Dun Road , Kaingaroa Forest
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Kaingaroa Forest School - 26/02/2019
Kaingaroa Forest School has made good progress in addressing the areas for development in the 2016 ERO report. The principal, board and teaching staff demonstrate commitment to implementing a responsive curriculum that addresses the learning needs of students, of whom many are new to the school. There is increasing support from, and consultation with, the school’s local community.
ERO is likely to carry out the next review in three years.
1 Background and Context
What is the background and context for this school’s review?
Kaingaroa Forest School is situated in the village of Kaingaroa Forest and caters for students in Years 1 to 8. Over the last two years there has been significant roll growth from 10 to 56 students.
At the time of the previous 2016 ERO review, a long-serving principal had recently resigned. A new board was elected in May 2016, but the board chair has retained his position. Following ERO’s recommendations, the Ministry of Education (MoE) appointed a limited statutory manager (LSM) in June 2016 to assist the board with governance challenges including the appointment of a new principal. The LSM continued in this position until July 2018, when his role was reduced to specialist advisor to the board. A student achievement function practitioner (SAF) was also appointed to the school by the MoE to assist in improving student progress and achievement.
The new principal took up her position in January 2017. Due to roll growth, two new teachers and several teacher aides have also been appointed during the last 18 months. Teachers have engaged in professional learning and development in mathematics and positive guidance strategies to improve outcomes for students.
As a result of MoE interventions and professional development opportunities, the school has made positive progress in addressing the next steps identified in the 2016 ERO report. Actions for compliance identified in the 2016 report have also been addressed.
The school values cultural identity and connectedness in the global community along with WHIRA - whanaungatanga, honesty, integrity, respect and aroha.
2 Review and Development
How effectively is the school addressing its priorities for review and development?
Priorities identified for review and development
The previous 2016 ERO report identified the following priorities:
- accelerating rates of progress
- teaching and assessment practices
- appraisal processes
- governance, including strategic planning and self review.
Kaingaroa Forest School is effectively addressing the areas for improvement identified in the 2016 ERO report.
Accelerating progress for at-risk students
The principal and staff have received considerable assistance from the appointed SAF in developing a well-considered action plan to improve teaching, learning and student achievement. As a result, they have implemented effective systems to sustain a continual focus on accelerating the progress of at-risk learners. This development includes tracking of all students in reading, writing and mathematics in relation to learning progressions. All at-risk learners are targeted for accelerated progress. They are frequently monitored within class programmes and as part of the teacher appraisal process. Progress of all at-risk learners is formally monitored each term.
Achievement information reported to the board shows progress through the year. Those who do not make expected progress benefit from targeted interventions and the assistance of external agencies. However, because so many students have recently arrived at the school, it is too early to make a judgement about trends and patterns of accelerated progress.
Improving teaching and assessment practices
The principal and staff have developed a meaningful local curriculum that focuses appropriately on promoting school values and the effective teaching of reading, writing and mathematics. The curriculum continues to evolve in response to students’ interests and whanau aspirations. Teachers demonstrate a responsive approach to providing learning experiences that interest students and promote engagement in class programmes. Positive guidance strategies have been effectively implemented.
The assessment schedule has also been revised to provide achievement information that guides planning and teaching. Learning progressions are being increasingly used by teachers and students to identify progress, achievement and next learning steps. Students are developing understanding of their progress in relation to national curriculum levels. The principal recognises that a next step is for students to have understanding and use of learning progressions so that they can monitor their own learning.
Appraisal processes
The school now has an effective, well–documented appraisal process aligned to New Zealand Education Council requirements. This includes well-structured classroom observations aligned to teachers’ personal goals with robust feedback and feed forward to improve teaching practice. Teachers’ goals are related to learner outcomes providing opportunities for data-based discussions. Teaching as inquiry is developing.
There is an appropriate induction and mentoring process for the beginning teacher. The board has appointed an external appraiser for the principal.
The board, including the principal, has received strong support from the LSM, who has provided effective training in managing policies, finances, staff appointments and performance, curriculum development, and self review processes. He has assisted the board and principal to become more confident and accountable in their respective governance and management roles and responsibilities. Trustees plan to continue training to assist with succession planning and the further development of internal evaluation processes that focus on improving student achievement.
3 Sustainable performance and self review
How well placed is the school to sustain and continue to improve and review its performance?
Kaingaroa Forest School is now well placed to sustain and continue to improve its performance.
