9 Matai Street , Linden, Wellington
View on mapHe Huarahi Tamariki
He Huarahi Tamariki - 29/05/2017
He Huarahi Tamariki teen parent unit is well governed and managed to effectively promote and support positive outcomes for learners. Most students achieve well. They learn through
well-developed individual plans that are responsive to their needs and career aspirations. Strengthening internal evaluation should support ongoing improvement and sustainability.
ERO is likely to carry out the next review in three years.
1 Background
He Huarahi Tamariki is an attached unit of Wellington East Girls’ College. There are currently 24 Ministry of Education funded TPUs operating across New Zealand. TPUs provide a flexible and supportive environment for teenagers who are parents or are about to become parents. Attendance at a TPU gives students an opportunity to continue their education and develop the best possible pathway for their future and the future of their children.
ERO reviews all of the TPUs every three years. Each unit receives an individual report outlining areas of good performance and areas for further development. The terms of reference for these reviews are set out below. The findings across each of the TPUs contribute to a national report by ERO which presents findings about the overall quality of all TPUs.
Terms of Reference
The evaluation focus for ERO’s review of Teen Parent Units is:
How effective are the TPUs in promoting and supporting positive outcomes for students?
In the context of this review, student outcomes include their educational, social, health and wellbeing outcomes. It also includes student destination outcomes, and the success students have in transitioning from the TPU to further education, training or employment.
The terms of reference for the evaluation of TPUs are the:
- quality of individual support for each student (including IEPs and educational, pastoral and careers processes)
- educational and social outcomes for each student (including the quality of the teaching and the TPU’s self review)
- relationship with the base school (including the governance and management of the TPU)
- transitions of students into and out of the TPU.
2 Findings
He Huarahi Tamariki is based in Linden, a suburb of Wellington. It enrols students from the wider Wellington area. The unit occupies a large, purpose-built facility with an early childhood centre (ECC) attached. It provides transport or assistance for students to travel to and from the unity daily.
The governing school is Wellington East Girls’ College (WEGC). The TPU and the governing school are located on separate sites. A strong working relationship continues to support and promote successful outcomes for all learners. The teacher-in-charge (TIC) reports regularly to the board through the principal. All staff are long-serving and committed to the philosophy of the unit.
The TPU has responded positively to the areas for development identified in the November 2013 ERO report. The implementation of the appraisal process has been strengthened. Areas of good practice identified have been sustained.
Student outcomes
Staff aim to provide an inclusive and supportive learning environment that encourages students to develop into independent, motivated and resilient adults. Staff have high expectations for all students to achieve academic success. Achievement is celebrated.
During their enrolment in the unit most students achieve National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) qualifications in Levels 1, 2 and 3 and other valued qualifications.
Students are motivated to improve their qualifications, so they can support themselves and their children better.
The leavers’ data for the end of 2016 shows many students went on to further education or employment. Overall data shows that students achieve more, the longer they stay. Rates of progress vary according to time spent in the unit and personal circumstances.
Students spoken to by ERO value the support and the range of learning experiences offered to them and the high expectations teachers have for them to achieve academic success.
Leadership, management and organisation
Governance, management and leadership are effective in ensuring there is a supportive environment that is conducive to students’ learning and wellbeing. There is clear alignment between the WEGC and TPU strategic and annual plans. Through regular reporting, trustees are well informed about the day-to-day operations of the unit and students’ progress and achievement.
Leaders and teachers have clear roles and responsibilities, are highly reflective and work collaboratively to prioritise and respond to the learning and wellbeing of individual students. They have a wide range of skills and subject knowledge among the staff that helps them to provide effective curriculum and pastoral support for the young parents.
The TPU annual plan, and systems and processes, provide clear direction and are focused on raising student achievement and attendance. A wide range of information is gathered, including student voice. This is used to identify priorities for improvement and inform decision making. The next step in improving internal evaluation is to move from reflecting on what is being done to the overall effectiveness of the programme and teaching practices on outcomes for students. Sharpening the focus on outcomes should support ongoing improvement and sustainability for the unit.
A collaborative working relationship between the TPU and the ECC supports the learning and wellbeing of students and their children.
Teachers care about and know the students and their children well. Respectful, positive and affirming relationships among staff and students contribute to a strong sense of belonging.
Students are well engaged in purposeful learning. Teachers provide relevant learning opportunities with authentic contexts responsive to the needs of individual students. There is a good balance between academic and pastoral needs. Self-management skills and student ownership of learning is promoted.
