14 Kemp Street , Kilbirnie, Wellington
View on mapEvans Bay Intermediate
Evans Bay Intermediate
Te Ara Huarau | School Profile Report
This Profile Report was written within 26 months of the Education Review Office and Evans Bay Intermediate working in Te Ara Huarau, an improvement evaluation approach used in most English Medium State and State Integrated Schools. For more information about Te Ara Huarau see ERO’s website www.ero.govt.nz
Evans Bay Intermediate School is located in Wellington and provide education for students in years 7 to 8. Students come from a wide range of diverse backgrounds. A new principal was appointed in 2021. A new leadership team is also in place. The vision of the school is for ākonga to be engaged on a voyage of success.
Evans Bay Intermediate’s strategic priorities for improving outcomes for learners are to:
further develop the curriculum, its delivery and future focused learning to better support all students
develop a culturally responsive school of students, staff, and community to support overall wellbeing.
You can find a copy of the school’s strategic and annual plan on Evans Bay Intermediate’s website.
ERO and the school are working together to evaluate the changes to culturally responsive practice and its impact on student engagement and wellbeing.
The rationale for selecting this evaluation is to:
promote students’ genuine understanding of the responsibilities that come with being citizens of Aotearoa New Zealand
ensure that all students experience culturally relevant learning activities that support their individual success, including engagement, progress and achievement.
The school expects to see students who are aware of and value their own identity, that of others, and experience success in culturally relevant ways.
The school can draw from the following strengths to support the school in its goal to increase cultural responsiveness through their:
Ākauwaiata (Kapa Haka) programme is enhancing the schools’ culture, empowering students and providing opportunities for leadership.
student voice is gathered and used to inform future direction of the school.
relationships with community networks that support and develop a range of learning opportunities for students.
Where to next?
Moving forward, the school will prioritise:
staff professional development to improve teaching and learning programmes that respond to and purposefully plan for cultural responsiveness
investigate and decide on a framework that the school can use to determine where they are currently at, and identify the next steps for improving culturally responsive practice
using the agreed framework to gather information to identify baseline data, establish goals and measure progress of towards improving teacher practice and student outcomes
further develop partnerships within the community to support student learning and achievement.
ERO’s role will be to support the school in its evaluation for improvement cycle to improve outcomes for all learners. ERO will support the school in reporting their progress to the community. The next public report on ERO’s website will be a Te Ara Huarau | School Evaluation Report and is due within three years.
Shelley Booysen
Director of Schools
18 May 2023
About the School
The Education Counts website provides further information about the school’s student population, student engagement and student achievement. educationcounts.govt.nz/home
Evans Bay Intermediate
Board Assurance with Regulatory and Legislative Requirements Report 2022 to 2025
As of March 2022, the Evans Bay Intermediate Board has attested to the following regulatory and legislative requirements:
Board Administration
Management of Health, Safety and Welfare
Personnel Management
Actions for Compliance
ERO and the board have identified the following areas of non-compliance during the board assurance process:
provided appropriate career education and guidance for all students in Year 7 and 8
[s103 Education and Training Act 2020].
The board has since taken steps to address the areas of non-compliance identified.
Further Information
For further information please contact Evans Bay Intermediate, School Board.
The next School Board assurance that it is meeting regulatory and legislative requirements will be reported, along with the Te Ara Huarau | School Evaluation Report, within three years.
Information on ERO’s role and process in this review can be found on the Education Review Office website.
Shelley Booysen
Director of Schools
18 May 2023
About the School
The Education Counts website provides further information about the school’s student population, student engagement and student achievement. educationcounts.govt.nz/home
Evans Bay Intermediate
Provision for International Students Report
The Education Review Office reviews schools that are signatories to the Education (Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners) Code of Practice 2021 established under section 534 of the Education and Training Act 2020.
The school is a signatory to the Education (Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners) Code of Practice 2021 established under section 534 of the Education and Training Act 2020. The school has attested that it complies with all aspects of the Code.
No international students were enrolled at the time of the ERO review.
Shelley Booysen
Director of Schools
18 May 2023
About the School
The Education Counts website provides further information about the school’s student population, student engagement and student achievement. educationcounts.govt.nz/home
Evans Bay Intermediate - 11/08/2017
Evans Bay Intermediate in Kilbirnie, Wellington, is a school that is culturally diverse. Of the 442 children enrolled, 17% identify as Māori, 13% as Asian and 11% Pacific.
Since the July 2014 ERO report, leadership has changed in the school. A new principal was appointed in July 2015 and new deputy and assistant principals in 2017. Board membership changed in 2016, including a new board chair.
The values of respect, whanaungatanga and success are highly evident in student designed displays. The school’s vision of ‘expanding the horizons of all our akonga’ is enacted through the many opportunities provided for students.
In 2016, teachers undertook professional learning and development (PLD) in mathematics. This has continued in 2017. Leaders are participating in leadership PLD with external providers. Positive Behaviour for Learning has been revisited and strengthened with restorative practice PLD planned for later in the year.
Leaders have taken Ministry of Education (MoE) advice as they strengthen systems focused on accelerating learners’ achievement and reducing disparity. A range of new initiatives has been implemented since the previous ERO review, designed to support improved learner outcomes.
How well is the school achieving equitable outcomes for all children?
The school is developing its approach to supporting children whose learning and achievement need acceleration. Rates of progress in reading have remained similar over time, with a slight dip in writing and mathematics in 2016, attributed to improved dependability of achievement information. Processes for targeting students and monitoring their achievement are strengthening. The particular focus for 2017 is mathematics. The school has capacity and capability to accelerate learning for all children. However, disparity in achievement for boys, Māori and Pacific children remains.