The school has benefitted significantly from the LSM and SAF interventions provided by the Ministry of Education. This support has resulted in considerable improvements in governance, leadership, appraisal, teaching and assessment processes. Trustees, principal and staff continue to manage roll growth in a manner that responds to the needs and aspirations of students and parents. They are committed to further professional development and training to address the next steps identified in this report. There is a school-wide focus on continuing the momentum of improvement that has developed over the past two years.
Board assurance on legal requirements
Before the review, the board of trustees and principal of the school completed the ERO Board Assurance Statement and Self-Audit Checklists. In these documents they attested that they had taken all reasonable steps to meet their legislative obligations related to:
- board administration
- curriculum
- management of health, safety and welfare
- personnel management
- financial management
- asset management.
During the review, ERO checked the following items because they have a potentially high impact on student achievement:
- emotional safety of students (including prevention of bullying and sexual harassment)
- physical safety of students
- teacher registration
- processes for appointing staff
- stand-downs, suspensions, expulsions and exclusions
- attendance.
4 Recommendations
Recommendations, including any to other agencies for ongoing or additional support.
ERO recommends that the board continues to access support from the Ministry of Education to monitor ongoing implementation of SAF plan objectives and planned training for the board from the New Zealand Trustees Association.
Kaingaroa Forest School has made good progress in addressing the areas for development in the 2016 ERO report. The principal, board and teaching staff demonstrate commitment to implementing a responsive curriculum that addresses the learning needs of students, of whom many are new to the school. There is increasing support from, and consultation with, the school’s local community.
ERO is likely to carry out the next review in three years.
Phil Cowie
Director Review and Improvement Services
Central Region
26 February 2019
About the School
Location |
Kaingaroa Forest, Rotorua |
Ministry of Education profile number |
1759 |
School type |
Full Primary (Years 1 to 8) |
School roll |
56 |
Gender composition |
Boys 37 Girls 19 |
Ethnic composition |
Māori |
56 |
Review team on site |
November 2018 |
Date of this report |
26 February 2019 |
Most recent ERO report(s) |
Education Review |
June 2016 |
Kaingaroa Forest School - 29/06/2016
Kaingaroa Forest School has made good progress in addressing the requirements of two longitudinal ERO reviews. Students enjoy small class sizes and up-to-date resources. Recent governance and management issues necessitate ongoing support from the Ministry of Education and further monitoring by ERO.
ERO intends to carry out another review over the course of one-to-two years.
1 Background and Context
What is the background and context for this school’s review?
Kaingaroa Forest School is situated in the village of Kaingaroa Forest and caters for students in Years 1 to 8. Since the 2013 ERO review, the roll has decreased from 28 to 10 children of whom all are identified as Māori.
ERO’s 2013 review found that the school had made very good progress in addressing the areas for development in the 2011 ERO review. It noted that in both classrooms, there was a strong focus on literacy and mathematics learning, and a tradition of promoting all-round learning and development to meet the needs of all students had continued. Small classes allowed teachers to maximise opportunities for learning discussions with individuals and groups. Lessons were purposeful, behaviour was well managed and classes were settled.
The principal and board had participated in an initiative that significantly increased the school’s capacity to support computer technology, and assist children and parents to develop computer skills. There had been a significant increase in community participation in school events and activities.
ERO’s 2013 review also found that there was a need for further board training to increase the governance capability of the newly elected trustees. In addition, there was a need to further develop curriculum, assessment and teaching practices in order to continue to accelerate progress for students who were yet to achieve National Standards. ERO has, therefore, continued to review and monitor school improvements and progress over the past two and a half years.
2 Review and Development
How effectively is the school addressing its priorities for review and development?
Priorities identified for review and development
- governance, including board training in understanding trustee roles and responsibilities, including self review
- curriculum, including assessment practices and professional development in literacy and mathematics.
Trustees have responded well to training about their roles and responsibilities, which has provided helpful guidance in increasing their understanding of governance and management practices. The board receives regular reports on students’ progress and achievement. It has continued to employ an external consultant to appraise the principal and has received regular feedback about his performance.
Finances and resources have been well managed. New shade sails have been purchased and new digital devices donated to further increase the use of computers as tools for learning. A school/community trust has been established to provide a vehicle for school fund raising. Until the end of 2015, the board supported a bilingual play group, which took place in a designated extra classroom and received support from the Ministry of Education.
