Our research

Ā Mātou Rangahau

In this section of our website you'll find our education system evaluations, effective practice reports, resources and guides. These are produced by Te Ihuwaka | Education Evaluation Centre and Te Pou Mataaho | Evaluation and Research Māori.

Read more about Te Ihuwaka | Education Evaluation Centre.

Read more about Te Pou Mataaho | Evaluation and Research Māori.

Read about the questions we are asking.

There are 316 research articles.
  • Audience: Schools
  • Published: 15 Jun 2016

    The Early Learning Years

    This booklet is for all parents and caregivers who have infants and toddlers in an early childhood education service, or who are thinking about enrolling their child in an early childhood service. It gives you an idea of what you can expect from high quality early childhood education and the questions you can ask a service about the education and care of your child. 

  • Published: 30 May 2016

    Vocational pathways: authentic and relevant learning

    ERO evaluated how well 35 secondary schools were using Vocational Pathways. While most schools knew about and were using the pathways, they were not fully realising the initiative’s potential. Vocational Pathways can be a valued part of a school’s curriculum for all students when used as more than just an add-on to careers education or course selection processes.  

  • Published: 21 Mar 2016

    Wellbeing for success: effective practice

    In 2014, the Education Review Office (ERO) undertook an evaluation of the extent to which schools were promoting and responding to student wellbeing in primary and secondary schools. This 2016 effective practice report provides further detail about practices in selected schools that promote wellbeing for all students, and describes how these schools respond when concerns, issues or events require more targeted support.

  • Published: 21 Mar 2016

    Wellbeing for success: a resource for schools

    Wellbeing for success: a resource for schools has been developed to help schools evaluate and improve student wellbeing. It highlights the importance of schools promoting the wellbeing of all students as well as the need for systems, people and initiatives to respond to wellbeing concerns for students who need additional support.

  • Published: 12 Feb 2016

    Effective Internal Evaluation for Improvement

    This booklet is useful for any organisation interested in internal evaluation for improvement. This overview of the processes and reasoning involved in effective internal evaluation for improvement draws on a previously published resource Effective School Evaluation – How to do and use internal evaluation for improvement (2015).

  • Published: 18 Dec 2015

    Raising student achievement through targeted actions

    In 2015, ERO investigated target setting in both primary and secondary schools. We focused on the extent to which targeted actions of schools supported accelerated progress for students at risk of not achieving.

  • Published: 11 Dec 2015

    Inclusion of Children with Special Needs in Early Childhood Services

    This national report presents the findings of ERO's recent evaluation of how well early childhood services include children with moderate to severe special needs. This evaluation supports the Government's priority for every child to have the opportunity to participate in early childhood education (ECE).

  • Published: 19 Nov 2015

    Internal evaluation: good practice

    This good practice report showcases 13 schools and how they've used internal evaluation to change their practice to support students to achieve. The findings from this report have informed the joint Ministry of Education and ERO resource Effective School Evaluation: How to do and use internal evaluation for improvement.

  • Published: 09 Nov 2015

    Educationally powerful connections with parents and whānau

    In this report, the Education Review Office (ERO) evaluated how well 256 schools worked with parents and whanau to respond to students at risk of underachievement. We looked for examples where schools had specifically worked with parents and whānau to accelerate and support progress and improve achievement.

  • Published: 07 May 2015

    Careers education and guidance: Good practice

    The report focuses on good practice and showcases 10 secondary schools with high quality careers education. It identifies factors that contribute to high quality careers education and guidance in New Zealand secondary schools.

  • Published: 05 Mar 2015

    Inclusive practices for students with special education needs in schools

    This report examines how well students with special education needs are included in New Zealand schools. The report provides an update on progress towards meeting the Government target that, by the end of 2014, 80 percent of New Zealand schools will be doing a good job and none should be doing a poor job of including and supporting students with disabilities.

  • Published: 09 Feb 2015

    Bullying Prevention and Response Guide Schools' Awareness and Use

    Children at many schools in New Zealand experience bullying. The Bullying Prevention Advisory Group, set up by the Secretary for Education, has developed a resource called Bullying prevention and response: A guide for schools.

    ERO asked 129 schools reviewed during Term 3, 2014 about their use of the guide. Most schools were aware of the resource and more than a third had used it. Schools most commonly used the guide as a tool to review their bullying policies and procedures.

  • Published: 30 Jun 2014

    Raising achievement in primary schools

    This national report presents the findings of how well a sample of primary schools were taking actions to increase the number of students achieving 'at' or 'above' national standards.The findings show that half of the schools in the evaluation had used deliberate actions to support students to accelerate progress and sustain achievement.