Individual learning plans (ILP) developed in response to student’s interests, needs and aspirations guide learning. These include academic and wellbeing goals. Daily tutor time provides an opportunity for students to track and monitor their own progress. ILPs are regularly reviewed and adapted to meet the changing needs and aspirations of students. Additional support is given to students when they are at risk of not achieving their goals.
Career education is integral to the development of ILPs. There is a well-planned approach to supporting students through ongoing career advice and guidance.
Student attendance is an ongoing priority. Teachers analyse data to identify trends and patterns. An incentive programme has been implemented to increase attendance rates. The curriculum has also been improved so that it is now more responsive to students’ culture, language and identity. Leaders and teachers have identified the need to further develop curriculum provision to support Pacific learners’ progress and engagement.
Student support, engagement and transitions
Students are well supported in their role as a learner and as a parent. A positive learning environment supports student engagement, progress and achievement.
The transition process is well planned and responsive to an individual student’s strengths, interests, needs and aspirations. Information gather through this process enables teachers to get to know the student and informs the development of ILPs. Progress is regularly monitored to ensure students stay on track to achieve their goals.
Student wellbeing is a priority. A structured timetable provides clear expectations and purpose to the day. Settling children into day-care before formally starting the daily learning programme is a priority. Students spoken to by ERO affirmed this.
There are many opportunities for students to contribute to the programme and operations of the unit. Their views are regularly sought. Through daily briefing sessions students are empowered to share ideas and make decisions. A student committee provides leadership opportunities.
A new position has been created to enable the unit to keep in touch with graduate students and to provide further support if needed. Many past students return to the TPU as role models.
Relationships with external partners
The TPU has well established connections with education, health and social providers to support students’ engagement in learning and wellbeing. Staff provide targeted support in response to students’ needs, to reduce barriers that are most likely to impact on engagement in learning.
3 Recommendations
ERO, the teacher in charge and the host school principal agree on the following next step.
Leaders and teachers will:
continue to strengthen internal evaluation to identify the effectiveness of programmes, teaching practices and operations on outcomes for students, to support ongoing improvement and sustainability.
4 Conclusion
He Huarahi Tamariki teen parent unit is well governed and managed to effectively promote and support positive outcomes for learners. Most students achieve well. They learn through well-developed individual plans that are responsive to their needs and career aspirations. Strengthening internal evaluation should support ongoing improvement and sustainability.
ERO is likely to carry out the next review in three years.
Patricia Davey
Deputy Chief Review Officer Central (Acting)
29 May 2017
About the Teen Parent Unit
Location |
Wellington |
Ministry of Education profile number |
2752 |
Teen Parent Unit roll |
39 |
Gender composition |
Female 37, Male 2 |
Ethnic composition |
Māori Pacific Pākehā Other ethnic groups |
16 14 7 2 |
Review team on site |
March 2017 |
Date of this report |
29 May 2017 |
Most recent ERO reports |
Special Review Special Review Special Review |
November 2013 August 2010 August 2006 |
He Huarahi Tamariki - 06/11/2013
1 Background
He Huarahi Tamariki is hosted by Wellington East Girls’ College. There are currently 21 Ministry of Education funded Teen Parent Units (TPUs) operating across New Zealand. TPUs provide a flexible and supportive environment for teenagers who are pregnant or who have given birth. Attendance at a TPU gives students an opportunity to continue their education and develop the best possible pathway for their future and the future of their children.
ERO reviews all of the TPUs every three years. Each unit receives an individual report outlining areas of good performance and areas for further development. The terms of reference for these reviews are set out below. The findings across each of the TPUs contribute to a national report by ERO which presents findings about the overall quality of all TPUs.
Terms of Reference
The evaluation focus for ERO’s review of Teen Parent Units is:
How effective are the TPUs in promoting and supporting positive outcomes for students?
In the context of this review, student outcomes include their educational, social, health and wellbeing outcomes. The review also includes student destination outcomes and the success students have in transitioning from the TPU to further education, training or employment.
The terms of reference for the evaluation of TPUs are the:
1. quality of individual support for each student (including individual education plans (IEPs) and educational, pastoral and careers processes)
2. educational and social outcomes for each student (including the quality of the teaching and the TPU’s self review)
3. relationship with the base school (including the governance and management of the TPU),
4. transitions of students into and out of the TPU.
2 Findings
He Huarahi Tamariki is based in Linden, a suburb of Wellington and enrols students from the wider Wellington area. The unit occupies a large, purpose-built facility with an early childhood centre (ECC) attached. It owns two vans to transport students and their children.
The governing school is Wellington East Girls’ College (WEGC). The TPU and the host school are separated by a considerable distance. However, working relationships are effective and have strengthened in recent years. The teacher-in-charge (TIC) reports regularly to the board through the principal. Staff are mostly long-serving and are committed to the philosophy of the unit. The TIC was on sabbatical at the time of this review.