The school agrees to:
develop more targeted planning to accelerate learning for children
monitor targeted planning, improved teaching, and children’s progress
discuss the school’s progress with ERO.
ERO is likely to carry out the next review in three years.
Equity and excellence
How effectively does this school respond to Māori and other children whose learning and achievement need acceleration?
School leaders are strongly focused on developing and embedding consistent schoolwide practices to support children whose learning and achievement need acceleration and to reduce disparity. This includes new processes for targeting learning and aligning processes for teaching as inquiry that link to the strategic and annual plans.
In 2016, the school reported that most learners, including Māori, were at or above in relation to the National Standard in reading. Māori achievement was similar to Pākehā in reading. Although many achieve at or above the Standards in writing and mathematics, Māori and Pacific children achieved at significantly lower levels than their peers. In 2017, school achievement targets are focused on Year 8. Teachers have clearly identified each child who is below the standard and the need for focused, effective teaching to support improved learning outcomes.
Leaders acknowledge that further work is needed to achieve equitable learning opportunities for boys and Māori and Pacific children. ERO’s evaluation affirms this imperative. The school’s action plans for Māori and for Pacific learners have been amalgamated into the 2017-19 charter to align priorities and schoolwide initiatives.
In 2016, moderation processes were revisited and strengthened to ensure teacher judgements about achievement were based on valid and reliable data. This has informed the sharper focus in 2017 on target learners and the accompanying expectations for acceleration of their progress. Leaders are monitoring the impact of the actions taken and expect a reduction in disparity.
School conditions supporting equity and excellence
What school processes are effective in enabling achievement of equity and excellence?
The school is strengthening its approach to supporting children whose learning and achievement need acceleration. It is following guidance provided by the MoE about targeting learners whose achievement requires acceleration and developing teacher capacity. All learners who are below and well below in relation to the National Standards in mathematics have been identified and clear guidance given to teachers on how to provide for them.
The board of trustees is resourcing the development of the new leadership team. This action aligns with school priorities and goals. Leaders are improvement focused and strategic as they build teacher capacity and seek to improve outcomes for learners.
Children work in an orderly and supportive environment. The revised curriculum and learner profile supports children to have increased understanding and ownership of their learning.
Practices to support the dependability of teachers’ assessment judgements about National Standards in mathematics and writing were examined by staff in 2016 and useful guidelines established. The current mathematics PLD is strengthening assessment practices.
Teachers are encouraged to reflect on the effectiveness of their practice through a newly implemented teacher inquiry process alongside gathering information to support the renewal of their Practising Certificates.
Sustainable development for equity and excellence
What further developments are needed in school processes to achieve equity and excellence?
Senior leaders know that the school needs to strengthen its response to accelerating the learning and achievement of learners who are not achieving in relation to National Standards. Consequently, they have recently redeveloped processes that focus on achieving equity and excellence. They are aware that these changed expectations now need monitoring and embedding to achieve improved and sustained outcomes for all children. The next steps they have identified include:
curriculum redevelopment, looking at cultural responsiveness and more integration of learning
continuing the focus on improving outcomes for Māori and Pacific students
developing greater data literacy across the school
continuing the focus on relationships and wellbeing
continuing to build the effectiveness of teachers and the leadership team
forging strong liaisons with their partner schools in the Community of Learning
continuing to be reflective and strengthening understanding and implementation of internal evaluation.
ERO‘s evaluation affirms leaders’ identified priorities and emphasises the need for ongoing focus to improve and sustain positive outcomes for all students.
Board assurance on legal requirements
Before the review, the board and principal of the school completed the ERO board assurance statement and self-audit checklists. In these documents they attested that they had taken all reasonable steps to meet their legislative obligations related to the following:
board administration
management of health, safety and welfare
personnel management
asset management.
During the review, ERO checked the following items because they have a potentially high impact on student safety and wellbeing:
emotional safety of students (including prevention of bullying and sexual harassment)
physical safety of students
teacher registration and certification
processes for appointing staff
stand down, suspension, expulsion and exclusion of students
school policies in relation to meeting the requirements of the Vulnerable Children Act 2014.
Provision for international students
The school is a signatory to the Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students (the Code) established under section 238F of the Education Act 1989. The school has attested that it complies with all aspects of the Code.
At the time of this review there were no international students attending the school.
Going forward
How well placed is the school to accelerate the achievement of all children who need it?
The school has capacity and capability to accelerate learning for all children. However, disparity in achievement for Māori and other children remains.
Leaders and teachers:
know the children whose learning and achievement need to be accelerated
need to develop and implement approaches that effectively meet the needs of each child
need to improve the school conditions that support the acceleration of children’s learning and achievement
need to further build teacher capability to accelerate children’s learning and achievement.
The school agrees to:
develop more targeted planning to accelerate learning for children
monitor targeted planning, improved teaching, and children’s progress
discuss the school’s progress with ERO.
The school has requested that ERO provide them with an internal evaluation workshop.
ERO is likely to carry out the next review in three years.
Alan Wynyard
Deputy Chief Review Officer Central (Acting)
11 August 2017
About the school
Location |
Wellington |
Ministry of Education profile number |
2837 |
School type |
Intermediate (Years 7 and 8) |
School roll |
442 |
Gender composition |
Female 52%, Male 48% |
Ethnic composition |
Māori 17% |
Provision of Māori medium education |
No |
Review team on site |
June 2017 |
Date of this report |
11 August 2017 |
Most recent ERO report(s) |
Education Review July 2014 |