Pukeatua Primary School (Wainuiomata)

Education institution number:
School type:
Full Primary
School gender:
Not Applicable
Total roll:

Frederick Street, Wainuiomata, Lower Hutt

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Pukeatua Primary School (Wainuiomata) - 07/08/2019

School Context

Pukeatua School is situated in Wainuiomata and caters for students in Years 1 to 8. At the time of this ERO review, the roll is 144, of whom 81% are Māori.

In the three Māori immersion (Rumaki) classes, Te Whānau, the children’s learning is based on Te Marautanga o Aotearoa. The learning of students in five classes, Te Kākano, is based on The New Zealand Curriculum.

The school’s mission statement focuses on the school values: whakaute (respect), manaakitanga (caring and sharing), tuakiri (identity), and ngana (commitment). The aim is that the ‘school values nurture the growth and love of learning as students become capable, successful learners in all aspects of their lives’. Three current strategic goals focus on improving student achievement, enriching the school’s curriculum and continuing to foster whānau and community relationships.

Leaders and teachers regularly report to the board, schoolwide information about outcomes for students in the following areas:

  • progress and achievement in reading, writing and mathematics for students in Te Kākano
  • progress and achievement in kōrero, pānui, tuhituhi and pāngarau in Te Whānau classes
  • attendance.

The principal, deputy principal and a recently-appointed assistant principal make up the senior leadership team.

Staff professional learning and development (PLD) from 2017 to 2019 has focused on teaching literacy. Different external providers are supporting teacher development in the two teams of the school. Mathematics PLD in 2017 and 2018 has been led internally. The school is in its third year of involvement in the Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) programme.

Evaluation Findings

1 Equity and excellence – achievement of valued outcomes for students

1.1 How well is the school achieving equitable and excellent outcomes for all its students?

Most students at the school are Māori.

In Te Kākano, student achievement data from 2016 to 2018 shows increased levels of achievement in reading and mathematics. At the end of 2018, most students were achieving at and above expectations in reading, and the large majority in writing and mathematics. The achievement of Pacific students increased in reading between 2016 and 2018. There is disparity between the achievement of girls and boys in reading and writing, with a larger number of girls achieving at and above curriculum expectations.

In Te Whānau, at the end of 2018, approximately half of students were achieving at and above expectations in pānui and te tau. The numbers of students who were achieving at and above expectations in kōrero were low, and very low in tuhituhi.

1.2 How well is the school accelerating learning for those students who need this?

In 2018 the school tracked the progress of specific year groups and documented the acceleration of the target students in these year groups.

In Te Kākano, there is clear evidence of acceleration. Approximately a third of these targeted students made accelerated progress in reading, approximately half in writing and all in mathematics.

In Te Whānau, the progress of target students in specific year groups was also tracked. It is less clear if the school is effective in accelerating learning for these students.

2 School conditions for equity and excellence – processes and practices

2.1 What school processes and practices are effective in enabling achievement of equity and excellence, and acceleration of learning?

Te reo me ngā tikanga Māori and cultural diversity are promoted and celebrated in classroom programmes and the daily life of the school. The identity, language and culture of Māori learners and their whānau is affirmed in many ways. The school values are demonstrated in authentic ways.

The school works appropriately alongside families, the community and external agencies to support the learning of children with additional learning needs. The Special Education Needs Coordinator (SENCO) appropriately facilitates and documents the schoolwide processes that promote and support these children’s learning and wellbeing. Teacher Aides and Kaiawhina provide suitable additional support.

Warm and welcoming relationships are evident in the school environment. Older students support the learning and activities of younger children. Students participate enthusiastically in classroom learning activities. Teachers seek ways of using learning opportunities in the community to provide children with a broad range of learning experiences.

The appraisal process has been reviewed and strengthened. It is appropriately linked to the Standards for the Teaching Profession, and informed by regular observations of classroom practice and useful discussions to promote ongoing improvement.

The principal and board have been working on strengthening communication and engagement with whānau over several years. Whānau have been consulted and this regular communication has informed the development of new initiatives. Evaluation of the effectiveness of partnerships with whānau has led to ongoing improvement.

Leaders and teachers strongly focus on supporting students’ wellbeing and achievement. Following the 2016 ERO review, leaders and trustees developed an achievement plan and have regularly evaluated progress towards the goals. A new strategic plan has been developed. Trustees fund initiatives and resourcing to support teaching and learning.

Those students at risk of not achieving are clearly identified through the use of relevant assessment tools. The progress of some target students is regularly monitored and reported to the board.

Internal evaluation is used effectively to inform ongoing planning and development. The principal and trustees make good use of school evaluation indicators to examine the effectiveness of their practice, the impact on students’ outcomes, and to identify next development steps.