A social worker and a careers educator are available on site. A donation has allowed a graduate support coordinator to be employed to work with leavers. Students are provided with meals on site.
Student outcomes
Achievement is high for those students who complete a whole year of study. With interrupted learning it may take a student 18 months to complete a National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA). Successes are celebrated in multiple ways. Annual publications of student writing attest to the high quality attained.
Restoring an education pathway is a priority. This is in the context of meeting social, health and wellbeing needs for parent and child. Staff work hard to address any barriers to learning and achieving. Students benefit from access to a large number of services provided on site.
The philosophy, values and purpose are enacted by staff and are visible in the positive interactions and level of engagement evident in the large, open classroom.
Leadership, management and organisation
A Memorandum of Understanding for 2013 has been ratified between the WEGC board and the TPU. The board supports the unit’s operation. WEGC and TPU strategic and annual planning, professional development, teaching support, resource provision and moderation processes are well aligned. A community trust manages the ECC and also supports the work of the TPU.
The TIC provides effective leadership and has been in the role for nine years. Staff are well placed to sustain the good performance during her period of leave. Good induction and mentoring processes support teachers to work toward full registration. Records show regular meetings and observations with constructive comments.
Self review identifies priorities for improvement and informs decision making. Self-reported next steps include consulting the TPU community for input into strategic planning and continuing the expansion of e-learning. Another next step is to evaluate the effectiveness of the unit’s carefully considered indicators, especially for Māori success.
Students have a voice in aspects of unit operation through a student committee.
Teaching and Learning
A calm tone pervades the classrooms. Students are engaged in purposeful work. They benefit from the support of staff and volunteers with diverse skills and knowledge. Roles and responsibilities are clear. Teachers care about and know the students well. They support their individual study and also teach small groups for core subjects. High expectations are set for students to achieve well and develop self management skills and resilience. There is good balance between the academic and pastoral needs of students.
The programme is flexible and responsive to students’ aspirations and changing circumstances. Students have a wide range of subject choices. The focus is on core subjects needed for basic qualifications, provided primarily by correspondence from Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu (Te Kura). Most assessment is carried out by the providers. Student achievement and attendance are continuously tracked by students themselves and regularly monitored by teachers. Termly progress reports are full and constructive.
Careers education is integral to developing each IEP. Two staff are involved in monitoring and providing ongoing career advice. Proposed learning pathways are documented and work experience placements respond to students’ interests and requests.
Shared meals contribute to social interactions among students, TPU and ECC staff and build positive collegial relationships beyond study. Providing meals is part of healthy eating education.
Much thought and professional development have been given to Māori succeeding as Māori. Cultural values are embedded in daily operations. Teachers model best practice for building relationships and give individual attention to each student. A local kaumatua provides advice and support. Students wishing to take part in kapa haka are able to do so through a local school. Further opportunities are being explored with the host school. A te reo Māori class is a new addition to the curriculum this year. Students see that their cultures are valued and recognised in the environment.
Student transitions and engagement
Student transition is well managed. An induction pack provides information about the purpose and operation of the unit. The TPU gathers comprehensive entry information about the student and their aspirations.
Individual student learning pathways are planned in response to this information and whānau interests and aspirations. Programmes and timetables are adapted to suit learning needs. Students meet in tutor groups daily to set goals. They are encouraged to maintain their folios to track progress. A position has been created to keep in touch with graduate students.
Regular attendance is an ongoing barrier to learning. The TPU has good systems in place for monitoring and analysing attendance. The social worker on site is available to assist students.
Relationships with external partners
Established and trusted relationships with education providers and relevant agencies serve students well. Te Kura mathematics, English and Pathways tutors make occasional visits to the students at the unit.
3 Key Next Steps
While the appraisal process of the host school has the potential to be useful and is inquiry based, implementation of the cycle needs to be monitored more closely.
Managers and teachers need to conscientiously complete all aspects of the process for performance appraisal. This can then be a meaningful tool for feedback and individual professional development.
4 Future Action
ERO is likely to carry out the next review in three years.
Joyce Gebbie
National Manager Review Services Central Region (Acting)
6 November 2013
About the Teen Parent Unit
Location |
Wellington |
Ministry of Education profile number |
2752 |
Teen Parent Unit roll |
41 |
Gender composition |
Female 41 |
Ethnic composition |
Māori NZ European/Pākehā Pacific Other ethnic groups |
15 11 10 5 |
Review team on site |
August 2013 |
Date of this report |
6 November 2013 |
Most recent ERO reports |
Special Review Special Review |
August 2010 August 2006 |