Mt Richmond School

Education institution number:
School type:
Special School
School gender:
School for pupils with intellectual impairments
Total roll:

30 Albion Road, Otahuhu, Auckland

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Mt Richmond School

Te Ara Huarau | School Profile Report


This Profile Report was written since August 2023 following the Education Review Office and Mt Richmond School working in Te Ara Huarau, an improvement evaluation approach used in most English Medium State and State Integrated Schools. For more information about Te Ara Huarau see ERO’s website.

This report is part of a nationally coordinated evaluation of 27-day specialist schools during the second half of 2023. This included the development of day specialist school evaluation indicators by ERO with significant input from principals, staff, and the Special Education Principals’ Association of New Zealand (SEPAnz).


Mt Richmond School is in Ōtāhuhu, South Auckland. The school caters for learners from 5 to 21 years of age who have high or very high complex needs and are eligible for Ongoing Resourcing Scheme (ORS) funding.

A specialist therapy team provide transdisciplinary support for students’ wellbeing and access to their learning. The specialist teacher outreach service based at the school, work with ORS funded students enrolled in local schools.

In addition to the base school in Ōtāhuhu, the school has satellite classes at Bairds Mainfreight Primary School, Flat Bush Primary, Rongomai Primary, Te Uho o te Nikau Primary, Papatoetoe Intermediate and Sir Edmund Hillary Collegiate. A new satellite will open at Ormiston Primary School in 2024. 

The school continues to navigate and manage roll growth pressures along with the employment and property demands associated with this. 

The school’s longstanding principal retired after 47 years of service in mid-2022 and the board appointed a new principal in Term 3, 2022. The school leadership team contains both long serving and more recent appointments. The board has a very experienced presiding member and another member with extensive service. More recent board members were elected in September 2022. 

Mt Richmond School’s strategic and annual goals for improving outcomes for learners are:

  • to develop an inclusive village-style approach that engages ākonga, whānau, staff and the community as all being essential components to the learning process, grounded in Reggio Emilia
  • to improve the effectiveness of the Positive Behaviour Support framework and strengthen support for all ākonga, staff and whānau
  • to focus on hauora-wellbeing, build and sustain lives worth living through developing strong and inclusive relationships by valuing kaiako, ākonga and whānau identity, language and culture which are underpinned by the three Te Tiriti o Waitangi principles of participation, partnership and protection.

A copy of the school’s strategic and annual plan can be requested from Mt Richmond School.

ERO and the school are working together to evaluate how well the school’s systems and processes support teaching and learning to enable equitable and excellent outcomes for all learners.

The rationale for selecting this evaluation is to ensure: 

  • cohesive schoolwide systems, policies and processes are in place and followed
  • the school vision and strategic direction informs the implementation of a local curriculum and includes the views and aspirations of student, parents, whānau, staff and community 
  • a shared understanding and expectations for staff of effective teaching, learning and assessment that meets learners’ individual needs that is supported by targeted staff professional development.

The school expects to see:

  • robust systems, policies and procedures implemented so that consistent expectations for practice guide and foster a positive school environment
  • a schoolwide localised curriculum that provides relevant and interesting learning opportunities that responds to the unique profiles of all learners
  • consistent and effective teaching, learning and assessment practices across the school supported by ongoing staff capacity building to achieve equitable and excellent outcomes.


The school can draw from the following strengths to support its goal of enabling equitable and excellent outcomes for all learners:

  • Learners experience a positive learning climate that supports their engagement and caters for their diverse needs.
  • Classroom learning cultures are characterised by respect, inclusion and empathy, with aspects of Reggio Emilia guiding teaching and learning evident.
  • The school leadership team understand the importance of continuing to strengthen the foundations for building the professional capability and collective capacity of all staff through a strategic approach towards school improvement.

Where to next?

Moving forward, the school will prioritise:

  • continuing to build school leadership, board and staff capabilities to support ongoing school improvement 
  • strengthening and embedding schoolwide systems, policies and processes to more effectively guide school operations including more targeted strategic planning to support this work
  • developing and implementing a localised school curriculum, based on consultation, that responds to the aspirations of students, parents, whānau, staff and the wider community to achieve equitable and excellent student outcomes
  • school leaders developing and implementing guidelines to support effective teaching, learning and assessment practice along with targeted staff professional development. 