2.2 What further developments are needed in school processes and practices for achievement of equity and excellence, and acceleration of learning?

An urgent priority for the school is to increase student achievement, and accelerate the learning of students who are achieving below curriculum expectations. To achieve this, it is important to continue and increase:

  • identification of students’ specific learning needs

  • use of deliberate teaching strategies

  • tracking of each student’s progress.

With the appointment of a new senior leader it is timely to develop a more cohesive approach to schoolwide development to promote more consistent outcomes for learners. Strengthening the process and use of inquiry should assist teachers to know about the effectiveness of their practice in promoting student outcomes.

Teachers are at an early stage of promoting student agency. Increased provision of prompts, feedback and feedforward is likely to increase students’ knowledge of their learning stage and next steps.

The school has identified, and ERO’s evaluation supports, that a next step is to increase the consistency of implementation of PB4L strategies inside and outside the classroom.

Leaders have begun to review and document the school’s curriculum. This work should include the development of one curriculum document that reflects the school values, principles and mātāpono, local contexts for learning, expectations of teacher practice, documented pedagogy for the two strands of learning and other specific curriculum programmes.

3 Board Assurance on Legal Requirements

Before the review, the board and principal of the school completed the ERO board assurance statement and self-audit checklists. In these documents they attested that they had taken all reasonable steps to meet their legislative obligations related to the following:

  • board administration
  • curriculum
  • management of health, safety and welfare
  • personnel management
  • finance
  • asset management.

During the review, ERO checked the following items because they have a potentially high impact on student safety and wellbeing:

  • emotional safety of students (including prevention of bullying and sexual harassment)
  • physical safety of students
  • teacher registration and certification
  • processes for appointing staff
  • stand down, suspension, expulsion and exclusion of students
  • attendance
  • school policies in relation to meeting the requirements of the Children’s Act 2014.

4 ERO’s Overall Judgement

On the basis of the findings of this review, ERO’s overall evaluation judgement of Pukeatua Primary School (Wainuiomata)’s performance in achieving valued outcomes for its students is: Developing.

ERO’s Framework: Overall School Performance is available on ERO’s website.

5 Going forward

Key strengths of the school

For sustained improvement and future learner success, the school can draw on existing strengths in:

  • focusing on the wellbeing of students
  • a continuing emphasis on building relationships with whanau and community.

Next steps

For sustained improvement and future learner success, priorities for further development are in:

  • accelerating the progress of those students at risk of not achieving
  • strengthening documentation and delivery of the curriculum to better provide consistent outcomes for all learners.

Dr Lesley Patterson

Director Review and Improvement Services Te Tai Tini

Southern Region

7 August 2019

About the school


Lower Hutt

Ministry of Education profile number


School type

Full Primary (Years 1 to 8)

School roll


Gender composition

Boys 53%, Girls 47%

Ethnic composition

Māori 81%
Pacific 10%
NZ European/Pākehā 7%
Other ethnic groups 2%

Students with Ongoing Resourcing Funding (ORS)


Provision of Māori medium education


Review team on site

June 2019

Date of this report

7 August 2019

Most recent ERO report(s)

Education Review September 2016
Education Review June 2013

Pukeatua Primary School (Wainuiomata) - 01/09/2016

1 Context

Pukeatua Primary School (Wainuiomata) caters for students from Years 1 to 8. At the time of this ERO review there were 186 students and 79% identify as Māori.

The importance of relationships based on whanaungatanga contributes significantly to the welcoming school tone. Te ao Māori is evident throughout the school. Māori language, culture and identity are valued and promoted.

Four Māori immersion (Rumaki) classes, including about one-third of the students, comprise Te Whānau. Teaching and learning in Rumaki is based on Te Marautanga o Aotearoa. Ngā Whanaketanga Rumaki Māori are used for reporting student progress and achievement in kōrero (oral language), pānui (reading), tuhituhi (writing) and pāngarau (mathematics).

Two-thirds of students are in the mainstream or 'general' part of the school. Learning programmes are based on The New Zealand Curriculum. National Standards are used for reporting student progress and achievement in reading, writing and mathematics.

Since the start of 2016 a newly developed Integration Block has supported a multi-purpose technology-based programme involving all students.

The school is part of the Wainuiomata Initiative in Success Education cluster of schools that seeks to collaboratively support children's learning. The board is exploring the benefits for all learners at Pukeatua of participating in a Community of Learning.

The school has responded positively to the June 2013 ERO Report. Many of the next steps identified have been either implemented or are in progress.

