Ongarue School

Education institution number:
School type:
Full Primary
School gender:
Not Applicable
Total roll:

Ongarue Village Road, Ongarue

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Ongarue School

Te Ara Huarau | School Profile Report


This Profile Report was written within three months of the Education Review Office and Ongarue School working in Te Ara Huarau, an improvement evaluation approach used in most English Medium State and State Integrated Schools. For more information about Te Ara Huarau see ERO’s website.


Ongarue is a sole charge school located in the rural village of Ongarue, near Taumarunui. The school provides education for students in Years 1 to 8 and has strong links with the local community.

Ongarue School’s strategic priorities for improving outcomes for learners are through building:

  • achievement | ako
  • wellbeing | wairua
  • local curriculum | akiakitanga.

You can find a copy of the school’s strategic and annual plan on its website.

ERO and the school are working together to evaluate how effectively student outcomes continue to improve through strengthening school practices and processes, that meet the individual needs of all students. Further building student agency and monitoring rates of attendance are ongoing priorities for the school. 

The rationale for selecting this evaluation is: 

  • the school’s commitment to continual improvement and equitable outcomes for all students, through a personalised approach to learning
  • the importance of maintaining regular attendance and enhancing students’ knowledge and engagement in their learning 
  • the priority to strengthen assessment and evaluation practices for continuous improvement.

The school expects to see targeted actions implemented, that enable improved progress and equitable outcomes for all learners, across the local curriculum.


The school can draw from the following strengths to support its goal to improve equitable outcomes for all: 

  • a strategic approach to planning for learning that responds to students’ individual needs, strengths and interests
  • positive, caring relationships that support learning in a respectful, inclusive environment
  • a well-resourced school that enables students to participate and learn in a wide range of opportunities across the curriculum.

Where to next?

Moving forward, the school will prioritise: 

  • implementing targeted actions to support increasingly effective outcomes for all students in reading, writing and mathematics
  • empowering students to lead their own learning and promote further success
  • strengthening and embedding effective practices in assessment and evaluation to further inform planning that continues to be tailored to the individual needs of the students.

ERO’s role will be to support the school in its evaluation for improvement cycle to improve outcomes for all learners. ERO will support the school in reporting their progress to the community. The next public report on ERO’s website will be a Te Ara Huarau | School Evaluation Report and is due within three years. 

Shelley Booysen
Director of Schools

5 December 2023

About the School

The Education Counts website provides further information about the school’s student population, student engagement and student achievement.

Ongarue School

Board Assurance with Regulatory and Legislative Requirements Report 2023 to 2026

As of July 2023, the Ongarue School Board has attested to the following regulatory and legislative requirements:

Board Administration




Management of Health, Safety and Welfare


Personnel Management






Further Information

For further information please contact Ongarue School’s Board.

The next School Board assurance that it is meeting regulatory and legislative requirements will be reported, along with the Te Ara Huarau | School Evaluation Report, within three years.

Information on ERO’s role and process in this review can be found on the Education Review Office website.

Shelley Booysen
Director of Schools

5 December 2023

About the School 

The Education Counts website provides further information about the school’s student population, student engagement and student achievement.

Ongarue School


On the basis of the findings of this review, ERO’s overall evaluation judgement of Ongarue School’s performance in achieving valued outcomes for its students is that the school has made sufficient progress to transition into ERO’s Evaluation for Improvement process.

1 Background and Context

What is the background and context for this school’s review?

Ongarue School, located near Taumarunui, has 28 students in Years 1 to 8. Two classrooms operate. Most of students attending are Māori. The school’s vision statement is, We learn, We work, We do, Ka akona e matou, Ka mahia e matou. The school values are ‘honesty, independence, integrity, creativity, respect, attitude and empathy’.

The 2019 ERO report identified improvements were required in aspects of operation that contribute to excellent and equitable outcomes for all learners. Some areas where compliance with regulatory requirements needed improvement were identified.

ERO also recommended that the school seek support from New Zealand School Trustees Association (NZSTA) to bring about improvements to governance practices.

2 Review and Development

How effectively is the school addressing its priorities for review and development?

Priorities identified for review and development
  • Clearly identifying and monitoring all students at risk of not achieving school expectations in reading, writing and mathematics.
  • Documenting and effectively implementing a curriculum that enacts the school’s vision for teaching and learning.
  • Knowing the impact of actions on outcomes for learners through internal evaluation.

Since the 2019 ERO report, good progress has been made in addressing most of the aspects of operation needed to promote excellence and equity, and compliance with statutory requirements. NZSTA has supported the board with relevant training and plans are in place to continue this programme. The Ministry of Education (MoE) has supported the principal and teachers to further develop an approach to assessment and planning for learning, based on improved management, use and reporting of student achievement information.

Students whose learning is at risk in reading, writing and mathematics are identified using a range of useful assessment tools and strategies. Progress for these students is monitored and reported to trustees regularly. The board now receives information in relation to trends and patterns in achievement and progress. Annual achievement targets are focused on accelerating progress for those students not achieving at expected levels. These improvements have contributed to a more coherent approach to accelerating progress for all students with a focus on those who are not yet achieving at expected levels.

The school continues to work on developing and documenting a local curriculum that shows how effect is being given to all areas of learning in local contexts. A useful beginning has been made, working alongside other local schools in the Kāhui Ako.

Key next steps

To continue the good progress that has been made working with the MoE, the principal and teachers should focus on developing and embedding:

  • teachers inquiring more deeply into their practice to establish which strategies are most effective, who for and why
  • the local curriculum and its review
  • shared expectations for teaching and learning, based on current best practice, and including these in the local curriculum.

Attention to these aspects is likely to contribute to consistency of practice across the school and more equitable outcomes for all learners.

3 Sustainable performance and self review

How well placed is the school to sustain and continue to improve and review its performance?

The school is now better positioned to sustain and continue to improve its performance.

Key next steps needed to continue improvement include:

  • knowledge and use of internal evaluation to plan for learning and build teacher capability
  • curriculum design, implementation and review.

Board assurance on legal requirements

Before the review, the board of trustees and principal of the school completed the ERO Board Assurance Statement and Self-Audit Checklists. In these documents they attested that they had taken all reasonable steps to meet their legislative obligations related to:

  • board administration
  • curriculum
  • management of health, safety and welfare
  • personnel management
  • financial management
  • asset management.

During the review, ERO checked the following items because they have a potentially high impact on student achievement:

  • emotional safety of students (including prevention of bullying and sexual harassment)
  • physical safety of students
  • teacher registration
  • processes for appointing staff
  • stand-downs, suspensions, expulsions and exclusions
  • attendance
  • school policies in relation to meeting the requirements of the Children’s Act 2014.


On the basis of the findings of this review, ERO’s overall evaluation judgement of Ongarue School’s performance in achieving valued outcomes for its students is that the school has made sufficient progress to transition into ERO’s Evaluation for Improvement process.

Shelley Booysen

Acting Director Review and Improvement Services (Central)

Central Region - Te Tai Pūtahi Nui

19 November 2021

About the school

The Education Counts website provides further information about the school’s student population, student engagement and student achievement.