ERO has concerns about

School governance and school leadership in relation to:

  • ensuring an ongoing planned cycle of policy review and that school policies and processes are implemented with fidelity
  • the urgent need for a documented school curriculum that guides teaching and learning, including assessment practices
  • ensuring students, parents, whānau and the wider school’s views and aspirations for their children are sought through consultation to develop the curriculum, particularly whānau Māori
  • the need for the school strategic plan to focus on key areas for school improvement in 2024 that supports strengthened governance and professional leadership for teaching, learning and student outcomes.


The school continues to focus on improving outcomes for learners while adopting a new policy framework. School leaders should begin to develop a localised school curriculum and continue to strengthen schoolwide teaching practices, learning and assessment. 

ERO recommends that the Secretary for Education consider an intervention listed in section 171 of the Education and Training Act 2020, by appointing a Limited Statutory Manager (LSM) to bring about the following improvements in:

  • the implementation of new school policy framework and processes, including planned policy review and targeted ongoing board and staff training
  • community consultation to inform curriculum development for effective teaching and learning, including assessment practices
  • strengthening staff appointment processes 
  • strategic and annual implementation planning as a basis for annual school improvements that includes the above key areas in this report.

ERO intends to support the school in its improvement journey through regular progress evaluation activities. 

ERO’s role will be to support the school in its evaluation for improvement cycle to improve outcomes for all learners. ERO will support the school in reporting their progress to the community. The next public report on ERO’s website will be a Te Ara Huarau | School Evaluation Report and is due within three years.

Shelley Booysen
Director of Schools

19 April 2024

About the School

The Education Counts website provides further information about the school’s student population, student engagement and student achievement.

This school has a base school site, satellites located within six host schools (seven host schools in 2024), a transition class and an outreach service that supports ORS-funded learners who are enrolled in mainstream schools.

Mt Richmond School

Board Assurance with Regulatory and Legislative Requirements Report ​2024​ to ​2027​

As of ​March 2024​, the ​Mt Richmond School​ Board has attested to the following regulatory and legislative requirements: 

Board Administration 




Management of Health, Safety and Welfare 


Personnel Management 






At the time of the ERO onsite visit in ​August 2023​, the ​Mt Richmond School​ Board had yet to attest to meeting regulatory and legislative requirements for the Management of Health, Safety and Welfare, Finance and Assets. 

On 4 March 2024, the board re-attested yes to meeting regulatory and legislative requirements for the Management of Health, Safety and Welfare, Finance and Assets. 

The board attested on 8 March 2024 to meeting the board assurance statement amendment in relation to recent legislative changes.   

Actions for Compliance 

​As at August 2023, ERO​ identified the following areas of non-compliance during the board assurance process: 

  • timely follow-up and monitoring of student absences 
    [s 36 Education and Training Act 2020; Education School Attendance regulations 1951] 
  • update school policy and procedures to reflect current practices relating to stand downs, suspensions and exclusions 
    [s 78 to 89 Education and Training Act 2020] 
  • consult regularly with the school’s Māori community to develop and make known school policies, plans and targets for improving the progress and achievement of Māori students 
    [Education and Training Act 2020] 
  • develop and implement a complaints policy and process with a clear resolution component 
    [Education and Training Act 2020] 
  • update and make available the Child Protection Policy on the school’s website or on request 
    [s 18 and 19 Children’s Act 2014] 
  • develop and implement procedures for the surrender and retention of property and searches of students’ property 
    [s 105 to 114, Part 3 [Subpart 4] Education and Training Act 2020] 
  • update school policy on reducing student distress and the use of physical restraint to reflect the current Ministry of Education guidelines  
    [s 101 Education and Training Act 2020] 
  • ensure parents, caregivers, students, school staff and the school community know about and have made available to them documentation about the school’s policy and guidelines on reducing student distress and the use of physical restraint 
    [s 101 Education and Training Act 2020] 
  • record sufficient detail for identity checks and completion of risk assessments as part of safety checking for staff appointments 
    [Children’s Act 2014] 
  • hold regular trial evacuation practices and report these to the board 
    [Fire and Emergency New Zealand Act 2017; Fire Safety, Evacuation Procedures and Evacuation Schemes Regulations 2018] 
  • provide a written statement to parents/caregivers of students that the board has opted into the Donations Scheme. 
    [s 551 and 552 Education and Training Act 2020]. 