2 Equity and excellence

The vision and valued outcomes defined by the school for all children are 'Value You – Value Me. Our values reflect who we are.' The key values are defined as Manaakitanga (caring and sharing), Ngana (commitment), Tuakiri (identity) and Whakaute (respect). They have been developed in association with the community and are demonstrated throughout the school, in authentic ways.

Te Whānau is currently reviewing, in association with whānau, a graduate profile to describe the knowledge, skills and values desired for tamariki by the end of Year 8. Extending the profile through the school should assist in further ensuring the curriculum is truly responsive to student needs and aspirations.

The school’s achievement information shows the overall levels of National Standard/Ngā Whanaketanga achievement in literacy and mathematics need to be increased. In most areas there has been limited improvement over the past three years.

In relation to National Standards at the end of 2015, approximately fifty percent of students achieved at or above expectation in reading and writing. Sixty percent achieved at this level in mathematics. School results for Māori learners and for male students in reading and writing show a need to achieve equity compared to other groups in the school. There is a continuing emphasis on ensuring strong support for early years' literacy development.

In Te Whānau classes, Ngā Whanaketanga data indicates two thirds of students reach the standard (manawa ora and manawa toa) in pānui and half in kōrero. A smaller proportion do so in tuhituhi and pāngarau. Results improved in pānui and kōrero in 2015. Pāngarau is a current focus of professional learning for teachers.

Overall teacher judgements about achievement in relation to National Standards and Ngā Whanaketanga are based on a range of information, including standardised data. Teacher observations of students' learning in specific curriculum areas and in the integrated programme contribute significantly to assessment decisions.

Discussion within teaching teams and across the school assists achievement judgements to be more reliable. Some external moderation involving other schools takes place, particularly involving Ngā Whanaketanga. To ensure all teachers are well supported to make robust overall judgements, the school should:

  • document expectations and guidance for making assessment judgements
  • continue to extend moderation practice both within the school and with other schools.

Since the last ERO evaluation, to improve student learning outcomes, the school has:

  • renewed the vision, mission statement and values
  • reviewedand developed the curriculum to clarify expectations and ensure it is more student centred and focused on holistic development
  • participated in a range of professional learning for teachers and leaders to support more effective teaching practice
  • developed aspects of the teacher appraisal process
  • increased the focus on accelerating student progress.

3 Accelerating achievement

How effectively does this school respond to Māori children whose learning and achievement need acceleration?

The school's data indicates insufficient progress is being made for a number of students whose learning and achievement need acceleration.

Teachers, leaders and trustees are aware of the need to increase rates of progress over time to address student underachievement. Students whose progress needs accelerating are identified in school targets and teachers'planning.

In 2016, systems are in place to support teachers to focus more closely on learners identified as underachieving. Processes have been extended to allow students' progress through the year to be more effectively monitored, reported and reflected on. Teachers use achievement information and their knowledge of individuals to identify specific actions to support learners.

End-of-year reporting identifies outcomes for target students and considers the effectiveness of actions for accelerating their achievement.

How effectively does this school respond to other children whose learning and achievement need acceleration?

The school responds to other students whose learning and achievement needs acceleration by using the strategies identified above.

Deliberate actions take place to reflect Pacific culture, language and identity in the school curriculum.

An inclusive approach enables all students to be involved in purposeful learning. Specific programmes are in place for those with additional needs. A range of assessment tools, including learning stories, identify and celebrate progress for these students.

4 School conditions

How effectively do the school’s curriculum and other organisational processes and practices develop and enact the school’s vision, values, goals and targets for equity and excellence?

Students experience a broad curriculum that involves them in a range of suitable learning experiences. Literacy and numeracy skills and understanding are appropriately prioritised. Areas identified by the community as significant such as sport, fitness, excursions, technology and te māra (gardens) are given emphasis.

Since the previous ERO report leaders and teachers have been reviewing the curriculum and built, with external support, their capability in literacy and mathematics practice. Professional learning has contributed to better guidelines for effective teaching, learning and associated reflection and improved use of data to inform teaching. As a result, teaching and organisational processes increasingly focus on successfully improving outcomes for students at risk of underachievement. It is necessary to ensure there is a greater impact from the professional learning and approaches relatively recently implemented to accelerate achievement.

Identity, language and culture of Māori learners and their whānau is affirmed through contexts for learning and ongoing development of the curriculum. Tikanga Te Atiawa is recognised and affirmed and the school continues to strengthen both knowledge and understanding of this kawa within their context. Authentic learning activities of high interest to learners are emphasised.

There are high expectations for teachers to develop relationship-based learning to support and promote students' holistic wellbeing. Teachers know students well and a positive tone has been established. Students are generally happy, confident and show they belong.