Curriculum and assessment
Targeted children who are at risk of underachieving continue to be monitored and challenged to accelerate their academic progress. A high proportion of these children have made more-than-expected progress towards meeting National Standards. Teachers have engaged in professional development to improve teaching practice in literacy and mathematics. External advisers have moderated teachers’ judgements about literacy and mathematics achievement. Students’ workbooks have showed progress through the year with agreed next steps based on self-assessment information. Students are confident about discussing their progress and achievement.
The school’s curriculum has been further developed to include learning progressions in reading, writing and mathematics. Students have enjoyed a wide range of opportunities for education outside the classroom and learning about their local region. Good levels of te reo Māori have been integrated throughout class programmes.
Key next steps
There is now a need to:
- continue the unrelenting focus on accelerating the progress of children who are yet to achieve National Standards in reading, writing and mathematics
- ensure that new teaching and assessment approaches, gained from recent professional development, continue to be implemented and are embedded in the school’s curriculum guidelines.
3 Sustainable performance and self review
How well placed is the school to sustain and continue to improve and review its performance?
Kaingaroa Forest School is not yet well placed to sustain and improve its performance.
Since the 2013 ERO review, there have been a number of board changes. The long-serving principal has recently resigned necessitating the appointment of an acting principal at the beginning of Term 2, 2016. This will coincide with elections for a new board of trustees.
ERO finds that the new board will not be well placed to continue to govern the school and manage the appointment and performance of a new principal, without considerable external guidance and assistance. New trustees will also need support to implement the key next steps arising from this review.
Key next steps
The board, with external support, should ensure that it develops and implements:
- suitable induction processes for the incoming board
- strategic self-review processes that include a regular cycle of policy review and curriculum reviews that lead to improved outcomes for children
- suitable policies and procedures for personnel management, including appointments, complaints and police vetting that meet legal requirements, and appraisal that meets Education Council requirements.
The incoming board of trustees should provide ERO with an action plan to show how it will address the key next steps in this ERO report.
Board assurance on legal requirements
Before the review, the board of trustees and principal of the school completed the ERO Board Assurance Statement and Self-Audit Checklists. In these documents they attested that they had taken all reasonable steps to meet their legislative obligations related to:
- board administration
- curriculum
- management of health, safety and welfare
- personnel management
- financial management
- asset management.
During the review, ERO checked the following items because they have a potentially high impact on student achievement:
- emotional safety of students (including prevention of bullying and sexual harassment)
- physical safety of students
- teacher registration
- processes for appointing staff
- stand-downs, suspensions, expulsions and exclusions
- attendance.
ERO identified areas of non-compliance:
- The board must ensure that all health and safety policies and procedures are in place. Policies must be regularly reviewed and procedures must be implemented. In particular, there is a need to ensure that safety hazards are identified and property checks are recorded.
[National Administration Guidelines, 5] - The board of trustees has not yet addressed the requirements of The Vulnerable Children’s Act 2014. In particular, the board must ensure that: - the school’s appointments policy and procedures for all staff, including the principal, meet the requirements of the Act - all non-registered employees are police vetted every three years.
[National Administration Guidelines, 5] - The board must consult its community about the content of the school’s health curriculum.
[Education Act, 1989, Section 60B]
4 Recommendations
Recommendations, including any to other agencies for ongoing or additional support.
ERO recommends that the Ministry of Education provides targeted support and guidance for the incoming board of trustees in its governance roles and responsibilities, particularly its responsibility for the appointment of a new principal.
Kaingaroa Forest School has made good progress in addressing the requirements of two longitudinal ERO reviews. Students enjoy small class sizes and up-to-date resources. Recent governance and management issues necessitate ongoing support from the Ministry of Education and further monitoring by ERO.
ERO intends to carry out another review over the course of one-to-two years.
Lynda Pura-Watson
Deputy Chief Review Officer
29 June 2016
About the School
Location |
Kaingaroa Forest, near Murupara |
Ministry of Education profile number |
1759 |
School type |
Full Primary (Years 1 to 8) |
School roll |
10 |
Gender composition |
Boys 6 Girls 4 |
Ethnic composition |
Māori |
10 |
Review team on site |
April 2016 |
Date of this report |
29 June 2016 |
Most recent ERO report(s) |
Education Review Education Review Supplementary Review |
July 2013 July 2011 May 2010 |