By March 2024, most of the above areas have been addressed.  

The following areas require further action: 

  • consulting regularly with the school’s Māori community to develop and make known school policies, plans and targets for improving the progress and achievement of Māori students 
    [Education and Training Act 2020] 
  • recording sufficient details for identity checks and completion of risk assessments as part of safety checking for staff appointments 
    [Children’s Act 2014]. 

The school recently reviewed its school policy and procedure framework after an 18-month lapse in regular policy review. After the board formally adopts this policy framework, the school should have a suitable policy framework in place to guide school operations, including planned regular reviews. 

To ensure a successful transition to the new school policy framework, further work is required to ensure policies and procedures are implemented with fidelity and supported by targeted staff and board training.  

Further Information 

For further information please contact ​Mt Richmond School​ Board. 

The next School Board assurance that it is meeting regulatory and legislative requirements will be reported, along with the Te Ara Huarau | School Evaluation Report, within three years. 

Information on ERO’s role and process in this review can be found on the Education Review Office website.  

​Shelley Booysen​ 
Director of Schools​ 

​19 April 2024​ 

About the School  

The Education Counts website provides further information about the school’s student population, student engagement and student achievement. 

Mt Richmond School - 23/09/2016


Mt Richmond School provides well for students with special educational needs, in close partnership with families. Comprehensive systems and ongoing professional learning support the management of this complex setting. School leaders continually explore ways to enhance school practices and provision for students and their families. 

ERO is likely to carry out the next review in three years.

1 Context

What are the important features of this school that have an impact on student learning?

Mt Richmond School caters for students between five and 21 years of age, who have high or very high special educational needs. There are 10 classrooms at the base school in Otahuhu. There are also students in satellite classes at Bairds Mainfreight Primary School, Flat Bush Primary, Papatoetoe Intermediate and Sir Edmund Hillary Collegiate. In addition, the school coordinates an Outreach programme that supports staff in a further seven south Auckland schools, where nine students with high needs are enrolled in mainstream classes.

Māori students make up 20 percent of the roll. Other students and the staff are from diverse cultural backgrounds. Many are recent immigrants and their families speak languages other than English at home. About half of the students are from Pacific backgrounds, with the majority being Samoan, Cook Island Māori or Tongan.

The board of trustees includes several experienced members, as well as newer trustees who are parents of current students. The long-serving principal manages a variety of challenges and complexities in this diverse setting. She works with four senior leaders and a group of administrative staff at the base school. This leadership team supports the staff of teachers, teacher aides, therapists and specialists, who work with students across the school sites. The school maintains working relationships with a wide range of external agencies as well as education and community networks.

The school’s vision is that their students will be all they can be. The principles of belonging, independence, generosity and mastery, make up a Circle of Courage framework to underpin the school’s strategic planning, curriculum and assessment processes. The school promotes a sense of belonging to the Mt Richmond family for all its students and whānau. Students at satellite schools also have a sense of belonging to those communities.

ERO’s 2013 report recognised the sense of community and connectedness at the school and the involvement of parents as partners in students’ learning. It identified effective management practices and the advocacy role of school leaders and staff. Areas for improvement identified in 2013 included data management and access, links with The New Zealand Curriculum and internal evaluation. ERO suggested the use of the Ministry of Education resource, Tātaiako: Cultural Competencies for Teachers of Māori Learners, to promote culturally responsive teaching practices. Some progress has been made in these areas. Since 2013 school leaders and teaching staff have been involved in a variety of professional development opportunities. The principal has led the introduction of new software systems for collating assessment data and for staff performance management. These systems are still being adapted so they can be fully implemented and effective in a New Zealand special school setting.

A building project to provide increased administration facilities was underway in 2013 and is now completed. However, the two additional satellite classes that were being planned in 2013 are still in the planning phase. As a result, there is considerable pressure on space at the base school, where specialist rooms are currently being used to house students who could otherwise be in satellite classes in their home communities.

