
You have 4 results for your search terms

Vocational pathways: authentic and relevant learning

Published: 30 May 2016

ERO evaluated how well 35 secondary schools were using Vocational Pathways. While most schools knew about and were using the pathways, they were not fully realising the initiative’s potential. Vocational Pathways can be a valued part of a school’s curriculum for all students when used as more than just an add-on to careers education or course selection processes.  

Content type:
Career education
Youth Guarantee Programme
Ongoing education
Social and emotional competence

Teaching approaches and strategies that work

Published: 24 Nov 2017

This evaluation looks at teaching approaches and strategies used in schools where there has been a significant increase in the number of students at or above National Standards in the upper primary school years (Years 5 to 8). We wanted to learn more about any short-term interventions or long-term strategies that may have been influential in bringing about these positive achievement trajectories. We have shared and discussed our findings from some of the 40 schools we visited.

Content type:
National Education Monitoring Project (NEMP)
National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement (NMSSA)
Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA)

Partners in Learning: Parents' Voices

Published: 01 Sep 2008

ERO is interested in what happens in the classroom and also in how parents and the community can help in the education of school students. We have therefore evaluated the way schools engage their parents, whānau and community. The result is a collection of three reports on different aspects of Partners in Learning: the findings of the evaluation; examples of good practice; and the voices of parents. This report sets out the views of parents and others in the community about their role in the education of their children.

Content type:
Māori parents and whanau
Pacific parents
Special education

An evaluation of Stand Children's Services: Children's Villages

Published: 01 Sep 2016

Until recently children with behavioural and social needs were referred to and attended one of six health camps situated across New Zealand. Each of the six health camps had an associated school attached. In 2008 ERO evaluated the quality of provisions for children at the health camps and identified significant areas that needed to improve. ERO recommended that the Ministry of Education examine the role of health camps and their schools within the wider network provision of services for students with moderate to severe behaviour difficulties. 

Content type:
Stand Children's Services Tu Maia Whanau
Children's Villages
Behavioural needs
Therapeutic care and education (TEC)
Circle of Courage