Teachers use a range of purposeful strategies to promote student engagement and progress. Instructional groups and individual conferencing assist teachers to respond to needs and strengths. Deliberate approaches are supporting oral language development. Teacher aides are active contributors to classroom programmes.

School leaders are supporting teachers to more effectively respond to target learners, monitor their progress and evaluate the effectiveness of strategies. The capability of curriculum leaders is being built and literacy, numeracy and Te Whānau teams are taking greater responsibility for growing teacher effectiveness, reviewing data and developing school targets.

Parents, whānau and the community are involved in school activities as respected and valued partners. Teachers are building more effective relationships with whānau through individual approaches and group activities. Parents receive informative reports about their child's progress and useful suggestions for how they can help learning at home. Teachers and leaders acknowledge increased whānau engagement is a critical factor in raising student achievement and is an ongoing priority.

Leaders and teachers are in the early stages of developing their schoolwide model for teaching as inquiry. It is necessary for leaders to build greater understanding about the use of inquiry to develop teacher practice. This should include using data to measure the effectiveness of changes to practice.

Expectations within teacher appraisal in 2016 link to the school priority of accelerating achievement. To further strengthen the appraisal process leaders and teachers should:

  • ensure there is a clear focus on the impact of teaching on learning, achievement and progress
  • develop a shared understanding of using appropriate and sufficient evidence to demonstrate the Practising Teacher Criteria have been met
  • include a summary document each year that indicates a teacher has participated in a robust appraisal process.

The principal’s appraisal is thorough and links to board priorities for improvement. Areas for ongoing development are identified within the process.

The board promotes and supports students' all-round development. Students' wellbeing is at the heart of decision making. Trustees are well informed about interventions and strategies leaders put in place to improve outcomes. In 2016, trustees are receiving more specific information that enables them to have greater knowledge about the extent of student progress and achievement.

Internal evaluation requires strengthening to ensure the needs of students are more effectively addressed. Leaders, teachers and trustees should continue to develop a systematic approach to evaluation, inquiry and knowledge building.

5 Going forward

How well placed is the school to achieve and sustain equitable and excellent outcomes for all children?

Leaders and teachers:

  • know the children whose learning and achievement need to be accelerated
  • need approaches that effectively meet the needs of each child
  • need to ensure the school is well placed to accelerate the achievement of all children who need it.

All staff are continuing to extend processes and practices that promote and support student wellbeing and engagement in learning. These have the potential to result in improved achievement outcomes for students.

The most significant challenge is to ensure teachers' professional learning is having impact and the systems recently developed are effectively implemented, so that all students make appropriate progress.

Action: The board, principal and teachers should participate in an internal evaluation workshop. They should use this workshop, ERO exemplars of good practice and the School Evaluation Indicators to address the findings of this evaluation and develop a Raising Achievement Plan that includes a significant focus on building teacher capability to accelerate learning and achievement.

As part of this review ERO will continue to monitor the school’s Raising Achievement plan and the progress the school makes. ERO is likely to carry out the next full review in three years.

6 Board assurance on legal requirements

Before the review the board of trustees and principal of the school completed the ERO board assurance statement and Self Audit Checklists. In these documents they attested that they had taken all reasonable steps to meet their legislative obligations related to the following:

  • board administration

  • curriculum

  • management of health, safety and welfare

  • personnel management

  • asset management.

During the review, ERO checked the following items because they have a potentially high impact on student safety and wellbeing:

  • emotional safety of students (including prevention of bullying and sexual harassment)

  • physical safety of students

  • teacher registration

  • processes for appointing staff

  • stand down, suspensions, expulsions and exclusions

  • attendance

  • compliance with the provisions of the Vulnerable Children Act 2014.

7 Recommendation

To ensure a more effective response to students' whose achievement needs accelerating, the school should continue to:

  • strengthen the quality of analysis and interpretation of data for the purpose of teaching and evaluation
  • continue to provide professional learning to extend teacher knowledge of effective literacy and mathematics practice
  • improve teacher appraisal and inquiry to better focus on the impact of teaching
  • extend learning partnerships with families and whānau
  • regularly report evaluative achievement information to trustees, to support their stewardship role through increased knowledge of student progress.

In addition, strengthening internal evaluation should help ensure curriculum and school processes are more likely to contribute to improved outcomes for all learners.

Joyce Gebbie

Deputy Chief Review Officer Central

1 September 2016

About the school



Ministry of Education profile number


School type

Full Primary (Years 1 to 8)

School roll


Gender composition

Male 55%, Female 45%

Ethnic composition




Other ethnic groups





Review team on site

June 2016

Date of this report

1 September 2016

Most recent ERO report(s)

Education Review

Education Review

Education Review

June 2013

February 2010

November 2006