2 Learning

How well does this school use achievement information to make positive changes to learners’ engagement, progress and achievement?

Teachers and specialists use a variety of approaches and tools to gather information about students’ engagement, progress and achievements. Assessment data is carefully moderated and used well to identify and adapt teaching responses and strategies, monitor progress and report regularly to whānau and the board. Data shows that many students make incremental progress against sub-levels of The New Zealand Curriculum and most achieve their individual education plan (IEP) goals.

The school’s new software system collates information from most of the tools and processes used to gather information and identify goals and support strategies for individual students. These include a ‘happiness audit’ for each child, communications and behaviour analysis, therapists’ and curriculum assessments. Some students also have ‘PATH’ plans that align with the Circle of Courage dimensions. Other specific initiatives such as a Complex Learning Difficulties and Disabilities project and student engagement profile may also inform individual plans. Teachers and therapists review students’ progress and their planning on a regular basis. A review of IEP goals is reported formally to parents twice yearly.

Individual notebooks are a valued tool for daily communications between teaching staff and whānau. They provide good information about each child’s programme and the school curriculum. They sometimes include information about learning progress as well as shared strategies and resources for learner support.

It would be useful now to draw together all the information gathered through these discrete tools and processes to provide an overview in a more holistic, personalised plan for each child. This plan could include input from parents, specialist teachers and teacher aides, be used to guide day-to-day classroom programmes and practices, and be frequently reviewed and adapted in consultation with all involved.

3 Curriculum

How effectively does this school’s curriculum promote and support student learning?

The curriculum for Mt Richmond students is well designed to promote and support their learning progress. Curriculum documents have been reviewed so they are more clearly aligned withThe New Zealand Curriculum. Students have an extensive range of opportunities and learning experiences that are designed to help them to eventually transition into their adult lives in the community.

Careful enrolment processes support the development of trusting relationships with families. There is a strong focus on fostering students’ wellbeing, and promoting communication and skills for living independently. Students also have goals for literacy and numeracy, mostly within Level 1 ofThe New Zealand Curriculum. Incremental progress and successes are celebrated. Whānau appreciate the caring school environment where their students feel safe and included. School leaders are currently working with other special schools to develop curriculum provision for older students.

School leaders and teachers are beginning to develop modern, innovative classroom environments, and are exploring the potential of greater use of digital technologies. Music is a significant aspect of the curriculum. School events such as pōwhiri and productions provide students with opportunities for enthusiastic self-expression, dance and cultural performance. They illustrate students’ growing confidence and enjoyment of such occasions.

School leaders encourage teachers to identify students’ individual abilities and specific interests to help engage them in learning programmes. Some teachers are particularly innovative and responsive in their programmes. Teaching programmes are supported by teacher aides, therapists and other specialists. Where these staff work in partnership with teachers, their planning and assessment for students makes a particularly worthwhile contribution to valued student outcomes. Teachers, teacher aides and therapists are keen to develop this collaborative practice in an ongoing way.

School leaders contracted an external evaluation to examine their practices. As a result they have included an expectation of culturally responsive practices in performance management systems. Teachers and teacher aides have successfully made students’ cultures and languages more visible in classroom environments. Leaders and teachers continue to explore the potential of culturally responsive practices to improve support for students’ learning and to promote students’ sense of identity.

Curriculum practices could be enhanced by:

  • continuing to develop a more integrated interdisciplinary approach to assessment, programme planning and evaluation for each child
  • greater clarity in curriculum and other guiding documentation for all staff, about the school’s over-arching expectations for high quality teaching and learning
  • supporting staff to develop skills for critical, evaluative inquiry into the effectiveness of their professional practice.

How effectively does the school promote educational success for Māori, as Māori?

Māori students are supported well to achieve individual goals. Teachers include Māori themes, symbols and language in their programmes and environments to show that Māori students’ cultural identity is recognised and valued. The school has been advised by a kaumātua in developing school protocols, has engaged in consultation with whānau, and plans to continue strengthening these relationships.

