children and adults. Opportunities to develop and demonstrate student leadership are valued and encouraged. A next step is to revisit individual learning plans to ensure these suitably reflect the next steps in learning for each student.

Teachers share reflections regularly and are beginning to inquire into the effectiveness of their practice. They are revisiting the assessment schedule and assessment tools to ensure these are appropriate. Their next steps are to:

  • share effective practice and teaching strategies
  • ensure continuity of learning through improved collaboration when teachers plan
  • improve the goal setting within ILPs, especially for students with complex needs, to ensure short term goals are achievable so that progress can be measured and celebrated
  • develop processes for external moderation to ensure accuracy of assessment judgements.

There is evidence of a growing understanding of the importance of internal evaluation. A framework for policy review is in place and followed. The principal and trustees understand the value of collecting and considering the views of whānau and the wider community. Next steps are to:

  • further develop an understanding of the process and importance of strategic evaluation to inform school decision making
  • improve the depth of analysis of achievement data and to create clear steps for the implementation of actions in response to the identified needs
  • ensure outcomes are clearly articulated to trustees, whānau and students
  • evaluate the impact of learning opportunities, particularly those outside the school.

3 Board assurance on legal requirements

Before the review, the board and principal of the school completed the ERO board assurance statement and self-audit checklists. In these documents they attested that they had taken all reasonable steps to meet their legislative obligations related to the following:

  • board administration
  • curriculum
  • management of health, safety and welfare
  • personnel management
  • finance
  • asset management.

During the review, ERO checked the following items because they have a potentially high impact on student safety and wellbeing:

  • emotional safety of students (including prevention of bullying and sexual harassment)
  • physical safety of students
  • teacher registration and certification
  • processes for appointing staff
  • stand down, suspension, expulsion and exclusion of students
  • attendance
  • school policies in relation to meeting the requirements of the Vulnerable Children Act 2014.

4 Going forward

Key strengths of the school

For sustained improvement and future learner success, the school can draw on existing strengths in:

  • relationships within the school and with the community that support school operation
  • stewardship that provides support and direction
  • teacher development that supports professional growth and curriculum delivery.

Next steps

For sustained improvement and future learner success, priorities for further development are in:

  • curriculum to support the individualised learning of students
  • leadership to further develop an understanding of the role
  • internal evaluation to better measure the impact of actions and initiatives on learning and school operation
  • targeted planning to accelerate learning
    [ERO will monitor and discuss progress with the school]
  • internal evaluation processes and practices.
    [ERO will provide an internal evaluation workshop for trustees and senior leaders]

ERO’s next external evaluation process and timing

ERO is likely to carry out the next external evaluation in three years.

Alan Wynyard

Director Review and Improvement Services

Te Tai Pokapū - Central Region

24 October 2018

About the school

Ministry of Education profile number2895
School typeFull Primary, (Year 1 - 8)
School roll5
Gender compositionFemale 3, Male 2
Ethnic compositionMāori 2 
Pākehā 3
Students with Ongoing Resourcing Funding (ORS)Yes
Provision of Māori medium educationNo
Review team on siteSeptember 2018
Date of this report24 October 2018
Most recent ERO report(s)Education Review November 2015
Education Review December 2012
Education Review November 2009