The principles of the Ministry of Education’s Ka Hikitia: Accelerating Success 2013 – 2017 strategy are foregrounded in school planning documents. School leaders have developed a Ka Hikitia action plan for promoting success for Māori students. Goals are identified for leaders, teaching and systems, and include actions for strengthening relationships with whānau and monitoring staff capability and confidence. Leaders and teachers are just beginning to make use of the Ministry of Education’s document, Tātaiako, to develop more culturally responsive teaching and leadership practices that will help them to support Māori students and engage with whānau.

How effectively does the school promote educational success for Pacific students?

The school roll includes students from Samoa, the Cook Islands, Tonga, Niue, and Fiji. Some staff also have Pacific heritage and displays celebrate Pacific cultures. The school has some effective strategies for supporting Pacific students and school-wide practices help them to achieve their individual goals. A Pasifika education action plan outlines key 2016 goals for leadership, teaching practices, environments and systems that help Pacific students to experience success. This plan includes establishing a process for monitoring the development of practices that impact positively on outcomes for Pacific students.

4 Sustainable Performance

How well placed is the school to sustain and improve its performance?

The school is well placed to sustain current good practices and to continuing improving provision for students, whānau and the Mt Richmond community.

The board and school leaders are experienced in and have high levels of commitment to providing education and support for students and their whānau. School leaders and staff establish strong partnerships with families and are proactive in providing support when needed. The board, whānau and staff have had opportunities to contribute to a creative ‘PATH’ visioning and strategic planning process.

The school’s charter and annual planning documents are comprehensive and extensive. They include indicators of success and organisational frameworks for monitoring performance and progress in many areas of school operations. School leaders use self review, research, and networks with other schools to identify successful practices and areas where improvements are needed to refine systems for staff and to enhance provision for students and their whānau.

The board is well informed about school developments, special initiatives and student achievements. The principal’s reports to the board against its annual plan often provide good information about the success or effectiveness of initiatives and strategies. The principal promotes and models a culture of professional inquiry and development.

A positive feature of development over recent years is an increasing openness about leadership, management and classroom teaching that is resulting in a growing culture of reflection and professional discussion. There has been a purposeful approach to extending leadership opportunities, coaching and mentoring, and building a sense of collective responsibility amongst teachers. This development of shared understandings and increasingly collaborative approaches has the potential to support continual, sustainable improvements.

Ongoing development would also be supported by:

  • refining and rationalising extensive systems and documentation to ensure they are manageable, effective and sustainable
  • continuing the process of developing performance management systems and documentation that provide robust evidence in relation to the requirements of the Education Council NZ
  • deepening evaluative inquiry, and the scrutiny of evaluation findings, to ensure that staffing, financial and physical resources are allocated in the most effective areas.

Board assurance on legal requirements

Before the review, the board of trustees and principal of the school completed the ERO Board Assurance Statement and Self-Audit Checklists. In these documents they attested that they had taken all reasonable steps to meet their legislative obligations related to:

  • board administration
  • curriculum
  • management of health, safety and welfare
  • personnel management
  • financial management
  • asset management.

During the review, ERO checked the following items because they have a potentially high impact on student achievement:

  • emotional safety of students (including prevention of bullying and sexual harassment)
  • physical safety of students
  • teacher registration
  • processes for appointing staff
  • stand-downs, suspensions, expulsions and exclusions
  • attendance.


Mt Richmond School provides well for students with special educational needs, in close partnership with families. Comprehensive systems and ongoing professional learning support the management of this complex setting. School leaders continually explore ways to enhance school practices and provision for students and their families.

ERO is likely to carry out the next review in three years. 

Graham Randell

Deputy Chief Review Officer Northern

23 September 2016

About the School

LocationOtahuhu, Auckland
Ministry of Education profile number1379
School typeSpecial School
School roll140
Gender compositionBoys 75% Girls 25%
Ethnic composition




Cook Island Māori























Special FeaturesSatellite classes at Bairds Mainfreight Primary School, Flat Bush Primary School, Papatoetoe Intermediate School, Sir Edmund Hillary Collegiate
Review team on siteJune 2016
Date of this report23 September 2016
Most recent ERO report(s)

Education Review

Education Review

Education Review

February 2013

October 2009

July 2006